Mr. Ex

By uwayabee

361K 11K 2.3K

Working with a famous idol group is probably every fan's dream job. Except when you find out one of the membe... More

1. Paths
2. Reunion
3. The Breakup
4. The Members
5. Forgiveness
6. Him & Her
7. Accident
8. Someone like Him
9. Cresent Moon
10. Fanmeeting
11. Jealousy
12. Ex
13. Argument
14. Pretty U
15. Glad
16. Displeased
17. Realization
18. Paris
19. Confession
20. Truth
21. Clarification
22. Scolded
23. Winter
24. Falling
25. Ego
26. Uncaged
27. Unspoken Words
28. Mr. Kim
29. Warning
30. 30 Days
31. Time Travel
32. Home
33. Talk
35. The Trio
36. If Only
37. His Home
38. Start Over
39. Together
40. Now & Forever
[100K Special] Mr. Boyfriend
[SEQUEL] Mr. Fiancé

34. Watch Out

6.5K 208 49
By uwayabee

🎵 seventeen - circles

"Are you sure you're not coming back to LA?" Mom asked in the middle of the night.

Both of you are still awake, staring up at the dark ceiling where little stars from your bed side lamp wander around. She's been trying to persuade you to come with her. It's a mother worrying about her daughter after all. Saying she knows a better therapy doctor in LA, saying you're able to sit back and just help her with her small business there, etc.

"Yes, mom." You shifted on your bed to look at her, "Don't get me wrong. I love you and I love LA. Okay?"

"I know, sweetheart." She sighed softly in defeat, but not disappointed, "It's that Yoon-- who? Right."

"Yoon Jeonghan." You corrected with a small chuckle, nodding.

"It's impossible to stop young people who're in love. Madly in love, I would say." Mom glanced at you with a teasing smile. Her smile kind of reminds you of Seungkwan, seems like they hang out together way too much lately.

You hummed softly, playing with the hem of your blanket while thinking, "You think so? That he's madly in love with me?"

"Honey?" Mom laughed softly in disbelief, "If only you could see the way he look at you from my eyes."

You laughed through your nose at her reaction. Talking about Jeonghan makes you crave for his touch, his warmth, his scent. Sadly, knowing you're no longer work with the group, and considering his busy schedules will make your time with him less and less.

As if he's reading your mind, suddenly your phone vibrated. Seeing his name on the notification bar is enough to make your heart beats faster.

Thinking about you.
Will dream about you.
- Jh

"I guess you're right." You muttered while typing a message back to him, "He's definitely madly in love with me." With a wide grin, you scoot closer to your mom.

Mom cradle you in her arms, patting your head softly. For a moment you were both talking about your plan after you've fully recovered. You were thinking of, of course, getting a new job somewhere else. Mom then suggest you to try something outside of corporate life. Which immediately reminds you of something you've been wanting to do ever since you were in LA--a baker.

"Actually, mom, there's something I haven't told you yet."


"No, it's not like that." You playfully hug her side when she gave you a playful disgusted look, "Remember when I first told you I want to move to LA after I graduated?"

"You mean back when you told me you wanted to help my business but ended up working somewhere else? Yes, I remember."

"Mom......" You whined although you know she was joking, "Well, the real reason is because at that time I desperately need a distraction from my break up."

"You never told me you had a boyfriend back in university." Indeed, talking about romance has always been every woman's virtue. Mom's sleepy eyes are now lit up in curiosity as she listened carefully.

"I was planning to tell you but shit happened. But anyway, what I'm trying to say is...That ex of mine and Yoon Jeonghan are the same person?"

"O...kay? Wait, wait. So you guys broke up, met again, fell in love again..." Mom gasped softly, "What in the kdrama is wrong with you two?"

Mom laughed at your blushing cheeks. Thankfully Jeonghan already left a good impression ever since he called your mom about the accident back then. So when you told her about what happened years ago, she doesn't seem upset. On the contrary, she said love sometimes need a second chance.

"Maybe you two were destined for each other, but met too soon at the wrong time. And maybe fate still wanted you to be together so you met again." Mom's voice sounds comforting while she fixed your blanket.

"You're always good with words." You smiled.

"I know. Now off to bed. Good night, sweetie." She turned sideway with her back facing you.

It didn't take long for mom to fall asleep. The sound of her soft breathing slowly makes you sleepy. It feels like you have found the peace that was once lost. You feel safe now. Everything will be fine, right? Right.

Before falling asleep you say a small prayer. If there are bad things waiting for you in the future, then let the time stop running & let you sleep in your dreams where you can be with Jeonghan.

...Or so you thought.

Days after days. Weeks after weeks. Looks like your prayers have been heard. Nothing strange has bothered anyone yet.

In fact, the group's comeback went really great. It pleases you how their performances went viral amongst the audiences. They've worked really hard for it, so appreciation is the only thing they deserve.

