Cursed Shadow

By ladycom4

29 0 0

Born on the forsaken prison island of Suvro, Caterina was an enigma from the day she entered this world. Her... More

Map of Erebu


3 0 0
By ladycom4

Caterina awoke the next morning, her body feeling lighter than it had in days. Her throat was no longer sore, and her nose had cleared. The feverish chills and aches had disappeared overnight, as if they were mere figments of a bad dream. She felt a surge of strength course through her veins, a welcome change from the debilitating weakness of the previous days. Was it possible that the gods had heard her desperate plea and granted her a miraculous respite from her illness?

Her contemplation was interrupted by the distant yet distinct sounds of a bustling harbour. The cries of seabirds echoed in her ears, the hustle and bustle of people and carriages created a chaotic symphony, and the rhythmic lapping of water against the edge of a harbour painted a vivid picture of their nearing destination. She strained her ears, trying to catch every sound, every hint of the world outside her confinement.

Suddenly, a voice she didn't recognize exclaimed from outside the pen, "We're almost there!" The air around her seemed to buzz with urgency, and moments later, she heard Saulo's voice, instructing someone in a hushed tone, "Place her in one of the large barrels."

A few minutes passed before the door creaked open, revealing Airas. A sly grin was plastered on his face, and in his hand, he held a cloth. Without a word, he squatted down beside her, his movements quick and deliberate. Before she could react, he had wrapped the cloth around her mouth and eyes, effectively blinding her and muffling her voice. Only her nostrils were left uncovered, allowing her to breathe. She was plunged into darkness, her senses robbed from her, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever. Caterina despised the control Airas held over her and the satisfaction he seemed to derive from it.

With the cloth securely fastened at the back of her head, Airas effortlessly lifted her, cradling her in his robust arms. Despite being shorter than both Airas and Saulo, she had never considered herself fragile. At twenty years old, her training and perilous lifestyle had honed her into a woman of average build, with strength born from necessity. However, the recent days spent imprisoned, coupled with her illness, had taken a toll on her physique. The meagre rations she had been given had left her leaner than usual, and her weight had dropped significantly.

Blindfolded and unable to see, Caterina's other senses became acutely attuned to her surroundings. She could smell the musky aroma of Airas, the salty sea breeze mingling with the scent of his sun-kissed skin. She heard the echo of footsteps on the wooden floor, the distinctive creak of the door swinging open, and the groan of the wooden stairs under their weight. Suddenly, she felt herself being lowered into a confined space, and the lid closing overhead muffled the outside noise. The pungent stench of decaying food filled her nostrils, almost overwhelming her.

Trapped within the tight confines of the barrel, she could hardly move. Her arms were pinned between her legs and torso, her head forced down. She felt the barrel being tipped onto its side, the sudden movement sending a jolt of pain through her body. She was rolled away, leaving her to wonder where they were taking her.

The journey seemed endless, marked only by the sounds that filtered through the cloth covering her ears and the foul odours surrounding her. The rising cacophony of seagulls and people suggested they were in a bustling harbour, but the accents of the voices were inscrutable and elusive. The blindfold prevented her from gathering any clues about her whereabouts.

After what felt like an eternity, the barrel was once again set in motion. The sound of hooves on damp ground suggested they had transferred her onto a wagon and that it had recently rained. The journey continued for hours, each turn and bump a potential clue to their destination. The changes in terrain and the subtle sounds of the environment became her guideposts in the darkness.

As the hours passed, Caterina's body ached from being confined in one position for so long. Hunger gnawed at her, and she was exhausted. Eventually, she could no longer hold her bladder and, in her weakened state, soiled herself.

In her dire situation, she felt the weight of her helplessness. She had no resistance leaders to hand over, no means of escaping her captors, and no sense of their final destination. Her bold act in the prison, the murder of the guards, now appeared as a glaring sign of treachery and betrayal. Alone, with no allies to trust and no sanctuary to seek, she was adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The carriage journey seemed to stretch on interminably. Caterina began to wonder if they had forgotten about her, left her abandoned in this rolling prison. Each passing carriage raised her hopes, only for them to be dashed when her own did not stop. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the carriage came to a halt. The cessation of movement, the silence that followed, suggested that this might be the end of her confining journey.

