my principal (Patrick Stump)

By QueenBrebearDiyQueen

1.2K 95 0

this is a story about a principal falling in love with his student. will they get in trouble or stay in love... More

2 intro
3 monday
4 Tuesday
5 Wednesday
6 the weekend
7 next week
8 Tuesday
9 Wednesday
10 Thursday
11 the weekend
12 Saturday
13 Monday 🖤
14 Tuesday
15 Wednesday
16 Thursday
17 a month later
18 Saturday
19 Monday
20 Friday
21 Saturday
22 Sunday
23 a couple of months later
24 Tuesday 🖤
25 Thursday
26 Friday
27 next year
28 Tuesday
29 Wednesday
30 Friday
31 Saturday
32 Sunday
33 Monday 🖤
34 Tuesday
35 Friday
36 Saturday
37 Sunday
38 a couple of months later
39 Tuesday
40 Friday
41 Saturday
42 the last week of school 🖤
43 Tuesday
44 Wednesday
45 friday seniors last day
46 Saturday
47 sunday
48 next week
49 friday graduation
50 graduation party
51 Sunday
52 monday
53 a month later
54 day one of trip monday
55 day two Tuesday
56 day three Wednesday 🖤
57 day four Thursday
58 day five Friday
59 day six Saturday
60 day seven sunday
61 day eight Monday
62 going home Tuesday
63 a two months later
64 Tuesday
65 Wednesday
66 Thursday
67 Friday
68 Saturday
69 Sunday
70 next week
71 Thursday
72 Monday
73 Thursday
74 Friday
75 Saturday
76 Monday
77 a month later
78 Tuesday
79 Wednesday
80 Friday
81 Saturday
82 a couple weeks later
83 Patrick stump
85 Friday
86 a couple of months later
87 friday
88 Saturday
89 Monday
90 Friday
91 Saturday
92 Sunday
93 a couple of years later
94 the end

84 Tuesday

6 1 0
By QueenBrebearDiyQueen


I had to bring midnight to the emergency vet last night because she ran into the wall and she started throwing up and fell over and it scared the shit out of me.

She had to stay overnight so they could keep an eye on her since she had a concussion they said I could pick her up today.

I randomly woke up I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I'm still worried about midnight.

I used the restroom then headed back into our room I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone and keys and headed downstairs and walked towards the front door.

I unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out of the house and closed the door and locked it.

I walked down the porch and felt a nice breeze against my skin I walked down the driveway and started walking down the sidewalk.

I put on Patrick's hoodie since it was kinda cool outside I started thinking about midnight and I started crying because of how worried I am.

I called Patrick and he answered and said hello I said Patrick I'm worried about her he said hey babe she's in good hands and they are gonna make sure she's ok.

I said ok and continued crying while walking down the sidewalk I wiped my face and continued talking to Patrick he said what are you doing I sniffled and said walking around the neighborhood.

Patrick sighed and said I wish I was with you so you wouldn't have to feel like your alone I said she literally fell over.

Patrick said I know it must have scared you I said I literally threw my dinner away when I got home he said jeez that must have been scary.

I said yea it was extremely scary because she was throwing up then she just fell over Patrick said Bella she's gonna be ok I said ok and bit my lip.

I continued talking to Patrick for a while until he made me feel better I let him go so he could go back to sleep for the night I put my phone in my hoodie and continued walking.

I sighed and said I should go back home I turned around and started walking back home so i could climb into my comfortable bed.

I saw a cat run across the street towards me I smiled and knelt down and started scratching the cats back it started purring loudly.

I smiled and stood back up and continued walking back home the cat followed behind me and I started laughing and shook my head.

A little while later I got home and locked the front door and took off my shoes and headed upstairs and went into my room and closed the door.

I plugged my phone in and put it down I put my keys down and quickly used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at the edge of the bed and didn't see midnight and I wanted to cry all over again.

I took a deep breath and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen I made some coffee then I put it in a to go cup.

I put my shoes on and went upstairs and grabbed my keys and wallet and headed back downstairs and walked out of the house and locked the front door.

I got in the car and closed the door and locked it and buckled up and turned on the car and started backing out of the driveway.

I started driving out of the neighborhood I couldn't stop thinking about if midnight was ok a little while later I finally got to the vet.

