
By beyonce4_kids

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By beyonce4_kids

Monday May 5th 2022

Kamryn's POV (12:46 pm)

📍Beyonce's House📍

I was going through my bag my mom gave me and I seen the letter she gave me. I read through it carefully and when she mentioned that bey gave me away wanted to know why.

I got up and ran out the room. I bumped into Julez and he pushed me. He didn't like me need or some reason. He thinks I'm jus here for Beyonce money.

"move punk" he said. I rolled my eyes and went around him. He do to much. What am I going to say to her. Do I jus go in there and be like. Tell me what happened between you and my dad? Or do I ask a question.

I knocked on her room door. Ian gon lie I'm nervous as fuck.

"come In!" She yelled. I stood there for a little bit and then walked in. "Hey" she said smiling.

"Unum. I got a letter for you to read. Can you read it and then I have a question" I said. She nodded her head and waved me over.

She sat up against her head board and I sat on her bed in the middle facing her.

"o-ok. Here" I said and pushed her the letter. I'm nervous about the letter. I amm very comfortable with them now.

I told blue about some of the things that happened to me but she don't know the very traumatic things that happened.

I told her how he would starve me and how he would out rats in my bed to bite me in my sleep. The basic things that he has dine to hurt me.

"okay what is your questuon" she said and sat the paper down. Her mood changed.

"what happened between you and lyndall? Is he really my dad?" I asked. My voice got low in my second question.

"ok well here's what happened like a couple days before I gave you away" she took a pause and swallowed really hard. "Ok so me and- wait you want it from the beginning" she cutting herself off.

I jus nodded my head. I needed to know everything to understand what happened.

"Okay it started off with.."


Beyonce POV (1997)

"B-bey" I heard in my sleep. Today I found out I was pregnant with lyndall's first baby. I had feel asleep waiting for him though.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"yes" I asked happy that he's back. He looked upset. my smile dropped and I looked in his hand. He was holding my pregnancy test.

"what the fuck is this" he asked holding it up.

"Lyndall.." I started but didn't finish. He's not happy that I'm pregnant. I knew he didn't want kids but he would always tell me that if I was to get pregnant he would take care of it.

He was also starting to get really aggressive with me. He would like grab my arm really tight or pull my hair really hard and then laugh and apologize.

"WHAT IS IT BEY??" He yelled. I jumped and got out the bed. I had on a tank top and my baby bump was showing. I was starting to get fat to so that was another reason why.

"i-im pregnant Lyndall" I said. He threw the pregnancy test to the wall behind me and hit the wall making a hole in it.

"Bey what did you do!? You can't be pregnant" he said not believing it and pacing back and forth.

"Abort it" he said na d stopped in front of me.

"WHAT! NO!" I yelled. "Im not aborting my baby Lyndall" I said. I was really trying not to cry tight now. He got mad and gripped my neck really hard. He caught me off guard.

"l-let m-me go" I said.. my tears gave escaped and I was only thinking about breathing right now. I laughed and threw me to the wall.

"ahhhh" I yelled. My back was hurting. He started walking to me and I was trying to get up. He kicked me in my side and I fell right back down.

"if you won't kill it then k will" he said. He got down on his knees and turned me in my back with me fighting and kicking him. He punched me in my face making my head spin.

Right after that he started punching me in my stomach and I could do anything. I felt something wet on mg legs so I touched it and brought my hand up. I seen nothing but red liquid.

I screamed and cried. He called the ambulance and then he left. why would he do that to me!!

When I got in the ambulance the kept asking me questions but I jus said I got jumped and then I blacked out.

Flash back over.

"Im so sorry" I cried. Something like that happened to me when I was hi n foster care. I jus never told anyone. Lyndall don't even know.

"its okay kamryn. I'm healed bow and I have four/ five beautiful children" she said holding me.

I cant, I jus kept crying. She cried because I was crying. After at least 20 minutes I had stopped.

"do you want to stop or keep going" she asked me.

"keep going" I whispered.

