On Chill / All American

By ItsQueenSu

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Sevyn Baker-Wade found herself trying to navigate through her high school in Beverly Hills watch as she exper... More



893 42 42
By ItsQueenSu

"This is nice. I haven't been out in public since I left rehab. I feel cut off from the world." Layla said as they all sat in the Beverly Cafè.

"Like you've been living in a bubble? From the podcast." Olivia said but she got only one reaction which was from Sevyn meaning her friends weren't listening to her podcast.


"I wanted to listen together. It's on my list." Asher lied.

"My WiFi is down." Spencer lied.

"I've listened to it Livvy," Sevyn told her.

"You know what? Whatever." Olivia said to Spencer and Asher making Sevyn laugh.

"So let me catch you up on what's happened since you've been gone. OK. Let's see. Uh... JJ's president, he tried to join the black student union and we denied him." Sevyn told her with a laugh.

"Oh. Stop. No. That's enough. I don't want to live in this scary new world. Maybe I should just check myself back in." Layla said with a chuckle.

"No. Don't you dare. You're coming to our cotillion." Olivia told her not giving her a chance to deny it.

"I cannot believe you're excited for a fancy ball now Sevyn I get but you Liv this is new," Layla said to Olivia.

"Who said I was excited? I mean, if I have to try on one more pair of frilly white gloves, I will cut my hands off in protest." Olivia said making Sevyn laugh.

"I love it the dress, the pearls, the gloves all of it," Sevyn said with a smile.

"You would still need gloves for the stumps, though, right?" Spencer asked jokingly.

"That's true. No?" Asher started, "Hey, she's been dreading this thing since she heard about it."

"Why? I think it's gonna be fun. We can, like, all go together."

"I wish, but Spencer, Asher, Sev, and I have to be there early to line up for the official presentation," Olivia said.

Looking over to Spencer confused Layla asked, "Why do you have to be there?"

"Uh, Kia didn't have an escort, so I told her I'd go," Spencer told her.

"Oh. That'll be fun." Layla said but they could tell she was a bit bothered.

"My escort and I will be dancing to the violin version of Unthinkable by Alicia Keys," Sevyn told Layla.

"Nice Sev," Layla said with a smile.

"It sounds so good and just wait until you see me and Asher's rendition of "Beauty and the Beast," Olivia told Layla.

"Wait. Who's who?" Asher asked, pointing between the two of them.

"Uh, you're definitely the Beast, but only because you've been working out so much," Olivia said with a laugh.

"Definitely Beast," Sevyn said.

"You been hitting it pretty hard?" Spencer asked him.

"Only if 2 or 3 times a day is pretty hard."

"Three?" Spencer asked in shock and Olivia hummed in agreement.

"Well, you left big cleats to fill, man. We're not all Spencer James." Asher said. Sevyn saw the look of guilt on Spencer's face.

"I mean, you could've taken a break to make at least one of my dance practices. I mean, that's exercise, too, you know?" Olivia said passively.

"You said it was easy to learn, so..." Asher said, he was digging a deeper hole into making his girlfriend upset with him.

"It is, but there's only one practice left," Olivia said back, the tension was thick between the couple.

"And I will be there. The Beast will be ready, I promise." Asher said with a smile and Olivia gave him back a small smile wanting to believe that he would actually be there.

The sound of the ball hitting the ground was like heaven to Sevyn's ears it was finally tennis season and the girl was ready.

Sevyn was quick on her feet to swing the ball back to her teammate Gia as fast as she could. She intercepts the ball and hits it back to Sevyn with no hesitation.

That caused Sevyn to run to the back and shift her whole body against the ball so that it flew back to Gia. It hit the ground before Gia could even reach it making her smile at her win.

"Fuck!" Gia screamed out making Sevyn laugh at her reaction. They walk back to where their stuff was and take their water bottles out.

"How the hell do you do it every single time?" Gia asked Sevyn the second they finished drinking their water.

Sevyn sat down at the little bench right next to Gia while shaking her head, Gia was the new teammate added after their coach cut Simone from the team.

"I just play, girl I live and breathe tennis that's all I know and I am the captain of this team, Gia.", Sevyn tells her as they watch their other teammates play.

"All right ladies huddle up." Their coach yelled after blowing her whistle.

