Journal Of A Mother's Hope

By CrimsonHunter-7567

20.2K 459 93

takes After the second half of the Chunin Exams Naruko is passed over by Kakashi to train Sasuke. Angry, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
A voice for female naruto
Chapter 9
New fem naruto story
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

1.8K 41 3
By CrimsonHunter-7567

The next day, Naruko woke up in Anko's apartment. As she rose from the bed, she noticed that she had been provided with clean and fresh clothes. Her face still carried the same dull and lifeless expression as the previous night.

Anko: Hey Naru-chan.

Anko entered the room with a sad smile on her face. It pained her deeply to see Naruko in such a state of despair, and she wished there was more she could do to ease her suffering. Anko gently inquired if Naruko would like some ramen for breakfast, fully aware of the girl's usual enthusiasm for the dish.

Anko: Wants some ramen for breakfast.

Naruko: (hollow).no.

Anko's growing concern, Naruko calmly declined the offer. The fact that Naruko, who usually worshipped ramen, had no appetite for it in this moment only heightened Anko's worry. She realized that Naruko's pain ran deep, and she was determined to help her through it in any way she could.

Anko's growing concern deepened as Naruko calmly declined the offer. The fact that Naruko, who usually worshipped ramen, had no appetite for it in this moment only heightened Anko's worry. She realized that Naruko's pain ran deep, and she was determined to help her through it in any way she could.

As they sat in silence, As they sat in silence, Anko finally found the courage to broach a sensitive topic.

Anko: "Naru-chan... do you hate me for telling you the truth about your mother?"

Naruko's eyes met Anko's, and she slowly shook her head, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude.

Naruko: "No, Anko. I don't hate you. You were the only one who was truly there for me, who did more for me than that monkey Sarutobi ever did. I couldn't hate you, even if I tried."

Anko's heart warmed at Naruko's words. She had feared that revealing the truth might shatter their bond, but instead, it seemed to have strengthened it. Anko knew that she would do whatever it took to help Naruko heal and find her place in this new reality.

Despite Naruko's assurance that she didn't hate Anko, the weight of the truth about her mother and her painful past still hung heavily over her. She remained in a state of deep depression, her eyes dull and lifeless, her emotions raw from the revelations of the previous days.

Anko continued to do her best to support Naruko, providing her with a safe space to grieve and process her emotions. She didn't press Naruko to talk about her feelings or what she wanted to do next. Instead, Anko was there as a constant presence, ready to offer comfort and a listening ear whenever Naruko was ready to open up.

is been 3 days and Naruko's depression showed no signs of lifting. anko had an idea.

Anko: Naruko do you want to learn about your clan.

Naruko head shifted a little to her, getting her attention. Anko smile inside knowing she was interested to learn about her clan.

Naruko: (hollow) Yes.

Anko had a smile in her face. knowing she saving her sensei clan legacy for it can't be forgotten.

