touch of nature * JIYOO

By jiunique

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A deadly virus wiped off most of the planet's population, marking the start of it's 'New Days'. Human civiliz... More

1. "The Start of Everything"
2. "Factions and Troubles"
3. "Enemies or Allies?"
4. "An awaited meeting"
5. "No More Games" (M)
6. "First Location"
7. "Tasks and Goodbyes"
8. "The Unexpected Plan"
9. "You and I"
10. "Memories of The Past"
11. "Captain-up, Captain-down"
12. "First of Many"
13. "Close To Death"
14. "Feelings"
15. "That Time of The Year"
16. "Trouble Slowly Starts"
17. "Before and After"
18. "Accidental Wrong Move"
19. "Anything For You" (M)
20. "A So Called Peaceful Day"
21. "Out of The Ordinary"
22. "Broken And Repaired"
23. "Christmas Day" (M)
24. "Christmas Night"
25. "Nothing Feels Right"
26. "The End Is Near"
27. "More Than One"
28. "Closer To The Truth"
29. "One More in The Group"
30. "Last Moments Before Disaster"
31. "Calm Before The Storm"
32. "The Day Has Come"

33. "All of Their Hope Was.."

257 16 94
By jiunique


Yoohyeon dashed towards the enemy, trying to kick his weapon away, but the man was too good at defending himself.

He was dodging to the left and right with ease, not attacking the girl, but only giving her taunting pushes on her shoulders. The gruesome man had no plans to fight her back yet. He wanted to know if she was worthy of his time and effort. Yoohyeon hadn't managed to hit him even once.

Not until she could sense the smile he had under that mask. When he took a step back, Yoohyeon found the perfect opportunity and jumped in the air, dropkicking his stomach. All that this attack did was make him stumble back with several steps. If she compared his durability skills with hers, he was on the same level. Maybe higher.

SYM's boss finally made his first attack after that. He surprised the latter by pulling out his pocket knife, stabbing it in her calve. Yoohyeon groaned in pain, taking many steps backwards to pull out the sharp blade while loudly wincing.

"You shouldn't have done that, little princess. Now your leg won't stop bleeding." He pouted under his mask in a taunting way.

"Don't you dare call me that, fucking monster!" Yoohyeon threw the knife towards him, hitting him right in his left arm.

"V-Very ironic coming from Yunseok's kid.." He took out the knife from his shoulder with a low groan, switching his attention back to Yoohyeon. He looked down at his pockets and pressed on a button on his electronic device, making Yoohyeon furrow her eyebrows.

"The hell did you do now.." Yoohyeon gritted her teeth, earning an evil giggle from him.

"This building is going to collapse in two minutes unless you don't give me what I want. Be smart or both you and Kim Minji will di-"

"Sorry to disappoint, but we won't be dying before you."

Yoohyeon turned around in shock, seeing Minji pointing her gun at the man infront of them with a raised eyebrow and a glare of hatred.

"Princess, you're here.." The girl whispered in relief, slightly smiled after seeing the Icebreaker. Minji wrapped her arm around Yoohyeon's waist, flashing her a wink.

"Didn't expect to see me again, huh?" She chuckled, switching her attention back to the man. "You should've used a better tactic than to leave Joanne to fight me. She's as good as gone now." Minji spoke bitterly.

"You defeated Joanne..? Fucking useless bitch, I shouldn't have given her a second chance.." The man scoffed to himself, bringing his hands up in the air. "Alright then, tell me what you two want." The boss spoke with a clear tone of annoyance, making Minji tilt her head in disbelief.

"Your identity. Now." The Icebreaker ordered in a neutral tone, hearing a little chuckle coming from the enemy.

"Do you really wish to know my identity? Well... You'll know it only if you survive this blast."

"What are you-"

"Minji, get down!"


The group of outcasts and Icebreakers that was outside the building flinched, watching how the top floors of the laboratory collided with the lower ones, until there was nothing but dust and pieces of debris everywhere around them.

"G-Guys! Is everyone okay?" Yoobin shouted while running away from the collapsed building, sighing in relief after hearing coughing sounds beside her.

"I'm here with Jiwon and Jiho! We aren't injured!" Hayoung shouted as an answer, swinging her arms around to get a clearer view of her surroundings. "I'm with Minjoon! We're okay as well!" Bora informed loudly from behind a building nearby. "We're good too!" Jeongyun and Namhyuk informed in unison, shaking their hands infront of their faces to get rid of the dust particles tickling their noses.

Everyone felt glad that the group was okay. Everyone, but Bora.

"Wait, what about Minji and Yoohyeon? Do you know where they could be?" Bora whispered to her boyfriend worriedly, peaking her head to get a better glimpse of the remaining demolished laboratory.  "They're definitely in there somewhere.. We.. We have to help them while we still have the chance." Minjoon informed with a grunt and tried to move, instantly getting stopped by Bora.

"You're not going anywhere in that state. You will be staying here with me." The small woman sternly ordered, earning a sigh from Minjoon. "W-We have to help them.. They might need our help, especially Yoohyeon because she's fighting that  fucker.." Minjoon sighed, realizing that Bora might not have any plans to move her hands away from his chest.

"Bora, come on.."

"No way.. T-They'll be fine, I believe in them.. Just- Just don't go anywhere and stay here with me." The woman repeated herself with a few stutters, noticing Minjoon was trying to stand up from the ground. She pushed him down again, her grip getting harsher and harsher, not letting him move an inch.

"Bora, please. We need to go there and save my sister and Yoohyeon.." Minjoon pleaded with a frown. His desperate attire then changed to a softer one after noticing how Bora was close to tears. She was way too worried, more than she has ever been.