"With the season starting in just two weeks and the work that you ladies have been doing has been amazing and as a gift, Chris Evert will be coming to Beverly's first match of the season," she said making the cheer.

"Now I know you not talking about eighteen-time grand slam winner who has hundred and thirteen consecutive weeks as number one?" Sevyn asked completely fangirling.

Now Sevyn knows that she's no Serena or Venus Williams but she was most definitely a fan of Chris Evert.

"The very one she's our top donor for the tennis program and she wants to see how you girls play in person do not embarrass us." Their coach said before walking to talk to their other coach.

"Yo this is crazy Chris Evert is coming to Beverly," Jules said excitedly making them all scream together.

"Look it's Simone." Hannah pointed out making them turn and see that it was indeed Simone who was standing at the gate of the tennis court.

"I got this," Sevyn said to her team before heading to the gate.

"I see y'all got a new player," Simone said looking over at Gia.

"You of all people should know that our practices are closed unless otherwise," Sevyn said to her.

"Sevyn I just wanted to talk to you."

"Simone I really don't have anything to say to you."

"Sevyn please."

"Five minutes clocks ticking."

"I'm sorry Sev, when I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and didn't know what to do. I should have never lied to you or your family about the baby being Jordan's. I thought that telling Jordan that he was the father would be the easiest thing to do but everything just happened so fast, when I told you guys I felt so welcome and safe which was the complete opposite reaction I got from Dane when I told him."

"Hol up Dane Koehler from Westlake High?" Sevyn asked.

"Yeah him."

"Damn, I see why you did that 'cause nigga ain't shit," Sevyn told her making Simone laugh.

"Sev I never meant to hurt you or Jordan, you've been my best friend and not once did you judge me for being pregnant and you were there for every late-night craving and me bawling my eyes out, I'm really sorry Sev." Simone ended.

"Thank you for apologizing Simone but it will take time."

"I can accept that."

"I have some more baby clothes," Sevyn told Simone making her smile.

"Thank you I appreciate it."

"No problem I gotta head back to practice," Sevyn told her.

"Yeah, yeah I get it," Simone said.

Sevyn looked back at Simone before jogging back to her teammates.

"Girl, why is your man not in my place?" Tahj asked as they danced. Sevyn was now in dance practice for her cotillion.

"Because he's been so busy with learning Crenshaw playbook and trying to keep up with all the work he has to catch up on, so I understand," Sevyn said as they turned.

"And if you ask me my man has two left feet," Sevyn said making Tahj laugh.

"Breathe, everyone. Relax into the dance." Mrs. Philpott said as she continued around the room.

"Your cousin looking real lonely over there." Tahj pointed out making Sevyn turn and see Olivia sitting by herself.

"Yeah her boyfriend promised he would be here since he missed all the others," Sevyn said before rolling her eyes.

"Does he not know that this is the last practice maybe I could get my boyfriend to be her partner." Tahj offered.

"Maybe but I'm about to go check on her I'll be back. Sevyn told him before walking over to Olivia just as Spencer and Kia did the same.

"It's fine. Just pretend I'm not here just like my boyfriend." Olivia said with a sigh as a couple almost ran into her.

"You OK?" Sevyn asked as they sat down on either side of Olivia.


"Look, I can dance with you again. Or there's always Mrs. Philpott." Spencer said making the four look over to their instructor who was critiquing a boy's posture.

"Head up. Nice."

"Yeah. She's too handsy."

"That bitch is a little weird," Sevyn added making them laugh.

"At this point, I've practiced enough that I can do Asher's part, too. And looks like I'm gonna have to." Olivia said while leaning her head onto Sevyn.

"I'm sure he has a good reason for bailing," Kia said, trying to give Olivia hope.

"He said he had to stay after practice to work with some guy named Matt Springer," Olivia told them.

"Matt Springer's at their practice?" Spencer asked excitedly making Olivia and Sevyn glare at him before continuing, "I mean, yeah. He should be here."

With a sigh, Olivia said, "I'm gonna need to find another escort if it isn't too late."

"What's Jordan doing?" Kia asked.

"Ew. No, I am not going with my brother." Olivia said in disgust.

"No. I meant maybe I could go with him and Spencer could take you." Kia offered.