Anko: (tells the story) The Uzumaki Clan, a renowned and formidable clan within the Naruto universe, is celebrated for their remarkable mastery of Fuinjutsu, a branch of ninja techniques specializing in the use of seals and symbols for various purposes. Their expertise in this field has granted them a fearsome reputation and made them an influential force in the shinobi world. Here's an explanation of why the Uzumaki Clan is considered powerful and instills fear in both allies and adversaries: The Uzumaki Clan's prowess in Fuinjutsu is unrivaled. They have spent generations perfecting the art of sealing techniques, which involve the use of intricate symbols, patterns, and seals to manipulate chakra, seal objects or beings away, and even create devastating offensive techniques. Some of their most famous achievements in Fuinjutsu include the creation of the "Dead Demon Consuming Seal" and the "Eight Trigrams Sealing Style," both of which are exceptionally powerful techniques that can seal away even the most formidable opponents. Members of the Uzumaki Clan possess naturally high chakra reserves, a genetic trait that is integral to their mastery of Fuinjutsu. Their abundant chakra allows them to execute complex sealing techniques with ease, making them incredibly versatile and dangerous opponents in battle. This innate advantage gives them an edge when it comes to endurance and the ability to maintain powerful jutsu for extended periods. The Uzumaki Clan is known for its indomitable spirit and resilience. They have faced numerous hardships, including the destruction of their homeland, but have always managed to endure and rebuild. This tenacity and determination translate into their combat prowess, making them relentless fighters who never give up, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Over the years, the Uzumaki Clan's reputation as masters of Fuinjutsu and their powerful sealing techniques have struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. The knowledge that they can seal away powerful foes or unleash devastating attacks with their seals makes them a force to be reckoned with. This psychological advantage alone often deters adversaries from engaging in direct combat with Uzumaki clan members. The iconic Uzumaki spiral symbol is recognized throughout the shinobi world as a symbol of power and endurance. This emblem represents their clan's heritage and has been associated with their incredible chakra reserves and sealing abilities. It's a symbol that evokes fear and respect in equal measure. In summary, the Uzumaki Clan's reputation as powerful masters of Fuinjutsu and their ability to bear fear in the shinobi world is well-deserved. Their proficiency in sealing techniques, coupled with their tenacity and genetic advantages, makes them formidable adversaries and invaluable allies. Their legacy continues to live on through the indomitable spirit of those who carry the Uzumaki name.

This caught Naruko very attention, she never knew her clan was crazy badass. Naruko ask herself can she live that legacy. Anko's explanation about the Uzumaki Clan's history and their incredible mastery of Fuinjutsu had captured Naruko's attention. The revelation that her clan was renowned for being such formidable and skilled ninja ignited a spark of curiosity within her. She had never known the extent of her clan's power and influence, and the idea of carrying on their legacy filled her with a mix of awe and determination.

Naruko: "Can I... can I learn those sealing techniques? Can I live up to the Uzumaki legacy?"

Anko couldn't help but smile at Naruko's newfound interest and determination. She saw a glimmer of the old Naruko, the one with bright eyes and unwavering spirit.

Anko: "Of course, Naru-chan. You have Uzumaki blood running through your veins, and you've got the potential to become an incredible ninja. I'll teach you everything I know about Fuinjutsu and help you unlock your full potential."

Naruko's eyes, though still carrying the weight of her past, began to show a hint of hope. She knew that this new path would be a challenging one, but with Anko's guidance and her own determination, she was ready to embrace her Uzumaki heritage and the legacy of her clan.

The days that followed saw Anko and Naruko delving into the world of Fuinjutsu, studying ancient scrolls, practicing intricate seal patterns, and experimenting with various techniques.

As Naruko immersed herself in the study of Fuinjutsu, she found solace and purpose in the art of sealing. It became a way for her to channel her emotions, both the pain of her past and the hope for her future, into something constructive. With every seal she mastered, Naruko felt herself growing stronger and more connected to her Uzumaki heritage.

Anko watched with pride as Naruko's eyes gradually regained their vibrancy, and her spirit began to shine once more. The girl she had come to care for was on a path of self-discovery and healing, and Anko would continue to support her every step of the way.

Together, Anko and Naruko would honor the legacy of the Uzumaki Clan and forge a new future filled with strength, resilience, and the power of sealing techniques that would leave a lasting mark on the world of shinobi.

It had been four days since Naruko had embarked on her journey to learn Fuinjutsu and the art of sealing. Under Anko's patient guidance, she had made remarkable progress, surprising her teacher with her innate talent and creativity.

Naruko had begun to create variations of seals that even Anko had never seen before, showcasing her unique approach and ingenuity. With each new seal she crafted, she felt a connection to her Uzumaki heritage and, in particular, to her mother, Kushina. It was as if she was carrying on a legacy that had long been forgotten.

One day, as Naruko worked diligently on perfecting a particularly complex seal, she suddenly had an idea for a new technique. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she sketched out the symbols and patterns on a scroll, creating a seal that had the potential to make the user invisible.

