GAME CHANGER || book 1

By zainnixwrites

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{completed} Ariana Lizbett North High's strawberry shortcake, top student and cheerleading captain. Nothing a... More

BOOK 2 - Just between us


97 3 2
By zainnixwrites

It was the hockey game today and I was damn excited.

Me and the girls decided that we should all go to my house after school so that way we could get there in time. Sebastian messaged me this morning saying him and the boys won't be at school today since they busy with game so I insisted that I'll take notes for him. He didn't say much only a thank you and then he was offline.

I was at school and it was just me and Lily in the classroom.

"I'm pretty excited for tonight how about you Aria?" Lily said while manicuring her nails. She was a cutie had long dirty blonde hair and a sharp jawline with slightly chubby cheeks. Her eyes were gorgeous as well and she had a slim body.

"I'm excited as well, it's our first game so I don't know how the environment will be you know" she nodded in agreement and continued talking about how excited she was.

I was just daydreaming about things and reality. The day went quick not gonna lie it was home time already and me and the girls were already on the road to the stadium.

Eésa was playing some Lana Del Rey and after her Jessica started playing Drake and 21 savage they were all good artists.

We arrived at the stadium and there was a lot of people. I never knew hockey was this big, there were a lot of girls wearing the boys jerseys with their names at the back but I know it's just merch not the boys actual jerseys.

Me and the girls walked in confused not knowing where to go. This whole place is so new to us we looked like lost puppies. Just as we were wondering a few of the boys found us.

"Hey girls nice to see you here I hope you guys didn't get lost it is a pretty big place" we just rolled our eyes and asked how they were doing. "Sebastian and Eric got you guys seats already it's the fourth row across the ice rink you'll have a good view at the game as well" we just smiled and said thank you and they led us to the way.

There were girls that were looking at us in awe, curious as to why the boys were talking to us and what was our business with them. Damn they must be real famous with the ladies.

We got to our seats and they weren't lying it was a perfect view so perfect we feel the coldness of the ice.

"Well make yourself comfortable the game is just about to start if you wanna eat there are people coming around with hotdogs and burgers even fries so don't be shy to call them over" Lloyd said and we thanked him once again. The girls were talking and taking pictures of the arena but all I was thinking about was...

Where is Sebastian?

Fuck I was excited no I was thrilled.

I can't believe she came it's been my dream to have her here and I won't fuck it up by giving her an experience of her first time.

I was outside by the lockers and I was just staring at her taking in her beauty. Fuck she was beautiful.

Everything about her was mesmerizing, the way she talks and the way she walks god I could write a book about how mesmerizing she is.

I could admire her for days.

"They here Seb don't worry we'll give them an experience they'll enjoy it" I don't care about her friends I care more about her then them. I'm not saying I don't like her friends they cool great people in my opinion but I just want Aria to have fun that's all I want. She's too busy being perfect to focus on the now that's happening she needs to have fun a bit.

"Sebastian we on in four" Levi shouted while putting on he's skates.
I grabbed my stick and helmet and headed for the entrance.

(Author- guys I don't know much about hockey so bear with me if I don't know what I'm talking about ok😭)

Let's give her a show shall we

While me and the girls were talking the announcer started talking and we knew the game was about to begin.

Everything was happening so fast on the one side the other team entered the rink and they were fast on their feet, how do they not fall? I wonder.

We were too busy paying attention the other team we didn't even realise half of our hockey boys were on the ice already. They started calling out names and there I heard it.

Sebastian Madden

He was quick on he's feet and glided smoothly on the ice. He was in the centre with the puck in the middle and in front of him was a player from the opposite team.

The game officially begun and all we saw were just boys skating across the rink with their sticks trying to hit the puck into a goalpost, it was very intense and me and the girls were intrigued.

Grayson got hit and fell to the ground but he got up pretty quickly and played like he never got hurt. The boys were fast, Seb wasn't lying when he said they were good. Sebastian scored 5 points and Lloyd 2 the game was almost over but me and the girls didn't want it over.

"C'mon boys you can do it" the girls started shouting and cheering for the boys so did I. They have too win I know they will anyways but you get my point.

Not long then 3 seconds and Eric scored a goal and the game was over. Me and the girls jumped up and started shouting for the boys god we were proud as hell.

The boys took their helmets off and started celebrating they were proud of them selves we were too.

The boys came closer to the edge and called out our names. "Now what do you think about that huh you have too be honest this is way better than a football game" Sebastian shouted while smiling at me and fuck was he right this was better than a football game. It was more intense and thrilling I'd definitely see myself coming back.

The boys went back to the locker rooms to freshen up they told us too wait because they suggested that we go too a diner to eat. We agreed because we were starving.

It wasn't long for them to get done, Sebastian suggested that I drive with him Michael immediately offered to give Jessica a lift, the rest went figured a way for themselves.


We were driving now and the atmospheric between us wasn't that bad it was quite peaceful if I must.