"You'd be all right with that?" Sevyn asked her.

"If Jordan is. He's cute. Spencer, what you think?" Kia asked missing the look that Sevyn and Olivia gave her.

"I mean, he's all right," Spencer said making the girls laugh.

"You don't think Asher still has time to learn the dance?" Spencer asked Olivia.

"No. He has had plenty of time. I need someone I can count on." Olivia said looking over to Spencer.

^ Sevyn's dress for cotillion.

"Now sis you look beautiful," Tahj said as he fixed Sevyn's pearls around her neck.

"Thank you Tahj and you look so handsome," Sevyn said before they walked over to where Spencer and Olivia stood.

"You look beautiful Livvy," Sevyn said to Olivia with a smile even though the two drove there together Sevyn was still surprised at how beautiful her cousin looked.

"Thank you Sevvy you look gorgeous," Olivia said as Sevyn posed.

"And do," Sevyn said while posing.

"Did I really give up my date for your brother?" Kia said as she rushed over to the group, "If he doesn't show, I'm taking Spencer back."


"I was in his room all night helping him learn the dance," Sevyn told Kia.

"He wouldn't do that for nothing. He'll be here. I promise." Olivia added.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the 44th anniversary of Sola Muse." Loretta's voice rang through the speakers.

Jordan walked over to which made Kia sigh in relief that he didn't stand her up.


Spencer and Jordan did their handshake with a smile as applause in the main ballroom was heard while they got in place.

"Olivia Baker and her escort Spencer James," Loretta said as Olivia and Spencer walked.

"You got this Liv," Sevyn said as they walked through the curtains.

"Sevyn Baker-Wade and her escort Tahj Morrison," Loretta said into a microphone. Sevyn held her smile as they made their way down a staircase doing the moves, she could hear Spencer and Olivia's conversation as they continued.

After all the Solo Muse members and their escorts finished their choreographed dance, the dance floor was now opened up to everyone.

"That's what I'd do," Jordan said as he and Sevyn joined in Olivia and Coop's conversation.

"Don't mind us."

"Just getting the drinks," Sevyn said with a smile as she lied.

"Oh, no. I just found out she existed a few days ago."

"A few days ago?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah. Oh, I would've had a whole FBI profile on her by now." Sevyn said she took out her phone and headed straight to Instagram and found the girl's page, "Ah, found her."

"Man, I love Instagram. I mean, everyone posts every little detail of their lives like it's breaking news." Olivia said as she looked at Sevyn's phone while she strolled through her page.

"Actually, Sev, Liv, it's cool. I've seen enough of Luna to last a lifetime." Coop told the two.

"No. Trust us, we just need to find her doing something stupid to make you feel better, OK?" Sevyn said as she continued to look through her page.

"Come on. Show me goat yoga." Sevyn said out loud until she saw a post.

Coop saw the look on Sevyn's face and asked, "What?"

"Her page is literally full of pictures with her and Patience dating back a while," Olivia said as Sevyn gave Coop her phone.

Coop handed Sevyn back her phone and excused herself from the group to go find her girlfriend.

"I feel kinda bad now," Sevyn told her cousins as they sat down at their table and Jordan's eyes were on his phone.

"OK, maybe we should stop the creeping. You saw how that worked out for Coop." Olivia said to Jordan.

"Yeah, well. It's... It's Matt Springer." Jordan said not looking up from his phone.

"You're such a fan." Sevyn teased.

"God I'm really starting to hate this guy," Olivia said as Billy walked over.

"Me, too," Jordan said.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hey Uncle BB."

When the song came to an end, Loretta walked up to a podium. The dance floor cleared, and everyone found their seat. "Ladies and gentlemen," she began.

"Every year we present an award for our most promising Cotillionaire. Not only has this young lady volunteered over 100 hours, she also started a podcast to bring attention to social justice issues, and doing this while attending high school."

Everyone at the table turned their attention to Olivia who was sitting there with wide eyes. Sevyn smiled because she had already known that Olivia won this award.

"Olivia Baker, would you come up here, please?" The room started to applaud as Olivia stood up.

"At least we did something right," Laura whispered to Billy.

"Well, she takes after her mother." He smiled.