"okay. This might sound dumb but after that I still stayed wit him after that. He would best me all day and every time I did something ''bad'' or I said something slick. After a couple if years I met your real father, Shawn.."


Beyonce POV (2000)

Its been some years now and lyndall still beats in me. Only this times its worse. He started drinking and staying out more. He would cheat in me and come back and rub it in my face. He would rape me when he would cone back drunk.

Tonight we are at a party for his promotion. He got the building sold to him because his boss is retiring.

"it is really nice to see your Mrs.Locke Lyndall speaks very highly of you" his co-worker Dave said. I nodded my head and he told me he was going to go talk to some other people.

Before he left he kissed me on the side of my mouth then walked away.

Omg why would he do that. I jus smiled and pushed my hair behind me. It got so hot in here. I turned my head to the right and seen Lyndall staring at me drinking something from his cup.

He went back to his conversation like nothing happened and started laughing again.

Shit!! Why would he do something like that. We stayed here all night until the party was over.

"why the fuck did he have to do that" I said talking to myself.

I put in a smile and walked over to him. I'm not gon leave from his side no more tonight. I was jus standing next to him observing the room.

I met eyes wit this fine ass man. He was so fine he could eat my coochie.

I had to stop staring before lyndall saw me.

"it was nice having you all here tonight to celebrate Lyndall but its time to go. Y'all with got to go home but you damn show gotta get the fuck up outta here. And thanks to my brother Jay. Go hov" his boss Ty said.

Everyone cheered and then it was time for us to go. In the car Lyndall didn't talk to me he was jus on his phone. I knew he was texting a girl because it said 'Kimmy💖' I signed softly so he couldn't hear me and played with my nails.

He broke my phone and told me that I couldn't talk to anyone and that I was the only one he needed to be texting.

he put cameras in the house so if I was to ever do anything he would catch me and beat me. I'm not dumb. I am smart enough to not test him and follow the rules. But I'm also smart enough to figurebout a way to get out of this.

I didn't have a plan yet but I'm working on it. I spend my time going to the store and drawing. He also have a tracker and camera in the car.

We pulled up to the house and I had to get out. I am very scared right now. I jus know he's going to beat the shit outta me.

We got in the house amd I went and sat on the couch. I played with my nails damn near ripping them off.

"beyonce.. Now I'm not gon do shit yet. I want you to explain what happened at that damn party" he said and sat down next to me.

He can slap me any minute right now.

"TALK!" he yelled. I jumped and stuttered.


"TALK DAM IT! stop fucking stuttering and talk. I'm not even doing shit to you" he said yelling then lowered his voice.

"lyndall I promise I didn't not kiss him. He hugged me and he almost kissed me but instead he kissed the side of my mouth. I promise I didn't like it I promise-" I rambled but got cut off with him slapping me.

Flashback over

"that day he r-raped me and beat me so bad. The next day I went to Wal-Mart for the house and seen shawn ever since that day we have been meeting up at the store and talking and laughing." She said smiling. I was shedding tears because she have went threw so much shit wit him.

"It I'm so sorry that happened mommy" I said crying. I felt like calling her that was right it felt right too. I was suddenly pulled into a hug and kisses was being places on my face.

"I love you to much kamryn " she sis shutting me.

"I like you too" I said. I dont know about the loving part. Yes I felt that it was right for me to call her mommy. Does that mean I have to say I love you? no. I will tell her that when im ready. "Im sorry im not quiet there yet. Give me a minute. It won't be long" I said.

"I understand bubba but you know you cant call me nothing else but mommy" she siad with her eyebrow raised. I laughed and nodded my head.

I laid my head on her chest and held her close to me. We have been through so much. I wonder how she got away.

"how did you get away" I asked softly.

"well I had planned to I move away to a different city and everything but Shawn was going to Brooklyn for a family vacation and seen me at the mall. I had bought a new car that he didn't know about and a new phone. I had some of my clothes packed in my new and left" she said. 

We went quiet for a little bit. I want to tell her what happened to me but what if she kick me out and think im dogusting and i liked it. What if she don't believe me when I say I didn't want it. 

