ChromaTober | FMS 2023 writin...

By Golden_Fogfury

3.2K 261 368

I try to keep up with the challenge for the first time - I'm in for an interesting challenge >:] More

Day 1 | Hunted
Day 2 | Eyes
Day 3 | Sneak
Day 4 | Return
Day 5 | Flower
Day 7 | Mask
Day 8 | Fuse
Day 9 | Betrayal
Day 10 | Memory
Day 11 | Lull
Day 12 | Toxin
Day 13 | Cold
Day 14 | Shelter
Day 15 | Confinement
Day 16 | Below
Day 17 | Comfort
Day 18 | Voice
Day 19 | Habit
Day 20 | Stalk
Day 21 | Guilt
Day 22 | Grow
Day 26 | Animal
Day 28 | Awaken

Day 6 | Improvise

132 10 13
By Golden_Fogfury

AU: none in particular, the group is just out adventuring, perhaps kind of like modern au? Kind of a mix of SS and RQ
Type: 🤷‍♀️ adventure?
Characters: Sabre, Lucas, Rainbow, Light, Green

— — — — —
Third person POV

"..." Awkward silence filled the dry hot air as they sat in the unmoving car. Light took a deep breath in and held it. "The car didn't just break down, right?" Sabre's head tried to hide under his shoulders. "Sabre."

"We may or may not be stranded here now-"


"It's not my fault, okay?! The car just broke down! I'll go see what happened, okay?"

"You better." Light grumbled.

"Okay, okay, easy now." Lucas tried to calm everyone down as Sabre opened the Jeep's door and went in front of the car to check up on it. "It's just an obstacle, we'll figure things out and get through this."

"Guys, I don't have good news." Sabre's voice called out.

"No, please no-" Light pleaded, putting his head into his hands.

"The motor gave up."

"NOO!" Light screamed, "UGH!"

"..." Green stared at the seat with Lucas in front of him, trying to process it all and not freak out. Rainbow was looking around for any landmarks to figure out on a map where in the vast space of sand were they.

"I have more bad news..."

"Rainbow, no-" Light was nearly done with everything.

"I did some math. We're right in the middle of the desert."

"Ghumwydguwygdhiwuhdoudh" the white haired man wasn't even speaking at this point, just angry gibberish left his mouth.

"And motor c-can't b-be fixed-?" Green was fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Just tried, nope." Sabre put the tool box away and sat back in to shield himself from the heat. Green fainted. Lucas groaned, Rainbow was concerned for everybody and Sabre was not able to think of ways to get out of this.

"I guess... We just improvise?"



"Can we please calm down?" Lucas tried.



"RAINBOW ORANGEEN CRYSTALTON AND LIGHT SHYEN STUTTERBY!" Lucas yelled. Everyone was immediately shut down, even Sabre gave Lucas his props for pulling that move. The two sank in their seats, heads down shamefully.

"Our sincerest apologies..." they mutter under their breath at the same time and sank more.

"Thank you," Lucas sighed, slightly out of breath. Sabre was tapping his foot as it stomped up and down (I donnu how to describe that- rip my poor English vocabulary). He took a slow breath in and let it out fast.

"I do have to take Rainbow's idea about improving though, because... I don't see any other ways ahead other than that."

"... Yeah." Lucas nodded. "And someone please bring Green back to the world of the conscious."

"Oh-" Rainbow hadn't noticed the situation and immediately started working while Light tried to help via giving some tips. Lucas sighed heavily to himself.

"You okay there, pal?" Sabre and him could now have a conversation. Lucas stayed silent for a moment, looking at him and then at the road ahead.

"Yeah..- I guess. I suppose we're in a big pickle and now we have to figure our way out."

"Yea- But it's like back in-"

"Sabre, fighting villains and other bad guys is different from surviving the wild unknown of nature."

"... I guess you have a point."

"...So... Nightfall is in few hours, right now the winds are rising. The night will be freezing, got any plan?" Lucas asked and looked at the driver. Lucas was taken aback by the silence and the nervousness sweating through his face. He had no plan, Lucas knew it. "Okay, let's put our heads together then. Ain't with friends for nothin'." Sabre portrayed a small thankful smile and nodded at him.

"Green's with us!" Rainbow yelled happily, feeling accomplished.

"Excellent, perfect timing. Green, you good?" Lucas turned around as far as he could to see everyone he was talking to.

Green nodded: "M-Mhmh."

"Awesome, so, as we know, the motor's down, we aren't able to move. We have the tool box, two first aid kits and our food and water that should last us for a week. We could potion them smaller in case we don't make it out in a week. Water - I'm not sure we can limit that, we'd have to find an oasis maybe. Any ideas how to not freeze during the night and find our way around?"

Everyone looked at him blankly, amazed.

"Wow, I didn't know you were an expert on survival. Nice!" Rainbow claimed, now more hopeful in surviving.

"We could maybe use the scrap in the back of the car to make an oven-like sort of contraption that uses the car fuel. We could get warmth and maybe even cook something?" Light suggested.

"Do you think you could do it?" Sabre wondered.

"I can give it a try."


"I can check our food and water supplies." Green shyly raised his hand and it was approved.

"I can read the map and see of there's anything helpful nearby." Rainbow jumped. Lucas nodded and looked at Sabre. "Think you can give the car another look and see if there's anything to do?"

Sabre sighed and nodded with a smile. "Aye, aye, captain!"

"And I'll go walk around, see if the perimeter's safe and then help out Light."

"Sounds like an amazing improvised plan! Let's do this!" Rainbow cheered and they got to work.

So sorry this is shorter- I had a long day and not much time to think of something for today. I hope this is fine ;w;

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