Mr. Winston

By whatsgood_

12.5K 487 14

Opie Winston x OC "One moment, he's here and the next he's gone. He's not ready to be a father to those kids... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Four

974 42 2
By whatsgood_

A/N: Okay, I think I'm getting better with consistency so I would like to post on Wednesdays and Sundays to push the story along more. 

Chapter Four


My phone rang in the middle of the night and I sat up groggily, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I did. I picked up the phone and answered.


"Sorry to call at this hour. Um, it's me, Opie."

"Opie?", I questioned softly.

"I don't mean to bother you but I'm in need of that favor."

My heart raced at the sound of his deep voice. I became alive at the thought of being near him again. Even though I hadn't even laid down with the man, I felt something of a deep connection. I just had to admit that nothing and no one caused me to stir like this ever.

"Can we wait until the morning? Just text me the location," I grumbled sleepily.

"Ok. Thanks."

When the morning sun finally peeked in, I quickly showered, got dressed, and caught Delilah up on the new venture we were heading out on. She, being the good friend, was eager and down to finally meet Opie but her defenses were up. The girl literally dressed in all black, tucking in her gun, and looked like the most badass emo chick you could ever find with her red hair flowing over her shoulders against her pale skin.

I called the number that had called me as I finished my makeup and hair.


"Yeah, I just wanted to figure this favor thing out. What is it that I could help you with?", I wondered as I set the phone down on the vanity table to apply a thick layer of mascara.

"We're in sort of a bind with some people. I was wondering if you could spare an even $20k by tomorrow. It's to help fund a trip to Ireland. My friend's kid was kidnapped and we—um, I'm telling you a lot. If you can but if you can't I won't worry too much."

"Shut up, Opie. I'll be there ASAP," I spoke with genuine concern especially being that a kid had been kidnapped.

I could remember the time that one of my dad's enemies decided to kidnap me from school just as I was being transported by my guards. My hands were bound by rope and I was gagged as well as blindfolded. It was a nightmare that I spent three years in therapy trying to come to terms with. My father upped my security and whispers around the compound let me know that he had decided to kidnap and kill his enemies' own children before slaughtering the rest of the family.

If I wasn't on a quest to find a new life then I would definitely get a hand from the old man. But it just felt so freeing, all of a sudden to do everything on my own with no one's help. Okay, the money for my startup company was help but I could easily pay it back now if I wanted. I just didn't. I deserved a piece of the legacy my father had built especially for the sake of his own family.

After the plane ride, I rented out a cute little black convertible Corvette even though my bestie, Delilah, wanted me to get the big black SUV which was more spacious. I wanted to be cute and it was stifling hot outside so I wanted a breeze to blow through my hair.

"Let's get this one and then we can double back for the SUV if you really hate it," I suggested to satisfy her just a little. She would make the trip so much worse if she were in a bad mood. I didn't want to ride in silence for fear of a blow up later.

"Fine," she grumbled.

We drove five miles to the neighboring town that was Charming. The Welcome to Charming sign was so homey and I decided for us to stop and take a quick picture as we were tourists to the new, small town. We made funny faces as we each took turns before I did one of us huddled close together.

I tapped my fingers on the wheel as we went back to driving letting some music play softly to overtake the silence between the two of us. We had been driving and talking for the past two hours but I wanted to think about what I was initially doing. If there was trouble, would I be willing to put myself in harm's way to help this person. He asked for a favor and it was a pretty big one but the feeling to repay him was undeniably large. Not just that but I had these thoughts, dreams, and feelings that couldn't easily be denied.

"What are you going to do when we make it?", Delilah asked, breaking me from my thoughts as I maneuvered through the quiet streets of Charming.

"I honestly don't know. I've got all these thoughts running through my mind telling me to just give him the money and never look back, ok? But then—I have this pull to him and I don't mean the usual 'he's my savior' feeling... It's just something about him. Never met anyone like him," my eyes scanned the area before I pulled down a street that easily took me to the address that I had been given.

"Okay, I'm going to be honest. I think it's a bad idea, but I feel like you are going to regret the decision if you don't go for it."

"Look at you," I giggled. "Being the sister I always wanted."

"Well technically, your dad does have illegitimate children around the world so you could in turn have a sister..."

I don't know why but my mouth snapped shut at her words. My father was the rolling stone that I had heard about through the vents and the guards who talked about tales of his adventures on business trips away from my mother and myself. My mother didn't show affection very much to either of us so it wasn't a surprise for my father to find it elsewhere.

I never wanted to be like her.

"Okay, well. You're my best friend and sister all wrapped in one for now so suck it up," I stuck my tongue out at her before smirking when she laid her head on my shoulder.  

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