Thicker Than Ink

By JenesisCollins

217K 12.6K 1.1K

Book Three of the Book Smart series (18+ only!) Life is really full of surprises... And when it comes to Adr... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thrirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight (18+)
Forty Nine (18+)
Fifty One
Fifty Two (18+)
Fifty Three (18+)
Fifty Four (18+)
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven (18+)
Fifty Eight (18+)
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four (18+)
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine


1K 51 16
By JenesisCollins



It doesn't surprise me when Silas pulls me into a hug... His arms being tight, but incredibly gentle and careful as he wraps me up, our nugget very present on his mind as he nuzzles my hair before kissing my temple and relaxing his arms around me just a little... My pocket feeling more like I have a heavy chain in my pocket instead of just a necklace...

While it had never occurred to me that Casper wasn't actually able to use his full magical ability... I'm at least glad that for right now, despite everything going on, he can have this tiny respite, however long it takes... Even if it is under the condition that he helps protect Silas and our babies-

"Wait a second, Liam, you said babies? We just have one? Did someone say something? Is there a way to tell this early?? There isnt... I think? R-ight?"  The way my voice cracks at the end gives away the strange onslaught of emotions  that wash over me, one palm finding its way under my shirt to rest on my belly as my eyebrows surely kiss my hairline as my nervous system threatens to consume every part of my being with the urge to run and hide from the new possibilities as they  wash over me.

"Oh, I... I didn't mean to assume anything. Just a slip I guess, I figured you guys would want more than one kid eventually... Not that I think you've got twins or look like it or anything! I swear to the Goddess I wasn't calling you fat!" Liam's voice gets squeakier and squeakier, his last comment causing a growl to leak from my mate as his hand overshadows mine on my belly, the other hand tight as he clutches my hip.

"Wait, do you think I'm fat? That's not where my head went... I guess maybe I gained a little weight the last few weeks but..."

"You aren't fat, Addy... you are deliciously thick and even if that changes it won't matter one bit." Silas calms my nerves and gives the hand on my belly a squeeze, the conversations we've had about my insecurities something I know he dwells on from time to time when trying to get me to see myself the way he sees me before moving on to answrr Liam and give me a chance to take a breath and calm the anxiety that's popped up from never ever being as thin and pretty as so many other omegas, Yes, we want more than one. But if you ever insinuate Addy is anything less than reminiscent of the Goddess herself when it comes to his body I'll teach you the same lesson your Dad taught mine when Uncle Alfred hit him with that old Ford."




My words cause Liam to pause and then lose composure for just a split second before he straightens out his snickering and sits up a bit better with fork now in hand for his newly acquired plate of now very cold french toast, "Not that I ever would, Luna Adrian is perfect no matter his size and I wouldn't ever comment on it... But- if you do run me over... Can you do it with your bike instead of the truck? I'm not as stocky as Mason is and the truck would kill... me..."

The tone falls flat, my beta suddenly looking apologetic and pale as he swallows the lump in his throat, the matching lump in my own too dry to swallow.

Any other day, the two of us would chuckle about how Pop is so stubborn that nothing short of a derailed runaway train would take him off this planet. That not even old age seems to be getting to him and then I would bitch about how much I wish it would... That way he'd be too old and tired for his usual bullshit and stay in one place long enough for Mom to chew him up and spit him out for how he's acted his whole damn life...

But today isn't any other day... Because yesterday we both witnessed just how mortal the man who was supposed to raise me actually is.

We learned that a runaway train wasn't needed... That apparently all it takes is some buckshot to take down an Ashwood timber. And the realization is sobering and damn near impossible to swallow... And just as hard to spit out.

"Are you guys really not going to visit him?"

It's a quiet question, but the turmoil it agitates makes me want to vomit with how confusing everything is right now.

"I don't know. My head is all fucked up right now and I'm not even sure what we would do there other than just stare at him until he wakes up?"  Its maybe the most honest thing I've ever said out loud to beta regarding my emotional state, but with Adrian leaning into me while we caress his belly it feels a bit easier to be honest and open up, "I want him to recover... And I definitely think we need to talk to him when he's conscious... But with the way we butt heads he might do better if I stay away."


I almost want to point out that my old man has gotten rid of me and sent me away every chance he's ever gotten... But that maybe feels a tiny bit petty after seeing him like he was yesterday.

Him getting laid out doesn't necessarily wipe the slate clean or invalidate the abuse he dished out before, verbally, emotionally, mentally, or physically...

But  I'm aware of myself and my trauma... And I've lived life long enough to know that now isn't the time to hold him accountable.

Stirring up old wounds, while necessary and absolutely going to happen when it's time for it, won't do anything but cause more pain at the moment... And with Pop and Ma still connected... I don't want to add any more anguish on top of what Ma is already dealing with, "Yeah... I am going to go visit Ma, though... I think..."




It hurts my heart to hear and feel Daddy be so unsure of himself... To be filled with all of the complex emotions that just won't seem to recede enough for him to process them or even really manage a good moment of deep breathing to help sooth his nerves... The way he leans forward to look me in the eyes and check in as he suggests we go see my mother in law feeling both appreciated but also... Sad.

He's asking, not telling... Because he isn't sure about it.

From out link... it almost feels like he isn't sure about anything right now...

'Not sure about anything other than you and how much I love you and our Nugget, Baby... I'm sorry.' The silent apology pushed to me nearly breaks my heart, and I find the only thing I can do is turn around in our shared embrace and curl up in my mate's arms to try and lend him some of my strength.

"Soothing your Mother would be a good way to soothe and help Mason, too I think. He'll feel it if there's anything left of the bond." Granny's voice makes us all jump, none of us having heard her get up or even walking to where she is now in the doorway... And while I don't appreciate jump scares or having to wait for my heart to stop trying to beat right out of my chest...

"That's not a bad idea!"

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