The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarr...

By SalazarFrost

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6th year at Hogwarts. Harry is starting to suspect that Dumbledore is not who he makes himself out to be. Fur... More

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By SalazarFrost

"Ummm, Tom..." I start, looking around frantically.

"Yes darling?" He asks, looking as composed as ever.

"What in the name of Merlin's saggy ballsack is going on?! Why is the whole manor decorated and why is there a table full of pictures of dead people? And why is there a picture of my mum and dad? How did you get that? Why are there death eaters running around and why is everyone so cheerful-" I breath heavily, but Tom places a finger on my lips and smiles handsomly.

"Take a deep breath. It's Samhain today, that's the explanation for the decoration, it's the holiday of all wixen. As for the pictures, we are holding a ceremony today called 'Sacre du Voile'. On Samhain, which is called Halloween in the muggle world, the veil between the living and the dead is very thin and so many old families hold the Sacre du Voile ceremony to invite their dead loved ones over to the side of the living to celebrate this fest with them. There are similar fests in other muggle cultures, I think on is especially similar, it is a Mexican festival of the dead. I asked one of my employees to find a picture of your parents since I thought you would like to invite them over for Samhain as well. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep, especially in my position-" I stop him right there.

"There is no need to apologize Tom. That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you." I give him a little kiss on the lips before running off to my room. Seems like I have a party to get ready for.


Maybe wearing my tightest pair of dragon-leather pants and my slightly opened emerald satin shirt wasn't the best idea, I think, as Tom growls at some poor ex-death eater who looks at me for merely two seconds. I was wearing my extravagant black robe over my outfit, but it was way too hot in this room full of people so I had Violet bring it back to my room. After all, this is a party for mainly close friends or 'employees' of Tom and I don't need to act out of sorts.

Tom was very nervous all afternoon since he invited his best friend and his best friend's husband over and apparently he went Voldy-Moldy on them when he saw them a few years back. He told me that he explained everything to them recently, but he was still very nervous. I can understand that.

But ever since I joined him after getting dressed all he's been doing is growling at colleagues and frowning. I don't even know why. I mean, it can't be just what I'm wearing. Does he not want me to wear pretty things? Is he that mad because I'm stealing his show? Not that I think I am. Tom looks even more dashing than usual in his black dress pants, ruby-coloured dress shirt and that slicked back hair, slightly tousled at the ends. His first two buttons are undone and I think I detect a bit of glossy lip-balm on his shiny lips.

My hair is almost as messy as ever, but since it has grown out a bit, about shoulder-length, it has been easier to tame it and falls in crazy waves. My lips are as cracked as ever, so maybe I should ask Tom what he uses on his lips. My shirt only has four lower buttons, so where there should be three top buttons, my shirt is open, showing a bit of my pale chest.

I decide I've had enough and pull Tom away into a small room, that is empty apart from a desk, chair and small book-shelf.

"Will you tell me what's going on now?" I ask annoyed and look Tom straight in the eye.

"I don't think I'm sure what you're referring to." Tom answers smoothly, but that makes me even more mad.

"You know what I'm talking about! Ever since I've come down here you've been pouting and glaring. You haven't said a single word to me yet! Today was supposed to be special, right? All you've been doing is making everyone's mood sour, including mine! Have I done something wrong? Would you rather I stay in my room all evening?" I seethe and Tom starts to look mad as well.

"Yes, I'd actually prefer that!" I stumble backwards at that. "Harry, you have absolutely no idea what the people in that room were thinking about you! You are so ignorant towards your surroundings that you haven't seen the lusty stares that have been thrown at you! You look good enough to eat and your innocent attitude isn't helping it either! I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be saying that. This is not how it was supposed to go..." Tom sits on the chair and puts his face into his hands.

"You look beautiful tonight, Harry." Tom finally says when he looks up from his hands. "And you've done nothing wrong, okay? Absolutely nothing. It's those old bastards who've been thinking about touching you all night that have done something wrong."

"I... Didn't you say you only invited people you were close to?" I ask confused.

