
By AprilFox270

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"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what... More

Part -2
Part- 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part - 15
Part 17
Part 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chaptee 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 ( An amusing turn of story)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 42

141 8 1
By AprilFox270

Namie quickly dives in the pool and brings them out carrying both at the same time by his both hands. Compared to normal humans, Namie had more power, so he was able to carry both out at the same time. He quickly begins to give CPR to Jungkook as he looked more paler than Jimin while dialling Yoongi hyung's number which he picked up in one go. The phone was on speaker while he was still giving CPR.
"Hyung quick to the pool . Kookie and Jiminie are unconscious in the pool."
Namie was huffing while his eyes moist with tears flowing down. Fear evident with his eyes looking at Jimin who was lying still. But he can't give CPR to both. He was pressing Kook on his chest. The water came out but he was still not breathing. Yoongi came running and without questioning he started to give CPR to Jimin.
Namie felt a little relieved when his hyung came. He then gave his full attention to Kook. The water in his lungs were out but he needed external help. Namie without waiting further gave mouth to mouth CPR. Within three seconds Jungkook coughed out the remaining water. He opened his eyes and saw that Namie was their and he was sure that he gave the CPR. Suddenly he kissed Namie. Namie who was busy trying to catch his breath did not see this coming. He was too stunned to reciprocate the kiss. But after a few seconds he gave in. The kiss was short yet deep with little emotions lingering. Jimin was also awake and wad just sitting in Yoongi's lap trying to stable himself.
"What happened to you? You are good swimmers. How come this happened? " Asked Yoongi still worried.
" Hyung... We were just playing . After that we just fainted and then all that we remember is seeing Namie and you. " Said Kook. Jimin also nodded at the comment.
By the time other hyungs have also gathered around when they saw most of their members missing.
" What happened here? " Asked Seokjin.
" Kookie and Jiminie almost drowned in the water!!Where were the guards today? " Yelled Yoongi.
"Hyung!! They were in the pool. Due you expect the guards to see them all  naked and all... Huh? " Asked Taehyung while going towards Kook and Jimin full of concern.
" I understand but where the hell are all the guards?  Some can go and stand somewhere else but they should not disappear? " Said Namie furiously.
" You are right. When we came the guards were there. Where did all of them went at the same time? " Asked Jimin.
Then as on cue, Park Soo Hoon entered from the front gate along with all the guards . They all had coffee and other eating stuffs.
" Huh? Why are you all gathered here? " Asked Soo Hoon.
" Problem? You took all the guards on a date and you say what is the problem? " Yelled Namie.
" Da- date? Yah!! Namjoon this is not called a date. These guards stand all day long, so i thought that they needed some refreshment. And besides we went to the nearest cafe. Why are you getting angry? " Asked Soo Hoon.
Seokjin knew that if Namjoon is not stopped he would argue till the end.
" Nothing hyung. We were just confused about the guards. This is the first time they all went together. "
" Oh Jin-ah, I am sorry. I should have told before. I thought it won't take that much time. My bad"
" No, hyung it's okay. Just a minor accident happened and the guards were needed. So Namjoon got angry. Don't take it to heart. "
" I understand. He was worried. But what happened here? "
" Kook and Jiminie got almost drowned in the pool if not for Namjoon. He saved them. "
Hearing this Soo Hoon handed the bag he was carrying to the nearby guard and went towards Kook and Jimin.
" They are fine, now. Right? " Inquired Soo Hoon with a desperate voice.
Seokjin nodded and Soo Hoon told them to bring them inside the house. Kook was carried by Soo Hoon while Jimin by Seokjin. Yoongi prepared coffee for both of them. Namie was still angry and was blaming Soo Hoon for the incident.
" Namjoon!! Stop it. Don't blame Hoon hyung for this. It was just an accident. Don't think you are always right about everything. Hoo hyung is like a family. Stop blaming him" Roared Seokjin.
Seokjin was still in the shock that his two baby brothers almost died. And Namjoon's adamant rude behavior towards Soo Hoon was not good. So Seokjin scolded Namjoon in anger and frustation.
Namie got startled due to the scolding. He did not expected his hyung to get angry on him. He angrily got up from his place and ran off to mansion without looking back or waiting for Jin.
In the afternoon, Jungkook came to call Namie. He had stayed five hours in his room and still was not ready to come out. Seokjin was worried for him and he knew that he would only listen to Jungkook. And he was right.
