Can Anybody Find Me?

By Trewest

152K 2.7K 126

What happens when your Guardian Angel is late? Elonore found out the hard way at 10 years old and barely surv... More

Can Anybody Find Me?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Epilogue

Chapter 9

5.4K 100 2
By Trewest

Gavin watching the mysterious Lone leave and had to ignore the part of him that wanted to follow her. He couldn't figure it out; half his instincts warned him to stay here, protect Belle and the other half said to follow Lone, take her under wing. If he had been paying attention, he would have understood. Lone was his Elonore, whose human face he hadn't seen since she was a child. Ever since, it had been a spirit watching a mortal. But now, he was seeing her with eyes that had a concept of beauty and familiarity. Instead, he was distracted by the feeling that one of hte two people in the room with him, were not what tehy appeared to be. One of them was Descended.

So he sat quietly and ate his General Tzo chicken, pondering hte strangeness of his last couple of days. He finally gets wind of the child he is looknig for. Roy warned him of greater numbers of Descended lurking, always indicative of a great Seduction going on. Then he meets Belle who takes him to an area that signals without a doubt that the child he was looknig for was here. But before he can make good on that lead, he was attacked by Descended and knocked unconscious. Only to be awoken by a young woman pushing energy into him, helping him heal faster. There was a connection there and instinctively he drew on it, pulling along with it her desire and passion.

Now there was a young woman in the next apartment, whom had been moments away from making love to him, without him knowing her name, her beau staring at him, as if Rimmon could see the indiscretions between Gavin and Lone, and finally Belle sitting there, hopeful and romantic but always out of reach for him. Rimmon gave Gavin one last frown and left to go after Lone. He suspected that Rimmon might be the Descended, but he was still too injured to focus and make sure.

Gavin realized that lead or no lead, he'd have to leave Belle behind for her own safety. If hte Descended were attacking in packs, they would kill her without worrying about the exposure. She was a good soul and didn't deserve the issues involved in knowing him. And if she were secretly a Descended, than he would have to kill her, and that would destroy his lead anyways/

Gavin reached for the connection between him and Elonore, and couldn't grab a hold of it. It was there, filling his senses, telling him that she was so close. But he couldn't grasp it anymore. As if he'd already found her and marked her, but he hadn't done any such thing. Resisting a surge of worry, he figured it was due to his injured state, that after adequate rest and recovery he could begin to track her again.

He looked at Bell and desided to get one thing settled, just so he wouldn't hurt her worse later. "Belle... I want to thank you for helpnig me." he started. She smiled at him, her eyes lighting up with real happiness to see him well. He drew a breath and plunged on. "But as tempting as it is to take advantage of what it is you do for a living, I can't sleep with you."

She blinked at him, hiding hte pain his rejection stirred in her. "Can I ask why not?" she asked softly.

Gavin ignored the part of him that wanted to soothe her with kisses and caresses. "I'm on a job right now. Sort of dangerous as you can guess." he indicated his injuries. "I can't in good conscious drag you into that. I would love to be your friend, but I can't be anything more." he offered, hoping to retain at least a thread of connection to his best lead.

Belle frowned, looking vulnerable and hurt. But then she smoothed her brow out and smiled. "I would love to have you as a friend too. I guess knowing what it is we both have hiding in our pasts, I can understand that there are some things just beyond us at this point." she agreed.

He felt relief wash through him and gestured for her to come to him. She slid the tray out of the way and she snuggled next to him, a friendly hug. He felt pleased with his solution and never noticed the hurt in her eyes.


Lone groaned in her sleep, thrashing in a blood pumping, heart raising nightmare. She was disturbingly aroused at the same time as being feverishly terrified. Jerking awake with a hiss, she forgot the details of her nightmare as she realized htere was a man in her bed. She started at Rimmon's sleeping face, partly thrilled to have him there and partly disappointed that it wasn't the mysteriously compelling Gavin in his place.

