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Oleh -ruffierosefanfics

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๐—™!๐—ข๐—– ๐˜… ๐—”๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฐ ๐—ฉ๐—ผ๐—น๐˜๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ถ Ellory Cullen is the youngest in the Cullen family, she had been turned by... Lebih Banyak

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#๐‘๐‹ ๐๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ
๐€๐œ๐ญ ๐Ž๐ง๐ž
1.1 | Ellory Hope Cullen
1.3 | Edward's Return
1.4 | Isabella Knows
1.5 | She Meets The Family
1.6 | Baseball, Nomads & Running
1.7 | Ballet Studio
1.8 | A Woman's Rage
1.9 | Family Outcast
1.10 | Ellory's Gone
๐€๐œ๐ญ ๐“๐ฐ๐จ
2.1 | Story Of Athaca
2.2 | Cullen's Leave Forks
2.3 | Old Friends
2.4 | New School
2.5 | Alice's Visit
2.6 | Going To Forks
2.7 | To Italy
2.8 | Meeting Her
2.9 | Sorrento's Home
๐€๐œ๐ญ ๐“๐ก๐ซ๐ž๐ž

1.2 | The New Girl

3.1K 91 17
Oleh -ruffierosefanfics

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Ellory got up early in the morning, she didn't sleep as a Vampire but there was something peaceful about laying on her bed by the window with her eyes closed during the night; simply relaxing to the music that played from her radio. She had changed into some whitewash jeans and a random t-shirt before slipping on her denim jacket, grabbing her bag and boots as she walked out of her room and downstairs. "Early, again?" Carlisle asked as he walked through the kitchen toward her. "Yeah, thought I'd take advantage of the music room at school in the morning," Ellory told him before kissing his cheek, "See you later, Dad!"

Ellory walked out of the house, she approached her beautiful sleek black Camaro and got in. The story for Ellory in Forks was simple, she was a gifted girl with a high IQ that made her a Junior with Edward, Jasper, and Alice while Rosalie and Emmett were already Seniors. The blonde kept to herself as her younger age prevented the eyes of Juniors on her though there were a few Freshmen and Sophomores that were crushing on her according to the thoughts that Edward had overheard. But she didn't pay any mind to it, she didn't see the point in a relationship with a human as a Vampire.

Pulling into the school parking lot, Ellory spotted the usual early risers and teachers as she parked in her usual place where the Cullens often parked their cars. Ignoring the eyes on her, Ellory made her way into the school greeting teachers along the way before finally reaching the music room; closing the door behind her before grabbing a guitar from the stand and sitting down. The silence within the school was something that allowed Ellory to relax, much like her older brother Jasper, Ellory still struggles amongst the humans due to the collective scent of rushing blood.

And so, she has to take control of herself in the early morning and she had learned that music was the best thing to help to find that inner peace; At least long enough to survive an entire day in school. "Still as beautiful as ever," Edward's voice pulled Ellory from playing the soft tune of an old blues song she heard years ago. "It's a melody that'll never leave. I hadn't even noticed the time go by," Ellory replied as Edward sat down with her. "Are you okay?" Edward asked his little sister, ever since the day she had turned, he had viewed her as this precious dove that needed to be protected at all times.

"Yeah, just preparing for the day," Ellory told him with a sigh, she hadn't gotten used to the non-alive aspects of her life and continued to do the normal things a human could do. "You're doing it again," Edward informed her with a smirk making Ellory zone in on a unsteady heartbeat echoing through her chest. "I don't mean to do it, it just happens," Ellory argued as she looked in the reflection to see her usual golden ocher eyes were now a dull blue. "It's a special gift, El. You just gotta--" Edward was cut off by Ellory, "Be careful of who witnesses it. I know, Eddie. Trust me, I know." He sent her a small smile as the bell for class rang.

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Ellory stood outside the cafeteria waiting for her siblings, she had just had History and had to sit through the talk about the '70's despite the fact she lived through them. She tilted her head before turning her gaze to see a new girl sitting with Jessica and Angela, the two girls were a unique duo of friends. Angela was a sweet girl that Ellory shared a few classes with, the Latina was always polite and willing to talk to Ellory despite the stories about the Cullens. However, Jessica seemed to have a dislike for Ellory and always walked the other direction, Ellory didn't know what she had done but just brushed it aside.

"Ellie!" Emmett called before wrapping his arms around his little sister and lifting her up into his arms. "Em, it was a few hours apart. Put me down," Ellory replied as she squirmed in his embrace, sighing she smirked before pushing out of his embrace. "Unfair," Emmett pouted while Rosalie looked around in slight worry. "No gifts at school," Rosalie scolded Ellory who shrugged. "No one noticed," Ellory replied sweetly but they all took notice of her bright blue eyes and lively presence. "It's not on purpose," Ellory whimpered, her siblings understood her gift acted on its own due to her anxieties.