"I-I'm not going to risk loosing you.. I-I don't want to see my lover dying infront of my eyes.." Bora weakly admitted while lowering her gaze, making Minjoon sigh silently as he cuped his girlfriend's cheek with his hand.

"Hey," He caressed her skin with his thumb. "I won't die, neither will anyone else. We need to do something to help them while we have the chance.. At least with these things that Yoohyeon gave me." Minjoon pointed at the bottle and USB drive, earning a nod from Bora.

He cleared his throat, sighing in displeasure as the pain in his shoulder was deteriorating after every simple movement. Minjoon knew more than well that his injury might become a serious one if he doesn't rest, but he didn't want to sit still while the group, his sister, and soulmate-friend did all the dangerous work.

"I-I know a spot where there are working computers not far from here.. We can go now before we're too late." He claimed in a whisper.

"W-We can go there, but not anywhere near the fighting zone. Please?" Bora requested with a weak voice.

He had no choice but to nod at her request. Minjoon wasn't in a good state to fight anyway, so he chose the easiest option, but it could be a helpful one. If they manage to gather enough information that would come off as handy in the battle, they had to act their part and help the others out immediately.

Bora carefully helped her boyfriend to stand up, weakly giving him a kiss on his lips. Minjoon reciprocated the kiss, feeling at slight ease thanks to that heartwarming action. "Let's be careful, okay?" Bora spoke softly after pulling out, getting a nod in return. He gently caressed Bora's waist before he moved beside her, both running towards their desired spot.


Soon after, they reached an old computer cafe. The short woman forced the door open and she quickly rushed to every available computer, sighing in anger when none of them were turning on.

"They're not working.. What are we going to do now.." Bora held her head in her hands, suddenly hearing a sound of something clicking. The whole room then started flickering in a neon blue color. She turned around in shock, seeing her boyfriend pointing at something while he had two items in his hands.

"I replaced the fuses and turned the electricity back on. Check if it's working now."

Bora then tried to turn the computer closest to her on, clapping when it was turned on. "I love your tech brain so much babe." The small woman said with a smile, making the man chuckle as he walked towards Bora to peck the top of her head.

"You ready to see what the deal with this SYM guy is now?"

"You bet I am."

Minjoon then plugged the USB inside, seeing a single folder inside the drive. He got a hold of the mouse, moving the cursor towards the folder and seeing only one unopened video - it was posted by Kim Daemin, named 'The truth - for Yoohyeon'.

"That must be it. Should we write anything useful down if they're too hard to remember?" Minjoon suggested, getting a nod in return. "It might come as an advantage for them to use against that psycho." Bora agreed, taking the nearest paper and pen to her on one of the desks. She inhaled a deep breath, waiting for Minjoon to play the tape after showing a nod that she was prepared and ready.

"Here we go.."

The moment the tape started playing, the couple widened their eyes at the state Daemin was in. He was almost turned, covered in blood, his veins were colored in black, but the humanity in him was still a bit shown through his eyes.



"I-If Yoohyeon is seeing this tape..

Good job kid.. You're watching the last film log.. I-I don't know how much- *cough* I don't know.. how much I have left, but.. You have to know the truth..

I-I was the one that exchanged the normal vaccine- *cough* with- with the experimental one that y-your father worked on. I-I couldn't risk that evil man getting a hold of such powerful weapon, he would only destroy everything faster.. And knowing your father, he definitely must've given it to you to protect you..

But it only started slowly killing you..

I'm s-so sorry for.. shortening your lifespan.. You deserve to live a very long life with amazing people surrounded by your side.. I wonder, d-did you and my daughter meet yet? She d-doesn't know anything about you, so I hope she didn't doubt your words.. I really hope that you found the *cough* right i-ingredient that will help you live longer. Inject it before it's too late..

And.. Please..

Kill that man.. kill that darned psychopath and save the world from more damage.. *cough*

Kill. ___ ____."



Minjoon took a step backwards, resting his body on the chair that was behind him. The woman beside him dropped the pen to the ground, her hands shaking.

"Minjoon.. it's not who I think it is, r-right?" Bora shakily asked, even though she knew there wasn't a way this was fake...

___ ____ was SYM's boss...?

"Him..? He-He was behind this..? My- My parents.. they died because of him..? He did this to us..?" The Icebreaker teared up, feeling betrayed, and mostly heartbroken by learning the harsh truth. The person who he believed was the kindest man alive... He was none other than the same man that ended his happy and delightful life.. the same man that crushed the siblings', and everyone else's world.

Bora instantly turned to face her boyfriend, giving him a tight hug. He was so lost and devastated.

"I'm so sorry Minjoon.. I'm so sorry.." Bora whispered, hugging his waist even tighter and letting him sob silently in peace, with his head resting on hers.

"W-What am I going to tell Minji..? My poor sister would be so sad- Fuck, she would be so broken and hurt.." Minjoon weakly shook his, looking at the paper that was on the desk beside him. Bora wrote down many useful things, but the way how her hand must've started shaking midway into writing the SYM boss' identity was saddening.. She was just as bewildered and shocked.

But right then, they got startled by a loud sound coming from the computer, meaning that the video wasn't done playing yet..


"But don't be fooled by his words.. H-He believes that he is injected with the experimental vaccine, even though it was just water.. No matter what serum he's given.. h-he'd die because his body can't endure both strong ingredients..

But Yoohyeon, you m-must remember.. The right serum is the most suspicious looking one.. A-And if you haven't forgotten from when you asked me and your dad what H2O meant when you were 5 years old..

You called it suspicious because it resembled water.. *chuckle* I-I'm sure you remember.

The right ingredient is the clear one.."


Minjoon then started rummaging inside his pockets, noticing that the serum he had was actually the right one. A clear bottle with a taped note attached on the bottom that said Metronidazole.