I got out of the car and locked it and headed inside and walked towards the front desk a lady smiled and said hi how may I help you.

I said I'm here to pick up midnight I brought her in last night she said ok and walked to the back of the office.

I sat down in a chair and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications and I also texted Patrick then I put my phone down and waited on midnight.

A couple minutes later the lady said I could go back there I got up and walked behind the woman I went into a room and saw midnight.

I said my baby and she started meowing I said hi and I kissed her head and started scratching her back a male vet came into the room.

He said she is fine we gave her some medicine for her headache and we kept a close eye on her overnight I smiled and said thank you.

He smiled and said no problem he said she's gonna be fine but if she stars throwing up or have diarrhea immediately take her back in.

I said ok and I picked her up and she started snuggling against my face I said my baby I went back to the front of the vet and paid the lady then I left.

I layed midnight down in the passenger seat then I buckled up and left the vet office I started drinking my coffee while driving down the highway.

Midnight started meowing and she stood up on the passenger side and looked out the window I smiled and bit my lip and looked over at her periodically.

A little while later we finally got home and I locked the front door midnight started rubbing against my leg and purred loudly I smiled and said I missed you.

I took off my shoes and headed into the kitchen and looked for something to eat I kept an eye on midnight she ran into the kitchen and started eating her food.

After I found something to eat I sat down at the table and started eating breakfast while playing on my phone I let Patrick know midnight was ok and back home.

Patrick said good I'm glad she's ok keep me updated if anything happens I texted him back and put my phone down and ate and watched midnight.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and looked for something to watch.

Midnight ran into the living room and jumped on the couch and walked over to me and climbed onto my chest and layed down and snuggled against me.

I took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram and tagged Patrick then I put my phone down and continued looking for something to watch on tv.

Midnight was purring loudly I smiled and started scratching her back she was in absolute heaven after I found something to watch I put the remote down and snuggled with midnight.

After I found something to watch I put the remote down and snuggled against midnight and kissed her head she looked up at me and started licking my nose.

I started laughing and said ugh I love you so much midds Patrick face timed me and I grabbed my phone and answered it and held it above my head and showed him midnight.

He smiled and said oh my God midds your back home I smiled and said I'm so happy she's ok it's not funny Patrick said yea I'm happy she's ok as well.

I talked to Patrick for a while Pete sat down next to Patrick he smiled and said aww your baby's ok I smiled and said yea I've never been so scared in my whole life.

Pete said is she ok now I said yea she's ok she just had a concussion from running into the wall he said holy shit I said yea it was bad Pete said aw poor baby.

I continued talking to the guys for a while midnight started meowing and rubbing against my face I started laughing and shook my head Patrick said she loves you Bella.

I smiled and said yea I'm definitely gonna keep a close eye on her he smiled and said good an hour later the guys had to leave I put my phone down and continued watching TV.

Midnight layed her head down on my chest and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I smiled and started rubbing her back and she started purring loudly.

I also ended up falling asleep a couple minutes later because I was exhausted a couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at midnight she was completely knocked out and snoring lightly.

I carefully picked up midnight and layed her down on the couch I used the restroom then headed into the kitchen and started cooking dinner since I was hungry.

Midnight was comfortable on the couch I also gave her some more water and food then I continued cooking dinner.

A little while later midnight woke up and yawned and stretched and jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen and started eating her food.

I smiled and shook my head the food smelt extremely good after the food was finished cooking I made a plate of food then I sat down at the table.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then texted Lilly and Patrick then I put on videos and ate dinner.

Midnight finished eating then she walked over to me and started rubbing against my leg and meowed loudly I said yea midds.

She jumped on the table and layed down and watched me eat dinner I smiled and said you want some she meowed and I laughed and shook my head.

After I finished eating I picked up the food and started washing the dishes midnight stayed on the table and watched me wash the dishes.

After I finished washing the dishes I walked over to midnight and picked her up and walked upstairs with her midnight started meowing loudly.

I laughed and shook my head and went into our bedroom and closed the door I layed her down on the bed I turned on the lamp.

I also turned on the fan and plugged my phone in and put it down and headed into the bathroom and closed the door.

I got ready for bed then I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable midnight walked next to me and layed down and got comfortable.

Midnight fell asleep a couple minutes later I grabbed my phone and texted Lilly and Patrick then I put my phone down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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