She stared at Rimmon and her eyes were drawn down to the tangled blanket. She always kicked blankets off in her sleep, and somehow Rimmon had ended up with one leg cocooned in hte blanket and the other one flailed out, exposing his bare torso. His chest was bare, tattoos a dark contrast to his skin. They almost didn't look real, so vivid and dark looking in the moonlight filtering in her window. Lone watched them, almost expecting them to writhe into life. She felt mesmerized by them and found herself tracing the faintest touch up one with her finger. It was slick and delicate feeling and without thinking, she followed the finger with her tounge, licking the tattoo and tasting his skin. Rimmon's skin flashed with goosebumps, but he remained asleep.

Lone watched his face with fascination and she lightly explored his exposed flesh with her fingers. This was absolutely insane, she simply did not do this sort of thing. But mental protestations aside, Lone found herself almost compelled to see him naked again. She'd started to try and untangle the bedsheet from around his leg so she could pull off those damn sweatpants and take him into her mouth when he woke up.

Lone froze, seeing Rimmon's confused expression. "You stole all the blanket." she offered as an explanation, grateful that the darkness hid the shame colouring her cheeks. She'd wanted to take him in his sleep. How pathetic was that?

"Oh. Sorry." he offered sleepily and shuffled, quickly disengaging the blankets. Lone settled them out evenly again, hearing Rimmon's breathing drop off into sleep again. But there was no way she was falling back to sleep after that. Her nerves jangled with frustrated arousal and adrenaline. It was like she was gonig into a fight and having foreplay at the same time.

With Rimmon asleep, she slipped out of the bed and opened her window. Just outside the old push up window, was the fire escape and she slipped out onto it, grateful to the air htat felt cool against her skin. Ever since yesterday she had been feeling off, weird compared to her usual distant mellowness. Her moods seemed more volatile and she was becoming obsessed with touching people. It wasn't right, it wasn't like her and that made her anxious. She was loosing her mind, like her father had. Soon it wouldn't be safe for her to be around people or she'd hurt them.

Lone was just grateful that Gavin had kept his mouth shut on what had happened between them, it would have hurt Belle. And Rimmon. Lone looked back through the window to see Rimmon sprawled out in her bed, taking up the room where she was like it was all for him. She chewed the inside of her cheek and honestly thought about her random surges of lust. Did she want to sleep with him? Just thinknig about it made her shudder, the skin prickling fear of being trapped surging up and helping convince her that no, she was definitly not ready to be sleeping with anyone. Or at least, not with him. Yet. Unless he kissed her again. Dammit. She was confused and torn, part of her still too traumatized to consider it, and the other part apparently saturated in hormones and too doped to think straight. Wonderful.

She shoved the internal struggle aside and just focused on her breathing. She felt...connected to the world around her like she hadn't before. As if after a very long winter in layered sweaters, she was suddenly outside letting the air caress her skin without obstruction. It should have felt exhilerating, but instead Lone found it made her feel vulnerable. Lone sighed and sat down on the fire escape, the metal digging into her back but she ignored it. She just enjoyed the solitude, knowing no one could bother her out here.

She must have drifted off to sleep, out there on the balcony because moments to dawn, she woke up, hearing a window open. She stayed still, trusting the shadows around her to keep her presence hidden. She saw Gavin at Belle's window, leaning out into the fading darkness. Although the sun was just beginning to kiss above the horizon, Lone was confident that she would stay hidden in the shadows, the buildings around htem acted as a sunblock. So she stayed still, knowing movement would give her away, but feeling like a voyuer as she jsut watched him from her patch of darkness.

Gavin was leaning out the window, face far less battered than it should have been. It was like he was healing in fast forward, and there was no way he should be walking around, let alone hanging out of a building. It was only a two story drop but still... after being beaten to a pulp last night, it would suck. And yet here he was, her shadow man. She couldn't deny it either, somehow this man in hte window WAS the same man that had saved her life and watched over her ever since. She felt anger stirring in her belly, suddenly furious that he saved her only to watch her suffer through life. If he'd cared so much about having her alive, why had he allowed her father to do those things to her? Why hadn't he just let her die?

