Hit Like A Girl โ”โ” CALLAHAN

By -pastelmic-

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"you got it girl. this is your world. i'll be right there supporting." OR WHERE Calliope Reyes joins an all... More



1.6K 69 33
By -pastelmic-

Chapter Two:
"yay for female solidarity"
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TO say Calliope was fed up with the entirety of the football team in this school would be a massive understatement, they were all such invasive assholes.

Because the internet is a fucking plague, and nothing is erasable, a new rumor —specifically just about her this time— began to spread over the weekend.

However, it wasn't actually a rumor, it was the truth.

Her records from her last school leaked, and now every soul in this godforsaken high school knew about her giving Burnie a second degree burn. And since practically all the students in Rockbridge are seemingly mindless drones who worship Jeff, wait on his hand and foot, and believe every single fucking thing he says, she's now been labled as Rockbridge High's resident Psycho.

She's even got a nice little spray painted reminder on her locker, just another mess for Ted to scrub off the metal wall.

Poor guy.

At every opportunity that Jeff and his merry men of meatheads got, they harassed Calliope. Whether it was verbal or physical, they made her life at Rockbridge harder, and it's only her second day there.

She couldn't escape the team, they were everywhere. She had a few members of them scattered in all her class periods, and when she didn't have a class with them, they'd find her in the halls and come to terrorize her.

By seventh period she's drained and has just about had enough, but one of the football players—who's name she believed was Tim decided it was the perfect time to come and bother her.

She was standing at her locker and pulling out her leadership class textbook she'd need for final period, when she heard someone leaning on the locker beside her. She heaved an exhausted sigh and stares at the wall inside of the small metal compartment, the overwhelming scent of Axe assaults her nostrils.

"Hey, Callie." Tim greets her, in a mockingly cheery voice. "You mind if I call you Callie?"

"I much prefer if you didn't adress me at all." Calliope deadpanned, resuming her task of putting her un-needed textbooks in her bag.

"Aww, come on don't be like that." Tim groaned lowly, inching closer as he propped his arm up against the locker. "You know, it really is such a shame that you're a pyshco, you're actually pretty hot." Her deep brown eyes clench shut as she heard him move closer to her, "I mean, who knows what kind of fun activities we could've gotten up to together."

"Tim, could you just... please leave me alone?" She implored, gritting her words out through her tightly clenched teeth.

Despite her plea, Tim continued his relentless harassment. "I bet you're a real freak in the sheets, aren't you? I mean, you like playing with fire, so you must be into a whole bunch of other fucked up shit, huh?"

Her fists clenched tightly, the blunt black nails leaving red crescents in the flesh of her palms. Her eyes opened and narrowed as her gaze landed on Tim, "Seriously, dude. Just leave me the fuck alone."

Tim chuckles scornfully, inching closer and getting in her face as he grins mockingly. "It seems I've hit a nerve, huh? What are you gonna do if I don't? Burn me?"

She's fucking... had it.

Calliope drops everything in her possession and slapped Tim in the face, hard. "Get the fuck away from me!" She seethes, grabbing the attention of every student standing in the hallway.

There's a dangerous glint in Tim's dark eyes, a sneer curled on his lips as he grabs her arms and slams her against the locker. She winced as her head slammed back against the metal, "Listen, you little psycho bitch—"

"Hey!" A small albeit mighty voice rang out in the hall, she instantly recognized the voice as Hazel's. "Let her go."

Hazel's outburst was enough to distract Tim, he peers over his shoulder to look at her. He scoffs harshly, "And what the fuck are you gonna do if I don't?"

Calliope met eyes with the dark brunette, she nods knowingly and Hazel's eyes glimmered in clear acknowledgment. "Oh, I'm not going to do anything."

"But I am." The bottle blonde declared firmly, she lifts her knee and slams it between Tim's legs. The soft caramel skinned boy mewled in pain, grabbing the injured area between his legs as he doubles over. Calliope then took this opportunity to also take her Doc Marten booted foot and kicks him in the ankle. 