"Thank you," Olivia said into the microphone. "It'll be nice to have an award in our house that isn't a football and tennis trophy or a sobriety chip." Olivia chuckled a little.

"When I first joined Sola Muse, I was lost. I thought it was a club for women who liked to wear white and do brunch. But my brilliant mother and cousin told me to give them a chance. And I'm so happy that they did because I soon realized that these were women of substance, women of action. They inspired me and helped me find my purpose. And I couldn't be prouder to be one of them. And luckily, I also like wearing white and doing brunch. So thank you."

Once more the room started to applaud while Jordan, Spencer, Sevyn, and Layla cheered. Billy and Laura stood and greeted their daughter as she got back to their table.

"I'm so proud of you. Beautiful, Honey." Laura told her as they hugged.

"Thanks, Mom."

"So proud," Billy said and he kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, Dad."

Olivia looked to Jordan and Sevyn and held her award up for them to see. He laughed and said, "Not bad, kid."

"I am so proud of you Livvy you don't know how hard it was for me not to tell you," Sevyn said as she pulled Olivia into a hug.

Spencer walked up to Olivia and he gave her a big hug. "Congratulations." He whispered and then kissed her cheek.

"Thanks." She smiled.

From the corner of her eye, Sevyn saw Asher walk into the room. He saw Olivia as she kissed Spencer's cheek. He cleared his throat catching their attention.

"Congratulations, I guess." He said as he walked up to her and Spencer walked away.

"You didn't tell me you were getting an award."

"I didn't know." She replied.

"Well, I came to apologize, but it looks like you're doing just fine without me." He snapped as he looked at Spencer's way.

"I wanted you here, but you made your priorities crystal clear."

"Football is all that I have, Liv. I don't get to pick and choose and get an award for whatever I want, all right?" Asher's tone was sharp and loud.

"What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Easy." Billy said as he walked over to his daughter, "I think you should. You should leave, Ash."

Asher looked around at his friends were were all watching. "Fine." He mumbled and turned for the door.

"You all right?" Billy asked Olivia.

"Yeah." She replied.

Sevyn watched Asher as he walked out of the ballroom with his head hung as she threw the flowers he was holding into the trash. Sevyn moved to stand next to Laura and Olivia as Jordan pulled Billy back.

As the night came to an end, most of the guests had already left. Spencer came back inside from escorting Kia out and Sevyn could tell that there was something heavy on his mind.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"It's just something Kia's uncle said. It's nothing though." He replied.

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Spencer smiled.

"You know, I'm proud of you," Sevyn told Olivia again as the three of them walked outside.

"Jhene," Olivia said embarrassed.

"No, I'm serious Livvy. You've come so far this last year." Sevyn told her, she couldn't be more proud of her cousin.

"She's right, you know." Spencer agreed. "You've changed so much from when I first met you. You have really come out of your shell."

"Not to mention that podcast of yours is pretty fire and I'm not saying that because you're my cousin," Sevyn added.

"Thank you, thank you." She smiled.

"Oh most definitely, it's dope. And it's not just because you've mentioned my name." Spencer joked.

"Do you guys want to grab some real food or something? I'm buying 'cause that food in there was not it," Sevyn asked as they got to Sevyn's car.

"Yes!" Olivia said. "I am dying for some real food now that we can eat."

"Yes, I was tired of eating them little ass plates," Sevyn said with a laugh.

Just as Spencer was about to say something to Olivia and Sevyn, they heard the sound of tires squealing. Spencer's eyes were caught in the headlights of a car speeding their way.

Without any thought, Spencer quickly grabbed onto both Olivia and Sevyn as the shots began to fire knocking them all to the ground.

"No!" Sevyn shouted seeing that Spencer was shot. Olivia pressed her hands against his chest as he lay on the road. Sevyn ignored the pain in her wrist and arm focusing her attention on Spencer who was gasping for air.

"Spencer? Spencer?"

While Olivia continued to apply pressure, Sevyn cupped Spencer's face in her hands trying to get him to stay awake, "Stay with us, Spence look at me, let me see those eyes. Please!" She told him as she cried.

"Help! Somebody, please!"

"Help! Spencer!"

"No, no! Anyone, help!"

Sevyn's IG Post.

Sevyn's IG Story

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