Lost in Paris(Brollins)

By tropicalpunch123

6.4K 655 160

-A sequel to "Lost in the City"- Rebecca and Colby are now living their new and happy life in Paris. They bot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 40

93 12 0
By tropicalpunch123

When the plan was made, Rebecca went to their guest bedroom and cleaned it up some so that  Jonathan and Renee would have a place to sleep. Joseph insisted on sleeping on the couch, no matter how many times Colby and Rebecca offered to give up their bed.

When morning rolled around, Rebecca woke up early and fixed a big breakfast for them all. She knew Roux would want pancakes, so she figured she might as well fix the others some as well. Once everyone was awake, they gathered around the dining room and ate, then they all left to go get what they needed for tonight.

When nightfall rolled around, Rebecca and Colby called Gemma to see if she would be down to babysit again, but her and James were out of town, so they called Madelyn instead. They hated to leave Roux for another night, but they had to put an end to their stalker—no matter what it costed.

The group were currently on their way to the church. If they planned it just right, they had a chance to catch him—unless he decided to plan something else, which was very likely. Colby had a bad feeling about their plan, though. He was afraid one of them could end up hurt, or worse...dead. This was the first time in almost three years the group had worked together, and instead of it being an easy task, they were planning on killing someone tonight. The odds are never in our favor...He thought the closer they got to the church.

Rebecca could tell he was uneasy, and since they were in the back seat, she intertwined their hands together. "Are you okay?" She asked in a near whisper.

Colby squeezed her hand, running a thumb over hers. "Yeah...just thinking about what could go wrong."

Rebecca gave him a sympathetic smile. "Something always goes wrong...this time though we're one step ahead."

Joseph then looked down at the map Jonathan was holding. "We're here." He said driving onto the dirt road.

Renee and Rebecca looked out the window to see the big church plastered in the middle of nowhere. "That looks...old." Jonathan said uneasy. "You ladies sure you're okay with going in there alone?"

Renee shook his shoulder from the backseat. "We'll be okay."

Joseph turned off the car. "I'll leave the car parked here." He then pointed towards the right side of the car. "That's the barn. Although from the looks of it, it's not too sturdy."

Colby looked over and sighed. "We can check it out...who knows what we'll find."

Joseph nodded. "Becks, Renee, are you both ready?"

Rebecca nodded and glanced at Renee, who held a flashlight. "Yep."

Jonathan then handed a gun back towards Rebecca. "Take this. If he's in there, don't hesitate to shoot him."

Rebecca grabbed it and stuffed it in the back of her pants. "Trust me, i won't. He's made our life a living hell for the past 6 months."

"You call us if anything happens, okay?" Colby said gently grabbing Rebecca's arm.

She nodded, then her and Renee hopped out. Renee turned on the flashlight and Rebecca followed behind. There wasn't much to look at besides the night sky, broken trees, a nearby graveyard, and the old church. "Do you think he's going to be in here?" Renee asked nervously.

Rebecca shrugged. "I have no clue. For all I know he could've set us up..."

The closer they got to the church the more nervous the two became. They stepped onto the porch and Renee turned off her flashlight. Rebecca stepped in front of her and put her hand to the big brown doors. She pushed them open and their eye's immediately went to the lit up candles in the front of the room.

"Someone's been here..." Renee said as they walked in. Rebecca kept one hand on the gun as they looked around. "There's the stairs to the bell."

Rebecca looked over to her right where Renee had the flashlight pointed too, and looked at the stairs leading up to the bell tower. "You don't think—"

The two jerked their heads back to the sound of a door being slammed. "Someone's in here." Renee whispered  as they looked at the now closed big brown doors.

Meanwhile, the boys had just went inside the barn. There was broken horse doors scattered throughout, and holes in the ceiling. "I seriously doubt the guy has been here." Jonathan said pointing his flashlight towards a hole in the wall. "The place is to trashy for someone to stay here for a living."

Joseph had his flashlight pointed down towards a machine. He ran his hand over it, but all that came off was rust. "Yeah...if he was here I feel like there would be newer stuff."

Colby pointed his flashlight towards blood splattered on the wall. He swallowed and kept looking around. "Have you guys found anything?"

Jonathan gasped, which made Joseph and Colby turn around frantically. "What is it?!" Joseph said going over to him.

Jonathan just laughed. "I found a thick stick dude!" He said picking it up. "It's literally the size of a sword."

Colby rolled his eyes when Jonathan started swinging it around at Joseph—who was not amused either. "Jon?" He said staring at him. "Seriously?"

Jonathan sighed and threw it down. "Fine." He groaned walking back towards another broken fence.

The three got busy trying to find anything that could give them clues to who their stalker was. After ten more minutes of searching, the three huddled in the middle and pulled out their phones to send the girls a message. Just as they did though, their attention was brought to the nearby church, where they heard the church bell ring, and a woman's frantic scream.

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