Ghost X Reader

By krj1226

403K 7.3K 8K

Ghost of COD and female reader based on Modern warfare storylines characters included from COD Ghost, Roach... More

Red Rabbit
Run Rabbit Run
Catching Feelings
New recruit
My Shadow
Put em up
Druken Confession
Permanent Battle Buddy
Just an asset
Save me
His Confession
Plot Twist
Silly me
Old friends
Rescue mission
In his arms.
The End


16.3K 313 624
By krj1226

((TW: Anexity attack portrayed.))

"Stay over there. Don't touch any of my stuff." Ghost pointed to a corner, where a second bed was placed and a small desk. His side of the room was neatly done up with limited clutter.

"I won't!" I threw myself down on the bed. It was soft and squishy compared to my prison mattress. It felt like heaven.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you." Ghost was clearly unhappy about our arrangement.

"It sucks for me too. I mean you did try and kill me multiple times." I hugged my pillow sitting up watching him.

"And I'll do it again if you step out of line." He glared at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh so scary." There was a soft knock at the door.

"Just checking you're good Ghost." Soap poked in.

"We're just peachy in here." I answered, Soap ignored me. "Ouch, I thought we were all friends now."

"You are not our friend. You are an asset." Soap shot a glare at me and I fell silent.

They're not wrong but that hurt a little.

"I'll live." Ghost pulled on a hoodie, leaving his mask on and sat on his bed.

"Roach and I are going out drinking, wanna tag along." Soap turned his attention back to Ghost.

I prayed Ghost would say yes, that means I would get to go too.

"I'd have to bring that one." Ghost pointed to me.

"We'll just ignore her."

"I'm game." Ghost got up, and gestured me to follow. I got to follow but then stopped.

"Can I change first?" I looked down at my army issues sweatpants and tee Price has given me after I had showered.

"Hurry up." Ghost rolled his eyes and Soap and him stepped out to give me privacy.

Early today Price has ran out and got me some things. I pulled out a red T-shirt and a pair of jeans quickly throwing them on and exiting the room.

Ghost and Soap took one look at me and then went on ignoring me. I followed behind them as we made our way to the bar.

"Good mutt." Ghost held the door open and lightly pushed me in after Soap.

Ghost lead us to a little booth and crammed me between him and Soap. I huffed. The smell of cologne and aftershave strong between the two of them. They ordered drinks and sat there sipping on Coke.

Part of me thought if they got drunk I could escape but there was no where to go anymore. I was not only an enemy to the states but to my own people.

"Don't look now but we got some fan girls." Soap gestured to the three girls making their way to the table.

"Hi! My name is Tiffany." The blonde spoke first when they got to our table.

"I'm Brooke." The brunette spoke next.

"I'm Cassidy." The third was also a blonde.

"John, most people just call me Johnny." Soap downed his drink quickly.

"Simon." Ghost leaned back into the booth.

Johnny, Simon, got it. I took a mental note of their names

The women's eyes fell on me. "Is she one of your all's girlfriend?"

Soap chocked a little. "No, she's just a coworker."

"Oh." This caused the women to smile.

I rolled my eyes. "I have to use the bathroom." I pushed my way out of the booth. I half expected Ghost to follow me, he didn't. He just watched.

I took this moment to breathe, locking the bathroom door so no one else could enter. I slid to the floor, my body feeling panicky. I just wanted to go home, pretend none of this happened, but I can't not unless I want to die.

I took deep breaths, my lungs feeling like no air was entering. I began to cry, panic racing through me. My hands shook and I gasped for air.

Breath, I rubbed my hands together. Breath, I forced air into my lungs once more.

A knock on the door, caused me to panic even more.

"One second!" I scrambled to my feet, turning on the sink.

"I'm coming in now." It was Ghost.

The panic didn't even subside with it being him, if anything it was made worse. "Okay, okay." I unlocked the door, returning to the running sink.

I splashed water on my face and wrist to try and bring me back as he walked in.

"Trying to escape?" He took one look at me before what looked like worry crossed his eyes.

"No." I wiped my face, shaking my hands out to hide how shaky I was.

"Are you alright?" He stared me over.

"Peachy." I forced a smile and brushed past him.

His arm found my waist and he stopped me.

"You're shaking. Did something happen?" He held me, gently, it was strange to think this man had any empathy in his body.

"Just been awhile since I've been let out. I think I'm just tired." It was half true.

Ghost let me go. "Johnny! I'm taking this big baby home!" He yelled to Soap who gave him a thumbs up.

"Let's go."

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