
By pmjc88

19.6K 921 186

What to do, when the dark side of the world, the one no one knows exists comes to light? War is coming, but... More



326 15 4
By pmjc88

Trix finished her makeup, and stood, checking her reflection in the mirror. The platinum blonde wig, fell down half way her back, her eyes a stormy grey colour, surrounded by icy blue eye shadow, and black liner. Her outfit was of a little silver and pale blue corset, the tiny shorts, stockings matching it with her sliver stripper heels.

She checked the tattoo cover up she wore, hoping she didn't need to re-apply. She had enough layers of it on, it felt like she was wearing clay.

Looking in the mirror again, a message popped up in her vision, and she winked at her reflection, letting Whistler know she received the message. She loved the contact lenses, she could receive messages, and the others could see what she did.

Knowing she was the next one on stage, she headed out the door, her eyes trailing over every one she passed, making sure to get their faces so Whistler could run facial recognition on them all, and compile files for her.


Hearing a knock on his door, Loki called out for them to enter, and saw it was Thor. His brother closed the door behind him, and moved closer, his eyes reading the two tomes on the bed, and frowned at the letter. He picked it up, reading it... 'This sounds rather ominous..'

'I miss the days when people would tell me I was right..'.. Loki closed the tome he has, placing it on the table next to him.

'Have you found anything if interest yet?..'.. Thor put the letter down, perching on the edge of the bed.

'Yes, a fascinating woman, who as it happens, is actually a werewolf. But so far, nothing I do not already know..'... Loki sighed.

'You are sure she is?..'.. Thor asked him.

'With mothers words..'.. He gestured to the letter... 'I am more sure now. What I am wondering, is if Fury somehow knows..'

'What do you mean?..'..

Loki sat up telling Thor everything that Trix had said in the meeting... 'It is clear he has been watching for some time, he may know the truth of what she is. For Hill to play us in going to that bar, they wanted us to meet the woman. We know what Stark is like, once he is intrigued by something or someone, he will not let it go..'

Thor sighed... 'There has been no record of wolf attacks in the city, so could she be turning somewhere else?..'

'Again, I do not know, but I will find out..'.. Loki conjured Thor a drink, handing it over... 'She has scars on her right leg, which I am guessing is how she turned. That indicates that she is not the only one to exist, someone turned her..'

'I thought we eradicated them all, during the plague..'.. Thor sipped the glass. The plague was started by an alpha wolf and his pack, wanting to decimate anyone who wasn't one of his own kind, poisoning humans, killing them off so that only lycans remained. Thor, Loki and others had come to midgard, and destroyed the alpha and his pack. They had stayed for a while, searching for any more lycans, and killing them, so something like that would never happen again.

'We may have missed one or two..'.. Loki sighed... 'That was not a fun battle..'.. He shook his head, memories of what had happened during that time here, flitted through his mind. Seeing so many children, sick and dying, knowing that however much he tried to heal them, it wasn't working, he could only lessen their pain, before they succumbed to death.

'Do you believe mother? That this one, does not wish to harm, only protect?..'.. Thor asked him.

'From what we know of Trix already, I believe so. Though she threatened harm to us, I do not think it was malicious, but a warning. If she were to turn, she may not have control, and could harm, or kill us should we get in her way..'.. Loki picked up his glass, drinking it, and glancing at the tome next to him... 'Mothers letter indicates that lycans are not the only creatures to exist here..'.. He pointed to the Vampyr tome behind Thor.

Thor glanced back and picked it up, reading the cover... 'I do not know what is worse, lycan or vampyr..'

'I think in this situation, vampyr. There is a fight to come, and I believe Trix will be in the middle of it, and will get hurt. Mother warns me to ensure she does not get bitten..'.. Loki takes the Vampyr tone from Thor, thinking it over... 'The night children can not procreate, can they?..'

'I do not know, why do you ask?..'.. Thor frowned at him.

'Mother, she said something in the letter. And Trix has no mate, a female wolf, especially an alpha, she is not yet claimed. What if a vampyr takes her?..'.. Loki didn't want to admit, that was a frightening thought.

