Tutoring Mr. "Bad" boy.

By Rhevely

3.1K 226 36

Mandy, a pretty nerd who will do anything to be popular finds herself striking a deal with one of the hottest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 25

61 4 1
By Rhevely

Mandy's POV

Without my phone to occupy me, I toss and turn on my bed for the millionth time tonight, pressing my eyes tightly shut and willing myself to sleep.
My desperate efforts to fall asleep over the past hour have all failed miserably, driving me completely nuts!!!

I risk a sideway glance at the only source of light in my room, the digital clock on my bedside drawer.

10:03pm, it reads.

I release a frustrated sigh as I sit up and stare into the darkness.
The night is still too young.
I have to occupy myself with something...anything really, before I go insane!

The door creaks open, and someone walks in, startling me momentarily.


The little brat. She's probably here to gloat.

"You're going to the party and I'm not. I get it, Miranda...you don't have to rub it in my face. Just go away, okay? I'm not in the mood to fight," I speak out and lie back down, turning to face the wall.

"Hey, it's me...Randy."

I've never sat up faster!
My body shoots up into sitting position, like I'd been zapped by a bolt of lightning.

"Randy?" I call out in a gentle whisper.

"Yeah, it's me. Where's the switch? I can't see anything," he whispers back.

"To the left of the door. Also, why are you whispering?"

"I don't know...you started it," he whispers again, and I can't help but smile.

"Found it," he announces. "You might wanna close your eyes for this," he warns and I oblige immediately, before the bulb flickers on.
Slowly, I open my eyes and it takes me a little too long to adjust to all the light around me.

"Come, sit." I point to my study desk, watching in excitement as he edges closer with the chair and sets it down right in front of the bed.
I fight a blush when he finally sits and looks down at me with a smile.

"Hey," I reply shyly.
"What are you...uh, doing here?"
I kick the blanket away and move to sit at the edge of the bed facing him, so we're staring right at eachother.

"Well, your mom said you couldn't leave the house. She never said anything about me coming over to the house."
I'm trying to find the flaw in that logic, but I can't. It actually kinda makes sense.

"Now look who's the smart one," I tease lightly.
"Between you and me, I've always been the smart one. I only allowed you to carry on for so long, Mandy."

I laugh before responding.
"You wish, Randy...you really wish. And what happened with the party anyways?"

"Oh that," he replies like it's no big deal.
I mean, this was supposed to be a big deal, right?
Well, it was, for me, at least.
"There'll be so much booze, they won't even miss me."

"What are you saying? You're Randy... everyone's going to notice you're absent."

"Oh, they'll live, Mandy. Don't stress it....that's not what's important right now."

"Right." I nod slowly.
I'm bummed out about missing the party, but him being here kinda makes that all go away.
"So, tell me...what exactly is important right now?" I ask him, my head lowered, wondering what his answer might be.

"What's important right now...." he breaks off mid sentence to tip my chin up so I'm looking directly into his beautiful eyes.
"... is being here, with you," He continues in a whisper, a smirk lurking at the corners of his lips.

I gulp hard and blink twice.
Did I hear him well?
Are my ears playing tricks with me again, I wonder.

"Really?" I whisper back, my eyes never once shifting from his.
"Really," He affirms to my delight.
I close my eyes and smile gently as his thumb gently strokes my cheek.

"Right." He withdraws his hand and straightens himself on the chair.
"I came prepared," he announces enthusiastically, raising his backpack like some trophy.
"I have snacks, I have some booze and I have some card games," he goes on excitedly, bringing out each item to show me.
I break out into a fit of giggles.

"I appreciate the gesture, Randy...I really do. But booze and card games? The snacks are okay, but other than that, this sounds more like a night with Kendrick and Allen," I taunt, suppressing a laugh when he furrows his brows in confusion.

"You don't like it?" He asks softly.
I narrow my eyes and look from the backpack to his face and back, still fighting the laughter that's threatening to escape.

"Wait, I have something else!"
I watch in amusement and curiosity as he rummages through the backpack and pulls out a book.
"Crossword puzzles!" He yells in excitement, his loud voice echoing throughout the room. On impulse, I quickly hop off the bed and reach over to cover his mouth.

Mom couldn't find out he was here!!

"Shhh! Keep it down. I'm grounded. You're not even supposed to be here... remember??" I whisper, my heart racing wild with fear.
I'd already gotten into trouble just for cutting class...what would happen next if mom should find out that the very guy I'd cut class with was here in my room while I was supposed to be grounded and pretty much cut off from everyone and everything, all because I'd cut class?

I'd probably be grounded till graduation, that much I can tell.

He nods instantly, pointing to my arm. I narrow my eyes at him in confusion.
He points again, and the realization finally hits me.

"Right...my bad!" I apologize immediately, awkwardly withdrawing my hand from his mouth and my knee from the space on the chair, between his thighs.

