well well well, if it isn't t...

By unworthy_egg

12 1 0

was originally from quotev, just thought it'd be fun to hv it here aswell this just works for my own bene... More

Author's Note
Unarchieved (undertale!aus) scraped
Given Anew 1.0 (undertale!aus) scraped
Given Anew 1.1
Chit Chat (undertale!aus) drafted
pools (underswap!papyrus/satin) drafted
Spit in My face (mafiatale!aus) scraped
affection (dreamtale!royalty au) drafted

Telephones (undertale!aus) drafted

0 0 0
By unworthy_egg

      She was dumbfounded by the news and pursed her lips together in a tight smile, just as she walks over to you to tell you about it aswell the door chimes welcoming another patriot in the cafe. 

  You could feel Alvera standing behind you as her hand hovers to your head, covering your face when you turn to look at her on to caught a glimpse of a purple, angry looking, skeleton monster between her fingers, standing infront of the cafes door. The skeleton was looking around profusely when his eyes lands on Alvera, then you, then back at her. 

  He's wearing some designer armor for sure, dripped out in a deep magenta type of colour, or perhaps dark lilac. Sharp triangles fills his eyes with nasty scars running the right side of his face,

  You don't understand what's happening. You pulled lightly on the sleeve of her dress, which made her look at your quickly. Exchanging the gazes as you stare at the skeleton instead.

    "Yes honey, what is it?"

  You kept quiet for a while but then hold out your hands, gesturing for her to pick you up, you caught the little look of surprised on her face but she was complaint with your request and picked you up within seconds. Deng she's strong.

  She looks back at the skeleton and cracked up an awkward smile,

    "We'll be going now, I didn't know the place serves most alcohol before" She chuckled a little forcefully and walks towards the skeleton, you could feel her hold on you tightening on your back. She couldn't see it but you definitely giving the skeleton a weird look. If for some reason she's wary of him, you think you also have the right to be wary.


 The skeleton spoke out which, actually startled you. You know you're loud but dang he's over your status.

    "Out of the café? This place is certainly not suitable for a child and they've been wanting to get something to eat for. while now eheh"

  "I'VE NEVER SEEN AROUND YOU ARE BEFORE." What is that supposed to mean? Is everyone supposed to meet him first just to be approached?

 She stood quiet for a moment, you could feel her glancing at you very now and then. You thought to yourself,why is she so worried about this guy? Sure he's a skeleton but she's like, half of him? Is it weird for a skeleton to meet another skeleton or something?

    "Yeahh well, a new face in town I suppose? If you don't mind I have to look for somewhere a bit more suitable to eat at for the kid, ya'know they've been hungry and all."

 She took her chances and make use of what she knows. It's still true, you're hungry.

  "That's true! I demand food! I want cakes! I want nuggets! I want ice cream!"

 You decided acting out a bit wouldn't hurt. You jumped her arms as you pulled on her dress, being the drama you're born to be. She just laughs as you start acting out.

  "You heard 'em, I really gotta go" She smiled and shrug, looking half-apologetic at him. He seemed unphased by this and instead pulling out his flip phone, texting something quickly before shutting it. A sick grin was carved onto his phased as he looks back at her, his eyes unchanged as it voided of any emotions.

 "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT, HOW ABOUT I TREAT YOU TO YOU LUNCH?" It's unsettling to look at to say the least. You glared at him and looked back at Alvera, pulling on her dress slightly in frustration. 

  She looks back down at you, smiling a lot more apologetic when she did You couldn't believe her right now. Isn't she worried about this guy? Why is she trusting him to lunch? He's lucky it's not dinner cause you might just trip a punch at him.

    "Uh-hah, suree bubs, I'd take a free meal" She smiled, looking a little less concerned. The skeleton squints his eyes at her, his grin tightening as he spoke,

"GOOD. YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE ANYWAYS." He simply replied, walking away from the door, Alvera takes the hint to follow him, which she did, closing the door behind her as her feet steps back out into the warm streets.

  When she did, the tow of you are welcomed by two purple skeletons. The new one is much taller than the original, much leaner aswell, dressed  lot more casually with jacket and shorts. He looks a lot sicker than the first, just saying. Yellowing bones? Pinkish eyes? Is he high right now?

 The lollipop in his mouth would've definitely fell out if the he didn't realise the look he's doing. He blinks a few times and smiled at Alvera, much to you dismay, even introduces himself,

  "the names' haze, this is my big bro mauve, nice ta meet'cha lady. we're a skeleton." he said as he gestures a hand towards her for a hand shake, you caught how his big bro groaned and rolled his eyes at his introduction,

    "Names Al Vivera, you may call me Alvera, if you'd like,"

  You cut her in the middle of her sentence, stating your name and that you're hers. Ending your sentence with just 'Human', being vague but enough, you guess. She cracked a smile and chuckled, taking the skeletons hand gladly using her right hand. You noticed the contact being a little longer than normal, you could tell he's probably getting a feel of her hand as, no it's not really normal.

  After a while his older brother grew tired of him goofing around harshly smacked him on the skull. Telling him to get it over with and go back home. Haze puts his free hand up in defense,

  "might wanna watch your step lady" He hadn't let her hand go which to you is weird and creepy. Alvera however doesn't seemed much bothered and just follows with whatever happening right now.

  She told you to close eyes and hold your breath right before she took a step closer to the skeleton. You wanted to question it to her but decided it could be done for later, you do caught the smell of smoke and barbecue sauce on this guy, weird.

  You did as told and as soon as you did you felt a little lift on your body, like for a split second you lost your sense of gravity. That feeling of cold and emptiness engulfed you for a moment which made you instinctively curled yourself up on Alvera, holding onto her dress tightly.

  You don't know how long you've been holding your breath. You then felt another hand caressing you head, taking you out of your trance. She whispers out to you that could open you eyes now, which reluctantly you followed and you did. Gasping for air as you sight comes back to you. 

 Much to your surprise, your surroundings had completely changed as you're now infront of a mansion but you equivalent it might aswell be called a castle. The place looks far from cheap and it intimidates you just by how tall it is. Mauve is already gone as the one who waits behind is Haze, looking at Alvera patiently.

  You look back at her as she starts walking towards the house. You don't know how to read her expression but your best guess would be calm. You're not all too trusty at the situation as she is which, make as the more reasons for you to be on edge.


    It didn't take long for her to walk up the stairs and into the mansion...

   Idea ended there, I also took a different path for plot

      New Desc for Telephones

    After the monsters barriers were broken open, you were effected by the barriers magic wave, giving you abilities no normal human should be able to do. The wave knocked you unconscious however upon hearing sounds of the doors being broken down you charge out of the place you once called home as they are now chasing after you.

      You're  memories were also erased in the process making you lost your sense of identify in life.  
  Exhausted from using your energy, you fell unconscious in the middle of the woods hoping that life would save you, for your fate to be altered for the better.

        Your mind drifts away once and your body were found by a mysterious woman who saved you from your fate. The adventure went on as you and your caretaker would fall into a circle of messes and broken romance stories.
          And yet in the end, not everyone will be there to see it, there will always be new starts.

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