House of Memories (Book 2)

By amengaywomen_3d

26.5K 1.5K 438

As the shadow phoenix arises in one place, it is pushed down on another. Ruby is more frightened by her power... More

Chapter 1- A dark reflection
Chapter 2- Crushing
Chapter 3- The woods' dark beauty
Chapter 5- Stalker
Chapter 6- Deadly mission
Chapter 7- Into the lion's den
Chapter 8- Dreams
Chapter 9- Riding down a hill
Chapter 10- A magic love
Chapter 11- Saving the Groom
Chapter 12- Lord Copycat
Chapter 13- Dark Essence
Chapter 14- The Professor
Chapter 15- Reunited
Chapter 16- You're such a back stabber
Chapter 17- In the way of love
Chapter 18- Familiar
Chapter 19- Flaw
Chapter 20- Demon slayer
Chapter 21- Ripped paper
Chapter 22- Threatened
Chapter 23- Longing and Heartbreak
Chapter 24- Runaways
Chapter 25- Exhaustion
Chapter 26- Little One
Chapter 27- Weak
Chapter 28- The offer of a lifetime
Chapter 29- Confession
Chapter 30-Gangbanger
Chapter 31- New allies
Chapter 32- The power of Music
Chapter 33-It's all your fault
Chapter 34- Comfort
Chapter 35- Invitation
Chapter 36- Party
Chapter 37- Halloween Pranks
Chapter 38- Love will prevail
Chapter 39- Growing mad
Chapter 40- Counterspell?
Chapter 41- Burning flesh
Chapter 42- A Chance
Chapter 43- Falling apart
Chapter 44- Presents
Chapter 45- Christmas traditions
Chapter 46- Shadow Virus
Chapter 47- Déjà vu
Chapter 48- Discovered Secret
Chapter 49- Win
Chapter 50- First Charmix
Chapter 51- Blind

Chapter 4- Third energy

588 32 4
By amengaywomen_3d

Ruby groaned as someone violently shook her awake.

"Mistress, Mistress, Mistress. Come on it's morning already." One of the ghouls shouted.

"Ok. Just stop shaking me." Ruby said, opening her eyes slowly. The ghoul on top of her, who was Python, let her go and jumped off the bed as she sat up. "Do you three really have to wake me up like that?"

"It was my fault, Ruby." Flora said approaching her friend with an apologetic smile. "I told them to wake you up and totally forgot that Python could get agressive."

"I'm not agressive. I simply tend to enjoy hitting and biting people." Python defended as Ruby got off her bed.

"The one that will be biting you will be me if you ever do that again." Ruby threatened changing into her outfit.

The redhead decided to tie the leather jacket around her waist instead of wearing it since it was way too hot outside to have it on. She braided her hair into a single french braid that reached her lower back. Staring at the necklace Icy gave her, she decided to let it be on her neck and took off the choker, setting it on her bedside table.

 The ghouls whistled and clapped at Ruby.

"You look woonderful, Ruby." Flora complimented holding her friends hand before pulling her out of the room.

"You three behave. Stick around Kiko and don't go into a classroom." Ruby told the ghouls before being dragged out of the appartement by her friend. "You do know classes are optional on the first week, right?"

"That would be a very bad way to start off the year, sweetie." Flora told her as they walked hand in hand through the halls of Alfea.

"Yeah but, who cares? I could sleep all day long like a Koala. I've done it before."

Flora giggled at her friends silliness as they arrived at the cafeteria. The two girls approached their friends smiling

"Well, good morning." Bloom greeted with a smile.

"Hi, big sis." Ruby said sitting down in between her and Flora. She looked forward where she saw Ebony glaring at hers and Flora's interlocked hands. When she noticed Ruby staring at her, the brunette smiled innocently. "Hey, Peach."

"Good Morning Ru. How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"Bad. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl." Ruby answered, her hand subconsciously playing with the purple charm on her necklace.

"Me neither." Bloom told her and she indeed looked exhausted. "I can't stop thinking about what could've happened to her."

"Don't think too much of it, Bloom." Musa told her, reaching to grab her hand. "I'm sure she'll wake up very soon."

"Well, we should head to Mr. Wizgiz Class. We'll be late." Tecna said standing up along with the other Winx and Ebony.

As they walked to their class, Ruby approached the brunette fairy and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, where's Robin? I didn't she them at breakfast." She asked.

"Oh, Robin's sleeping." A fairy said approaching the two. Ruby recognized her as one of Robin's suite mates. "Sh-They decided to skip today."

"Oh, they did?" Ruby said staring at Flora with a playfull glare that made her laugh. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

The group of girls got sepperated from the freshman as they entered their classroom. Mr. Wizgiz was already in the room, sitting on his desk waiting for his students to sit down so he could start teaching. The first thing Ruby saw when looking at the professor was the Yin and Yang symbol drawn on the board behind the small elf.

"Why is that there?" Ruby wondered out loud.

"Good morning class." Mr. Wizgiz greeted as soon as the students quieted down and were all in their seats. "I know what you're thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if all the things in the universe were good."

"I'm actually thinking about pancakes. Barely ate." Ruby said leaning her chin on her hand. Ebony giggled from her right.