She wanted to hit him and demand answers to her questions, but she couldn't bring herself to move. If she accused him and he had no clue what she was talking about, she'd know she had lost her marbles. But if he was that man....then what? There was no way he was the same man, she had to have been delusional. Because part of her remembered him calling himself her Guardian Angel. And her cold logic refused to even acknowledge the possibility of that being real. Angels didn't exist, neither did the devil. Evil was just a concept created by mankind to destroy each other with.

The sun danced over the edge of the building and caressed Gavin's face. Lone started, trying not to move but the jerk still drew his attention to her. She was staring at him, wide eyes and horridied. And he watched her, startled and alarmed. Because he was glowing, and not in the sun on your skin way. More like moonlight danced under his skin, swirling with the blush of sunlight. It wasn't possible. And while she started at him, gobsmacked, it finally clicked in his mind why she was familiar.

"Elonore..." he breathed, astounded.

At the sound of a name she hadn't used in over two years, Lone scrambled from her perch and botled down the fire escape to the street level. Her instinct to run completly overwhelming her better judgement. Unless he was willing to kick in hte door, there was no way he could have gotten her in hte apartment. And Rimmon would have helped her. But instead she bolted, needing to get away from them, the impossibleness of Gavin knowing her name, being hte man she knew he was.

Her bare feet slapped down on the pavement, her panic too close to the surface for her to notice the rocks and glass that tore into flesh. She ducked down an alley, pulling up her mental map of the neighborhood. When she'd first moved in she had spent a day wandering, just to know all the escape routes. She didn't look behind her, but she could feel hime give chase. It should have taken him longer to get out of the building. Go back through Belle's apartment, down the stairs and then out the front. She's taken off directly from the back and deeked through allyways to loose him. Her breathing was smooth and steady, heart rate accelerated and goosebumps prickling her skin. Her pajamas were wet with the puddles she ran through and her feet were dirty and bleeding, but she ignored it and dodged down another allyway. She skidded to a stop, seeing something impossible in front of her.

Something that was supposed to be human but had a dark aura stood in that alley. He was bigger than a man had any right to be, almost seven foot and grossly muscled. His skin was an almost fainly purple gray and looked rock hard. He saw her and smiled, teeth broken and stained, looking like jigsaw blades. Lone gasped, smelling a faint rotten egg smell coming from him and back pedalled, convinced that if his aura squirmed and wriggled like that, he was definitly not someone she needed to meet. So she high tailed it back down the alley, cursing her stupidity at running away.

The gray man started to chase her, inhumanly fast. She felt the thudding of his heavy feet striking the ground, gaining on her. She rounded another corner, trying to duck away and out of sight. She passed a recessed enterance and a hand snaked out, grabbing her and pulling her into the shadows. Before a startled sound could escape her lips, a warm hand pressed against her mouth, keeping her quiet. After a moment her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she recognized Gavin's face, watching her intently. When he realized she wouldn't scream, he dropped his hand from her mouth.

She was about to ask him a very important question when they both heard the thuds of gray man's approach. She pressed her lips shut and focused on calming her breathing, trying not to make a sound. She closed her eyes and could feel the wrongness of his twisted aura approaching, sending out feelers for her. She breathed in deep, pulling all sense of herself inside, hidden and safe. She did this before fighting, just incase someone could see these auras like she could, and it always had her feel like she was high, twitching with excess energy and bouyant. But as the sense of her own aura faded, she could feel Gavin's still glowing, a dead give away. He was watching her with fascination, amazed at her self discipline.

Lone felt the ugly tendrils creep closer, the rotten egg smell getting thicker. She leaned up against a surprised Gavin and whispered softly in his ear. "Can you hide?" she asked, hoping he'd understand. He frowned though, not realizing that his aura was giving away their position.

