Always by your side💞

By Jashn-e-Jahaan

49.9K 3.1K 395

Inspired by My Fault (Culpa Mia) movie. Kim Taehyung; a rich, spoiled girl is the only child of world famous... More

1. Bodyguard👊
2. Tae being a brat 😠
3. A day at Jk's apartment 🥰
5. Jeonlous 🥴
6. Kiss me till I am 18 💋
7. Confession💓
8. Night's gonna be long🤫
9. Heartbreak 💔
10. My everything 💞
11. Game over 🖤
12. Truth 💓

4. What is love? 🤔

3.2K 261 17
By Jashn-e-Jahaan

Jk pushed the guy away and asked him to get out from there. He gripped Tae's hand tightly and asked while looking into her eyes with pure rage.


Tae freed her hand from Jk's hold and tried to take her phone back but Jk raised his hand up while holding her phone.

Jk- Now take it.

Tae slapped Jk's chest and sat on her car while crossing her hands over her chest.

Jk- What's your problem? Why are you behaving like this suddenly?

Tae- I wanted to make that Jen and Nick jealous by sending them picture of me kissing any hot guy.

Jk- So he finally cheated that too with your so called bestie? (asked while laughing)

Tae- What's so funny that you are showing your teeth?

Jk- I already knew it. That guy will definitely cheat you and here he proves me right. Btw your bestie is really a bitch. I never thought she will use your bf only.

Tae- Done making fun of me? Now give my my phone.

Jk- No way. You are going home now. Stop with your kissing booth.

Tae- No. I won't go home untill I send them the picture. (said while trying to take her phone)

Jk- Stop it Taehyung.

Tae- I WANT MY PHONE. (shouted angrily at Jk)

Jk- Will you go home if I kiss you?

Tae nodded her head while looking into Jk's eyes. Jk parted Tae's legs and stood in between her legs. He looked into her eyes and pulled her in a kiss.

Jk- Here's your picture. Now get back into the car.

Tae sent the photo to Nick and Jen and settled beside Jk.

Jk- Is there some function at your college in evening?

Tae- Hmm. (said while looking outside the window)

Jk- Aren't you going?

Tae- I don't know.

Jk- Mr Kim sent dress for you to wear in the function.

Tae- Hmm.

After reaching the mansion Tae went in her bedroom while Jk was in the livingroom.


At around 6 pm Tae came down ready to leave for the college function.

Tae's look

She stood infront of Jk diverting his attention towards her. Jk looked at her from top to bottom and smiled a little.

Tae- Let's go.

Saying this Tae walked towards the car and sat on the front seat. Jk sat on the driver's seat and drove towards Tae's college.

Within few minutes they reached the college. Tae went inside while Jk was in the car.

As Tae entered the college hall; she noticed Nick and Jen already present there. She looked away from them and stood alone at one corner.

Nick went towards Tae and hold her hand.

Nick- Baby please try to understand...

Tae removed her hand from Nick's hold.

Tae- What understand, huh? We are done now. Don't think I will still continue this relationship with a cheater like you.

Nick- I am sorry. I didn't mean that.

Tae- That's what is left to hear now? Btw didn't you saw my new bf's picture. So now don't even dare to come close to me otherwise he won't spare you.

Nick- Ohh please; how can I believe that your bodyguard is your so called boyfriend?

Tae- I gave you the proof. Now it's upto you whether you wanna believe or not.

Saying this Tae went towards her other group of classmates.

After a while the party began. Girls and boys were dancing together in a pair while Tae was at one corner drinking juice. Her eyes went towards Jen and Nick who were dancing so close to each other.

Tae gripped her glass tightly while watching the duo. She clenched her jaw and left from there.

Tae walked towards the car and sat inside after slamming the door hard.

Jk- What happened? Why did you came back so early?

Tae- I don't wanna stay there.

Jk- Okay. Shall I drop you at your house?

Tae- Let's go to your place.


Taekook reached at Jk's place. Jk parked the car and got out while Tae was still inside the car staring outside the window.

Jk opened the car door making her come back to earth. Tae stepped out of the car and walked further but suddenly her leg twisted. She was about to fall down but Jk caught her by keeping hand on her waist.

Tae looked at Jk while griping his shirt tightly. He removed his hand from her waist and signalled her to walk further.

Tae tried to walk but her leg was paining as it got sprained. Jk noticed it. He picked her in bridal style and walked towards his apartment.

Jk placed Tae on the couch and sat beside her. He kept her feet on his lap and removed her heels. He applied a pain relief balm on Tae's leg which got sprained.

All this while Tae was busy watching Jk's face which felt so relaxing to her eyes.

Jk- Done. Rest for a while. Pain will reduce after sometime.

Saying this Jk got up from the couch but Tae hold his wrist.

Tae- Where are you going?

Jk- I need to cook dinner.

Tae- Order something from outside. Just stay with me.

Jk sighed and got back to his seat.

Jk- What you wanna eat? (said while scrolling through the food items)

Tae- Anything.

Jk order one medium size pizza and coke for them. He kept his phone on the table and turned to look at Tae.

Jk- What happened? Are you still thinking about that idiot?

Tae- He was my first boyfriend. Offcourse I will feel bad if I will get cheated. They were dancing so close. It hurts.

Jk chuckled at Tae's words.

Tae- Stop showing your teeth. It's so funny to you right?

Jk- Offcourse it's funny. Is it even your age to do these things and get into heartbreaks and all?

Tae- Do you think of me as a child? I will soon be eighteen.