"It's alright, now let's head in," Alice said with a wide smile, she winked at Ellory as Emmett dragged Rosalie along with him. "Who are they?" Ellory's attention turned back to the new girl she noticed but she acted as though she was scanning the room rather than focused on the conversation. "The Cullens," Angela answered after she and Jessica turned to see who the new girl was asking about. "They're um... Dr. and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like, a few years ago," Jessica explained in more depth, her gaze moved from them to the new girl.

"They... kinda keep to themselves," Angela added with a shrug as Emmett and Rosalie walked into the lunch room. "Yeah, 'cause they're like all together. Like, together, together," Jessica said with emphasis. Alice and Jasper entered the lunch room, Alice keeping her hand in Jasper's as Ellory sent her troubled brother a reassuring smile through the window. "Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie. And the big dark-haired guy, Emmett. They're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal," Jessica said as she tried to talk softly, her eyes on Rosalie and Emmett as they sat down at their usual table.

"Jess, they're not actually related," Angela reminded the gossiping girl. "Yeah, but they live together. It's weird, and─ Okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice--" Jessica pauses as they watched Jasper spin Alice around, "--She's really weird, and, um, she's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain." Alice and Jasper sat down at the table with Rosalie and Emmett, the latter smirking at Jasper who rolled his eyes at Jessica's words. "Uh... Dr Cullen's like this... foster dad slash matchmaker," Jessica continued as Edward held the door open for Ellory, she smiled at him.

"Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela teased with a smirk on her face. "Who are they?" The new girl asked with her eyes focused on Edward more than Ellory, the younger Cullen smirking. "She has her eyes on you, brother," Ellory teased through her thoughts making Edward look down at her with a glare, she noticed the tension that formed in his shoulders. "The little blonde is Ellory Cullen. She's the youngest of the family and single, clearly. They protect her like she's the most prized jewel, she's the top student here despite skipping ahead," Jessica expressed with an uninterested expression, Ellory scoffing under her breath.

"And that's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously," Jessica continued as Edward and Ellory sat down with their siblings, the latter watching Edward closely. "But apparently nobody here's good enough for him," Jessica's tone was bitter while Edward smiled slightly while the other's listened, "Like I care, you know, uh. So... yeah. Seriously like, don't waste your time." Ellory lightly shoved Emmett before moving to sit with Jasper instead after Emmett had pulled her hair lightly, leaning her head on her brothers shoulder easing his tension and thirst. "I wasn't planning on it," The new girl said, Ellory doubting those words.

"Her name is Isabella Swan, she's Chief Swan's daughter," Alice spoke up with a smile but Ellory was more focused on Edward. "Are you okay?" Ellory asked Edward within her mind, he turned to her and nodded his head with a small smile in hopes to reassure the anxious Vampire. "She seems to have lovey dovey eyes for Edward," Emmett teased resulting in a light slap on the arm by Rosalie. "She's human, it doesn't matter," Rosalie reminded her husband who scoffed and leaned back with his arm around her shoulders. "I was human, you were human. If she's meant to be, it'll happen," Emmett reminded his mate who rolled her eyes.

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Ellory leaned against her car after school, she had a book in her hand and she watched as Edward stormed toward her. "What's wrong?" Ellory asked knowing something was immediately wrong, her eyes returned to their golden ocher and her body back to its usual dead presence. "We'll talk at home," Edward said before getting into his Volvo and leaving the car park as other students wandered out. Ellory sighed as her siblings made their way out, she shrugged at Rosalie's questioning glance about Edward. The family got into their respective cars ignoring Bella who was watching them leave, Ellory was more worried about her brother.

Once she walked into the home, the entire family was called to the main room for a family meeting. "What's going on?" Emmett asked as he sat down with his wife. "Bella is Edward's Blood Singer. He's going to leave Forks for a while," Carlisle informed them, clearly the two had talked about this already. "He'll go stay with our cousins in Alaska until he can control himself," Esme added with her usual soft motherly smile. "He's interested in her," Rosalie accused while Ellory stood up straight. "How did he control himself? None of us..." Ellory trailed off knowing exactly what happened to the Blood Singers she and her siblings encountered.

"There was a pull that allowed him enough control to not feed," Carlisle answered her with the response that created a concern within the family. "You think they are mated?" Rosalie asked with a sneer, she hated the idea of a human being involved; especially one who is alive and well with every opportunity to grow old and have a family of their own. "It's not something we can be certain of unless she is turned which is not something we are considering," Carlisle said to assure his daughter, Rosalie crossed her arms in annoyance. "It's Eddie's choice, Rose. You have your beliefs, we respect them but others can choose for themselves," Ellory voiced softly.