One of hte tendrils started to creep to his aura, tasting it when she acted without any thought gonig on instinct. She pressed her mouth to his, pulling his aura into her self to smother it, hide it away. She had her hands pressed against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She felt the tendrils lose sense of his aura, fumbling around to regain it. But htey slid on past the two locked in a kiss, missing them completly.

Lone had meant to end the kiss once the danger was passed and all sense of the gray man faded away, but her body had a mind of its own. Her hands slid up his chest and around his neck, brushing fingertips against feathers. The faint stubble on his face tickled around her mouth as his tongue teased at hers. His arms released some of their desperate grip on her and he rested his hands on her hips. The thin fabric of her pajama pants let the heat of his skin pass easily to her and she briefly wondered what it would feel like to have those hands all over her.

Gavin wanted to press her against the wall, explore her body with his hands and mouth. All concern about the Descended hunting her was gone, concern over the wrongness of his actions was gone; instead he was consumed with the need to fill her up with his light and take into him some of hers. His wings shuffled with a rustle, and Lone pulled her face away from his but didn't step back.

"Are those wings?" she asked, remembering her very important question from earlier.

Gavin was breathless from the kiss and took a moment to orient himself back into reality. "Yes." he answered simply, wondering how he could dazzle her and make her forget all this. It wasn't safe for humans to know they existed, it left them vulnerable and exposed.

"So you really are that man from my dreams." she said simply, arms still locked around his neck loosely.

He nodded softly, remembering her rescue. "I guess I am." he agreed.

"So you're my Guardian Angel then huh?" she asked, but already knew the answer. He looked at her sadly, realizing that he had to take these memories from her, to keep her safe.

"Yeah, I really am your Guardian Angel." he admitted.

"Oh good." Lone nodded. He blinked, starlted at her cavalier attitude. She smiled at his surprised. "I've completly lost my mind." she stated with simple acceptance and kissed him again. She pressed herself against him, almost sagging with relief that she was definitly mad. At least her delusion was enjoyable. And if she were going to need to be locked away, than she certainly planned on enjoying this moment as much as possible.

Gavin wanted to resist her, realized that her actions were part of her panic. But his mind was too overwhelmed with the feeling of her and he realized that she wasn't like the women he had been with before. There was something about her that was more similar to the ethereal plane than the physical. And it called to him, reaching out to touch him and curling back away when he tried to reach for it. He pressed her against the wall, gently trapping her there with his body. His wings sheilded them from view and the power of a Guardian hid them from view. Lone fed at his mouth eagerly, almost drunk on hte taste of him. Her earlier horror at the thought of being intimate with anyone, let alone a man she didn't know was long gone. Instead she couldn't get enough, her hands ran over his bare chest and traced the muscles of his back and shoulders that led to the wings.

Feeling her explore his body with those teasing figners, Gavin almost growled with a surge of primal desire. She knew what he was and wanted him. The real him, not the random man he was to everyone else. His hands slid up and under the hem of her shirt, tickling her ribs and brushing against the bottoms of her breasts. He felt her body respond to his touch, tightening in excitment and he cupped her breast, kneeding it. Without understanding why, he lay his hand flat against her chest, over her heart. A sudden light flared between them, blinding and hot. Gavin jerked away, horrified that he had hurt her. Lone lay crumpled to the ground, unconscious and blood dripping out of her nose.

"What have I done?" Gavin asked, confused and alarmed. He knelt down and checked her out, feeling no injury that could explain this. After a moments hesitation, he lifted her shirt, exposing her chest and a perfect handprint branded into her chest. He felt an almost magnetic pull to place his hand there again but resisted it, lowering her shirt again. He had no clue what it was he had just done to her, but it was probably not a good thing. She might be a little angry at the brand, especially if she didn't remember what had just happened. Not sure what to do, he lifted her up in his arms and traced the route back to hte apartment complex. Getting inside was gonig to be awkward and hard to explain.