On one call from Jungkook, Namie came out.
" You should rest. If you wanted me you could have messaged. Come, let's go hyung"
" Yahh!! Namie-ah do you think your Kook hyung is that weak? Don't forget I am the strongest of all. "
" Yes, yes. You are the strongest. " Said Namie while showing a thumbs up. Then he came down with Kook. He greeted everyone except Seokjin and Soo Hoon. He took out his plate and chopsticks from the cupboard. While taking out, he accidentally saw that their was a glass bottle in trash bin. When he clearly saw it, he was confused. It was rat poison!!
" Hyung do we have rats in our house? Why do you need a rat poison? " Inquired Namie to Yoongi.
" Rat poison? No, as far as I know, their was no need of that. "
After hearing this Namie  looked at Yoongi with bulged out eyes. Yoongi was looking at him with a poker face with his plate in hands, but as soon as he understood what it could mean, they both rushed towards dinning table. Taehyung and Hoseok were about to eat the rice with soup when Yoongi slammed his hands on table startling everyone. Hoseok dropped the spoon due to loud noise and others were also alarmed.
" Their is a bottle of rat poison in the bin. Who brought it? "
" Why would anyone bring rat poison? We call the pesticide control service monthly. We don't need rat poison"  Said Seokjin.
" Then why the bottle is their? And it is empty! " Said Namie while looking at Hoseok, Jungkook but avoiding Seokjin.
Soo Hoon was quietly sitting their. He was playing with the rice in his bowl.
" Did you bring it Mr. Hoon? " Namie asked totally being formal.
" Why would he bring it Namie? It is not good to point at him all the time. Morning accusations were enough. "Whispered Jin.
" I am just asking. This is a mafia's house. We need to be vigilant about each and every little thing. Why can't I ask him some questions that regard the safety of all? " Namie yelled. He was full of anger as his bad intuition towards Soo Hoon was growing on and on. And no one was listening to him.
" He is right. But Namjoon I did not bring it. Maybe some worker brought it. It is weird that for every possible thing you are accusing me only. But i get it. You did not know me. You were not before. I get it all. "
" What do you mean by that? I am not an outsider. I am their family. The seventh member. What do you mean by saying I was not their before? " Namie was firing up as Soo Hoon started to take this matter to privacy.
" I know that you are the seventh member. But do you know everything about them. What they like, what they think. I know that all. Because I am close to them. And you just came here. Who knows ,maybe you brought that rat poison? "
" You can't accuse me for that. They all trust me and I consider them more than just my gang members. "
" Ohh.. Is that so? Then why don't you tell the truth to them? I heard from Hobi that your past is still unknown to them. What are you afraid of? What is your intention of being a gang member of Bangtan? "
Namjoon's past had always troubled him and made him nervous and question about himself. Hearing false accusation,Namie got furious as well as emotional . He went towards Hoon and make him get up by holding the collar of his blue  shirt.
" Stop it Namjoon!! He is our guest and a close relative. You cannot put false allegations on him. Why do you always go your way without listening or caring about anyone. Why are you always adamant in every decision you make. WHY? "
Seokjin never liked mutual fights and tried to avoid them in his family as he could. The emotional tension was the worst one for him to deal with.
" I should stop!  Since he came their are problems one after other which seem too natural to believe that they are his doings. I was falsely accused and still you say I should stop. I am doing all this for the safety of all and still you are blaming me?
" Joon-ah i am not blaming you? You... You are just accusing him without any evidence. He is also not right but you were the first to start. That is too rash.!! "
" Hy-hyung.... yo-you are talking like you always act or say anything until you have full proof of it. " Said Namie with a laugh of sarcasm.
Seokjin was taken aback at the reply. Yoongi knew the situation may worsen. In these days they learnt that Namie is way too emotional than Namjoon. He does not understand or like to understand when he gets emotionally hurt.
"Joonie, its not like that. Misunderstandings happen in a family. That's the way we grow stronger in terms of bonds." Yoongi said trying to calm down the situation.
" It is not only a little misunderstanding., all of you...never came to see me just for the sake of spending time with me. Always...always, you had a purpose. Either you needed to confirm that I wasn't hiding something, or you wanted to know something specific. You never talked to me without a clear intention. Especially Seokjin hyung. I have felt like I was just a means for you to reach Byung-ho, I was never more than that!!. I hate you for this reason. You don’t trust me, you don’t care for me yet you always use me for your own benefits. Why? Hyung..I call you hyung because I consider you family. You always put others before me. Am not worth it? I just wanted a family whom I can trust and they trust me. Is it too much to ask for? "