"Ruby." Mr. Wizigiz scolded with a patient smile before going back to what he was saying. "Well that's not the case. Furthermore, that's not posible because, in the universe there's no light without darkness." He hopped off the table and started pacing at the front of the class. "When a form of energy is created it produces an opposite force equally strong. Observe." The professor opened his closed fist and everyone stared at it attentively. "What do you see?"

"Professor, you're showing us nothing." Ebony pointed out making everyone laugh at the teacher.

With a patient smile, Mr. Wizgiz snapped his fingers and the whole classroom became pitch black, except for a small and bright green orb that appeared on his, previosuly empty, hand.

"See?" He asked. "What I did was, I captured some of the light that was in the room but, it only shows its power in the darkness, its pollar opposite." The professor closed his fist around the orb before clapping and lighting up the whole room again. "As I mentioned at the beggining of this introductory class the existence of good energy results in the creation of an equal amount of evil energy, normally these forces are balanced, but sometimes balancing needs a little bit of help. A dynamic energy between the dominant force and the recessive one." The professor turned to his amazed class with a smile. "BLOOM."

Ruby flinched in her seat at Mr. Wizgiz sudden attempt to wake her sister up who had been dozing in and out of conscious the whole class.

"Yes, Professor?" Bloom asked, scratching the back of her head embarrassed.

"I am well aware that this is a review but, you will need to know this for your new classes." Wizgiz scolded.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Bloom said, looking down at her hands in shame.

"Can you tell me what is missing from my diagram?" He requested pointing to the Yin and Yang symbol behind him.

"I think... Stella's got earrings that look like that." Bloom said making the class laugh as Stella cockily showed off her earrings.

However, the Professor wasn't finding it as funny as the others.

"In theory there is a third and even greater energy which manifests itself in special situations." Mr. Wizgiz explained, with a severe expression. "It's the junction between the two energies in one. Now you might think joining good and evil would be catastrophic..."

"Of course it is." Ebony interrupted. "It's like telling us, Fairies, to join forces with witches."

"Oh but, Ebony. You've done that last year. We joined forces with the witches and we defeated one of the greatest threats the magic dimension has ever seen."

The Trix, Ruby thought while playing with her necklace with a dreamy smile resting on her lips.

"And Ruby here is the living proof that those energies together can achieve something great." Mr. Wzigiz said making everyone in class turn their head to stare at the redhead.

"Uh, what? Me?" Ruby asked, feeling uncomfortable under so many gazes.

"Yes, your magic is the perfect balance between light and dark." The Professor said, gesturing to his diagram.

"Yeah, well, we all know that her magic is devided." Musa said.

"Exactly, either she uses light magic or dark magic, they don't mix." Flora agreed.

"And, as a Fairy, she only uses light magic, of course." Ebony said.

Ruby shifted in her seat uncomfortably as they spoke about her powers. Fortunately, she was saved by the bell as it rang loudly ripping a relived sigh from her. She packed her stuff as fast as she could, wanting to get out of that classroom.

She stood up from her seat and headed to the door so she could go out. However she was stopped by the small hand of the Professor gripping her arm.

"Not so fast, Ruby. I need to talk to you about something." He said, walking towards his board and errasing his diagram.

The redhead sigh and leaned her back against one of the student's desk, waiting for every girl to get out of the room. As soon as they were alone, Mr. Wizgiz sat on his desk and crossed his legs with a smile.

"Tell me, Ruby. Why were you so uncomfortable with your friends' remarks?" Wizgiz asked.

"I don't know. I guess I don't like people to talk about me as if I'm not in the room." Ruby answered.

"Of course not, no one does. But, are you sure you didn't become uncomfortable because of what Miss Ebony said?"

"Why should that bother me?"

"Because, maybe, you feel like there's more darkness in you than light and maybe, because you feel like you would let your friends down if, in fact, you're more evil thank you're good."

Ruby shifted, looking down at ther feet with her arms crossed.

"Maybe, your point being?"

Mr. Wizigz hopped off his desk and placed his hand on Ruby's arm comfortingly.

"You are not more evil than good, Ruby. And you're not more good than evil either." He said. "The holder of the Balance Magic possesses the perfect balance between light and dark. And I'm not only talking about magic, I'm talking about what's in your heart. You are not evil, you're good, however you see the world in a different way. You don't dedicate your life to helping others and that's just fine. I believe that if you have to protect your loved ones you'd go at any means to keep them safe and, even if it might require someone else's death, it doesn't always mean you're evil. If you use dark magic once in a while it doesn't mean you're evil. It might mean a lot of things, but it doesn't necessarily mean evilness."

Ruby smiled as tears started forming in her chocolate eyes,

"Thank you, Professor. You've been nothing but a great friend to me." Ruby smiled.

"I'm glad I could help." Mr. Wizgiz said with a bright smile. "Now, I need to ask you something. I would like you to try to find this third energy. Even thouhg it's only a theory I stronly believe it's true. You're the only one that could ever do it, since Witches and Fairies would never team up to discover this. However I must warn you. Joining this two powers might me very dangerous, posibly deadly."

"I'll see what I can do." Ruby said, grabbing her backpack and heading towards the exit. "Thank you again, though.

The redhead got out of the classroom and ran towards the infirmary with a smile resting on her lips and a question pacing in her brain.

How could she ever find that third energy without dying?

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