Forever and Always | ✔️

Galing kay astrfilms

49.7K 1K 896

Isabella Parker was moved away from her six brothers and friends at the age of 8 following her parents divorc... Higit pa

1 | Welcome To New York
2 | I Bet They Think About Me
3 | Everything Has Changed
4 | Forever And Always
5 | Picture To Burn
6 | Don't Blame Me
7| The Archer
8| Question...?
9| You Need To Calm Down
10 | The Man
11 | Speak Now
12| Breathe
13 | Teardrops On My Guitar
14 | Bad Blood
15 | Epiphany
16 | Our Song

17 | I Think He Knows

1.3K 42 68
Galing kay astrfilms


School's over as I wait with Caleb and Liam for our eldest brother to arrive, acting as our only ride home whilst Ezra is at practice.

Apparently Liam's grounded for a week after my parents found out he's broken his phone for the fourth time. As it's one of Liam's favourite things, he's also banned from driving.

My parents believe he can't handle the responsibility of keeping a car in tact if he can't even look after a six inch object. I have to agree.

In the meantime, Logan offered to pick us up from school. Much to our dismay, he's late.

We've been waiting here for half an hour without a message, basically forcing us to succumb to the boredom.

It was Caleb's idea to play catch, we've been aimlessly throwing my apple around as the minutes stretch by slowly.

Liam's refusing to join our game. He hasn't moved an inch from the wall where he leans, his head down as he scrolls on his new phone. We haven't heard much from him either, part of me's worried he still hates me after our argument last week.

I wouldn't be surprised, that boy can hold a fucking grudge.

"I'm gonna kill Logan when he gets here." Caleb says in annoyance, his hazel eyes rolling. I nod in agreement.

"How hard is it to be on time? A couple minutes I'd accept but this is ridiculous." I huff, slightly wobbling on my feet after making a sudden move to catch the apple. So far we haven't dropped it.

Liam ignores us.

A few more moments pass, a comfortable silence encapsulating the three of us. I roll my eyes at the thought of my older brother being late, he's always appointed himself to scream at anyone for being just a few minutes late. Hypocrite.

Suddenly my name is called, I jump and miss the apple.

A pit of dread grows in my stomach as turn to find the source of the voice. A familiar red head etched his way towards us, his posture confident and proud as he casually saunters closer.

Just Jonathon's demeanour alone sends into a frenzy of nerves, the worst kind of nerves.

Opposed to butterfly's, I feel as though my stomachs stuffed with dozens of tiny worms scratching their way out desperate to leave before he reaches us.

His subtle smirk, his taunting eyes, his lean frame. He's the perfect abuser, hidden and seemingly normal to someone who doesn't know him.

"What's up Iz? Why're you here so late?" He says out just before reaching us. I force myself to respond, wanting nothing more than to stay silent and turn away.

From the corner of my eye I notice Liam push himself of the wall, making no move to get closer to us just yet.

"Our brother's late to pick us up." I answer shortly, standing up off the ground to match his level.

"Oh really? You're all welcome to take a ride home with me, I wouldn't mind losing a few extra minutes of my time if it meant helping my favourite old friend." Jonathon offers me a smile.

I don't fail to notice the way his eyes don't squint as he smiles. They stay completely open, void of any emotion.

"That's okay, he'll be here soon." I mutter quietly.

Caleb seems distracted as I hear the apple landing in his hands every few moments, indicating he'd gotten bored of waiting for me and started to play by himself.

I'm no longer in view of Liam as I've shifted to face Jonathon while we speak but I can practically feel his hard gaze burning holes in my back as he watches our interaction closely.

"You sure? It's absolutely no trouble." He presses again, a slightly more desperate edge to his voice.

I nod awkwardly, the hairs on my arms slightly standing up as his eyes refuse to leave mine. Eye contact from the wrong person is the creepiest thing imaginable.

"Cmon, you used to love when I'd drive you around. What about just you and me, for old times sake?" He suggests leaving my brothers behind.

I almost throw up at this proposal, wondering how on earth he'd ever think I'd agree to such a stupid deal. "I'm good Jonathon. Our ride will be here soon." I explain.

I pray the boys don't see my shaking hand as I tuck it into the pocket of my jeans.

Jonathon grows more aggravated at my refusal, his eyes narrowing as he inches closer. "Don't you think it'll be fun? You, me, the road. Cmon Iz you know you want to."

"Are you fucking deaf? She said no." My heart leaps as Liam interjects, standing by my side in an instant.

Jonathon takes a step back almost instantly, a flicker of shock in his dark eyes before he returns to his masked expression. "Woah bro, calm down okay? You just interrupted my conversation with Izzy."