Namie was trembling, his eyes moistened with his lips quivering.
" You are right Mr. Hoon. I also think I am an outsider who did not manage to gain the trust of members over one year. You are right. I am sorry for being rude. I am sorry for being arrogant bastard. Sorry" Said Namie while bowing in front of Soo Hoon.
Everyone was taken aback at the sudden apology.
" Namjoon, it is not what we meant....
" Just stay around, everyone. I can do anything for you . Just stay alive. Doesn't matter if you ignore me, be angry with me. Stay alive because I can't bring dead back to life no matter what I do. So please. Be safe."
Namie said that and went to his room. Others were confused as to why he wa saying to stay alive. No one was gonna die.
" Was he saying all that because me and Kook nearly died and then that rat poison thingy? " Asked Jimin to confirm his thoughts.
" He.. He will be fine. After so-some ti-time... He will be" Seokjin stated but was not confident at what he said.
No one said anything and no one even ate. Appetite was gone and also their little brother went away without eating. Another reason was that Namie told Yoongi before going that he should not a low them to eat. But no one had any intention to have lunch. How can they eat leaving their little brother out. They all dispersed to their room without much talk.
The whole day, Namie was in the room. If someone knocked on the door, he would talk, but wont be so friendly and only gave answers to questions asked by Taehyung and Yoongi who came by. He strictly told Kook and Jimin not to come and should rest in the bed.
The next day, it was chaos when Namie came out of his sound -proof room. All his members looked panic striken and were ordering their men on phones angrily.
" What.. what is going on? " Asked Namie in a sleepy voice. He was angry at them but seeing them panic won't stop him for caring for them .
" Tae and Hobi.... They are kidnapped... It is all of a sudden... " Said Jungkook.
Jimin and Yoongi were trying to trace their location while Seokjin was asking the police to search the nearby areas. Jungkook was seeing the cctv cameras of their house.
" Hyung they came out at midnight and both came out at the same time.. Around 12:20. They looked at each other, gave a smile and then headed out together. They took the left turn in Hobi hyung's car . I checked their call logs, no one had called them. So what happened that they went together? " Asked Jungkook.
" Let's see, the police said that they had send their teams in search. "Seokjin stated while worried as he was unable to do anything.
Namie had rushed off to somewhere hearing about his hyungs meanwhile Soo Hoon was busy talking on the phone and was in middle of a heated argument.
" You said that we won't hurt the others!! Our target was only one. Why did you call your men before my men could capture them? "
" I said that Bangtan should be dissolved other wise it won't do any good to us. Even one of them survived and we will be dead, that's for sure. Today two of them MUST DIE!! "
"Why can't you target the one you want and leave the others? "
" Are you really stupid or their friendly nature made you change your plans? Park, you better keep in mind those Bangtan are crazily crazy. Their team mates fall in the category of strong, stronger and strongest. They have no space for weakness. And I am very well aware from previous incidents that if one or two from the team are hurt, then the others get extremely mad and their energy and fury increases in folds. So I can't take the risk of leaving even one alive. Don't interfere in my plan. "
Saying that the man on the other side cut the call. Soo Hoon was rubbing his sweaty forehead. He did not wanted this. These were not his plans.
Namie came running with a notebook.
" Here, they are here. In the factory that is newly constructed. It's construction stopped and is now  abandoned"
" How did you locate them!? Even Yoongi and Jimin are unable to till now? "Inquired Seokjin.
" Get in the car first. I will tell on the way"
Said Namie while already heading out. Others also nodded and followed him. Jungkook started driving at full speed without caring for the traffic lights.
" I have put a tracker on all your mobile phones. None of you have a habit of wearing any particular thing without fail. So I placed a tracker chip under your mobile cover which all of you bring along when you go out"
" Thanks a lot Joonie. You did a great help. Even we idiots can't think of this. "
" Don't call yourself idiots. You are very intelligent. Just need a little help sometimes"
Others smiled at him but worry was still in their eyes. Their two members might be in grave danger and they can't be LATE FOR THEM.

