Smg4 Oneshots

By Aikrathecat

20.5K 513 757

Just oneshots, mostly set in my au unless stated otherwise. More

Table of contents
How could you be so cruel?
I want closure
Burning up
And a dollar for the bus back home
Rosy cheeks
Unlikely friends
Best friends
Am I gay?
I just wish that you were gay
If you were gay
I thought lost you
An important talk
Water you doing?
Immortal she, return to me
This town ain't big enough for the two of us
Shore why not?
Left in the dust
Who the hell is this asshole?
Beet red
Play dumb
Cacti blooms
Let's go back to the castle
Two birds of the same feather
I thought I knew you
Why so blue?
Sandy skies
I wanna hold your hand, one last time
Take care
Mario gets his pingas stuck in a vending machine
A wild rodeo
Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow
Around this strange new world
Sweet dreams
Firey eyes
A brand-new face
6 months
The notebook
Mario has a fun idea!
Another nightmare
Bad leg day
Finally Fathers
What really happened in the Igloo
Snowtrapped... again...
Mr. Puzzles... accountment


232 6 7
By Aikrathecat

Author's note:

Enzo: I rather be left alone

Me: Understandable

Me again: *Remembers I have this one-shot saved in my word doc*

Me once again: FUCK!

So yeah, Enzo is not going to show up in anymore of my writing, maybe refenced once in a while but that's it, mainly because I want to respect his creator's wishes. But I didn't want to leave character Enzo crying over... well, you know who if you read the one-shot 'Knives'.

Also, this takes place during 'Western Spaghetti.'


It had nearly been a month since Enzo has seen Minion. The young girl had gone on vacation with Smg4's crew and hasn't returned.

He's starting to worry about her. He tried calling her over the phone a couple times, only once getting an update, apparently one of Smg4's new friends had decided to change tracks and head to the wild west. 

Why would anyone willingly want to go there was anyone's guess.

Enzo tried to call her again. Once again, he got nothing.

He felt like he was losing it.

He didn't want to lose one of the only people who treat him like a normal person.

There was only one thing Enzo could do.


Fm was having a nice coffee break in his car when all of a sudden, there was a knock on his window.

The sudden sound almost made the blonde spill his coffee, he was about to yell at the person who scared him until he noticed who it was.

Fm rolled down the window. "Enzo?" Surprised to see the man. "What are you doing here?" 

Enzo had a worried expression on his face, he sheepishly rubbed his arm. "Minion has been on 'vacation' for almost a month now, I'm starting to think she's been kidnapped."

Fm looked over to the passenger seat where Cube was sleeping. 'Now that he mentioned it, I haven't seen Meggy, or Karen either.' He faced back towards Enzo, who was looking away, probably because of the awkwardness. "Alright, I'll help you out. Something about this situation does seem fishy."

Enzo was relieved. "Thank you." He hopped into the back seat of Fm's car and the two headed towards the last know location he knew where Minion was. 

The train station.


When they arrived at the station, Fm held out his police badge to the person behind ticket counter.

"Mushroom Kingdom Police. I'm here to investigate a missing persons case. Is there anything you can tell me about the train headed towards the wild west on June 8th around 12:30pm?"

The guy nodded. "There was one odd thing."

Fm raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah, the train made it, but there were no passengers were on.

Enzo seem irritated by that answer. "Hold on! If the train full of people was empty, why didn't you contact the cops!?"

The man behind the counter put up his hands. "Look I don't know! Maybe because no one goes to the wild west!"

"What about the train that was heading towards Pee-Pee Island around the same time?" Fm blocked the unhinged Enzo from trying the harm the poor ticket salesman.

"Everything went smoothly there. Is there something else I can help you with?"

"No." Fm responded, he turned Enzo away from the counter and began to walk away. "Thank you for your help."

Once they were back by the car, Fm spoke up. "Enzo, are you ok?"

Enzo looked surprised for a moment. He looked away from Fm. "I'm... fine." He said softly.

Fm didn't believe that for a second, it was clear that Enzo was worried about his employee? Friend? The blonde wasn't quite sure what their relationship was other than the two were close.

Cube, who was silent the whole time, waddled up to Enzo and hugged his leg. Enzo looked down and patted the penguin's head.

Suddenly, Fm's pager went off.

"Attention! Calling all units! A fire has begun spreading across the g-mod district near the old Microsoft building, where we had also gotten a kidnapping report." Hal's computer voice boomed through.

In a flash, everyone got into Fm's car and sped off heading towards g-mod district.


Once they arrived, they first thing they saw was people escaping the building that was on fire. Other police cars, firetrucks, and even an ambulance was nearby.

Fm sprung out and immediately began to help his friends, Four had to be carried out, has he was still out of it. 

Enzo noticed that Minion was already outside, being tended by the nurses.

He ran towards his adopted daughter. Her eyes lit up when she saw him. "Mr. Enzo!"

"Kid!" Enzo wrapped his arms around her, she did the same.

He could hear Smg4's friends whispering about him.

"Wait, isn't that the guy who kept an eye on Smg3?" A soft-spoken feminine voice asked.

"Seems like it." A gruff masculine voice confirmed.

"Aww, I think its sweet that he came here to find his adopted daughter." A more child-like voice said.  

"Wait a second... how did he adopt a child?" A computer voice cut through. "Isn't he still under parole for? -"

"Emotionally adopted Hal. Not officially." Fm replied.

"Enzo!?!" He looked up to see Smg4 looking absolutely flabbergasted, he also noticed Mario had hid himself behind a woman with pink hair. "What are you doing here? I thought-"

"I didn't come here for you Four, I came here for her." Enzo motioned towards Minion.

"I'm so glad you're here Mr. Enzo!" Minion had let go of the hug. "You won't believe the crazy adventure I had!"

"Oh really?" He asked. The two of them began walking back home. "Why don't you tell me all about it, Kid?"


Author's note 2: If I see any of you shipping Enzo and Minion romantically, I'm taking your kneecaps.

Before you ask, who would do that? You would be surprised.

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