While he's otherwise distracted with the groin and ankle pain, she and Hazel scoop up the items she dropped on the floor. She slams her locker shut and turns to find multiple sets of judgemental eyes watching her, her jaw clenched tight as she raised her middle finger, storming down the hall toward the school's double doored front entrance with Hazel by her side as she tags along.

She pushed the door open so hard that it swung as she exits, then she stalks her way toward the football field and made a beeline for the metal bleachers.

Instead of going up and sitting down, she went under and tossed her bag to the cool pavement. She crouched down as she unzipped the bag, shuffling through her miscellaneous items, palms trembling as she searched for two very specific things.

Her lighter, and a smokebomb.

She found the two items and opened the small package with a few colorful smokebombs inside. She hadn't had to open them yet, but today has proved to be unbearable, she needed it.

"Are you gonna—"

"Shh. I need to focus." She quiets Hazel, the dark brunette falls silent like she requests.

She picked out the turquoise smokebomb, and sets it on the pavement in front of her. Then she takes the Comic Pop Art zippo in her trembling hands and slides her thumb up to open it, she strikes down on the flint wheel and watched the copper flame dance in the light wind.

She leans down to the turquoise smokebomb and lights the thin wick, then she drops on her backside as she waited. In mere moments, a beautiful cloud of turquoise smoke lifts into the air around her, she slowly closed her eyes as a sensation of alleviation coursed through her.

Hazel joins her side, sitting down beside her. After a few moments passed and the turquoise smoke begins to clear, the deep brown eyed girl's nervous gaze slips over to the dark brunette. "Uhm, sorry if that was... weird."

Hazel shook her head, "No, it wasn't weird. I completely get it, you were clearly worked up and you needed something to calm you down." She gestured to the used smokebomb on the ground, "Fireworks calms you."

"Not just fireworks." Calliope  confessed, she slides her thumb up the side of the zippo, struck the flint wheel, and watched intently as the flame flickered. "Fire, in general calms me."

Hazel nods slowly as she pulls her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees, adorably making herself appear smaller than she already was. "Is there any specific reason?"

Calliope shrugged, eyeing the flame as it whipped in the wind. "Ever since I was a little girl, there was only one thing that calmed me down, fire. Whether it be fireplaces, candles, or seeing a glimpse of a flame be struck as birthday candles are lit. I've always been fascinated with fire, but especially fireworks."

"Well, I don't think it's weird." Hazel assured her, her deep brown gaze slips over to her, she's met with a soft smile on the dark brunette's red lips. "To be honest, I think it's cool."

A small smile grows on her lips, "Thanks, Haze. I guess it can be pretty cool." As her gaze finds it's way back to the flame, her eyes widened as she all too quickly realized her mistake. She looks at Hazel with a sheepish grimace, "Sorry, that... slipped."

Hazel's eyes soften as she shook her head, "It's fine, you can call me Haze, if you want." A tiny grin curled on her lips, "But only if I get to call you Liope."

The bottle blonde chuckles, she nods her head. "I don't think I've ever been called Liope before, it's kind of a vibe."

"Yeah..." Hazel trails off, she can sense the hesitation in her voice. "So uhm, I have a question, and you totally don't have to answer. Feel free to tell me to fuck off or whatever, you know?"

The deep brown eyed girl's brows raised, "Haze... just ask it."

Hazel nodded as she props her chin on her knees, "Uhm, I was just curious to know... what happened at your old school? Like, what actually happened?"

Her lips sealed into a line, she clenched her fist tight as the memory surfaced. "I burned that guy's hand, gave him a second degree burn." She turns and met Hazel's intent gaze, "Everyone thinks I'm a pyscho, but not one person has cared to ask the reason why I burned him."

The dark brunette frowns, her gaze genuinely sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Liope. No one really asks questions around here, especially not if Jeff and the team has anything to say about it."