"You played well Seb I was intrigued and amazed well done" I told him while looking out the window but I could feel he's gaze on me. "Thank you it means a lot to me, you should come more often but by yourself this time"

By myself? ok whatever it doesn't really matter to me to be honest.

I just sat there quietly and thought back to the game "if Neo had to find out where I was tonight he'd kill me possibly start an argument" Sebastian laughed to himself before looking on the road again "why do you care so much you had fun didn't you?" he asked me waiting for my answer, I nodded agreeing "so why do you care what he thinks if you know you had fun, he can't tell you what to do just because he knows football is boring and hockey is way better" I laughed at that thinking about what he said, maybe he's right the football team hasn't been great lately so I wonder how they feel about the hockey team always winning.

"I'm just saying Aria, it's senior year be a little less perfect not everything has to go as plan that's just the moral of life you can't think you'll always be little miss perfect red" he was right.

I can't always be perfect not even at school, maybe I should step out of my comfort zone there and there.

We arrived at the diner and the rest of them were already in there. We made our way to the tables and we almost took over the whole area at the back.

"You guys were marvelous on the ice you were so fast we had to keep looking for you" Lily was so hyper after that game she couldn't stop congratulating them.

"Thank you Lily its appreciated we glad you enjoyed your first time" Michael said while sipping on some beer. "You girls should come again we playing in two weeks time but it's an away game so we don't really have a lot of people supporting us it'll be appreciated if we had some familiar faces in the crowd" Max exclaimed, he was really nice.

"We'll think about because the football team might play and that'll mean cheerleading you know" Eésa said while sipping on some water, Eric was besides her resting he's arm around her chair. Them two has been friends since diapers, sometimes I wonder if one of them have ever liked each other yet.

We all got our food pretty quickly and the boys ate like beasts. I mean they were probably starving more than us.

"So Sebastian what do you do other than hockey?" I asked him out of the blue just as a genuine interest "I enjoy racing on the streets I do that often like Saturday nights and I enjoy partying as well in fact we going to one after this right now to celebrate our win, you girls should come along if you want too obviously"

A party, not bad maybe we should go.

"Hey girls wanna go to a party after this?" they all turned their heads in my direction and then looked at one another seeing if there's any sign from one another that doesn't wanna go but Eésa spoke for the group. "Fuck yeah I need to get wasted tonight like honestly I haven't in awhile" she was quick on her feet and was heading straight for the door "wait up Bella you don't even know where the house is but yet you the first one standing" Eric shouted at her while getting he's keys.

The rest of the boys followed behind same with me and Sebastian, we were all on our way to the party.


We have arrived and there was a lot of people here. There were almost over 20 cars here and some people probably took a cab.

When we entered there were people congratulating the boys and greeting them as well, Eric got Eésa a drink but kept an eye on her as well just making sure she doesn't go overboard.

Michael was talking to a few of he's other friends but Jessica was with him, I'm guessing they got close now.

The rest of the girls were doing their own thing. Me and Sebastian were practically just in the kitchen, he was talking to a few people he knew but kept an eye on me as well.

I was starting to get bored actually, there wasn't much too do here just drink and dance probably have sex as well.

"You alright? you look bored as fuck" Sebastian said with a smile. "Yeah I am kinda bored actually" I laughed while talking to him. He just stared at me not saying much he had this thing where he would just stare and forget that he was staring like he was in a trance.

"C'mon let me take you somewhere"

He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to the balcony. He then began to climb helping me get up and once we were done climbing we were on a roof.

The neighborhood looked so pretty from this view, the houses looked even bigger and the street lights just complimented it all.

"Why'd you bring me up here?" he just stared straight forward taking in the site just as I was until he spoke "I know you'd rather be up here then down their by noisy people" I just stayed quiet and enjoyed the atmosphere. It was quiet and peaceful not too crowded and loud.

"You said you do street racing? isn't that illegal?" he layed on he's back just staring at the stars taking in their beauty, he stayed like that for awhile.

"It is but it's joyful to put your life at risk" I laughed. How is that joyful to put your life at risk "I'm sorry what how is that joyful" he just smiled amused and then turned he's head my direction "life is short might as well take risks you should come with me tomorrow night I'm racing" my body froze.


no way it's not happening "I'm sorry that is not gonna happen you really think I'm going too go with to get killed" he was full on laughing like an idiot but he looked handsome as hell but no I have a boyfriend.

"You are so coming with me Aria it'll be fun and you'll enjoy yourself I promise" it was tempting but I couldn't one of Neo's friends could be there they could tell him in fact one of  them could be here as well oh shit.

"I can't Sebastian, Neo might find out and he already doesn't want me hanging out with you" Sebastian rolled he's eyes and let out a frustrated sigh "fuck Neo he's an ass he's just jealous I spend more time with you then her does and to heck what he thinks, you should have fun Aria not by studying your life away I just want you too have fun and come along with me that's all I'm asking"

God it was really tempting so tempting I agreed.

Seriously Sebastian what are you doing to me.


I think I wrote quite a lot today let me know how you felt in the comments and don't forget to vote and follow ✨💕

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