He took her up the fire escape, after discovering that neither one of htem had keys to get back inside. So he crouched outside her window and looked in, seeing Rimmon laying on her bed, still asleep. It astounded him that that man was so oblivious as he slid the window open and lay Lone down on the counter in her kitchen. Extending his power out, he encouraged Rimmon to stay deeply asleep while he set about patching up Elonore's feet. They were filthy and shredded and he greatly wanted to take her away from this place and fix her up himself. His own injuries were mostly gone, being reabsorbed into his skin quicker now that he was touching her again.

She groaned softly in pain as he cleaned her feet. "Elonore, wake up." he said softly, trying to rouse her out of whatever stupor he'd put her under. "Elonore, lovely, you need to wake up so I know you're alright." he called to her, pulling her out of the reverie.

"Don't...." she mumbled, eyes fluttering open. "Don't." she repeated, waking up fully. She looked around, distracted by the fact that she was on her own kitchen counter with a freaking Angel playing nursemade to her feet and a man lying asleep in her bed not ten feet away.

"Don't what lovely?" he asked, looking in her eyes. His pupils still glowed with the green and blue swirls she remembered as a child. It took her breath away.

"Don't call me Elonore. It's Lone now." she said, voice breathy. Then she remembered what they had been doing in that alleyway and blushed to the roots of her hair. He saw her embarassment and couldn't help but chuckle. She narrowed her eyes, glaring at him. "Sorry about earlier. It won't happen again, I promise."

she warned and swung her feet off the counter, hopping off.

As soon as her feet slapped down, she realized just how stupid it had been to do that. Pain shot up in firey waves, making her pant through the sudden nausea. She almost crumpled to the floor but instead gripped the counter with white knuckles.

"Idiot." Gavin said scornfully, hurt by her outburst but hiding it. When he wasn't touching her, it was easier to ignore whatever connection they had, but once skin met skin, his brain turned off real quick. So even though he wanted to pick her up and help her, he didn't trust himself not to pick up where they'd left off. And he really, really wanted to keep going.

Lone glared at him across the counter, wishing she could let go and deck him. But then she'd look like an idiot falling to her ass. So instead she glowered and decided to go get some clean clothes on. Dirty pajama pants clung to her calves, wet and stained with things she did not want to think about. She'd need a tetanus shot for sure now.

"You stay right there." she warned him. With agonizing slowness she hobbled to her battered dresser and grabbed out underwear socks pants and a tshirt. She didn't look at any of it, just grabbed whatever was on top and then painfully shuffled to the bathroom.

Gavin let out a breath as soon as she left his line of sight. The Guardian instinct was still there, screaming at him to keep an eye on her at all times. She was human and needed defending. But the rational part of his brain kicked him in the shin and kept him from storming over there, jerking the door open and making sure she was alright. It'd only annoy her and probably get him hit in the process.

He ran a hand through his hair, snagging on some dried blood clumping in it. He grimanced and realized that he desperatly needed a shower. It'd have to wait for now, he had much more important things to handle. Like deciding if he was gonig to dazzle Lone and steal the memories away. And wondering why the hell Rimmon was around her. Either he was a Descended in hiding, meaning a high level devil, or he was an average guy with great taste and greater patience. Just the sight of him laying there in Lone's bed made Gavin grit his teeth.

His wings flared out with his agitation and helped remind him to stay calm. With an ease earned through long practice, he folded his wings and let them dissolve until called forth again. It always hurt, but it was so much easier to hide when you didn't have behemoth feathers floating around you.

Rimmon was trying to wake up, struggling with the compulsion to remain asleep. Gavin didn't want to deal with another human at the moment and was torn between just leaving and forcing the man into a deeper sleep. It wouldn't hurt him, and it would give him more time with Elo...with Lone. So he pushed more power down and into Rimmon, getting him to fall into a solid sleep one step removed from coma.

