The Path To You

By coraleigh24

427K 19.9K 6.3K

"Oh come on, you're like a genius and you've been studying so much I was starting to miss you." "Only starti... More

1. Car sex
2. Breakfast of Champions
3. Destroy my hopes and dreams
4. Starting to miss you
5. I love you
6. Time to go home
7. Stop pretending
8. Put yourself first
9. Speaking the truth
10. A hole in my chest
11. Day 12
12. We should dance
13. I'm sorry
14. I care about you
15. Drink less
16. Too broken
17. Drowning
18. Kinky shit
19. Break my heart
20. Kick that sexy mans ass
21. Make it up to you
22. The letters
23. Arrested for murder
24. Made a mess
25. Just friends
26. Kill you
27. Be selfish
28. Yoga
29. Tiffany
30. Keep fighting
31. My road
32. Need you
33. I could do this
34. Proud of you
35. Hug me
36. Kick me out
37. Six hours
38. A next time
39. A small bear
40. Kiss me
41. My word
42. An international spy
43. Nothing
44. Closure
45. Forgive you
46. Goodbye
47. Two truths and a lie
48. Hit on me
49. Fifth wheeling
50. A Jet Plane ride
51. My boyfriend
Epilogue: the scary one
Bonus chapter 1: The very first night

Bonus Chapter 2: the sick fic

5.6K 184 39
By coraleigh24

Connor pov:

"Put me out of my misery." I groaned my body curling into the blanket.

My stomach turned uncontrollably again and the room spun in a slow circle around me. This was fucking miserable. I'd woken up feeling a little dizzy and strange. I thought it had been exhaustion but the second I stood up to walk to the bathroom everything spun around in torturous circles.

Jetson had woken up to the sound of me vomiting into the bathroom trashcan as tears streamed down my face. It wasn't the best view first thing in the morning.

And now after three hours of hell I felt just as miserable.

"I think you have the stomach bug." Jet walked over using his hand to push the hair off my forehead.

"Oh god just end it now, I can't go on like this." I kicked off the blanket feeling my body start to break out in a sweat.

It had been a a back and forth all morning between shivering and sweating. Jetson had tried to take my temperature about an hour ago but I didn't let him get anywhere near me.

Now at hour three I felt terrible enough that I didn't have the energy to keep him at a safe distance.

"Why don't I run to the store and get you some ginger ale, it might help your stomach." Jetson offered.

I groaned at the thought. The idea of putting anything in my stomach made me want to hurl but at the same time I was getting thirsty. I didn't think I had anything left in my body and dehydration was bound to start kicking in.

I didn't know what it was like to die from dehydration but I couldn't imagine it was fun.

"Not ginger ale." I shook my head.

I didn't like the soda. It reminded me of being sick and when I was already sick I didn't need any more reminders.

"I don't think there is anything else you can keep down right now."

I didn't care if what he was saying was logical. I was sick so that meant I couldn't be wrong.

"Get me some Gatorade." I told him reaching down for my blanket as my body started to shake with the chills.

"I'm getting ginger ale too, I don't want to have to take a second trip when you change your mind." Jetson decided.

"You're insufferable sometimes." I groaned.

"Don't act like you're a ray of sunshine." He rolled his eyes.

"I am, I shine bright like a fucking diamond." I smiled weakly.

"Ok Rihanna, try to get some rest. I'll be back with all the supplies." Jet leaned down to press a kiss to the top of my head.

My body warmed and I didn't know if was the fever I probably had or just Jetson. It was hard to tell. I could barely think with the way my body and mind seemed to be moving in slow motion.

Even with me being on the brink of death I soaked up every touch I could get from Jet. There was something about being sick that made me feel so alone. I'd tried to keep Jetson away in fear of getting him sick but the more miserable I felt the more I wanted him. I just wanted him to come over to the couch I was withering away on and hold me.

There was an ache in my body that I knew wasn't from sickness and it was an ache that seemed to settle when Jetson was here taking care of me.

"Hurry up before I die on this uncomfortable couch." I told him.

"You're the one that picked the couch out." He argued.

"Oh god." I didn't even have time to come up with a response before my stomach was lurching.

Somehow I was lucky enough to grab the trash can next to me before my whole body heaved painfully. I threw up nothing, I didn't have anything left in my stomach at this point. My body didn't seem to care about that part. I heaved over and over until my whole body had broken out in a sweat and my eyes filled with tears.

Jetson was like an angel as he sat with me, rubbing soft circles on my back. If I wasn't already crying from throwing up I think him being next to me would be enough to make me cry.

"I'm dying." I leaned into him.

"You're not dying." He assured me.

"You don't know that, you're not a doctor."

I felt him let out a soft laugh against me. At least he found something funny. If I wasn't 100% positive that if I laughed I'd probably throw up, I might laugh at just how terrible things were going right now.

"And you're not a baby but you keep acting like one." Jet teased.

"Hey be nice to me I'm on my death bed."

"So go to bed, I'm going to the store."

Everything was easy with Jetson, even now as I made us both miserable. He understood me better than anyone else. He also puts up with me in a way no one else does.

To repay him for all that I kept my mouth shut and let my eyes fall closed. If he wanted me to rest I'd do my best to listen to him.

I must of actually fallen asleep because my eyes were blinking open at the feeling of a weight against my forehead. Opening my eyes to Jetsons pretty face never got old.

I loved looking at him.

"Love you so much." I smiled up at him.

"You're nicer after your nap." He chuckled.

"I'm thirsty." I complained.

"Drink this." He held a cup with a straw up to my mouth and I listened.

The second I took a sip bubbles filled my mouth. I scrunched up my nose at the taste.

"I hate ginger ale." I pulled away from the cup shaking my head slightly.

"It will help your stomach so drink it."

"So bossy." I frowned but I leaned forward and took another sip.

"I'll show you bossy, sit up."

It was only because I was still groggy from sleep that I didn't send back a reply just to aggravate him. When I was grouchy I tended to lean on the dramatic side. But my eyes still felt heavy and sleep was trying to pull me back in.

I didn't plan on fighting that for very long. So I sat up and watched as Jetson climbed onto the couch behind me. He easily moved us around so I was laid out between his legs, my head resting against his chest. He just held me against him and all I could think about was how amazing this boy was.

He always seemed to know what I needed.

"This is nice." I smiled letting my eyes start to drift shut.

"Get some sleep." He said softly his hand running through my hair softly.

And I was helpless to do anything but listen to him.


I don't know if there will be anymore bonus chapters for this book. I don't have any planned at the moment but that could always change. This might be the real end to Connor and Jetsons story.

But don't be too sad because they will pop up a lot in the next book. So if you are missing any of your favorite couples look out for that.

My work is getting a lot more stressful but I am trying my best to keep on pace so that Every Part of Us will be started in October like I planned. If anything changes I'll make an announcement on my page.

Thank you for all the support over these last two books. It honestly makes my day to read through all the comments and see people enjoying my works. And I'm just excited to start something new and I hope you all enjoy it just as much.

-Cora Leigh

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