In the factory,
Taehyung and Hoseok were tied to chairs and they were a meter apart. Because if kept near, they untie themselves and that would be a big problem for the men.
They had bruises on face, neck and many more injuries. Their shirts were half soaked in their blood. 30 men were their guarding them. And if you think so many but they have captured two of the Bangtan. They know that if they failed this mission their brutal death awaits them.
"HEY!! You fucking asshole. You should have captured me in the morning. I did not even get to eat. I am hungry. " Taehyung yelled and stomped his feet making the one in front of him startled.
" V, don't be impatient. You can have fun once other come and untie us. "
" Hobi, let's make a bet. I say that the scenario was that Jin and Suga must be panicking while JK punching others in worry. J was trying to locate us. But what about Nam? I can't think of him? This is the first time such situation happened? "
" Maybe helped to find us quickly. He is smart you know. "
" Hmm.. You are right. Tell me how should I kill these men once I am free? Cut their veins and let them die slowly, or give them a quick death or stab them more than 20 times. Or best, burn them alive!! "
" V!! "
" WHAT!?? Don't tell me to show mercy!! "
" I am telling that one should not show their cards beforehand. " Said Hoseok with a evil smirk while looking at the men who surrounded them. V gave an evil laughter and spitted the blood that came from his mouth on the ground.
" You are too confident,aren't you? Do you think we are waiting for your other friends to come? We are waiting for orders. Order to kill you. Today is your death day and this new building will be your grave. Be thankful, I chose a new one for you. Not a smelly, dusty one. "
" Finally the boss spoke some rubbish. Aishh!! You took more time. We thought you would start speaking early. " Said V.
" Aigoo!! ..our V has grown up. He learnt very well how to identify or force someone to come out.  "
" Thank you hyung. I always wait for your compliment. ".said V making a cute face while facing his hyung.
" Really? Then I should compliment our V more. But V he is not the main one here. He is just a lap dog!! Shouldn't we ask him who is the main? And where is he? "
" Ohh... I know that. He does not look like the one to give command. He can only wag his tail. But he won't easily tell me. What to do? "
" Yahh!! Do you think I am a pushover. Today, I will definitely kill you. The order comes or not. I don't care. " Said the boss their angrily with his round fat face becoming red.
" Boss the order came. Kill them!! " Said another man in relief. He was afraid that he will die today. But seeing the order they just have to kill them and leave.
But bad luck for them!!
" Boss!! Bangtan arrived!! " Shouted another man while running towards them.
" Fuck!! Quick call for back up. And quick kill these two. " Said the boss.
One of them called on phone for more men while gunshots were clearly heard downstairs. Looks like Bangtan was coming up without stopping.
Here the men took out knives ready to strike but were kicked hardly on their stomach. V and Hobi stood from the chair and threw the rope on the ground.
" How?... How did you untie yourself? "
" Because the idiot who tied us did not even did a double knot. You mother fucker!! " Said Hobi while giving a hard punch on the face of the boss. Jin and the others have arrived and the fight started. But Taehyung and Hoseok were hurt and far away from the members. The members were trying to kill and come to them. Namie was also using his hypnosis to mainly keep Tae and Hobi safe. But he needs to concentrate for that which was a bit difficult while fighting himself.
" The back up arrived. " The man said to his boss in a low voice.
Seokjin was about to reach Taehyung when suddenly a gunshot was heard and one bullet hit Seokjin's arm. He groaned in pain.  Others shouted his name. He nodded indicating that he is okay. Jungkook raged in anger looked at the one who shot. Their were ten men with masks on. The one in front had shot.
" Bangtan the most feared gang. I don't think so. This is the most emotional gang. Not strong at all. All motherfuckers are in this gang. " Said the tall, well-built man.
Jungkook launches himself on the men who came and stared beating them one by one. Jimin also joined him. Namie was still busy in trying to save himself while helping Tae and Hobi as much as he can.
" Yoongi hyung help me. If I can fully concentrate then I can keep V and Hobi safe. " Shouted Namie.
Yoongi looked at Jin and they both nodded. They surrounded Namie and Namie now fully focused with the help of hypnosis, makes all the people near V and Hobi hurt themselves.
" Boss!!  They.... How are they doing that? Said one of the men.
" Don't know... It is unbelievable!!.... That.. That guy!! He is doing that" Said the boss and aimed at  Namie. And Bang!!
He had hit Namjoon's lower backside. Namjoon groaned in pain. Due to the extreme pain, he was not able to full hypnotise the people and they started attacking V and Hobi with full force who were drained out. Namjoon's vision also got blurry due excess loss of blood.

Jin, JK , J(Jimin), Suga and their 15 men got drained due to continuous fights. Whereas the newly arrived team of opposite ganga did not do much and had energy left.
" We have to save them no matter what"

" V, Hobi hang in there. Please be okay. "

" Aishh!! These bastards. I won't let them do anything to my people. "

" This can't be happening. I should get myself together. Nothing should happen to them. I can't give up"

" I... I ca-can't help... I can't even move. My body feels very heavy and my mind blurry. I can't hold myself. With every passing second, breathing is getting difficult not because of the fear that I might die, but because I don't want to see a day where they are not there with me. I failed... I failed to keep the promise of protecting them. I failed to SAVE THEM!!......
And then Namjoon faints with his breathing getting slower with each passing second and on the brink of death......

Hope I tried to make it a little emotional. But their are plenty misunderstanding, emotional scenes ahead. So don't worry. Fasten your seat belt.
Thank you for reading.

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