He leans back against the chair a d asks, "For how long exactly have you been waiting to jump up at me like this?"
I only glare at him and sit back down.

"So, uh, puzzles, huh?" I inquire curiously, wondering what in the actual hell had possessed him into getting it, because I know for sure it's not for the love of puzzles. The last I checked, people like Randy didn't exactly do puzzles.

"Don't give me that surprised look." He laughs out, doing well to bring his voice under control.
"I'm not a puzzle person, Mandy...you of all people should know that."
"Trust me, I know!' I agree, laughing along with him.

"I brought it for you. A trusted source told me that nerds love a good crossword puzzle, so here we are, Queen of the Nerds," he goes on dramatically, mockingly bowing.

"Thank you so very much, good Sir," I join in his drama, bowing as well.
"And yes, I do love puzzles, so your source is right," I admit and grab the book from his hand.
I still can't believe this is happening, but here we are...the book is here, in my own hand.
I smile as I flip through the pages.

"I love it...thank you," I whisper.
"Anything for you, milady."

"I have an idea!" I blurt out after a few seconds.
He looks at me with a curios expression.
"Let's watch a movie...and then we'll do the puzzles after," I suggest.

"I'm game. In fact, I have some episodes of Gossip Girl on my laptop!"
I can feel my brow raise, questioningly.

Gossip girl?

Yeah right, he most definitely didn't think of that by himself.
Plus, since when did boys start watching Gossip Girl?

"Randy, did Miranda put you up to this?" I ask, genuinely curious, because, I can't quite imagine Miranda going out of her way to do something this nice for me.
I also can't imagine him doing all of this all by himself. I mean, sure, he's thoughtful and nice, but Gossip Girl and puzzles?? - these are awfully specific and I don't even remember ever mentioning them to him.

"No," he lies instantly.
I know, because he's avoiding my gaze.

"Puzzles? Gossip girl?" I ask, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Not exactly?" He mumbles.
"Maybe?" He finally looks at me. My gaze intensifies.
"Yes," he finally concedes and I give a low laugh.

"I can't believe it. Miranda? My sister, the brat, Miranda? She actually did something nice for me!"

"So here's what happened. After the call abruptly ended, I wasn't sure whether to call back because I didn't want to put you into even more trouble, so I called her. And I may or may not have asked her to sneak me into the house. And that's when she may or may not have mentioned the puzzles and snacks. The booze and the cards, that was all Allen. I warned him that you wouldn't like it but he somehow talked me into believing that you would," he explains, and I giggle at the serious expression plastered across his face.

He's uneasy.... uncertain.
Whatever of, I can't really tell.
All I know is, he went through a lot to be here.
He didn't know what to do, but he tried finding out and that's what makes my heart warm out to him just a little bit more. It really is true - it's the thought that counts... always.

"Surely, Miranda wouldn't help anyone for free, not even to safe her own life. Not in this life, or the next. What did she want in exchange?"

He laughs gently.

"You know, beyond the arguments and petty fights, you two really know eachother. She only told me that I owed her one."

"Feels like a deal with the devil, huh?" I tease.
"No kidding."
"Yup. Deals with Miranda always feel like that."

"So urm...the Gossip Girl?" I ask.

"Well, you once mentioned something about you and Miranda binging it together on a Friday night, so I figured you must truly love it, if it's something you actually do with your sister. The only other thing you two do together is argue."

"You remembered..." it's more of a statement than a question.
"Of course, Mandy. I'll always remember everything you say," he lets out, quietly.

I feel the sting as my eyes begin to moisten with tears.

I'm such a crybaby...I know.

"I think I'm going to cry," I laugh nervously, trying not to blink.
His eyes flicker and his facial features soften gently.
"I've told you before....no tears. I can't stand to see you like that."

I sniffle before responding. "Even if it's tears of joy?"

"Tears of joy," he snorts. "Yeah right. The only tears I've ever known are those of sorrow."
I can feel the sadness in his tone, even find even though he's wearing a big smile right now.
"I promise, I won't..." I finally give in.
He responds with a short nod.

He pulls out his laptop from the backpack.

"Let's do this!" He exclaims undertone.
"Yeah, let's!" I match his excitement.

Sure, I'm grounded and I missed the party, but a night in with Randy, snacking and watching Gossip Girl? This was definitely worth it!
I mean, could this day get any better?

An idea pops up in my head and I quickly rush to my closet to search for an item I hadn't seen in a long time....two items, actually.

"What are you looking for?" I hear his voice from behind me.
I drop the clothes in my hand on the floor and turn to face him.

"You'll see."

Randy's POV

"You'll see," she tells me with a mischievous smile before turning her attention back to the closet.

I watch in awe as she digs through the stuff, my mind racing with different thoughts on what she could possibly be looking for.

"Psycho," I call out.

"Well, I learn from the best," she responds and I shake my head in amusement.