"Well yes, but some of them brought family along with them and others have shown up as well for the social part of this evening. We are only doing the meal and ceremony later and that is in closed company." Tom answers.

"Oh... Wait, have you been using legilimency on them?" I ask and Tom nods. That explains it. If I kept having to hear old men think about fucking him all evening I'd be bloody mad as well. "You know what lets just stay here for a bit. It's not like those people are important. We can both calm down, cuddle a bit and talk about nice things. You said your best friend was only coming for the dinner and ceremony anyway." Tom nods and I get Violet to apparate us to my room.

"Harry... I don't think I can cuddle with you right now." Tom says, but I just pull him into the bed along with me, pressing my side against his.

"It's fine Tom, I don't mind you being an overprotective little shit. At least not if I know why you're acting the way you are." I say easily, running hand over his now expose collar bone.

"Harry! I have already told you that you look very attractive right now and the contact isn't helping! I am mentally and physically only a few years older than you, but you are not yet an adult." Tom reasons and I roll my eyes.

"It's fine. I don't mind touching in any way. If you want to snog, then we can." I shrug and press a little kiss onto the back of his left hand.

Suddenly I find myself on back, Tom's knee between my legs.

"Are you sure? I could do whatever I want with you right now. I could do more than just snog you and you wouldn't be able to stop me." Tom says darkly.

"I don't-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Don't you dare say that you don't mind! Harry! I am a man with needs and my loved one is wearing revealing and skin tight clothes while cuddling me in bed. Don't test me like that! You should protect yourself better and not give in so easily. Didn't we already talk about power dynamics? If you are not sure, if you have even the tiniest bit of doubt then we will do nothing! Also, no intercourse or strong sexual advances while you're still sixteen!" Tom ends his speech getting off of me.

"Awwww, are you worried?" I ask teasingly. He just huffs and crosses his arms, leaning against the headboard.

I then swing my left leg over his legs so that I'm straddling him.

"Tommy boy, I never said anything about 'strong sexual advances'. I was just talking about a bit of innocent snogging... You're not the only one with 'urges'." I whisper before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Alright then, but you're wrong if you think that my snogging will be anything other than sensual." He says, grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss.

To be honest I've never snogged anyone, so I don't really know what to do, so I just go with the flow. Or rather, I go with Tom.

At first he is almost too gentle in his movements. He caresses the back of my hair as our lips only touch lightly, but after a few seconds he deepens our kiss. His hand tilts my head, slotting our mouths together as his other hand grips my hip. I press myself against him, wrapping my arms around his neck and gripping his hair, mussing it up.

His tongue and mine moving against one another, neither in his nor in my mouth. I can't tell where I begin and he ends. I can feel a pulsing and pulling from my lower region and tear away from Tom. He doesn't follow or bring my head back again. Instead he asks:

"Is everything okay? Did I do something you didn't like?" I blush. Quite the opposite Tom, quite the opposite.

"No, everything's alright, I just think that we should maybe get back to the party. By the way, should I change?" I change the topic quickly.

"You are right. And no, don't change. You look beautiful, especially with those bruised, red lips you're sporting. I think you might want to rearrange yourself though." He look down at my lap and back up, winking. I feel my face turning bright red and hide my face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one with that problem, though I know the charms to conceal it. See you downstairs!" He hollers happily and marches out of the room.

Since when did he become so happy-go-lucky, honestly! It's like he's forgotten this whole evening in just a minute.

Welp, at least we've got the difficult parts and relationship drama out of the way for this evening. The rest of Samhain should be smooth-sailing now!

A/N Heyyyy... Sorry for not updating for such a long while, I've been pretty busy recently with moving and all that. Personal update for anyone who's interested: I have now been living here (a new continent, at least for me) for almost a month and I'd say I've gotten over the jetlag and first few culture shocks now... I think. That's why I finally decided to sit down and write another chapter! I can't say for sure whether all is safe and sound right now and I'll be able to update frequently now, but I suppose we'll see.

Anyhow, stay happy and healthy, and if you like the story please comment and vote!

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