Jk- Yeah but you aren't eighteen now. You have a long life ahead. Why are you wasting your time by thinking of someone who doesn't deserve you?

Tae looked down sadly and rested her head on Jk's shoulder. She circled her arm around his bicep.

Tae- You never had a girlfriend?

Jk- No.

Tae- Why? (said by tracing Jk's arm)

Jk- Never got chance.

Tae- How come? You are hot. Any girl can love you.

Jk chuckled at Tae's words.

Jk- That's attraction not love which eventually ends up with break up like yours.

Tae looked up into Jk's eyes. Their face was closer to each other.

Tae- Then what is love?

Jk- Love is a passion that is impossible to ignore.

It is like that side of the shore when it runs to infinity you can feel the love from your heart.

The beginning is magical and that start it is purely like a loving bliss.

It starts with a loving kiss.

Tae felt some strange feeling after listening Jk's words. She caressed his cheek and leaned closer for a kiss but Jk kept his palm in between.

Jk- It's wrong. You are just seventeen.

Tae- Then why did you kissed me at the club?

Jk- To take you back home.

Tae- Is that the only reason? (asked while brushing Jk's lips with her thumb)

Jk- Hmm.

Jk caressed her cheek. Both closed their eyes and leaned closer. In the bliss of the moment their lips again meet with each other's.

Tae sat on Jk's lap and deepen the kiss more. Her hands travelled in his hairs while Jk's hands were placed on Tae's waist.

Both got lost in the kiss but Jk opened his eyes and realised what he is doing. He broke the kiss and placed Tae on the couch. He got up from the couch and stood backfacing Tae.

Jk- I am sorry.

Tae was about to say something but their attention diverted when someone rang the doorbell. Jk went and opened the door.

It was a delivery guy. Jk took the pizza and coke and paid the bill. He sat on the couch and kept the pizza on the table.

Jk- Eat it. (said while unboxing the pizza)

Tae's eyes were still stuck on Jk's face. She bought her knees closer to her chest and began admiring his face.

Jk turned to look at Tae and raised his eyebrow.

Jk- What?

Tae didn't said anything and was just looking at Jk. Jk flicked her forehead making her come back to earth.

Jk- Have your pizza.

Tae kept her feets on the ground and scooted closer to Jk. Both began enjoying their meal.

Tae- Jungkook.

Jk- Hmm?

Tae- What if I wasn't seventeen?

Jk- Means?

Tae- Would you still continue to kiss me?

Jk didn't said anything and took a sip of the coke.

Tae- Answer me. (said while poking Jk's bicep)

Jk- I don't know but the reality is that you are a minor.

Tae- Just few months and then I will reach adulthood.

Jk- Hmm.

After having the pizza and drinking coke both got back to bed.

Jk- Aren't you going back to Mansion?

Tae- No. Today I will stay here only.

Saying this Tae lie down on the bed.

Jk went towards the wardrobe. He began unbuttoning his shirt to change into night wear. His back was facing Tae.

Tae was watching Jk while resting her head on the elbow.

Jk changed into tee and shorts and lie down beside Tae.

Tae got up from the bed and went towards Jk's wardrobe. She removed one of his tee and began undressing her gown. She changed her dress into this👇

Tae climbed on the bed and lie down beside Jk. She travelled her hand inside his tshirt and was circling his abs. Jk kept his hand on Tae's hand making her stop moving her hand.

Jk- Sleep quietly.

Tae- But I am not sleepy.

Jk- So what you wanna do?

Tae sat on the bed and thought for while. She smirked when an idea striked in her mind. She took the pillow and hit Jk with it.

Jk- Hey, what are you doing?

Tae- Pillow fight.

Saying this Tae began hitting him. Jk too sat on the bed and took his pillow. Both began their pillow fight while laughing and giggling loudly.

Jk- Aahh, enough now. Look how badly you messed up my bed. There's feather and cotton everywhere.

Tae- We will clean it in the morning.

Jk shook his head and got up from the bed. He removed one mattress from the wardrobe and arranged it on the floor.

Jk- Come down. Let's sleep here. (said while lying down on the mattress)

Tae lie down beside Jk while wrapping her hand on his waist.

Tae- Good night. (said by pecking Jk's cheek)

Jk- Good night.

Jk began caressing Tae's hairs and slowly both dozed off to sleep.


No, no please leave me. Don't do this.I beg you. Please someone help me


Tae immediately woke up from her deep slumber and began panting heavily. She scanned the environment and felt relaxed after realizing it's Jk's apartment.

She looked at her right and found Jk sleeping soundly.

Tae again lie down and touched Jk's nose to which he scrunched cutely making Tae giggle. She touched his lip piercing while snuggling in his neck.

....Koo.... (said while poking Jk's cheeks)

Jk fiddled in his sleep and turned his face away. Tae bought her mouth closer to Jk's ear and blowed air into it making him wake up all of a sudden.

He opened his eyes in frustration and the first glance he got was of Tae. He sighed and spanked her head.

Jk- Atleast stay quiet when I am sleeping. Can't you control your naughty ass even for a second?

Tae- No. Get up. Let's go for watching sunrise.

Jk- Umm, I am sleepy.

Tae- Please wake up. (said by again blowing in his ear)

Jk- Aish, you won't let me sleep more. Let me get freshen up then we will go for watching sunrise.

Tae- Yeahhh.....

To be continued.......

Hey taekookers do comment vote and follow my account if you like my stories 💖💓💖💓💖💖💓💖💓💖💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓

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