Ellory left the room and headed to Edward's room where he was packing some clothes for his trip. "Thank you, El," Edward whispered knowing his little sister would hear him. "Of course, Eddie. I'd support you either way. As long as you're happy," Ellory told him as he turned to her with a small smile that was reserved for his little sister. "Watch out for her while I'm gone?" Edward asked recieving a nod from Ellory who was happy to do so. "Make sure you give Tanya, Irina, and Kate an extra hug from me and tell Carmen and Eleazar that I expect another book as I've finished the others," Ellory told him with a pointed look.

Edward pulled his little sister in for a hug, she always supported her siblings and it was something he was grateful for in this moment. "You'll be fine, Eddie. Everything will work out the way it is meant to," Ellory assured her brother before pulling out of the embrace, she walked him out of the house and to his car. She watched as he drove away from the home before turning her gaze to Rosalie who was watching from the window, the sisters loved each other but they often bickered; this just so happened to be something they were bickering over. "She'll get over it. Now let's go hunt," Emmett spoke as he walked out toward Ellory, the younger Cullen smirking.

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Meanwhile in Volterra, Italy. Two siblings walked through the halls of the Volturi Kings castle with their heads high and stoic expressions they were trained to present themselves with. The eldest of the two was Jane, the red-eyed girl was a fierce soldier with a special gift of inflicting pain with her mind; something that made her valuable to the Volturi Kings. The youngest of the two was Alec, the red-eyed boy was known to be the deadliest vampire in existence with his gift of Sensory deprivation; he could create a dark vapor mist that consumed someone completely rendering them useless and vulnerable.

It was the end of the day which meant they could have some down time while the Kings spent time with their significant others or alone. "You seem far off, brother," Jane spoke as they joined their companions, Felix and Demetri. "I am here, sister," Alec replied to Jane before he removed his cloak and sat down on the couch, leaning back and letting out an unnecessary breath. "Jane is right, Alec. You seem to be on edge," Demetri pointed out as he set up the pool table for another game against Felix. "It's nothing," Alec stated with a tone of finality but he knew his sister wouldn't stop there.

"Is this about Genesis finding his mate?" Jane asked, she had a feeling he was affected by that considering the witch twins had not met their destined mates yet. "I bet it is," Felix taunted before Alec could speak. "Oh, it's certainly what's on his mind," Demetri added with a smirk on his face. "I think I might go see what Santiago is doing in the library," Alec spoke before moving to stand only for Demetri to stop him. "C'mon, Alec. We're your friends and we aren't going to judge you. You've heard Caius' sappy comments to Athenodora, right? We don't judge him, we won't judge you," Demetri expressed with a kind smile rather than his usual smirk.

"What if I have no mate out there?" Alec asked with a slight frown, he had seen the pure joy in Genesis' eyes when they found his mate who was simply visiting Italy with her coven. "Why do you think that? I get you're technically seventeen but c'mon, you're more mature then you seem, why let doubts take you," Felix expressed as he leaned down to the pool table, lining up the pool cue to tap the white ball into the triangle of coloured balls. "Genesis held concerns that his mate wouldn't approve of his bloodshed... And I..." Alec trailed off as the others realised his true fears. "You believe you are unlovable?" Demetri asked while Jane stayed quiet.

"Aro said that if I met my mate and they didn't approve of me, he'd order Chelsea to influence them but... I don't want to force someone to love me," Alec openly expressed before running his fingers through his hair, he closed his eyes in annoyance toward himself. "It won't come to that, Alec. Your mate will love you because you will bare your dopey soul to them and it'll be happy days," Demetri told him like it was the answer to all of his questions. "You'll take it one day at a time, Alec," Jane added with a small smile toward her brother. Alec attempted to smile back but he couldn't, he didn't believed he deserved to be loved; he wouldn't blame his mate for leaving.

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

⊱ ──── {⋆👑⋆} ──── ⊰

Rosemary Speaks

So we got a little insight into Alec's beliefs. I won't apologise if Alec seems "out of character" for my book considering there isn't a lot on him. So I'm gonna write him as a "teen who grew up too quickly" character so he will obviously have human-like doubts and insecurities.
Don't like it, don't read it. Simple!

Now you have a little more insight into Ellory's gift, what do you think her gift is?

Thoughts on Ellory and Edward's bond?

Thoughts on Rosalie and Ellory's opposing beliefs?

Thoughts on this chapter?
Theories? Suggestions? Headcanons?

Also, gonna put this warning in now because I see a lot of people complain about pet names in books (which is annoying) and want to let y'all know that Alec will call Ellory "Little Dove".
Let's stop being judgemental of pet names because you've had poor relationships, thank you! (Sorry!)

See you in the next chapter!

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