With a faint rustling sound, the barrel was moved. She felt herself being lifted and then gently placed onto a soft surface. The lid was opened, and a rush of fresh air caressed her neck, urging her to raise her head, seeking answers. She drew a deep breath, savouring the invigorating scent of the woods, a welcome relief from the stifling confines of her barrel. The distant melody of crickets and owls, the gentle whisper of wind through the trees, and the comforting warmth of strong arms around her all embraced her at once, liberating her from her grimy predicament.

In that moment, she felt vulnerable and exposed. She was acutely aware of her dishevelled appearance and the overpowering odour that clung to her. The thought of how wretched she must look to others, even to herself, made her cringe. Yet, the person carrying her showed no judgement or disdain. Their touch was gentle, their silence comforting. Caterina's weary body yearned for rest after being cramped in that confined space for hours.

They led her through the interior of a building, their footsteps echoing on old stairs. They were ascending, she realised, taking her to a higher floor. Once they arrived at their destination, the person carefully set her down on a cold, hard floor. She remained still, curling into a protective ball, too afraid to move. The sound of keys jingling and the shackles being unlocked from her ankles and wrists brought a glimmer of hope, but she dared not show any sign of resistance.

Only when she heard the sound of a door closing did she dare to cautiously unfasten the cloth that had concealed her face. As it slipped away, her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light in the room. She was alone, in a small chamber lit by the soft glow of a green oil lamp shaped like a delicate tree. The baby blue tiles under her echoed the colour of the walls, and the white painted ceiling added an airy feel to the room. For the first time since her capture, Caterina felt a fleeting sense of safety.

The room was beautifully designed, with exquisite details that immediately caught her eye. In one corner stood a large, green ceramic vase. A splendid tapestry rug graced the floor before a dark brown cabinet that housed a sink. Above the sink hung a mirror, its surface framed by a mosaic of alternating green and yellow tiles. This design motif was repeated in the casement window beside it. The room exuded an air of elegance and refinement, each element thoughtfully placed to create a harmonious and inviting ambiance.

The air was filled with the delightful scent of roses. Caterina traced its origin to a large white bathtub, the water within tinted a soft pink from the delicate rose petals floating on the surface. Even the bathtub was sheltered under a chestnut wooden pergola structure, further enhancing the sense of tranquillity in this serene sanctuary. Cautiously, she reached out to touch the water, feeling the gentle warmth against her skin.

As she explored the room, her attention was drawn to the grand arched window. Its silk curtains were drawn aside, revealing a glimpse of the world beyond. But the view was obscured by the darkness of the night, the landscape only visible under the silvery moonlight. She strained to make out any details, any clue that might give away her location. The trees surrounding the building were unfamiliar, different from those she knew from Moundow or the desolate island of Suvro.

Driven by curiosity, she opened the window, allowing a warm breeze to fill the room. The night air was refreshing, bringing with it a fleeting sense of freedom. But as she peered out, she quickly realized that they were too high up for her to escape through the window. Her heart sank a little, but she remained undeterred.

Guided by her instincts, Caterina's gaze landed on a wooden door at the back of the room. It seemed to offer a glimmer of hope, an escape route from her current predicament. She pressed an ear against it, straining to hear any indication of guards lurking on the other side. The silence was reassuring, and she cautiously opened the door. What unfolded before her was a dimly lit passage. To her right, another closed door hinted at an adjoining room, while a flight of wooden stairs led down to a lower level, bathed in a soft glow. Her heart pounded in her chest as she crouched low and began to descend, each step taken with calculated stealth.

Suddenly, the faint sound of footsteps echoed from below, growing louder as they approached the stairs. Thinking quickly, Caterina retraced her steps and silently retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind her just as gently as she had opened it.

From behind the door, she heard the person approach and stop. A warm, female voice called out, "Are you done?" Caught off guard, Caterina's mind raced, trying to formulate a response that wouldn't arouse suspicion. Finally, she managed to stammer, "Not yet." The woman outside seemed to accept this and retreated, her footsteps receding until they were no longer audible.

Once she was sure she was alone again, Caterina took a moment to collect herself. She looked at her reflection in the mirror; her once lustrous black hair was now matted and tangled, her clothes dirty and torn from her ordeal. The sight was unsettling. Determined to reclaim some semblance of normalcy, she decided to bathe before doing anything else.

She shed her soiled clothes, leaving them discarded on the floor. Then, with a deep breath, she stepped into the bathtub. The water was warm and inviting, a comforting contrast to the cold reality of her situation. As she submerged herself, she felt the grime and stress washing away, replaced by a feeling of renewal. The path ahead was still uncertain, but for this fleeting moment, she found solace in the tranquillity of the bath.