You yourself have been streaming your favorite song Circles morning, noon and night until your mom gets tired of asking you to turn down the volume--she even ordered a noise cancelling earphone online. Don't get her wrong though, she loves the boys, it's just her taste in music is in line with her age, she prefers old school songs like trot.

Good progress also happen to you. You're no longer use any medical support for your injury. You can walk just fine as long as you avoid staircases for another few weeks--it's not like you'll choose stairs over elevator anyway. As for your arm and neck, it feels like nothing ever happened before.

On the twenty third day out of thirty days Mr. Kim gave you, you decided to visit the agency to submit your resignation letter--if you have to leave the company, might as well you leave it in a respectful way. Besides, you still have some of your personal belongings there. You're not going to leave your favorite hand knit plushie, of course.

While walking from the bus stop, you noticed Spring has shown the sign of its arrival. The leaves began to show through the melting snow. The sun heat feels stronger giving a much warmer temperature. People start wearing thinner coats. Birds chirping can be heard more often. Not just that, you also noticed--after you've taken a few random turns--that indeed you've been followed.

You left your place with no plan of getting a caffeine, yet you entered a cafe to get a random drink you pointed from the menu. While waiting for your order, not wanting to look too obvious that you realized you were being followed, you pretended to take a few selfies. From the first few photos you can see the same person from before walking pass the cafe while looking around, then disappearing in the next photo.

Feeling weird about this situation, the first person that comes to your mind is Jeonghan.

"I think....I'm being...followed." You typed a quick message while mumbling, not forgetting to attach the pic you took earlier, even circling the person with a red color.

"Number forty one!" The barista called out.

The exact number written on your receipt. It was at that time that you realized you ordered a mango matcha smoothies. Which sounds weird when you read it, but actually taste really good when you drink it.

After a few sips of your drink, Jeonghan's name appeared on your screen. He immediately gave you a call after reading your message.

"What do you mean you're being followed?" He asked, not even bother to say hello.

"This same person has been going in the exact same directions to where I was going. I don't know what to call it if it isn't being followed?" You walked closer to the glass door to look around.

"Are you sure that person isn't someone you know?"

"He would call me if he knows me, right?" You step aside to let a customer use the door.

"He? It's a guy?" Jeonghan's question makes you groan.

"Did you not see the picture I sent you?"

Obviously he didn't. The way he chuckle softly while apologizing shows it all.

"Sorry, I read the message but your picture caught my attention." His voice then sounded smaller when he asked if he was finished and could leave the set to someone there.

Jeonghan muttered a quick thanks then asked you again, "Where are you now? I'm done here so I'll pick you up."

"I'll send you my location but wait, I think he's gone..? I'll check one more time and--"

"It's okay, I'm dying to see you anyway." Jeonghan greet someone while walking back to his car, "Just send me the location. And stay inside."

If only Jeonghan could see the way your lips curled up into a wide smile, he'll definitely give you his cocky smirk. When you think you are an independent woman, it turns out that you are also weak to be spoiled by the man you like.

Just when you were looking for an empty chair, someone who had been sitting for a long time left the cafe. You immediately took over the seat to rest your leg for a while. It's supposed to be a short walk, but the random twists and turns start to make your leg feel sore.

Two things you were very grateful for were the doctor's ointment you had put in your bag and the fact that you were wearing a midi length skirt. It's easy to roll up the skirt a bit then apply it afterwards. The ointment itself is specifically to help fracture recovery, to curb swelling for example. Applying it feels like a spa to your bones.

While drinking the rest of your smoothie, you see a familiar car just parked on the side of the road. You recognized the license plate number as Jeonghan's, so you eagerly walked towards the door--throwing the nearly empty cup into the trash bin on your way out.

Even though most of his face is covered by his mask and his cap, two facts that you can be sure of are--one, Yoon Jeonghan is very handsome and two, he is very happy to see you. His eyes were smiling when he got out of his car and found you in the doorway.

Just as you were about to approach Jeonghan, the same person as before appeared again. This time he even called you by your name and approached you at a brisk pace. No matter how many times you look at him, you're sure you've never met him before.

"Miss Y/N--"

Jeonghan grab your wrist and pull you behind him gently. His cold glare stopped the man in his tracks.

"Why are you following her around?" Jeonghan's tone sounds unfriendly, "Do you know her?"

"Uh.. Not really, no." The guy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Then? What do you want?" Jeonghan tilted his head to the side, examining the man from head to toe.

The man stretched out his hand, showing a card in his palm. Jeonghan leaned closer to get a better look at it then he hissed loudly while glaring at you. It is a bank card with your name written on it. Turns out the guy was on the same bus ride as you, he saw you dropped the card on the way out alas he tried to return it.

"Oh shit." You immediately bowed down to apologize, "I'm so, SO, sorry."

"We're really and terribly sorry. We misunderstood your intention." Jeonghan also apologized on your behalf.

You're lucky the guy was totally okay with it. Once you retrieve your card back, the guy leave politely.