Liams eyes narrow at this, his cold gaze fixed on Jonathon.

"Her name's Isabella." He seethes out. "I was five feet away and even I could tell she looked disgusted by your mere presence, which makes two of us. Get on the fucking road and leave her alone, bro." He spits out the last word, mimicking the latter.

Jonathon doesn't take this lightly, his eyes darkening at the thought of not getting me home. He's not very used to hearing no from me. Actually he is, he's just not very used to having to follow it.

Logan needs to hurry the fuck up, Caleb won't be able to stop Liam once he's pushed over the edge. He doesn't listen to reasoning, I remember that much from my childhood.

"Why the hell would she be disgusted, we're friends?" Jonathon looks confused, very falsely confused.

I'm unsure if Liam believes him or not, but I know he'd rather die then let me drive home with an older boy regardless of whether they're a friend or foe.

"Tell him Iz." Jonathon intimidates me, coming closer to me with a larger step this time.

I don't even have time to step away as Liam swiftly blocks his path to me, shielding me from seeing Jonathan's expression. "I said get the fuck away from her." Liams fists clench tightly by his sides.

I'm in full view of Caleb now, noticing as he's now stood up and staring at the three of us with narrowed eyes.

He doesn't see what Liam does. He's already fallen for Jonathon's charades.

"What the hell? Stop being so damn possessive and let me talk to her, this doesn't involve you." Jonathan's words seem to unsurprisingly anger Liam even further, his muscles in his shoulders tense slightly.

"She's my baby sister, everything involves me." Liam growls in response.

I try and focus on the rising tension, knowing if I'd let myself think about what Liam had just referred to me as then I'd be on cloud nine for days.

"Liam let's go, this isn't worth it." Caleb steps in, tugging at the boys arm lightly. Liam ignores him.

"Cmon, keep talking." My older brother taunts Jonathon. "Not gonna ask if you can take me home? Am I not pretty enough?" Liam chuckles dryly, his voice absent of all humour.

"You're misunderstanding." Jonathon says. "Isabella tell your brother that i'm—" he's cut off before he's able to continue.

"Leaving?" Liam raises his eyebrows expectantly. When Jonathon shakes his head, Liam continues, "See, I think you're the one misunderstanding. It wasn't a fucking request." The hands he had recently balled up were almost white from how hard he was squeezing them.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it." Jonathon smiles cruelly.

"Liam." Caleb's voice is a warning, desperately trying to bring Liam back down to earth.

Unsurprisingly, he ignores his younger brother yet again. His shoulders rise and fall at a faster face as he grows in anger. "I'm gonna fucking—"

"That's enough." A stern voice steps in, causing me to look up and see Logan.

Relief crashes into me as he steps in between the two boys, ignoring Jonathon and facing his brother. "Get in the fucking car." Logan's glare is murderous, his words harsh as anger radiated of his muscular frame.

"Are you fucking joking?" Liam says in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at the older boy.

When Logan responds with nothing but a cold stare, Liam whips round and makes his way towards Caleb to get his bag.

Every move he makes is rough, he's clearly pissed as he swings the bag over his back and storms towards the car.

I try to hide my shock at Logan's changed character, his usual soft, happy side completely vanished.

Logan doesn't give me a minute to process everything before turning his attention to me. "Care to explain what's happened here?"

My lips part slightly as I try to think of a response I quickly close them again when I realise there wouldn't have been a right answer.

If I had made Liam sound dramatic he would've killed me, I can't hurt him like that after he'd just jumped to defend me. On the other hand, if I let my brother know his reaction was justified, they'd stop at nothing to get the full truth out of me.

I can't let them know how pathetic I am.

"It wasn't her fault." Caleb interjects from the side, a sympathetic look on his face as he stares at my distressed expression.

"She's seems pretty involved to me." Logan points out. "Caleb, get in the car. We'll be there in a minute." Logan's stern voice leaves no room for argument, Caleb doesn't even bother as he lazily spins on his heel and follows his older brothers recent path.

He doesn't have any idea how jealous I am to see him able to get away from Jonathon's following gaze.

"Let me guess, you're Jonathon?" Logan turns to the boy expectantly. I wonder how he guessed as I've never mentioned him to Logan before.

"Correct sir. I just offered them all a ride home since they seemed pretty bored waiting here and the taller one started threatening me, it's fucking insane." Jonathon gets slightly more annoyed as he finishes his sentence.

I almost flinch at his use of a curse word, hearing them leave his mouth is like hearing one as a six year old kid. Unsacred.