"Found it!!" She whispers in excitement a few seconds later, returning with a large gift box.
She places the box on the desk and carefully opens the lid.
I crane my neck towards the box, suspense building up inside of me.

"Mom got these for us last Christmas, but Miranda claims they're too "childish" and that she wants nothing to do with them," she explains as she takes out the contents of the box.

Oh no!

My heart freezes when I realized what they are.

"No," I protest right away.

"Come on, it'll be fun." I shake my head.
"No, Mandy."

She gives a warm chuckle, unfolding them so I get a good look.
I stare at the giant onesies in horror.
Covered in Mickey mouse pictures, they both have a hood with a bow on it.

"I'm not putting on some giant baby clothes, Mandy."

"Pleaseeeeeee." She smiles sweetly and bats her eyelashes gently, unaware of the effect of that on me.
Now, how do I say no?

How do I say no to that smile? To that cute face?

On a usual day, there was no way in hell I'd be found wearing a onesie...not even if I were dead.
But this isn't exactly a usual day.
No, it isn't.
A usual day in my life would be full of a lot of crap. But not today - not anymore...not since I crossed paths with Mandy Turner.
My usually crappy days are now filled with an unusually undescribable bliss...a kind of happiness that words would fail to explain.

I wouldn't do this for my mum, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done this for Aubrey even if she begged me to.
Bottom line, I wouldn't do this for anyone. But for Mandy, I might actually just give in.

And that's the thing...Mandy has a way of pushing my buttons, without even trying.
With her, all my defense and resolve weakens, leaving me vulnerable.
And I actually might just like it!

I hate that I love how vulnerable I am around her...at how vulnerable she makes me feel, without even realising it!
It's as if she has no idea of the effects she has on me; no idea of how my heart races anytime she smiles or mentions my name in that beautiful voice...no idea how just a mere touch from her has me bubbling up with excitement and how happy I become whenever she holds my hand...no idea how safe I feel anytime she gives me one of those soothing and reassuring hugs....no idea how nervous I get in her presence, so nervous, that it's actually very terrifying and I have to struggle to gain composure.

"Okay fine, I'll wear it," I mumble inaudibly.

"Yes!" She squeals in delight, breaking out into a happy dance.

She freezes and turns to face me with a frown.
"But what?"
"I'm not putting the hood on," I state firmly.

"But, you'll wear it?"
"I'll wear it," I confirm with a smile.


She quickly disappears into the washroom, emerging about two minutes later wearing the onesie and prancing around goofily.

I feel the smile on my lips widen with each passing second.

"Your turn!"

Reluctantly, I push myself to my feet and slip my legs into the onesie.
Lucky for me, I'm wearing a pair of shorts... otherwise It would've been really uncomfortable in the onesie.
I pull the T-shirt over my head and take it off before slipping my hands into the arms of the giant costume and zipping it up.

"You look realllllyyyy cute in it!" She tells me, failing at her desperate attempt to hold in a giggle.

"Look what you made me do," I whisper.

"Don't worry, no one will find out. I'm taking this secret to the grave."

"That's very reassuring," I respond with a sacastic tone.

She reaches for the snacks and plops onto the bed excitedly. "Come on!"
I grab my laptop and put the first episode on before moving to sit next to her.

"Wait." She stops me before I hit play.
I look at her in confusion.
She picks up her giant teddy bear and I sigh wearily.

...papa bear.

Okay fine, I'll admit I don't like teddies, but I have a special dislike for this particular one because it gets to hug her every night and I don't.

I'm surprised when she gets down and carefully sets papa bear down on her study desk.
I'm even more surprised when the lights go off, leaving the laptop screen as the only source of light in the room.
She gets back into the bed and hands me a pillow, instructing me to prop myself up against the headboard.
I happily oblige.

Slowly, she crawls into my arms and snuggles closer. Instinctively, I wrap my arm around her and she reaches for the covers, pulling them up over our legs.
Excitement courses through my veins as I just watch her work in silence, oblivious of her impact on me, again.

"Okay, we're good to go now. Hit it!" She whispers loudly.
The excitement in her voice cannot be missed!
I reposition myself and ask, "Are you comfortable? Should I sit up a bit more?"

"No, this is perfect," she says softly, leaning against my chest and tearing up the wrapper on the chocolate bar.
I take a deep breath before pressing play.

"I'm glad you were grounded," I tease, but deep within, I really do mean it.

This beautiful moment would never have happened at the party.

"I'm glad too. Now, hush....look, Serena is about to arrive at the Grand Central station."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Chocolate?" She looks up at me.
"Naa, I'm good."

I'm not exactly a sweet tooth kind of person.

"Come on...just one bite," she urges, shoving the bar into my mouth before I can protest.
"Just one," I reply with a mouthful of chocolate.

"Thank you so much, Randy," I hear her whisper.
"Anytime, Turner," I whisper against her hair, gently stroking her arm.

"Say that again."
"Anytime, Turner," I repeat with a smile.


Hey, guys🥹❤️

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