"If I were him I would've reported you for defamation." Jeonghan ruffled your hair anxiously then smoothed it back with his fingers.

"To be honest he could have called earlier instead of following me around." You protest, making sure the card is properly tucked into your card holder now.

The incident quickly becomes a funny memory to you guys. You both look into each other's eyes while chuckling. Both your and his presence completed each other. Sadly, he doesn't have too much free time until his next schedule comes tomorrow morning.

"Good grief... You got me worried." Jeonghan sighed while caressing your head.

"Sorry.. That was dumb, I know.." You smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing here though?" Jeonghan looked at the cafe once more, then at the street behind it. He recognized the tall building at the end of the street, which is the agency.

"I was planning to submit my resignation letter and get my personal stuffs."

"I see." Jeonghan fixed his cap when some groups of people walk pass by, "Can you do it tomorrow?"

"I can....? But why tomorrow?" You get inside his car when he opened the passenger's seat for you.

Jeonghan jogged to the other side and get inside the car as well. He removed his mask once the door is shut, showing his beautiful smile, "I mean, I'm free now but not tomorrow. And I want... Uh, us to spend time together."

How could you refuse if he asked with such a charming smile, "Yes, of course."

So Jeonghan decided to take you to a place with less people to talk, spending time as much as both of you can to update each other about what's happening. Usually, it takes almost two hours from Seoul to Naksan Beach. Yet together with him, it doesn't feel that long. You're lucky most of the roads are empty too.

"It's been a while since I came here." Jeonghan rolled down the window, allowing cold breeze blows inside.

"Hey-- ugfth!" Your hair got blown right into your mouth, which make Jeonghan burst out laughing.

He turned the steering wheel to the left and parked the car right on the soft sand. The sound of the waves crashing into each other can be heard clearly after the engine was turned off.

While sitting on the car hood together, he told you about how tiring his schedules are. When he's way too tired, he even go to the restroom to take a short nap.

"So that's why your eyes look darker." You run your thumb gently across his skin.

"Why? Do I look less attractive now?" He smile while leaning into your hand.

"No way." You pinch his nose gently while scrunching yours, "I think this is the proof to your hard work and it makes you very attractive."

"So that's why my fans love me without my make up on?" He teases with a wide grin.

"Even without any make up and the ugliest shirt you have, they'll still love you. Bet."

Jeonghan take off his cap, letting his hair blown by the wind while staring at you through his hooded eyes.

"...What about you?" He asked, his voice sounded gentler, "Would you still love me if I wasn't the current Yoon Jeonghan?"

It's been a long time since you guys discussed the word love, especially in your relationship. When you hear him ask about your love for him, of course you feel butterflies in your tummy.

"You seriously asking me that?" You tucked your hair behind your ear, "Didn't I fall in love with you long before you became the Yoon Jeonghan now?"

Jeonghan nodded and leaned his head on your shoulder with a shaky sigh. His eyes are staring at his own hand, his fingers softly tapping yours, hesitant to touch but deadly craving for it. You could smell the scent of his shampoo when you lean your cheek on top of his head.

"I..." He muttered, "Sometimes I'm tired of showing the perfect side of myself, even though I'm not completely okay. I have to be, I need to be."

"That must be exhausting.." You listen closely to his words. Even when he paused for a long time, you waited.

"When the pressure is too much, I feel like a mess. And believe me, it sucks." He exhaled a deep sigh.

"Hey?" You gently pat his knuckle, "Mistakes doesn't mean you're a mess. That means you're human and you're learning."

"I know. That's what I've been telling myself too." He turn his face to yours, resting his chin on your shoulder, "But when I'm with you.. I feel like, maybe it's okay to be a mess."

Your eyes met his, your nose touches his when you also turn your head to him. Funny how you wish time will flies faster when you're not with him--but wish time will stop ticking when he's right there, next to you, completing you.

"Why? Because I'm also a mess or because I'm initially a troublemaker?"

Jeonghan laughed softly, leaning his forehead against yours.

"Because I feel safe when I'm with you. Even when I'm a mess--"

"Even when you're a mess, you're a mess that I wanted." You interrupted him.

When you were about to say something, it was Jeonghan's turn to cut you off with a soft and light kiss on the lips. There's just so much passion he felt for you that he unable to express in words. He let his hand rest on your nape, deepening the kiss a little at a time. Soon you also return the kiss with the same passion you have for him--that make Jeonghan smile into the kiss.

When he peek through his closed eyes, that's when he noticed something. He make sure not to stop everything too sudden, even giving your lip one last peck before he tell you something.

"By the way, I think you're right." He whispered right next to your ear.

Responding your questioning look, he added, "Someone's following you."

After saying that, Jeonghan turned his gaze to the left--to where a man in a suit was walking towards you. It took a while for you to recognized him. But when he's only a few meters away, there's no doubt he's the same person you've met before--Mr. Kim's assistant.

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