Anko, always eager to explore new techniques, watched with interest as Naruko unveiled her creation. She couldn't help but be impressed by her student's progress and the ingenuity of the new seal.

Anko: "Hey, Naru-chan, that's quite an impressive seal you've got there. Mind if I take a look at it? I promise I'll be careful."

Naruko, however, wasn't ready to part with her newfound creation just yet. With a playful grin, she swatted Anko's hand away, almost as if scolding a mischievous child.

Naruko: "No way, sensei! This one's mine, and I'm not sharing it just yet. You'll have to wait until I've mastered it."

Anko couldn't help but chuckle at Naruko's possessiveness over her creation. It was a clear sign of the girl's growing confidence and sense of identity, something that Anko had been working tirelessly to help her find.

Anko: "Alright, Naru-chan, you keep your secrets for now. But when you're ready to show it off, you know where to find me. Keep up the good work, and who knows what other amazing seals you'll come up with."

With a renewed sense of purpose and a growing mastery of sealing techniques, Naruko continued her training, her eyes filled with determination and a newfound hope for the future. Together with Anko, she would unlock the full potential of her Uzumaki heritage and create a legacy all her own.

Hokage tower

After her training session with Naruko, Anko decided to pay a visit to the Hokage Tower to check on the old man, Hiruzen Sarutobi himself. She couldn't help but be curious about the state he was in after Naruko's outburst and the beating she had witnessed. As she entered the Hokage's office, she couldn't hide the amused grin that formed on her face.

Anko: "Well, well, Hokage-sama. You look like you've had quite the time. That cast and those bandages tell me you got a beating of a lifetime."

Anko's tone was a mix of amusement and genuine curiosity as she approached Hiruzen's desk. She could see the discomfort on the old man's face, and it was hard not to find some satisfaction in the sight after everything he had put Naruko through.

Hiruzen sighed, wincing as he shifted in his chair. He didn't bother trying to hide the pain he was in.

Hiruzen: "Naruko... she's stronger than I ever imagined. Her anger and her power... it's unlike anything I've ever seen. I suppose I had this coming."

Anko couldn't help but chuckle at the Hokage's admission. She had witnessed firsthand the emotional turmoil that Naruko had gone through, and it was clear that the girl's strength had grown exponentially in the wake of the truth about her parents.

Anko: But I do have a question. (glare at him) why the fuck you put a loyalty seal on her?

Anko's amusement faded, and her expression turned serious as she glared at Hiruzen, demanding an answer to her question about the loyalty seal placed on Naruko.

Hiruzen: (sighs heavily) "Anko, it wasn't something I did lightly. I had my reasons, or at least I thought I did at the time."

He leaned back in his chair, wincing as he did so, his injuries a constant reminder of the consequences of his actions.

Hiruzen: "The loyalty seal... it was meant to ensure that Naruko would always prioritize the village's safety over anything else. I was afraid that if her true lineage became known, it would put her and the village at risk. I didn't want her to be manipulated by external forces or to inadvertently reveal her heritage, which could lead to disastrous consequences."

Anko glare at him more.

Anko: You know if Naruko learn of her heritage she will never blabber it out because, even she did will the villager believes her? Will they believed a demon is the daughter of their savior and foreigner. Knowing that she well get more beatings or maybe try to kill her believing the fourth child is dead and is a demon in human skin. They will be more determine to kill her even you can't help and because of your wife death is the reason you did piss poor job to protect her. Naruko was never childhood she lost it when she saw the truth of the world is cruel.

Anko's words struck Hiruzen like a lightning bolt of painful truth. He had been blinded by his own grief and guilt over his wife's death, and in his desperate attempt to protect Naruko, he had inadvertently made things worse for her. Her words about the villagers' perception and the potential consequences of revealing Naruko's true heritage hit home, and he couldn't deny the validity of her arguments.