The bottle blonde scoffs, "Yeah, trust me, I've noticed. I'm pretty sure majority of the student body are Jeff's mindless drones."

"Yep, pretty much." Hazel replies, giving a heavy sigh. "So, uhm, why did you burn that guy?"

"He grabbed my ass without my consent." Calliope explains, her lips twisting in bitterness. "I warded off every one of his advances, told him clearly that he could fuck off, but he wouldn't leave me alone. So then, he did... that. So, I grabbed the hand he touched me with, I twisted his wrist, and placed his palm above the bunsen burner flame."

"Holy shit." Hazel murmurs.

She pursed her lips tightly, not sure about how to feel about that specific response from Hazel. "Yeah, holy shit."

"That's actually really... badass." Hazel expressed in marvel. The bottle blonde girl turned to her, she arched a brow in shocked disbelief. "I mean, that asshole definitely deserved it. He shouldn't have touched you like that, you only defended yourself in the most kickass way possible."

Calliope blinks in shock, "I-I, you think I'm badass for giving him a second degree burn?"

"Yes!" Hazel exclaimed giddily, with a tiny smile on her lips. "I mean, don't you? You're like... a fucking legend for that, Liope. You fought back, with fire."

The deep brown eyed girl's gaze lowered as she swallows thickly, and her heart was going a mile a minute as it pounds relentlessly. For a moment, she was afraid of Hazel's reaction. How she was going to respond to the truth, what she would think of her. She hasn't given a fuck what anyone thought of her in so long, but with Hazel... it's different.

She hasn't wanted someone to like her so badly before, and as stupid and pathetic as it may be, she really wants Hazel to like her.

"S-So, you're not... afraid of me? You don't think I'm..." She trailed off, swallowing thickly. "what everyone says I am?"

"No, absolutely not." Hazel shook her head quickly, her red lips pull into a genuine smile. "I think you're awesome, Liope."

"Oh" The apples of Calliope's cheekbones were painted with crimson, and there was a fluttery feeling of something warm in her stomach. A bashful smile took hold of her rose pink lips as she met Hazel's blue-green eyes, "Well, thanks, Haze."

Hazel nods her head softly, "You're welcome, Liope." She replies, with a softeness in her tone that made the bottle blonde's heart jump. "So, uhm. We start the fight club today, but we need to find girls who want to join." Her brows raise as a grin curled on her lips, "You want to help me find some?"

SURPRISINGLY, Calliope and Hazel actually made a pretty great team. The duo wound up skipping seventh period, and once the bell rang and school was out of session they search the bustling halls for girls to recruit.

Their mission went like so, Hazel knew girls who felt weak, who wanted to feel powerful, who were fed up with the football team, and the mistreatment of the girls in this school. As well as girls who just hate men, which was good enough for her.

Now, Calliope's part of the plan was simple. Hazel asked if she was comfortable sharing with the girls what truly happened at her last school, and she was more than willing to share if it got them recruits for the fight club.

In the end, they managed to get six girls onboard.

Four of the six girls are sitting on the gymnasium floors talking amongst each other, Hazel and Calliope are standing around and talking to each other as they wait for PJ and Josie to arrive and see their hard earned work.

"Where the hell are they?" The bottle blonde muttered in sheer annoyance, she checks her phone and sees it's 3:30. "They should be here by now."

"They're coming, just give them a— Oh, there they are!" Hazel exclaimed, she wastes no time as she rushed over toward the doors where PJ and Josie walk in.

"Haze, slow down!" Calliope calls after the dark brunette, running a little ways behind her.

Damn she was fast.

"What's up, lads?" Hazel greets PJ and Josie, biting down a grin as she gestured to the girls. "Me and Calliope found them, there are two people still coming."

Calliope doubles over, attempting to catch her breath. "Oh, my god. This club might just kill me. I am not in shape for this shit."