"She entrusted me with this.. We need to find a syringe- or anything to inject this inside her." Minjoon suggested, noticing Bora scratching her head in thought.

"I think there's a pharmacy here somewhere, but we'll reach it in 10 minutes if we run." Bora sighed, seeing the determined expression her boyfriend was showing.

"We have to. We'll save Yoohyeon." Minjoon weakly smiled, noticing Bora was hesitant about everything.

"Are you.. sure you're okay, Minjoon? You're going up against.. him.. Will you be fine..?" Bora worriedly asked, caressing his waist. Minjoon clenched his fists, sighing in displeasure.

"He's my parents' murderer and eneny. I don't care who he is behind that fucking identity of his.. I will avenge my mother and father - just like I had promised my sister."

Minjoon weakly smiled, pulling Bora in another hug and kissing the top of her head. "Thank you for being here with me.. If I was alone, I don't know what I would've done." The man whispered softly, making the small woman slightly tilt her head to look at him and stand on her toes to peck his lips.

"We're our own little family, Minjoon.. I'll always be there for you.. I love you." She hummed against his lips, pulling out to give him a reassuring smile.

"I love you too.."


Yoohyeon weakly opened her eyes and started coughing loudly. There was dust everywhere around her and her vision was fully blocked because of debris next to her face.

"Fuck, my leg- Wait, Minji!? Are you okay?" The girl shouted from worry, feeling how the woman that she had managed to protect from all the collapsed cement has started moving slowly beneath her body.

"I-I'm okay, just a bit dazed.." Minji slowly opened her eyes, widening them the second she saw Yoohyeon's state. The younger had cuts and bruises everywhere on her body, her clothes were ripped and covered in fresh blood, and her head and leg were badly bleeding.

"Pup.. Y-You're hurt.." Minji whispered shakily, trying to push away the piece of debris that was on top of Yoohyeon's leg with her foot. The moment the Icebreaker saw how badly injured the younger really was, she couldn't help but start panicking.

"Hey, calm down Minji.. I'm fine, this will heal quickly, look." The girl pointed at her leg, noticing it was already close to fully closing in the huge cut and broken bone. "A-Are you doing it by yourself?" Minji asked, making Yoohyeon gulp as the girl shakily nodded, even though it was a lie. She had no idea how or why it was healing so quickly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm healing it.. Let's go get that man, he must be here somewhere.." Yoohyeon tried to stand up with her other leg, but almost fell down again after feeling a very harsh thump in her chest. She clenched onto her shirt, taking in deep breaths as she felt how her infection was getting worse, making it harder for her to maintain self awareness. Yoohyeon was hardly managing to control it anymore. It was trying to tear her apart and take full control.

But she overcame it with no struggle. Not because she was much stronger, but because she still had a reason to fight for. And a person to protect. She couldn't, and wouldn't turn without knowing if Minji would be safe and sound. That sole reason was the main factor of her easily out-dominating the virus.

Yoohyeon instantly cleared her throat, gently holding onto Minji's waist for balance and looking around for the man. She carefully tried using her enhanced hearing by closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, managing to locate movement sounds coming from behind her.

But to her surprise, she heard a lot of footsteps. Could they be the group members looking for them?

The moment she turned around in hope, her pupils dilated out of the unexpected sight, causing Minji to turn around as well and react in a similar way. Maybe even more frightened and surprised than Yoohyeon.

"Good job! You two survived this somehow. Proud of you, Kim Minji and Kim Yoohyeon."

The evil man clapped sarcastically, slowly walking forward with a dozen of his soldiers to surround them. "I think that it's over now." He said proudly, suddenly taking out his white gun and pointing it towards the two.

"J-Just kill me and leave Minji and my group alone." Yoohyeon hissed as she stepped infront of the older, making the man chuckle while he was playing with the gun's trigger. "What group exactly? There's nothing left of them. Just you two." He informed with an evil smirk, making Minji widen her eyes.

"A-Are the others dead..?"

"All of them." He whispered with a disturbing laughter, making the two girl look at eachother in defeat. This was a lost battle..

"P-Pup.. What are we going to do now..?" Minji whispered in worry, earning a shaky sigh in return from the girl. "I don't know.. I-I really don't know." Yoohyeon looked downwards, frowning. She noticed in the corner of her eye how Minji's hand was trembling from so much fear. It hurt her to see her princess so scared..

"Hey.." Yoohyeon turned around, extending her hand. "You're going to be okay princess.. I'm here.. I'll protect you no matter what, I promise." She whispered sweetly, holding Minji's shaky hand and bringing it to her lips to leave a long peck on her hand. The older looked at their intertwined hands, a weak curve forming on her lips. "Yeah.. You're still here.." She said to herself weakly, moving her gaze to make eye contact with the younger.

"I'll do all I can to protect you too, my puppy..."

They exchanged weak smiles, both knowing that behind their beauty, a lot of fear and worry was hidden. One thing they knew for sure was that no matter the situation they were in, the other's life always came first before their own one. The care they had for eachother was all they needed to have a higher chance than zero in defeating their opponent.

Yoohyeon slightly sighed and glanced back at the enemy, instantly furrowing her eyebrows as a sudden hit of confusion and familiarity flashed in her mind.

She has seen that exact gun somewhere before, but where.. and when, exactly?

"Why didn't you defend yourself..? Why didn't you fight for survival..?"

Yoohyeon shook her head, widening her eyes in disbelief..

"No way.." The girl whispered to herself in confusion.

The color of the gun was disturbingly way too familiar. She remembered her father mentioning it in a recent video tape, but there was more to it than just the color..

So much more.