Eventually, the warmth of the water gave way to a chill that made her skin tingle. She emerged from the tub, wrapping herself in a plush bathrobe that had been left nearby. Underneath the robe, she found a smaller towel, which she used to dry her hair. While the robe provided some coverage, it did little to hide her figure.

Cautiously, she opened the bathroom door, only to be met with an unexpected sight. The door to the right was ajar, revealing a petite woman in her fifties. Dressed in a flowing dark blue dress and adorned with a burgundy head cover that allowed a few locks of silver hair to peek out, the woman exuded a gentle elegance. As Caterina studied her, she couldn't help but discern the warmth radiating from her striking grey eyes, accentuated by her lengthy, delicate eyelashes and further softened by the subtle, endearing creases of crow's feet.

The woman greeted her with a friendly smile, her mannerisms radiating a grace that put Caterina at ease. "Have you eaten, dear? I left some food on the bedside table. Please, eat and rest a bit," she said in a soothing voice. "Mr. Eiró will be away tonight, returning tomorrow. I have prepared the visitor's room for your stay. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call for me. I'm mostly in the kitchen or in my room in the basement. You can call me Ramia."

In the soft cadence of Ramia's voice, Caterina detected a hint of a Peysolian accent, different from the one Fatima Albuquerque had used.

"Thank you," Caterina replied, her voice soft and warm as she expressed her gratitude. "I'm Caterina. It's a pleasure to meet you." She tried to convey her deep appreciation for the woman who had arranged such a thoughtful and delightful welcome for her. With a parting smile, Ramia descended the stairs, leaving Caterina alone.

Caterina entered the room and gently closed the door behind her. The sound echoed like a reassuring promise of safety. As she took in her surroundings, she felt a mix of curiosity and gratitude. The room was spacious, adorned with intricate tilework displaying vibrant colours of deep blues and rich reds. These hues harmonized with the terracotta flooring, which was adorned with opulent, plush rugs. Above, the ceiling boasted an elaborate honeycomb vault design, featuring a series of concave, niched, or stepped tiers resembling honeycomb cells.

A large double bed occupied a central position in the room, dressed in lavish bedding layered with silk cushions and textiles. The bed rested beneath a beautiful wooden canopy, its walnut frame and wooden accents mirroring the dark, rich tones of the dresser and nightstand. These wooden pieces were exquisitely carved with intricate geometric patterns and delicate floral motifs. Next to the bed stood a sizable arched window, embellished with cedar-treated wooden shutters intricately carved with geometric patterns and motifs. These shutters were covered by drawn silk curtains.

The opulence of her surroundings revealed the lavish lifestyle of Saulo or Fernam Eiró. She wondered why they had left this place to fight in a war that seemed daunting to win, or if maintaining the serenity of this place was the reason.

Caterina's hunger drew her attention to the food on the bedside table. A delectable sight greeted her - a salad composed of toasted flat bread, adorned with a medley of mixed greens and vibrant vegetables, including radishes and tomatoes. The tantalizing aroma beckoned her, and despite the lingering doubts, she knew she had to take the risk or she would starve to death.

Her weariness from the journey weighed heavily on her, and after enjoying her savoury meal she laid down on the luxurious silk-white bedsheets and surrendered to the embrace of sleep. The softness of the bedding cradled her, cocooning her in tranquillity. In this mysterious house, she felt as if she had found an unexpected sanctuary, a place where she could gather her strength.

Slowly, Caterina awakened from a deep, restful sleep. The sun's rays filtered through the white translucent curtains, casting a warm glow throughout the room. She rose from the bed and moved to the wardrobe in search of clothing, only to find it filled with extra pillows and blankets. Remembering Ramia's words from the previous night about being able to find her in the kitchen, Caterina decided to explore this unfamiliar dwelling.

With soft steps, she descended the old wooden stairs, drawn by a faint sound coming from a room on the right side of the entrance. As she stepped inside, she was met not by Ramia, but by the piercing green eyes of Airas. He sat comfortably in a wooden chair, savouring a glass partially filled with an orange juice. His meal consisted of flatbread, cheese, and a green sauce. His smug expression seemed to mock her, and she suddenly became self-conscious of her attire. Hastily, she tightened the robe around her, seeking some semblance of modesty. However, Airas seemed unfazed by her discomfort, his voice carrying a touch of condescension as he said, "Ramia is with Saulo outside in the garden. What do you need, princess?"