"Whether my siblings looked bored or not isn't any of your business. Did they not explain they had a ride?" Logan raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah they did but—"

"Great, so I'm sure you understand. I'd appreciate it if you'd stay away from my little brother from now moving forward, I doubt you'd want to be dealing with me, right?" Logan says, a small grin on his lips.

God, all jokes aside id actually be trembling in Jonathan's place right now. Looking at him I can tell he's not far from it, his signature expression is plastered with a set of wide eyes.

"Sure, I never wanted any problems to start with." Jonathon let's his gaze wonder over to me, dropping down for a second before staring back into my eyes.


Logan seems to notice this as I instantly feel his large hand grab my wrist, pulling me behind him in a less than gentle manner. "While you're at it, stay the fuck away from her too. As of now, you're little friendship is over." He puts on a calm front, failing to his his annoyance at the action well.

Before Jonathon can argue, Logan's whipped around to face me. He places his hands on my shoulders and moves me around too, pushing me slightly indicating I should start walking.

Great. Caleb gets asked nicely, Liam gets told and I get pushed. How lovely.

We leave Jonathon standing alone as we take the short walk to where I assume he's parked.

I spend the next couple minutes praying the tense atmosphere is a product of Logan's frustration towards the two boys, rather than my suspicion he's also annoyed at me.

For once I really didn't do anything, in fact I actively did everything to avoid this situation.

I also take this time to process everything. I try my hardest to calm myself down without letting Logan notice I'm too upset, as far as they know he's just my friends brother to me so it wouldn't make sense if I'm stressed over not being able to see him anymore.

I hide my shaking hands in my pockets and blink back the sea of tears threatening to spill. This happens every time I see Jonathon. It never gets easier.

We've reached the car quicker than I would've liked, Liam's eyes instantly find mine as he leans against the cars metal frame, while I look away he chooses to track me as we approach.

Everyone stays silent as Logan pulls out the keys, unlocking the car and allowing everyone to get in.

"What happened?" Caleb asks me in a whisper as we climb in the back seats together.

"Nothing really." I whisper back, not wanting to think about that whole situation ever again.

I have to at least be grateful Caleb was there. Flynn would've taken a similar approach to Liam only he would've then been knocked out, Ezra would've realised I lied and been pissed at me and Jayden would've turned things physical the second he noticed I was uncomfortable.

Sometimes the boys don't realise throwing the first punch doesn't mean protecting me, all it does is stress me out even worse.

"That was fucking stupid Liam." Logan mutters with a shake of his head, turning the car on.

Liam doesn't waste a second before defending his actions, "You weren't there. You didn't see how fucking uncomfortable she looked."

"That doesn't justify starting up another fight. If you can't stand her being in that position take her out of it and call me, arguing with the boy meant she was around him even longer." Logan points out, talking as if I wasn't in the same car.

"I couldn't call you, you wouldn't pick up." Liams voice slightly raises in annoyance. "I wasn't going to just leave at let him get away with it." He exclaims indignantly.

God, if this is how they react when he makes me simply uncomfortable I can't even imagine what they'll say if they ever find out the truth.

Half my teachers make me uncomfortable, it's just a universal feeling. Jonathon's so much darker.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you honestly believe he was worth you potentially getting kicked out." Logan looks at the boy.

Liam stays silent.

"Exactly. There's always another option. After Axel you know you're on thin ice, one wrong move and principle Leroy won't hesitate to kick you out on your ass."

I didn't know he was so close to getting kicked out. Logan's right, that was fucking stupid of Liam.

And it would've been all my fault.

"So what were you saying to Jonathon anyway?" Caleb asks, shuffling closer to me to he can see Logan properly.

"He explained the situation calmly and I removed Izzy from his presence, which is exactly what should've been done in the first place." Logan explained.

"Bullshit, he would've just blamed everything on me and you'd come in even more annoyed. He did something else didn't he?" Liam says in slight revelation.

Im taking a gamble here but telling Liam that Jonathon decided to take a cheeky glance at my tits doesn't seem like the smartest idea right now.

Or ever to be honest.

"Liam drop it. The situation is diffused and he won't be bothering any of you anymore, if he does simply call me and I'll arrange a meeting with the school to discuss how to move forward."

Liam opens his mouth to argue but reluctantly shuts it after receiving a glance from our older brother.

I stay quiet too, I think I have to much to say to even know where to begin.


my only motivation for writing this book stems from comments so please please please comment if you want me to keep updating 🤍

EDIT: guys I love you sm thank you for all the compliments it means so much but I meant comment on the actual chapter lolllll <33

next update hopefully out this weekend or earlier!

- anna

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