"There was no point.. Everyone wants me dead, even you."

"It's true that I want you dead.. But I can't kill you now that I heard your words."

"W-What? Why..?"

"You said it yourself.. Minji would miss you a lot, and I don't want to see my niece sad..."

"my niece sad.."

"His niece sad..?-"

"Kim Kang..." She whispered weakly.

Yoohyeon finally figured it out.

She shakily let go of Minji's hand and clenched her fists in rage, glaring at the man in absolute shock and hatred.

"You. Mother. Fucking. Psychopath!"

Yoohyeon slowly raised her voice at him in anger, earning the attention of the SYM boss before her eyes.

"I'm sorry?" He tilted his head, getting a bit confused when Yoohyeon dropped her head low and started laughing with a terrifyingly neutral expression.

"Oh my god..You're nothing but a.. sadistic psychopath..? You're actually fucking crazy!"

"What the.. Are you going hysterical because you're close to death or what?" The man scratched his head with the tip of the gun, not understanding what the outcast was trying to do.

"You little bastard.." Yoohyeon took one step forward, slowly pointing at him with her index finger. She was clearly outraged and way too agitated, which only surprised the SYM boss even more. How could she keep her composure for so long if she was angry? He shook his head, pointing the gun back at her.

"What are you-"

"Why didn't you kill me that Christmas night, huh!? Why did you act all nice and supportive after you killed Nari? Why the fuck did you pretend not to know me, you pathetic maniac!?" The pissed off girl shouted, glaring at him.

"W-What are you talking about..?" He tilted his head and lowered his gun. The man noticed how Yoohyeon was constantly staring at it, which helped him realize how she recognized him. He cussed at himself for making such a stupid mistake. The Icebreakers' leader used the same gun to kill Nari.

His identity got figured out.

The man furiously turned his attention back towards the girl, trying to think of something to make Yoohyeon stop suspecting him.

"If I had seen you then, I definitely would've killed yo-"

"Don't fucking play that shit on me! I know damn well who you are behind that mask, you double faced bastard! I know too damn well who you are!" Yoohyeon wasn't having it anymore. She was even closer to fully losing her temper, as well as losing herself to the virus inside her. It was getting harder and harder to resist to it's devilish voice, but she had to. It was too risky for her to fight in that state.

"Shut up before I shoot you dead, Yoohyeon. Give me what I want and I'll let you and Minji live out of consideration." He spoke with a tint of nervousness, making Yoohyeon chuckle in a mocking way. That was clear evidence to the girl that he indeed was who she thought he was..

Kim Kang. SYM's hidden boss.

"Give you what you want? I'm sorry, but what else do you need? Haven't you had enough of destroying the lives of my- no, not just mine, but your own fucking family too!? The lives of your loved ones!?" Yoohyeon raised her voice, making the man gulp in defeat.

His SYM identity was not a secret to the girl anymore. His Leader Kang persona couldn't beat Yunseok's child.. But he had to do everything it took to keep it a secret from Minji and Minjoon for as long as possible. He didn't want to kill them yet, because they were very useful to him. His only tools for manipulation, and the only people he had full control of.

"Say one more word and I'll make sure to shut you up by force, Kim Yoohyeon." He gritted his teeth, removing the protector of his gun and pointing it straight towards Yoohyeon.

"Yooh, what are you talking about? Who is he?" She asked, taking a step forward and wrapping her arm around the visibly disturbed girl's waist. Minji was silently listening from the side the whole time, but she feeling as confused as ever. Yoohyeon surely knew something about his identity, but what was it exactly that it made her so furious?

Yoohyeon sighed. "He's-"


Kang shot straight into Yoohyeon's thigh, making the girl groan in pain as she held onto the bleeding wound. Minji widened her eyes, holding tightly onto the younger's waist. The gunshot that the outcast felt was so painful, that she couldn't balance herself anymore and she fell down. Minji didn't let go of her even for a second, leading her to kneel down to Yoohyeon's level from shock and cup her cheeks.

"Y-Yooh!? P-Please tell me you're okay- Please..!"

The younger one nodded weakly, groaning under her breath as the pain was deteriorating. Both her and Minji were pressing on the wound to stop the bleeding, but it must've hit a vein.

"Utter one more useless word and Minji is next on the list." The man walked closer, making Yoohyeon gulp.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The man who saved her from being killed by Nari, the man who gave her a chance to reveal the truth to the siblings, the man who took good care of her health and safety.. He was the same man who was also the one who would be willing to kill her.. as well as hurt his own niece, his own family, all because of his desire for power.

Kang was a pure example of a remorseless and heartless devil.

"Fuck you, Ka-"


Yoohyeon widened her eyes as the man didn't hesitate to shoot again, but this time, he shot Minji's forearm. The woman held onto her arm in pain, hissing to suppress the burdensome feeling that traveled all over her body.

"I-I'm sorry Minji, I should've shut u-"


Yoohyeon loudly groaned, because her other thigh was shot afterwards as well. She held her tears of pain in, trying her best to keep the woman beside her safe by shutting her mouth up completely.

"From now on, I want you to talk only when I allow you to. And you better NOT say anything I would be displeased with."

Yoohyeon weakly nodded in fear, making the evil man chuckle as he crouched infront of the girl, pointing at her vest.

"Smart decision. Give me the serum and USB drive. Now." He ordered sternly, making Yoohyeon search inside her pockets as she pulled out a bottle and gave it to him shakily.

"Good girl. Now, the USB." He hummed, noticing Yoohyeon gulping.

"I-I don't.. have it.." The girl hesitantly answered in a whisper, getting a disappointed sigh in return.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak if I didn't allow you to? Right when I thought we were making some valuable progress.."