"Ma" I called out. Imma jus go for it. 

"yes" she replied. I guess she was thinking about something too. 

"Lani is my real daughter.." I mumbled. I don't think she heard me. My heart started besting really fast. She didn't say anything for a while. 

"what" she asked. She don't believe me. God I'm so stupid j should've jus kept UT to myself. "What did you no say kamry" she suas sternly. Fuck. I made her mad. 

"I'm sorry please don't be mad at me. Please I'm sorry" I begged. I don't want her to hit me so I got up and tried to run out the room but before I could even get out the bed she grabbed my hand pulling me back to Jer. 

I jus cried. The day kept flashing in my mind. His grunts, my cries, Taylar's cries. I cried. I jus couldn't stop. 

"calm down baby girl. I'm not mad okay? Deep breaths kamryn" she tried Nobel ping me. It wasn't working. 

"i-its not working. Mama o!ease h-help" I said then I started coughing. I cant breathe. It felt like my throat was closing. 

"KAMRYN" I heard someone yell before everything went black. 

Beyonce POV 

"Kamryn wake up" I yelled at her. I felt her heart and felt that she was barely breathing. I grabbed my phone and called the police. 

"hello yes u-um my daughter his stopped breathing. I think she had a panic attack or something" I said as soon as they answered the phone. 

"ok was she doing anything before it happened." 

" yes she was crying. Then she said she couldn't breath and stopped breathing" I said crying. 

"ok mrs.Knowles the ambulance is in their way. I want you to start CPR. Do you know how to do that" she asked. 

"ummm yes" I said. 

"ok I want you to start that and the ambulance should be on their way" she  said. 

I started doing CPR on her but it wasn't working. 

"its not working" I yelled. She told me to jus keep doing it and to not stop until the police get here. 

Once they were here the kids were confused and jay had left for work or something. 

"Tay your in charge" I said. Lanï was crying for her mommy but I couldn't do anything about it at this point. 

Once we got to the hospital she was on a monitor. They said she as an asthma attack and a panic attack. So she has asthma. They also gave her some anxiety pills. 

"what's happened" I hated. I looked up and seen her woke. 

"you had a asthma attack and a panic attack. We can go home once they come back in here they jus have to check your vitals first" I said. 

"I'm sorry" she whispered. 

"You did nothing wrong. I want you to know that I'm here for your whatever happens. And I'm not mad at you. I kinda figured lani was your daughter but I still thought she was your sister you was jus being a mother to her " I said. 

"y-ye" ahe said. 

"you know if you ever wanna report then we can. Jus tell me and ill talk to jay about it" I said. She shook her head with so much fear in her eyes. "Okay we don't have to. I jus want you to be as safe as possible" I said. 

I really want to report him. If I would've did it when I had the chance this would've never happened. 

A doctor came in and checked her vitals then told us we could go home. He told her to take her anxiety pills after she have the baby. 

Once we got home lanï immediately ran to kamryn and kamryn picked her up. 

"it's okay. I'm okay" she said. Lanï starter crying when she tried to out her down so kamryn jus held her. 

She rocked her to sleep them went to the living room. I followed and sat on the couch. 

"kammy" rumi yelled. She then started crying. I smiled. My kids love her and I love the relationship they have. 

"I'm okay rumi.. Stop crying" kamryn said. Rumi laid her head in kamryn shoulder and closed her eyes. Kamryn started humming to her walking her around and rumi soon fell asleep. 

She laid her on the couch next to lani and sat down. 

"your a great mother kam" I said. She smiled and thanked me. 

"can I lay my head on you" I nodded my head and she laid her head on my lap. She closed her eyes and went to sleep. 

I wasn't sleepy yet so I jus put in a movie and watched it. 


(2745 words) Sorry for the mistake. What y'all think ?? Did y'all like it?

Sorry for the wait. I was working on it then watt pad had froze so I had to make a new chapter. 







Hope Yall Enjoy Byeeee!!

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