Daughter of the Dragon King

By WolfQueen1978

162 18 68

Ever since Elenor was born after her Mother passed away, Her life has been happy as She lived her life with h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Gathering
Chapter 3.
Cruel North
Chapter 4
King Akvhi
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Tarfin's Punishment
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
30 Years ago Carshi Fortress
Chapter 13
Character Profile - Drecun
Chapter 14
Character Profile Rosenia
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part 1/2
Chapter 21 part 2/2

Chapter 6

5 1 2
By WolfQueen1978

When Elenor and Venera arrived at the beautiful garden. Elenor began to look for Arsen and quickly found him by the fountain.

Arsen gave her a small smile as He saw her make her way towards him. Venera had a nervous expression on her face as they got closer to him.

Arsen gently kissed Elenor's hand as He told Elenor. "I see You made it, I do hope that You wernt too busy looking around in Your new room, that You forget to see me."

Elenor looks at Arsen and said with a small smile. "I never forget the man that is courting me..." Arsen kept smiling at her before He turned his attention to Venera and says to her.

"Who are You, may I ask?" Venera has a nervous expression on her face as She told him her name and what clan She's from.

Arsen looks at her and said. "It is a pleasure to meet You, Venera of Velin. Tell me are You the daughter of Chief Orkun?"

Venera gave him a nod and told him with a shy tone in her voice. "Y-Yes, I am... Do You know him?"

Arsen looks at her and said to her. "I meet him last year when both our clans meet up for a meeting, And I just happen to accidentally bump into him in the hall of the Ardina Palace."

Venera looked surprised to hear this and said. "I never knew that, I do hope that Father wernt angry at You for what happened..."

Arsen chuckled a little and told her. "He wernt angry at all, He just told me to have a nice day and that it was quite alright..."

Venera looks at him and said. "I see... Well, I let the two of You have some privacy... And it was a pleasure to meet You, Sir Arsen..."

Venera bowed to Elenor before leaving the young couple alone. Arsen turned to look at Elenor and said. "I see You already made a new friend on the first day of being here..."

Elenor gave him a small and told him as they began to take a walk in the garden. "She seems like a nice girl, So tell me a bit about Yourself besides protecting Your clan?"

Arsen looks at her and says with a small smile. "Well, when I'm not killing people who would do harm to the clan.

I spend some time reading and helping out at the orphanage. What about You?" Elenor looks at him and says with a small smile.

"Well for starters, I also like reading. But I also like dancing and singing, and I sometimes help people in the castle with little things.

I even help out my friend and the girls at the brothel..." Arsen looks at her and says with an interested look on his face.

"So You help out the fine ladies at that establishment and is even friends with one of them. How did that happen?"

Elenor looks at him and says as they walked passed the rose bushes. "That is funny story actually... I was sitting in the courtyard practicing my dancing when I first meet my friend Linvera.

She had just arrived and She just came up to greet me. I greeted her back and then She asked me where the brothal was so I showed her.

While We were on our way there Linvera began to make small talk with me. She asked me a few questions that was a bit odd at that time."

Arsen has a curious expression on his face as He asked her. "What did She ask You that was odd to You?"

Elenor has a smile on her face as She told him. "She asked me how much money I have earned and how many clients I have takend.

Me not understanding what She meant at the time was a bit confused. When me and Linvera got to the brothal and introduced her to Madame Veronica.

She were friendly to the Madame and looked forward to working with me." She started to giggle a little at the memory and told him.

"And at that moment, The Madame quickly informed her that I am not one of the working girls but in fact the Princess.

Linvera became so embarrassed and started to apologise profusely to me. And I also realised that She believed that I was one of the working girls at the brothal.

I told her that it was quite alright and told her that I am not offended. She apologised once again and I told her again that it was fine.

And from that day onward We became best friends." Arsen chuckled a little bit and said to her. "That is quite funny, What did the Madame say when Linvera made that mistake?"

Elenor looks at him and said. "She had a good laugh about it, and when the working girls found out what happened.

They joklingly referred to me as Linvera's coworker for a little while, and I didn't mind it." Arsen looks at her and said with a small smile on his face.

"If Linvera made that mistake in the brothal in Savinda, I am sure She be giving a good talking to by the Madame who is very strict with her workers."

Elenor looks at him and said. "You speak as if You know the Madame personally?" Arsen looks at her and said to her.

"I do, because She's my aunt on my mother's side of the family... When my parents died, She took me inn and I lived with her for a little while until I trained to become a warrior like my Father..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a calm expression on her face. "I see, if You don't mind me asking... What happened to Your parents?"

Arsen had a sorrowful expression in his eyes as he told her. "My Father died protecting the city, while my mother gave her own life to protect me from enemy soldiers that got into the city.

I hid in the basement when She died..." Elenor gently put her hand on his shoulder and told him with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I am so sorry that happened to You, I apologise for asking You that question..." Arsen gave her a small smile and told her.

"Its quite alright, it happened a long time ago and I honor my parents memory by protecting the clan... And protecting the people I care for...

Including You..." Elenor were quite surprised to hear him say this and said to him. "I see..." She then gave him a small smile as She asked him what book He likes to read.

And so they continued their conversation and had a peaceful walk in the gardens. And when it was time for dinner Elenor and Arsen went to the large dinning room and went to sit with Duncan and Rayena.

Then they went back to their rooms for the night and as Elenor made her way to her room. A girl with golden hair and green eyes spoke to her.

"So You're the human Princess of House Fireheart, I expected You look different..." Elenor looks at the woman and said to her.

"Exouse me? Wait, wernt You one of the girls that were talking to my brother?" The golden haired woman had a smug look on her face as She told her.

"That's right, I am Salvena of the Darkvin Clan. And You "Princess" Are quite brave and dumb for accepting the Crimson Sand to court and marry You."

She then made her way towards her and said. "I mean, You cant possibly last to be with a man like him. Especially on the day of Your wedding,

He is probably going to be very rough with You considering what kind of man He is..." Elenor looks at him and said with a bit of an angry look on her face.

"If You are implying that Arsen is that kind of person who intends to harm me for some sadistic game, Then You are surely mistaken Salvena of Darkvin."

Salena looks at her and said. "I am surely not mistaken, haven't You heard of the things He has done to the people who attacked his clan?

Its no wonder his majesty became so protective over You... He probably do not wish to lose his only dumb human child."

Elenor ignored what She just said about Drecun and started to walk away. Salvena looks at Elenor and said with a smug look on her face.

"Oh did I strike a nerve?" Elenor stopped and turned to look at her and said. "No, because I wont listen or be affected by Your insults towards me.

Because I do not wish to entertain a woman who is salty because She wernt chosen by my brother. And I am glad He chose Firena and not a girl like You, He despises snobby heartless girls..."

Salvena were speechless to hear her say this as Elenor continued her way to her room. And all the while the man with the brand witnessedthe entire thing as He went to tell his master.

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