The man was about to shoot the girl on her arm, until Minji shakily lowered his gun, making him switch his attention to her.

"S-Shoot me instead.. Please.." Minji said, making Yoohyeon widen her eyes.

"No Minji, don't-"


Minji loudly screamed while weakly holding onto her hand, letting her body fully lie down on the ground while groaning and gritting her teeth to suppress her voice. He shot her on the
other arm, but this time, his bullet's destination was Minji's hand. Yoohyeon teared up at the view, switching her attention back towards the man with a despicable stare of hatred and desired murder.

"Don't look at me like that, kiddo. It was your own fault for speaking without my permission, wasn't it?" He chuckled bitterly, reloading his gun and playing with the trigger.

"Now tell me.. If you don't have the USB, who has it?" He asked, seeing the mocking grin forming on Yoohyeon's mouth.

"I wonder.. maybe.. your amazing nephew?" Yoohyeon finished her sentence with a whisper, noticing how the masked man was too stunned to move. The sweat forming on the visible sides of the man's forehead and the lump he had in his throat from hardly managing to swallow his saliva showed how nervous he felt.

"You're lying. He doesn't have it. Tell me the truth, bitch." Kang moved the gun towards her head, getting worried when Yoohyeon's petrifying smile was more than visible. She was clearly mocking him, not even minding the ranged weapon she had on her forehead.

"I am. I gave it to him, so he surely has it." She then tilted her head. "But, I thought you said you killed everyone, so how come you haven't checked his body for any items?" Yoohyeon challenged, feeling the gun pressed more and more on her forehead.

"Does he know about me?" He lowly whispered to her in annoyance.

"I don't know.. You can get an answer for that yourself." Yoohyeon smirked while looking at a direction, making the man turn his head around and recognize a guy, none other than his own nephew, staring at him from afar with hate in his eyes.

"Joonie.." Minji whispered to herself, weakly smiling after seeing her twin brother was still alive. But something about his glare didn't make her relieved at all, since she recognized this stare.. She had that exact same stare when she felt hurt by someone very close. A glare of hatred and fury.

"I.. How could you do such thing to us.. to everyone? How could you!" Minjoon raised his voice, making the evil man gulp as he knew there was no way this would end peacefully. He might have to kill his nephew as well.

"Don't utter another word Kim Minjoon, or I'll shoot you again." Kang threatened with his gun, forcing his nephew take a shaky step back with raised hands.

"Did we mean nothing to you this whole time..? Did you use us just so we could become criminals just like you?" Minjoon weakly said, letting his tears roll down his cheeks. "We were just kids.. We had just lost our parents and you manipulated us, as if we were nothing but some toys to you.. Why did you do that to us..? Why!?"

"Stop talking kid.. Just stop talking before I pull the trigger." Kang said, clicking with the protector of his gun.

He didn't want to hurt Minjoon nor Minji, but he would lie if he said he had loved them like family. They were nothing to him other than members of his faction that he made to disguise himself. Future slaves of the renewed SYM laboratory. Kang saw potential in them, but now he realized that was he wrong.

If Yoohyeon had never showed herself after all those years, if she had died on the same night he released the virus, he might have made the siblings to be something more. They were nowhere near becoming successors of his company and power. Becoming members of the SYM laboratories' army was not an option for them any longer.

If only he had killed her on that Christmas night, he wouldn't be faced with this..

He had to make Minjoon shut up.


While Kang's temporary attention was plastered on Minjoon, Yoohyeon crawled over to Minji and cuped her cheeks, tearing up as she caressed them weakly.

"I-I'm so sorry for putting you and everyone else in this mess.. I never should've accepted your guys' help.. All of you would've been okay if it wasn't for my stupidity.." Yoohyeon apologized in a whisper, noticing how Minji changed her expression to a saddened frown.

"Don't say that, Yoohyeon.. There's still a chance for us to escape, so don't lose hope yet. We can survive this." The woman silently uttered, making Yoohyeon sigh shakily.

"You definitely will survive this no matter what.. I promise you."

Yoohyeon had thought of a plan in that right second. She groaned loudly in pain, facing the back of her enemy and trying her best to sit up while ignoring the pain.

"How does it feel to see your own blood against you?" Yoohyeon loudly mocked the evil man, making him turn around. He furrowed his eyebrows, walking closer to the girl and harshly pinning the gun on her heart.

"Shut the fuck up, Kim Yoohyeon."

"You forced my father to make you powerful, but look at you now.. Still a coward hiding behind a mask, and a fucking psychopath that hurt his only family left.. If it wasn't for my father, you wouldn't have done shit all by yourself-"

Kang didn't want to listen to the girl's annoying words anymore, so he took his knives out of his side pockets, stabbing them right where the two bullet wounds were located at.

Yoohyeon screamed in pain, but this was exactly what she prayed to happen. She had to find a way to make her infection stop her from healing those wounds, and the painful thing Kang did was definitely a very helpful move.

"If I hear your voice one more time, I won't hesitate to kill you infront of everyone. That's why, I need you to be a nice fucking pest and shut up." Kang snarled, turning back around to focus on Minjoon.

"Yooh, w-why did you do that..?" Minji questioned with a shaky voice.

"I had to suppress my healing somehow.. F-Fuck, it does hurt like shit though.." Yoohyeon hissed to herself, taking in deep breaths while crawling backwards to be near Minji again.

Yoohyeon then stopped and tilted her head a little, hearing almost inaudible moving sounds behind her. She turned her head around, managing to recognize a familiar person peeking their head. Yoohyeon smiled, because that person was her best friend - Kim Bora.

"I knew it that he didn't kill your ass, you old lady." The younger weakly chuckled, making Bora sigh and return the smile.