Josie's brows pulled together in bewilderment, "Cal, you barely ran across the gym."

Calliope shot her a glare, "Shut the fuck up, okay? I am not a runner, long or short distance it will take me out."

"What the fuck?" PJ groans in annoyance, her gaze laid on the girls sat on the gym floor. "These girls are ugly."

"Peej!" Calliope scolded, jamming her elbow into her side.

"Ow!" PJ cried out, slapping her arm away. "I'm just saying."

"Okay." Josie mutters, her lips sealing into a firm line.

"Where is Stella?" PJ whined.

"She was booked for a car convention." Hazel answers.

"What? It's a Monday." PJ complained in disbelief.

Calliope huffed agitatedly, "Okay, look, PJ. You're the one who wants to start this godamn fight club, okay? So, me and Hazel searched around after school and talked to a bunch of girls for you. We got you six girls, so how about you be fucking grateful?"

"Cal, how I can I be grateful when you only got, not even six but just four girls here—"

"Two more are coming." Hazel quietly slips in.

"—There's no Stella Rebecca, and all the girls that you guys talked to are fucking ugly?" PJ protested, like the brat she is.

She grunts in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose as she wills herself to calm down. "You know, what? I did my job and got you girls. Take it or leave it."

"I say leave it." Josie suggested, "Let's just go before someone cool shows up, or you know, I fucking die, pick one."

The gym doors swing open behind them, Calliope peered over her shoulder and noticed Sylvie and Crystal entering the gym. 

Sylvie smiles at them as she walked by, "Hey, Hazel. Hey, Calliope. Thanks for the invite. I love David Fincher."

Yeah... Calliope didn't even need to tell Sylvie about what really happened to her at her old school. Hazel said the words 'fight club', and she practically jumped at the chance be apart of it.

So, there was that.

"See? We got you six girls in total." Hazel gestured to the girls in the middle of the gymnasium, "You're welcome."

"Oh, my god." PJ sighed heavily, "Well... I guess Sylvie's cute if she lost her braces and stopped huffing paint."

"She'll never stop huffing paint." Josie mumbled.

Calliope tilts her head in thought, "I personally like braces, but maybe that's just me."

"So... I thought we'd start..." Hazel trails off, flipping through her notebook that she'd been scribbling in since the search for girls. Calliope got a few glimpses of what she was writing earlier, it was mostly ideas they could use for the club. "Um..."

PJ grunts impatiently and pushed past the trio, stalking her way toward the girls sitting on the gymnasium floor. While Josie and Calliope read out the tips Hazel had written down, PJ tossed her backpack to the ground, gaining  everyone's attention.

"Listen up, you cunt-sucking pieces of shit." PJ demands loudly and fiercely. "Welcome to our fucking fight club."

"Um, it's a self-defense club." Josie correctly, awkwardly making her way over towards PJ. "It's not really, 'Fight'—"

"So, as we know, Huntington is on the prowl, and they're picking on the weak and defenseless, meaning all of you." PJ tells the new recruits, committing fully to the overly aggressive facáde that she's apparently decided to use. "So, we're gonna teach you how to not take shit. We're gonna start with dropkicks, tackling, a little bit of knife play. Then, punch-bucket. Which is when we throw you in a bucket and we punch you until you bleed."

Calliope facepalms, shaking her head as a small and embarrassed groan left her lips. She hears a small chuckle beside her on the floor, she drops her hand and noticed Hazel was grinning at her amusedly. She rolls her eyes and playfully shoved at the dark brunette's shoulder, receiving an adorable giggle from her.

"Before that, perhaps stretches, icebreakers, and trust falls." Josie speaks up, steering the discussion in a better direction.

"Is that what happened to you in juvie?" Sylvie questioned.