Hiruzen: (voice filled with remorse) "Anko, you're right... I was so consumed by my own guilt and fear that I failed to see the bigger picture. I thought I was protecting her, but I was only making her suffer in a different way. I've let her down in so many ways..."

The weight of his mistakes pressed heavily upon him, and he realized that he needed to make amends, not only for his own actions but for the sake of Naruko.

Anko: (soften) Is too late for you, there's no coming back of what you done. She will never forgive you that I can tell, she was depress and lifeless when I mention of her clan it brought a bit of life in her. I told her about her clan but massacre not yet, I'm helping her, because she finally drop the mask and soon you're going to see the real Naruko. I will be there to support her no matter even I have to be missing-nin.

Hiruzen watched Anko with a mix of regret and determination as she spoke. He knew he had made grave mistakes, and he couldn't blame Anko for her anger and her decision to support Naruko independently.

Hiruzen: "Anko, I understand if Naruko can't forgive me for what I've done. But I'll do whatever I can to make amends and ensure her future is brighter."

As Anko turned to leave, Hiruzen called out to her, tossing her a scroll that contained vital information and documents.

Hiruzen: "Take this, Anko. It has information about her heritage, keys to a house that belonged to her family, and adoption papers that have been denied to you for too long. It's time I did something right for once. Let her know that you took it against my wishes, so she doesn't think I did it to ease my guilt."

Anko's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude as she looked at the scroll. It held everything she had wanted for years: the truth about Naruko's heritage, a place she could call home, and the legal adoption papers.

Anko: "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

With a nod of acknowledgment, she left the office, her heart filled with determination to support Naruko and provide her with the life she deserved. She knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to face it for the sake of the girl who had suffered for far too long.

Inside the Minato and Kushina house, the door creaked open, revealing Naruko and Anko stepping inside. The air was filled with a sense of nostalgia and warmth. As they calmly walked through the house, Naruko couldn't help but sense the joy and happiness that had once filled these walls.

Naruko made her way upstairs, guided by a feeling she couldn't quite describe. She opened a room and stepped inside, and her eyes immediately welled up with tears. It was her nursery, perfectly preserved by fuinjutsu, with baby items neatly arranged, though covered in a layer of dust. Her heart ached as she saw a banner hanging on the wall that read, "Welcome home, Naruko Uzumaki." Her mother had wanted her to carry the Uzumaki name, not Namikaze.

Just as the weight of her emotions threatened to overcome her, Anko approached Naruko, holding out a piece of paper. Naruko, confused, took the paper and began to read it. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the realization sank in. It was an adoption paper.

Anko watched Naruko's reaction, a small smile playing on her lips. She had been trying to adopt Naruko for years, and finally, they could make it official. Before Naruko could fully process the information, she was cut off by the girl herself, who tackled Anko with a tight hug.

Tears streamed down Naruko's face as she sobbed, and in a trembling voice, she called out, "Mom!"

Anko's shock quickly gave way to pure joy as she wrapped her arms around Naruko, hugging her tightly. Tears of happiness flowed from her own eyes as she heard Naruko call her "mom."

Anko: "Naruko... my dear daughter..."

In that moment, amidst the emotions and the tears, a bond was forged between them stronger than any blood tie. They had both suffered and overcome, and now, they were a family in the truest sense of the word.

Outside far away

Meanwhile, from a concealed vantage point high above, a mysterious figure in a dark cloak observed them. The cloak bore the whirlpool symbol, entwined with the Sage of the Six Paths' insignia. This figure was no ordinary observer; he had a purpose, and he was recording every detail of Naruko and Anko emotional.

Hidden within the shadows, the figure wrote diligently in a leather-bound book, taking note of their words, expressions, and the warmth that seemed to radiate from their companionship.

Unknown Figure (whispering to himself): "Naruko Uzumaki... and Anko Mitarqshi. Such a unique mother and daughter bond between them. The future remains uncertain, but their destinies are will come soon."

To be continued....

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