Ignoring his taunts, she wished for nothing more than to grab the knife she saw lying beside his plate and put an end to his torment. But instead of giving him the satisfaction of a reaction, she chose serenity over confrontation. Quietly, she retreated from the room and made her way to a small window above a plush sofa at the end of the corridor. The jewel-toned fabric of the sofa was adorned with intricate floral designs that added a touch of elegance to the space. From this vantage point, she could observe the world outside without being seen.

Beyond the window lay a picturesque clearing, surrounded by a wall of towering trees. Majestic oaks and soaring pines stood tall against the sky, their branches intertwined to form a lush canopy. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, revealing tiny airborne particles of light dancing in the air and painting dappled patterns on the ground below. The forest floor presented a vibrant tapestry of colour, bedecked with delicate wildflowers and velvety mosses that beckoned for a gentle caress. They blanketed the earth and ascended the tree trunks with their soft hues, creating a picturesque scene. In this woodland sanctuary, the air was filled with the sounds of nature – the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the melodious songs of hidden birds, and the distant calls of animals.

Nearby, a crystal-clear stream meandered through the clearing, its water sparkling in the sunlight. Along its banks, Ramia and Saulo were busy harvesting fresh produce from a small garden. Ramia looked elegant in a flowing dress of camel colour, while her head was covered by a rose-pink scarf. Saulo, on the other hand, was dressed in a simple white tunic and loose pants, his attire contrasting sharply with his rugged appearance. Despite the distance, Caterina could see the grace in their movements, a sight that seemed strangely comforting in this unfamiliar place.

The sound of a cleared throat behind her shattered the serene moment like a falling glass. A jolt of surprise ran through Caterina, her body instinctively reacting to the sudden intrusion. She quickly turned around, her arms crossing over her chest in a gesture of defiance and irritation.

"What do you want?" Her voice held a sharp edge, her patience on the brink of crumbling.

"Answers," Airas replied, his tone marked by both irritation and sorrow. He ran his hand through his curly hair, his frustration evident. "I witnessed my friend's wife collapse on the boat that night, and when I tried to heal her, she inexplicably transformed into someone else... you, a shapeshifter."

Airas' confession stunned Caterina. He was a healer? How was he still alive, let alone free? Caterina had heard rumours that many healers who found themselves in Moundow were imprisoned or killed. Their remarkable abilities made them invaluable assets within the kingdom, captured and forced to relinquish their curative blood. This precious elixir possessed the unparalleled ability to mend wounds and alleviate ailments, a blessing eagerly sought and ruthlessly exploited by the ruling elite. Rumours also circulated about their heightened senses, and the horrors inflicted upon them were spoken of in hushed, terror-filled whispers.

From the pain visible in his gaze, guilt washed over Caterina like crashing waves, drowning her in the weight of her past actions. She understood the pain of losing those she once held dear, and the role she had played over the years in her superiors' cruel games, witnessing the inhumane treatment and manipulation of people's lives without a second thought.

She felt a weight of obligation upon her, as if she owed him some form of enlightenment. Yet, she concealed her vulnerability and shame behind a practiced facade, a mask she had worn many times before. "I am Caterina Curse," she confessed, her voice betraying her, its tone apologetic and unsteady. Avoiding his gaze, she fixated on a ray of sunlight dancing on the floor before his sturdy brown leather boots. "I don't know what happened to your friend's wife, but I was tasked with gathering information about the resistance and delivering it to my superiors."

She braved a glance at the end of her admission, anxious to see how he would react to the truths she was now baring before him. Caterina saw that he also wasn't looking at her. The absence of shock in his reaction suggested that he might have suspected her revelation all along. Instead, a different emotion lingered in his expression - a kind of confusion. It seemed as if he had something to say, but before he could speak, a door on the corner of the room opened.

Saulo's eyes locked onto her, revealing a flicker of surprise and something darker in his gaze. Ramia, who stood gracefully behind Saulo, interjected with a thoughtful reminder, "Dear, you must be freezing. I left some clothes for you in front of the bathtub for you to wear after your bath."

Her self-consciousness heightened as she again became aware of her appearance. "Thank you," she replied, her voice tinged with both gratitude and a hint of embarrassment, before gracefully excusing herself to head upstairs for a bath.