Yoohyeon then released a little grunt, crawling closer and pointing at the injured woman beside her.

"Take Minji away from here and hide as far away as possible. I'll deal with that guy and help Minjoon out." Yoohyeon ordered softly in a whisper, getting a hesitant nod in return from Bora.

"I'll try.. And please be careful, okay? That man.. he isn't an easy target.." The outcast replied, hinting that she knew of his identity. "Yeah, I figured.." Yoohyeon nodded with a sigh, having realized what Bora tried to mention.

"Hold on, what are you planning?" Minji looked to the girl, making Yoohyeon slightly smile and caress the woman's head.

"Don't worry about it, but try to stay safe Minji.. I'll miss you." The younger said, pecking her temple before hesitantly letting go of her.

The Icebreaker was shaking her head in displeasure, not liking the look Yoohyeon had in her eyes. Those were the eyes of someone determined to risk themselves for whatever was to happen. Someone who was ready to face anything without a single thought.

"Don't you dare Kim Yoohyeon! Don't you fucking dare say that to me right now!" Minji spoke in an angry whisper, furrowing her eyebrows. Yoohyeon had no choice but to sigh, knowing this would be the reaction she'd receive. She didn't know how to respond to that, but only to ignore it.

"Be careful with her Bora. Her whole arm is injured." Yoohyeon added, earning a nod as a response from Bora. Minji gulped in worry, suddenly showing her bloodied pinky finger to Yoohyeon.

"Promise me you'll come back alive. Promise me you'll be by my side with Minjoon afterwards." Minji uttered out weekly, making Yoohyeon slightly nervous. The younger sighed with a weak smile, carefully intertwining her pinky finger with Minji's one and nodding.

"I-I promise I'll bring Minjoon back to you." She assured, leaning closer to kiss Minji's lips. It was what she wanted to feel the most, since she had little to no faith she'd survive after this.

"You skipped the other promise Yoohyeon.." Minji pointed out, feeling how her lips shivered the moment they departed away from the latter's ones. "I'll make sure to keep Minjoon safe.." The younger said in a weak whisper, avoiding Minji's statement.

"Yoohyeon, please.."

"Stay safe, my beautiful princess.. I'll miss you a lot."

Yoohyeon leaned in for another quick kiss, savoring the feeling for a few seconds. She was about to pull out, but Minji gripped tightly on her collar, not letting her get away.

The outcast cupped her cheeks, gently caressing them, then her jaw and her neck, feeling every bit of her soft skin. Yoohyeon almost started crying right then. Minji's lips were trembling, desperately wanting this kiss not to end. She wanted to stay in this same position for hours, if possible, maybe even days or weeks. She felt safe, protected, cherished, adored.. She felt all the care and honesty.. and the fear.

Yoohyeon moved her hands towards Minji's fingers, unclasping them away from her own collar with a shaky breath escaping her mouth. The girl then gestured for Bora to be quick, watching with pained eyes how Minji was begging for Yoohyeon not to go. The older didn't want to stay away and let the latter do something stupid and dangerous, but the pain in her arm, exhaustion from the battles and the impact of the earlier explosion had already drained her energy rather quickly. She had a really bad feeling about everything.

Bora held onto Minji's shoulder and waist, shutting her eyes close because she felt as bothered of Yoohyeon's unknown plan as Minji. But the Icebreaker was injured, and she had an order from Yoohyeon. She had to follow it no matter what.

"Let me go Bora! She's going to get herself killed!" Minji whisper-shouted in the middle of protesting and struggling, but she didn't continue after seeing how Bora was very hesitant about something while trying to pull her away.

"Minji.. Do you know who that man is behind the mask..?" Bora's voice almost cracked, worrying the latter.

"N-No..? Who is he?" Minji answered shakily, stuttering from nervousness because Bora was sighing in sadness.

"It's.. Kang.. Your uncle.."

Minji froze on the spot, staring at the shorter woman with pure nothingness in her eyes.

"You're lying.." Minji shook her head, breaking free from the small woman's grip but instantly crouching down to the ground to hold her hands because of the burningly painful, bleeding wounds on them. "It's not him.. N-No, it can't be him.. He saved us as kids, he's my faction leader, he's my uncle..! My uncle is a good man, he saved me and Minjoon in the past and took care of us all our lives.. He can't be connected to SYM, that's impossible.. How can it be possible?"

Minji's eyes were fully widened as she couldn't bring herself to blink from the shock and realization..

She didn't know what that feeling was, but it was worse than when she felt 'betrayed' by Yoohyeon. She wasn't just sad and devastated like before, she was much more. Minji was broken, lost in thought, doubtful of every truth Kang has said to be a possible lie. But mostly, she was furious and enraged.

The man who had taught her how to protect herself, to take care of those around her and to believe there was still hope of humanity left thanks to their faction's idea of bringing justice, was the same man who caused mass destruction in her life, as well as everyone else's. He was the one who let the virus spread and kill more than half of Earth's population.. He was the cause behind the people she loved and cared for most's deaths and vain.

"I'm so sorry Minji.. B-But please, we need to get out of here right now.." The small woman uttered hastily, noticing how a group of enemy soldiers were scouting around the battleground to locate them.

"My uncle.. He killed my parents.. He did this..? He was lying to us all along..?"

Minji was a completely lost cause. The information she learned was still too unbelievable to her, but the fact that it was slowly starting to make more and more sense to her was what broke her apart.

"P-Please Minji, we need to run or we'll get caught as well.." Bora whispered worriedly, looking around from fear.

Those words finally brought Minji's senses back.

"Wait, what do you mean by get caught as well?" The Icebreaker asked, noticing Bora pointing somewhere with her head.