"Mmm. No. No." PJ answered, "Juvie was way crazier. One time, this girl's punching me in the rain. Fall to my knees. It's muddy. I get up. I'm blind. Punch her right in middle of her face. Broke her fuckin' nose. Josie?" She turns to her  best friend, who honest to god looks like she'd much rather be anywhere else but here right now, "Care to share?"

"Yeah, all right." Josie deadpans, staring blankly at PJ, before she  turned to the girls on the floor. "Juvie was insane. Once a girl tried to kill me with rat poison, so I took her outside and I punched her till she died."

Calliope's deep brown eyes widen to the size saucers, she couldn't believe they were taking this juvie thing this fucking far... wow.

She could already tell that was going to eventually bite them in the ass when the time comes. But hey, it'll be interesting to see just how long the whole juvie story will continue to be believable.

She's betting three weeks, max.

"So, you killed a girl?" Annie asked in disbelief.

"Uh, no." Josie quickly denied, shaking her head. "Because the ambulance came and revived her and we actually had a really productive conversation when she came back to life, so..."

"Um, since Josie literally killed a girl—"

Josie's neck snapped to PJ, "She came back to life." She corrects, glaring pointedly.

"Mmm. But I remember her being dead for at least a couple minutes. So, Josie is gonna start by showing you all how to effectively throw a solid punch." PJ turns to the raven haired girl, gesturing to her. "Josie, if you'll step forward."

"No, I don't wanna do that." Josie shook her head, insistent in her steadfast refusal.

"What's the problem?" PJ asked, grinning broadly as she glanced at the girls on the floor.

"There's no problem. I just..." Josie trails off, grinning thinly. "No, I'm just not gonna do it."

"Come on, they wanna see the punch." PJ encouraged her.

"They don't wanna see it." Josie insisted stubbornly.

"They wanna see." PJ gestured to the group of girls sitting on the gym floor, "Look at them. They wanna see the punch."

"Who am I gonna punch?" Josie questioned.

"Punch me. Just punch me." PJ suggested.

Josie's eyes widen, "Punch you?"

"Yeah, come on." PJ insists.

"I can punch you." Josie pursed her lips, leaning forward with her hands behind her back.

"Yeah. I know how to take a punch." PJ gloated, rolling her eyes like Josie punching her in the face was no big deal. "Something people would always say, 'PJ knows how to take a punch."

Calliope's eyes widened as Josie holds up her fists, ready to take the punch. As soon as PJ turns to look at her, she reels her fist back and lets it fly. Her knuckles make a crushing collision with PJ's nose, the bottle blonde is almost certain she heard a bone cracking as her cousin groaned and falls back to the gymnasium floor.

"Oh, fuck!" Josie cries in agony, holding onto her fist.

Calliope, Hazel, and the rest of the new recruits rush over to PJ and Josie. The bottle blonde gasps at the state of her cousin, she was definitely right on the whole bone cracking assumption, PJ's nose was 100% broken.

Annie pushed to the front of the group, "Will there be an advisor for this club? Because we'll be suspended if there isn't."

Streaks of crimson gushed down PJ's lips and chin from her nose, she leaned back on her hands as she shot Annie a look of disbelief. "Who is gonna be dumb enough to endorse a club where we punch each other in the face?"

—micaela speaks

Yo !

We FINALLY got the violence, FUCK YEAH.

Fuck Tim, me and all my homies hate Tim.

But Hazel coming to her rescue and helping distract Tim so Calliope can defend herself??? DEAD. I'm GONE. I fucking love them your honor.

And then Hazel tagging along with her under the bleachers and thinking she's awesome for defending herself against the asshole at her old school?? Ugh, just kill me NOW. They are gonna be the death of ME.

If only I could have burned the hand of my perpetrator.

ANYWAY, not gonna fall down that distressing rabit hole, not to-fucking-night.

Uhm, that's all I really have to say about this chapter. So yeah.

ANYWHOOSSIEEE, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, I really do love hearing from you guys. Thank for you reading, and I will see you all in the next one!

Byeee <333

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