'Not to make light of this, but I believe it would be best if it was you..'.. Thor gestured to him... 'How soon can you see her again?..'


Bucky had tossed money down on the bar, and clapped Steve on the shoulder. They had been there a few hours, and still no sign of her. She hadn't shown up all week, and he felt he should just give up... 'Ready to go?..'

Steve finished his beer, nodding to Benny, just as the door opened, and a man he recognised, as one of Trix friends walked in... 'Big Ben, boss wants a drink, she's taking a call..'... Steve frowns as the man looks between him and Bucky, a smirk on his lips as he moves to sit at the bar a few stools down from Steve... 'You two want to whip your dicks out and piss on her leg? Stake a claim on her?..'

'What? No..'.. Steve scrunched his face up... 'I'm Steve, that's Buck..'.. Steve gestured next to him... 'This bar is good, quiet. Kinda like that we can have a drink without getting hassled. Some days, I kinda miss not being known..'

'I know who you are, we all do..'.. The man gestured around... 'No one fucking cares. As long as you're not here to hassle my girl, you're good..'

'Your girl?..'... Buckys head whipped around to the man, and then peered at Benny... 'Thought you said she doesn't date..'

'Not what I said. I said I've never seen her with a man, and was sure Captain Rogers wasn't her type as he's too good. Wade there..'.. Benny pointed to the man... 'If any guy was her type, it would be him..'

'I feel I should be insulted..'.. Wade scoffed as Benny moved to put two glasses in front of him.

'We all know you like to get around, but if anyone can match Trix, its you..'.. Benny chuckled, the door opening again.

'Why are my ears burning?..'.. Bucky swallowed, watching Trix walk in, and move to sit next to the one called Wade, slipping her phone in her pocket.

'Talking about you, not to you..'... Benny nodded to her glass and she picked it up.

'Glad to know I'm the highlight of conversation. Shall we go upstairs?..'.. Bucky saw the smirk she gave Wade, and the two slid off their stools, and walked around to behind the bar, pushing the door open and disappearing.

'Here..'.. Bucky looked down at the rag that was tossed to him, and saw Steve had one too... 'You're both drooling, you might want to wipe it up..'.. Benny chuckled, heading to the other end of the bar to serve someone.

'Did you feel anything?..'.. Bucky spoke quietly to Steve next to him, who shook his head... 'Me either..'.. He gestured for Steve to follow, the two heading out and onto the street, Steve pulling the car keys from his pocket.

'Its strange. Why do I feel like I want to be around her, some times, but looking at her now, I don't feel anything?..'.. Steve asked as they got to the car.

'No idea. She's still hot, but I didn't feel drawn to her like before..'.. Bucky got in the passenger side, as Steve got in too.


Wade sat down smirking, watching as Raven altered her look from Trix, to her usual self, and taking a seat at the desk, and turning the computer on... 'What did she say?..'

'Whistler has found our guy. She ran facial recognition, as Trix performed, so now we know out target. Let's hope she gets to him before Hydra does, otherwise, she's going to eat them all for breakfast..'.. Raven pulled up the surveillance from Trix contacts cam, and gestured for Wade to come around.

The two looked through all the profiles, and pictures of those Trix had come into contact with... 'Wait, that one..'.. Wade tapped the screen... 'I know that guy..'

'How well do you know him?..'.. Raven asked, as she pulled up the guys profile.

'Low level asshole. He was one of my recon team. Last I knew, he was dishonorably discharged, and went rogue..'.. Wade growled in his throat.

'Hes all yours. Think you can bring him in?..'.. Raven smirked to him.

'Might be missing a few parts, but I'll make sure his mouth still works..'.. Wade headed to the door, turning back to her... 'Don't let her get too deep..'

'Are we thinking of the same woman, cause Trix will do whatever she wants, and fuck what anyone says..'.. Raven gave him a look over the screen and he headed out.

Calling up Whistler on video call, Raven sat back, watching Trix... 'Hey Rae, what you got?..'


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