Lone tore open the door, heedless of her injured feet and walked up to Gavin. His eyes were riveted to her chest, where the thin straps of a tank top left part of his hand mark revealed. He felt a twitch of arousal at seeing her skin again but then she decked him across the face.

"What the hell did you do to me?" she demanded, voice a low growl. He knew what she was talking about and understood her anger.

"I don't know." he replied honestly.

"You don't know?" she hissed, then swung another fist, this time bending him over as she whaled his stomach.

He gasped for a breath but reacted with inhuman swiftness, grabbing her wrist and turning her, pinning her against the counter with his chest against her back. "No, I do not know what happened. I do not know what it means and I'm not even sorry for it." he growled into her ear. It had been a mistake to touch her, because as soon as he did, the rational part of his brain took a back seat to his primal brain.

Lone shot her elbow back, twisting so it his him in the sternum. He gagged and gasped for breath, involuntarily stepping away a little. She writhed, wiggling like an eel and managed to turn and face him. She bashed her head into his nose, a sickening crunch letting her know she'd broken it. She placed her hands on his chest and shoved, intending to hurl him away from her. Instead he grabbed her arms by the bicepts and she ended up tumbling to the ground ontop of him.

They landed with a muffled thud, the carpet absorbing most of hte sounds. "Would you stop fighting me?" Gavin asked, voice strained. He wanted to smother her in kisses and she was pummling the crap out of him, not hte most ideal situation.

"No!" Lone growled at him and scrambled away from him, tearing out of his grip. He rolled to his feet as quickly as she did and they faced off. Blood dripped down Gavin's nose for a moment longer, then with a crunch his nose settled back into shape. The instant healing caught Lone's surprise and in that moment of being off guard, Gavin lunged forward, grabbing her wrists and slamming her against the counter, pinning her again. "Let go of me!" she hissed at him, trying to break his grip. But his huge hands were stronger than even she expected and he squeezed her wrists bruisingly while she tried to jerk away. It was distracting as hell for him though because they were pressed together and all her writhing made her body rub against his.

She finally managed to tear her wrist out of his grip and grabbed a handful of his hair to force him away. He used his empty hand and placed it against the mark on her chest and she froze, body shuddering. Lights chased under her skin from his hand and swirled down inside her, then rushed back out to his palm. It felt electric and should have hurt but it didn't. The next moment Lone used her grip in his hair to pull his face to hers and they were kissing again. He let go of her other wrist and slid the arm down behind her, boosting her up with his arm under her butt and placed her on hte countertop. His other hand slid up under her tank top to rest fully on his mark there and she arched back, gasping. He leaned down over her and kissed the exposed line of her neck. It felt unreal, the lights under her skin, the energy chasing through his hand.

He lifted the bottom of her tank top and kissed the muscles of her stomach, biting down gently on her hip. The jeans she had on were faded and loose, and he wanted to slide them off of her, exposing more of her skin for him to taste and explore. But he resisted and instead kissed back up to her lips. She kissed like she fought, hard violence and passion. There was nothing soft and submissive in her, instead she was stubborn, difficult and aggressive. He pressed against her, the loose sweat pants he had on still too much of a barrier between them for his liking, when she pulled away from the kiss.

"No, no. I am not going to do this. If I'm not having sex with the man in my bed I sure as hell am not having sex with the man in my head." she panted, wrapping her fingers around his hand on her chest.

Reluctantly Gavin pulled away, hating the space between them. He almost had to tear his hand off of her. "You're right." he agreed, voice rough. "You're absolutely right." he agreed. "And I really need to take a cold shower now." he added, moving away from Lone.

"It's the only room with a door. Have at'er, clean towels are in the linen closet." Lone indicated with an absent wave. Gavin grunted ackowledgement and quickly dove into the bathroom to get away from her. This was disasterous. He was supposed to save her soul, hide her away from hte dangers of the Descended tempters and make sure that she was not going to be at risk again. Instead the ridiculous hormones of the human body were driving him to pounce on her at every opportunity. He needed to maintain his distance and be a good Guardian Angel. He gave up the right to enjoy the flesh when his wanton actions nearly cost her life, he would not do that to her again.