Two weeks had slipped by, gracefully and subtly like a river's quiet flow. The sprawling estate where Caterina found herself housed was a testament to opulence, its grandeur whispering tales of the affluent lineage of its inhabitants. It was an elegant world where Saulo held dominion, his presence felt even in his absence. Occasionally, Airas would grace the estate with his presence, drawn in by the allure of Ramia's delectable culinary creations, crafted from the freshest produce from the garden.


As days turned into nights and back into days, Caterina found herself immersed in the rhythm of life in the Eiró estate. She discovered that the tranquillity of her surroundings was not just a facade but a reflection of the warmth and kindness of its inhabitants. Her gratitude for Ramia's graciousness and hospitality knew no bounds. In return, she found herself assisting with housework, such as washing clothes, preparing food, and drawing baths.

Clothed in the charming attire of Ramia's daughter, Safya, Caterina found herself donning enchanting silk dresses embellished with intricate embroidery. Each dress was a masterpiece of artistry, their vibrant colours and exquisite designs reflecting the beauty and diversity of the land they represented.

Safya, a youthful breeze of energy, visited the estate occasionally. Her vibrant spirit brought a wave of vitality that swept through the house, lifting everyone's spirits. Of similar age to Caterina, Safya held a busy occupation at the nearby village, selling freshly caught fish from the bountiful Septenos harbour, nestled north of the quaint town of Piscicolle.

As they worked together, Caterina learned more about Ramia and Safya. Both hailed from a small village in Peysola. They sought sanctuary in the sheltering embrace of the north during the tumultuous times of war. Saulo's benevolent parents had graciously welcomed them into their cherished estate after the tragic loss of Ramia's husband.

Yet, despite the newfound camaraderie and the semblance of a peaceful life, Caterina couldn't help but feel an irresistible pull towards Saulo. There was an enigmatic aura surrounding him, an intriguing blend of kindness and authority that commanded respect and admiration. His silence about her past spoke volumes about his character, as did his genuine appreciation for the efforts of both Ramia and Caterina in maintaining the household. His occasional warm smiles offered a glimpse into the man behind the enigma, stirring within her a desire to unravel the layers of his mysterious persona.

In the company of Ramia and Safya, Caterina found a kindred spirit, a soothing salve to her troubled soul. She savoured their stories of the serene and guarded life they led, protected by the benevolent creatures of the Forest. However, Ramia's warning against wandering alone in the woods at night added an element of mystery and caution to their tales.

In the midst of their candid conversations, Ramia and Safya couldn't resist indulging in a bit of gossip. They revealed that Saulo and his brother Fernam were once renowned heartbreakers, leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake. Destiny, however, had other designs for Fernam, who discovered his soulmate in the captivating allure of Ahnika, a young woman hailing from Peysola, two years prior. As for Saulo, despite the bevy of suitors vying for his attention, he remained single. Romance seemed to take a back seat to his commitment to the resistance and its intricate plans. She was informed that Airas shared a similar fate. Many women hesitated to view him as a potential spouse due to his inability to father children. This perspective was deeply ingrained in the beliefs of both Sahilab and Moundow, where the prevailing notion held that a husband's primary duty was to provide offspring. However, Caterina had grown up with a contrasting perspective. Due to her unique powers, she had been encouraged to refrain from marriage, let alone conceiving a child who might inherit her extraordinary abilities. Therefore, the notion of married life held minimal allure for her.

Caterina listened intently as a curious revelation unfolded before her—the profound veneration of the people of Sahilab for those bestowed with powers. These abilities were considered precious gifts bestowed by the spirits. Yet, the shadow of war had cast a grim fate upon these gifted individuals, leading to the capture and demise of numerous power-bearers.

In this realm of Sahilab, Caterina found herself entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. From a young age, she had been indoctrinated with the belief that her existence revolved around serving the kingdom of Moundow without question. She was to suppress her own desires and live in perpetual fear of death if she dared to defy orders. The haunting memories of her nights in the small room back in Silhouette tormented her soul. Tears flowed unexpectedly as she felt utterly used and powerless to change her circumstances without facing the looming spectre of death. She resented her own abilities, yearning for refuge and support that seemed to elude her.

But within the protective embrace of Saulo's estate, a new world unfolded before her. For the first time, she savoured the sensations of safety and freedom, a haven where her powers were met with understanding and acceptance. Here, no one coerced her into unwilling tasks, and she discovered companions with whom she could be herself without fear of persecution. In this newfound sanctuary, Caterina sensed a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a possibility of finding her place and purpose in a world that had once forsaken her.

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