Minji widened her eyes after she saw the rest of the group tied up in a hostage camp, all beaten up and worn out from the fight they lost to.

"Please Minji.. we need to hide and-"

"Hey, they're here! Get them!"

An enemy soldier informed loudly, getting the attention of the two women as they realized they messed up by wasting time. They had nowhere to run or hide now..

This really was an apocalypse.

"I'm s-sorry Bora.." Minji whispered as she was getting apprehended, seeing a weak smile forming on the latter's lips. "It's okay.. You were shocked by the information so I can't blame you.." Bora gritted her teeth and tried to break free, instantly getting shoved on her sides so she could stop moving.

"Try to act nice so our boss can give you a second chance of survival, you pests." An enemy soldier said, taping the two women's mouths and taking them away towards the others.

The soldier threw them next to the other hostages, making both women wince as they fell on their backs. The enemy guy told them not to do anything stupid before walking away from them.

"Shit.. Minji, what did he do to you.." Hayoung said weakly, trying to crawl towards her injured best friend to carefully remove the tape.

The moment the tape was removed, Minji sighed and a shaky grunt escaped her mouth.

"F-Fuck.. My uncle did this.. He's the cause of it all.."

The others, who didn't know of this information, widened their eyes, completely shocked by that statement. Especially the Icebreakers, because they were a part of his faction.

"Kim Kang..? Is he really.. the SYM boss?" Jiwon questioned in disbelief, looking down when Minji nodded her head, enraged.

Everyone knew one thing for sure. Minji was not going to easily give up now. Finding out that the man who was the only remaining parental figure in your life was the same man who caused the death of your real ones must've been too hard on Minji and Minjoon. The siblings had less and less blood-related family that they trusted left.

"W-Where are the other two?" Jeongyun weakly asked in worry, looking at Bora who pointed with her head towards the debris.

"In there.. Minjoon is most probably fighting Kang together with Yoohyeon."

Minji instantly moved her head up after hearing that name, suddenly shaking it with aggression. The woman almost forgot that she had a new family to fight and live for now. A much better one. Not only that...

...Minji also had a specifically short haired girl to be with.

"Yoohyeon is probably thinking of doing something stupid again, so we have to do something before this escalates to the worst." Minji sternly spoke after getting back to her senses, trying to move her hands, but wincing after failing. "I'm definitely not a fucking fan of getting tied up.." Minji spoke to herself, suddenly humming in realization.

"Guys, can one of you crawl closer my right boot? I have a dagger in there." Minji requested, seeing Jeongyun looking around and carefully moving closer to her leg. He squinted his eyes, smiling when he saw the handle of the dagger slightly peaking. He used his teeth to pull it out, accidentally dropping it and making a sound, which alerted one of the SYM soldiers on a lookout.

"What are you guys doing?" An enemy walked closer, watching how Jeongyun was standing right next to Minji's leg.

"I-I was h-helping her.. take her boot off!" He said in a stutter, making the man point his long knife at him.

"What were you trying to d-"

"Hey! It's not you who got beaten up in a fucking fight, is it!? Can't you at least be fucking glad that we're not doing anything!?" Bora suddenly raised her voice at the man, startling the group who didn't expect such acting from her. "At least let us do this much for Minji! Unless, you wish to help us out?" Bora raised her eyebrow, earning a scoff in return.

"You fucking- Whatever, just don't be stupid, or I won't hesitate to kill you all." He scoffed before turning around and walking away.

The group sighed in relief, instantly glaring at Jeongyun for almost getting them caught.

"S-Sorry for that.." He apologized, trying his best to take the dagger with the tips of his fingers and silently cheering when he did so. He quickly cut the rope on his hands, stealthily doing it for everyone else.

Minji caressed her wounded hands, suddenly hearing a loud female groan coming from the site where the fight must be happening.

"Yoohyeon.." Minji worriedly whispered to herself, abruptly switching to a more serious demeanor as she looked back at the distressed group.

"We're not going to get into any fights with the soldiers, because they're too many and we're exhausted. Let's go behind that building and hide until they all scatter around to look for us." Minji ordered silently, getting a nod from everyone. Bora carefully held Minji by her waist to assist her, stealthily moving away from the hostage site to group up on an empty building's rooftop.

The moment the group were all safe and sound, Bora let Minji go and started nervously rummaging for something in her pockets. The moment she pulled a full syringe out, they all gasped in shock. Yoobin held it in her hands carefully, looking at Bora in shock.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, it's a potential cure. If we give this to Yoohyeon, she won't risk turning into an infected with no control anymore."

"And she'll stay alive.." Minji added with a weak smile, getting a hold of the item and hiding it inside Namhyuk's vest. "Keep this with you at all times and don't lose it." She ordered, getting a nervous nod in return from him.

"G-Got it.." He responded.

Minji then tried standing up with the help of her injured hand, wincing at the pain, but still succeeding.

"We don't have time. We have to help Yoohyeon and Minjoon without letting anyone see us. The only problem is that if we're seen, it's officially game over." Minji said with a sigh, looking at how worried everyone was. She couldn't lie, she was just as scared, maybe even more. If they mess up, everyone would die.

"What can we even do? We don't have our weapons and we're outnumbered.." Jiho stated, followed by a sigh from everyone because he had a point. "We'll think of a plan, okay? There has to be a way for us to do something.." Bora spoke up, noticing Jiwon didn't seem to be very determined. "I-I don't know guys, this feels like an impossible mission. W-We're all just going to d-die.." The young girl said in a panicking voice, instantly getting tightly hugged by Hayoung who was trying to calm her down.

"We won't die unless we act smart and think of something. Minjoon and Yoohyeon are in there, enduring so much just to fight for our safety. We must fight for theirs as well."