Lone stood next to her counter, wondering what the hell was wrong with her lately. One minute she'd beating the crap out of him for burning his hand print into her flesh and the next she's doing her best to resit mounting him. She shook her headm trying to chase the last of the swirls of giddy energy away. She'd felt... something happening to her when he touched her. And it terrified her. She felt even more different now than she had before, as if she were loosing parts of herself the farther down the rabbit hole she went.

"I should run," she said softly to herself, and wandered over to the dresser. It had slipped her mind entirely that her feet had been shredded just this morning but were now perfectly fine. Somehow the cuts had closed and her feet were no longer pained. She stared at the bag she kept at the ready under her dresser, ready to throw clothes into it and leave town. It was the smartest thing to do, and her instincts warned her that she didn't want to be anymore invovled in this strange shit than she already was. But she jsut stood there, the rational part of her brain arguing for her to go but another part urging her to stay.

Rimmon groaned softly, fighting his way out of sleep. Lone flushed a deep scarlet, grateful that he'd somehow slept through all the racket she'd kicked up with Gavin. It would have been embarassing, to say hte least, if he had woken up to see her arching herself and moaning as Gavin kissed her. Especially since she'd run away everytime Rimmon flirted with her. Shaking that line of thinking out of her head, she opened the fridge and started pulling out food. Belle would sleep herself out, but these guys were up and moving, besides she was suddenly ravenous, her quiet morning far more interesting that she'd ever wanted.

Lone puttered around the kitchen, listening to the shower run and the man in her bed russle around as he woke up. Only I could be celibate for two years and then end up making out with two goregous men repeatedly within a 24 hour period of time. She thought ruefully to herself. Speaking of which... she realized the tank top still left part of the hand print exposed so she grabbed a button down gray shirt and threw it on overtop. The last two buttons done up and the sleeves folded out of the way and she was covered.

"Bacon and eggs good for you?" she asked Rimmon, putting ingredients on the table. He blinked sleep puffy eyes at her and nodded. He watched her slice up peppers with deft ease and whisteled at the amount of food she got going.

"Western, bacon, juice, fruit. Holy shit girl, you feeding an army?" he asked teasingly and sauntered over to the counter. Lone watched him in her peripheral vision, admiring the tight skin stretched over easy muscles. He had his shirt from last night back on and she was grateful but annoyed at the same time. Down hormones, down. She chided herself silently and focused on not slicing a finger off.

"Well I eat a lot more than people assume, then there's you to feed and Gavin's in hte shower. Belle will be alaong in another 30 minutes or so. I figured, make a lot of everything and then get out of hte way of hungry masses." she shrugged. Rimmon glowered at hearing Gavin's name and hse wondered briefly why there was animosity there. It wasn't like he knew they'd fooled around and she sincerely doubted he knew that Gavin wasn't just a convict like he claimed. Guess Rimmon just didn't like the other guy. That or he wanted more alone time with Lone.

"Well thank you for the food then. I'm really quite grateful." he purred, walking around the counter to stand next to her. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked, standing closer than necessary.

Lone took a slow breath in, her heart rate suddenly racing. You could help me relieve some stress. She thought instantly, but her mouth said, "Actually if you want to go wake Belle up, she'll let you use the shower there. Then I can feed you greedy people and we can get on with our day." He looked disappointed for a moment, then shrugged.

"Alright. I'll be right back." He looked at her for a second and then leaned in and kissed her on hte cheek. Lone blushed at the innocent affection and he laughed as he walked out.

"I am so screwed." she said softly, realizing that she had two very appealing men now vying for her affection. And one of them wasn't human. "So very screwed." she confirmed to herself.

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