Honkai Impact: Road To Nagazo...

By XxFlame_HazexX

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Four months have passed since the Herrscher of the Void's awakening. In the time since, the world has gone in... More

Back At It
Chapter 1: Aftermath
Chapter 2: A Promise Made
Chapter 3: Changed Self
Chapter 4: Catching Up To Now
Chapter 5: Caught but Undeterred
Chapter 6: Infiltration
Chapter 7: Escape
Chapter 8: The Lab
Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 10: Against the Clock
Chapter 11: Student Vs. Mentor
Chapter 12: Recuperation
Chapter 13: The Other Side
Chapter 14: Where It All Began
Chapter 15: Mysterious Girl
Chapter 16: The Roost
Chapter 17: To Live Well
Chapter 18: Rising Waters
Chapter 19: Palpable Tension
Chapter 20: Ideals
Chapter 21: A White Star
Chapter 22: Reunited
Chapter 23: Aimless
Chapter 25: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 26: Fracturization
Chapter 27: Lamented
Epilogue: To Keep a Promise

Chapter 24: Falling Down

496 26 1
By XxFlame_HazexX

The two would head outside the Helios as standing there was Sora.

"Good afternoon Alex. Mei." Said the kid with a smile.

"Hey Sora. What brings you here?" Asked Alex.

"Well, I have great news. Sensei's gonna be taking and moving us away from Nagazora. She's prepared a new home and we'll be staying there." She happily said.

"That's great Sora. I'm sure everyone's gonna love that." Said the boy as she nodded.

"Everyone's already packing their things but I sneaked out to see you two one last time. How're things with Kiana? Sensei told me that Mei brought her back so where is she?"

As soon as she said that, the two tensed up as Mei looked away while Alex awkwardly chuckled.

"S-She's uh, resting right now. Mei s-said she was really tired." He said nervously.

Sora noticed Alex's nervousness and Mei's distance gaze as her cheerful tone went away.

"O-Oh............okay. I'm, sorry if I came at a really bad time." She said.

Both Alex and Mei quickly tried to reassure Sora that that wasn't the case and that the two were still getting used to having Kiana back as the girl cheered up a bit.

"I should be going back home now. Take care. Thanks you two and Dr. Tesla for helping us out so much." She said taking a bow before Alex grabbed her hand.

"Why don't we walk you back one last time?" He asked before looking back at Mei as she nodded and held Sora's other hand.

The two would escort Sora back into the Safe Zone and eventually back to the Roost.

"Go on Sora. Don't keep your friends waiting." Said Mei as the two let go of her hands.

Sora took a few steps forward before stopping and fidgeting a bit as she turned to look at them

"Something the matter?" Asked Alex.

"I just, get the feeling that something is troubling you two. If thought you two would look happier after getting Kiana back but you don't. Was there a big fight or something?" She asked.

"No none at all. We just, ran into some problems." Said Mei.

"Don't worry Sora. Everything will be a-okay." Said Alex.

"Okay good. Oh. If Kiana ever does get upset, have Mei make some curry for her. Everyone feels happy afterwards so I'm sure that'll fix everything." Said Sora as Alex chuckled while Mei gave a soft smile.

"Noted. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you Sora." Said Mei.

Footsteps were heard approaching as they all turned to see Raven walking towards them.

"Sora. Go join the others already. We'll be leaving soon." She said.

"R-Right. On it Sensei. Bye Alex and Mei. Thanks for everything." She said waving them goodbye as she ran off to where the others kids were.

"She already was fond of Alex, but it seems she's also taking a liking to you as well Mei Raiden." Said Raven. "She kept chirping about wanting to say goodbye to you two and sneaked out when I wasn't looking.

"Where are you sending them?" Asked Mei with a slight hint of unease.

"No need for suspension girl. I'm sending them somewhere safe. I had and always wanted to do that and I finally got the oppurtunity to do so thanks to you no less. They used to be afraid of everything. The outside world, other people, and strange places but you managed to change their minds. You taught the children that kind strangers actually do exist. You managed to fill the hole that the Herrscher left in their hearts. I pray that they never have to learn the truth."

Raven noticed that while Alex nodded and had a more or less neutral expression on his face, Mei still had that same lost and depressed look on her face.

"I assume you two know of Kiana's condition now right? I told you beforehand. AE will try to find ways to treat her, but none will work. Tell me. What did they come up with? Ideals, hopes, or friendship?" She said.

"S-Sensei now really isn't the time for-."


Alex was immediately caught off guard by Mei's sudden shout as the girl stared daggers at Raven who didn't look startled in the slightest.

"My apologies. The kid's right now isn't the time for this. I'm not here to gloat nor am I trying to pick a fight. I just feel compelled to tell you something that you might wanna hear."

Raven gave a look at Alex as the boy quickly understood that whatever Raven wanted to tell Mei was something he was not meant to hear so Alex nodded and back away far enough out of hearing range as he saw Raven whisper something to Mei as the girl quickly stepped back in shock and anger.

"WHAT!?" She shouted as Raven quickly hushed her down and continued whispering.

Eventually, Raven would finish talking as she bid the two a goodbye, walking away.

"Wait! Tell me more! Don't jusr stop there!" Said Mei about to chase after her until Alex grabbed her hand and shook his head no.

"Let's head back. I can tell from your face that you need to calm down. You're on edge." Said Alex as he walked Mei back to the Helios.

Eventually the two would make it back as they decided to look for Kiana.

After asking around, they had heard that she was currently in a meeting with Tesla and Einstein so the two made their way over to the meeting room.

As they approached the door, their conversation became more and more audible until they now stood before the door.

Mei was about to knock until they heard Kiana speak from beyond the door.

"If I turn into that monster again, they won't leave me alone. They'll do anything to save me. If that does happen, I might end up killing those who care for me. I-I can't let that happen again. This is between Sirin and I. I must put an end to this. That's why I want everyone from the Far East to stay away from me. That way they won't be dragged into this mess again. I don't want them to suffer because of me anymore."

'She still feels like she has to do this on her own. She still thinks she's alone in this fight.' Somberly thought Alex as he saw a tear roll down Mei's cheek before the girl just ran away, seemingly to her room.

Alex held a hand out and tried to call out to her but opted against it, feeling that what she needed right now was to just let all of her emotions out on her own.

As he saw Mei run away, all Alex could do was have a deep sigh to himself.

The door would open signaling the meeting was over as Tesla stepped out and saw him.

"Oh. You're back."

"Yeah we just returned. We took some time to walk Sora home."

"I see. Where's Mei?"

"She's uh, in her room. She said she was tired and went to go rest. How's Kiana?"

"Well, we just finished a meeting between herself, myself, and the Mophead. Before that we ran another round of checks on her. Her situation hasn't changed. The Hyperion will be here soon and once it's here, we'll be leaving this place."

"Alright. Is that all?"

"I was hoping you could tell Mei something. I can tell that she's been hung over what was said earlier today. Mophead isn't exactly the best with words. Her factual talk is great for research but can come off as mean. Tell Mei to not get too worked up over what she said."

"Yeah understood. I'll do that once she's available."

With that, Alex went to his room to take a rest as he pondered to himself.

'We're so close, yet so far.'


Chapter 24: Complete

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