Hayoung's words brought more hope and courage within the group as they felt the urgent need to save the two. Thankfully, Minji had thought of a plan in that same second.

"If any of you guys don't want to take part in this, you don't have to.. But I'm definitely going to go back there." Minji added afterwards, noticing Bora standing up and walking closer to her.

"I'm going with Minji. You guys can all stay behind. I know it's not easy after the fight we went through.. If anything happens, you all must run away immediately, especially Namhyuk since he has the syringe now." The oldest outcast said, seeing how everyone seemed very hesitant, but mostly Jiwon, who felt guilty for being scared of dying.

"I'm sorry.. This is all going to hell because I got scared.." Jiwon sadly muttered, feeling a cold hand gently caressing her head, it being Minji's one.

"You've all done enough to help out and we really appreciate it. You're still young, so it's okay to be scared in such situations." Minji then looked at two specific people. "Hayoung and Yoobin, I'm leaving you two to take care of the young ones." The two women nodded, shifting a bit closer to the outcasts to help them feel less tensed up.

Minji turned to look at Bora, nodding at her that she was ready.

"Let's save our partners, shall we?" Minji said with a slight smile, seeing the shock in Bora's eyes.

"Partners as in..?" The small woman asked just in case, smiling widely when Minji shyly nodded.

"Not official yet, but I want it to be after this is done."

"So you've made your decision, huh?" Bora weakly chuckled, following Minji.

"I made my decision a while ago, but I just- I wanted to be sure first.. Now, I know what I really want." Minji admitted, earning a sigh of relief and a head pat from Bora.

"Even more motivation for this fight. Let's go get our partners then, Minji."


Bora and Minji were now hiding in plain sight after the soldiers were alerted of the group's escape. They had to be as stealthy as possible to somehow manage to get closer to the center of the fallen laboratory. They didn't want to waste time, since both Yoohyeon and Minjoon were injured and Kang was out of his mind. If he didn't hesitate to shoot his nephew and niece, he definitely wouldn't hold back on doing more, and that terrified the two women to their core.

Once they were at a close proximity of the destroyed lab, they carefully climbed over the debris and made their way near the edge, just enough to get a glimpse of what was happening.

But the women were completely shocked when they didn't see them in their last position.

"Where did they go..? Could they have went somewhere else?" Bora whispered, getting a shrug as a response. "No idea.. Could Kang have taken them hostage somewhere?"

"I doubt it. They must be fighting here somewhe-"

Right as Bora was talking, the women heard a loud gunshot from a bit further into the collapsed laboratory.

"That wasn't what I think it was, right..?" Bora shakily asked, but Minji didn't respond. She only blinked in shock.


Yoohyeon got kicked towards a steel column, making her hiss in pain and spit out blood from her mouth. She was holding her stomach and leaning her back to somehow keep her balance. She looked behind the man, seeing Minjoon lying on the ground and being close to passing out from too much blood loss. Yoohyeon couldn't stand to look at that view. She had to do everything to keep everyone alive, even if it meant killing herself.

"You have everything you need already.. Let Minjoon go.. and only fight me.." Yoohyeon panted between words, watching how Kang was walking closer to her and grabbing her by the collar.

"I do have what I need, but you guys are a literal pain in the ass right now. Why should I leave you all alive? Shouldn't I have my celebration party for winning against my old pal's daughter?"

"You're so pathetic Kang.. I-I should've known sooner. I should've fucking known how disgusting of a person you are.." The girl spat on his mask. "I could've saved Minji and Minjoon from your evil ass. If only I knew who you were from the beginning, I would've killed you on the spot.." She glared into his eyes.

"I was lucky you didn't know then. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to have all this fun." He smiled widely, making Yoohyeon grit her teeth in anger as she tried to free herself. "You're insane.. And fucking crazy."

"Crazy for power and-"

Kang suddenly paused, hearing a slight sound coming from his side. He glanced that way, slightly smirking to himself beneath his mask.

"Exactly who I needed.." He spoke with a disturbing chuckle following afterwards. "This is going to get more interesting."

"What are you laughing at, you freak.. Just wait until I get the chance to kill you.."

"Oh Yoohyeon.. I'm sure you will get to kill someone, but definitely not me." Kang said as he pushed the girl to the ground, suddenly pointing at a direction."You'll have to choose who to kill very wisely if you don't want to leave someone scarred forever."

"What the fuck do you-"


He suddenly took his gun out and shoot upwards in the air, waiting for someone to show themselves.

And his tactic had worked.

Out of instinct and fear, Minji and Bora ran closer to the scene of the fight. They widened their eyes the moment they saw Minjoon and Yoohyeon on the ground, completely beaten and bloodied up.

"You're fucking insane Kang.." Minji said to her uncle, making him tilt his head.

"Is this how you're supposed to talk to your uncle, Minji? I did exactly what you wanted us Icebreakers to do - capture Yoohyeon alive, as your bounty says. It was what you wanted me to do, right?" He fully took off his mask, evilly grinning at the angered woman before him.

"I'm going to kill you.. You killed my parents, your own fucking blood brother and sister-in-law!" Minji shouted at him, angrily furrowing her eyebrows when she noticed how he didn't show any care or remorse, not even a little bit.

"I killed them because your dad turned into infected and infected your mother, did you forget? But, you know.. they would've been okay if this girl's father didn't create a vaccine for a secretive virus.. Maybe they never would've gotten scammed otherwise." Kang pouted, pointing at Yoohyeon who was hardly managing to stay conscious.

"T-The virus that you released to the world and forced my father to work with, did you forget?" Yoohyeon spoke with a mocking grin, getting kicked in her stomach in return to shut her up.

"You're so wrong, Yoohyeon.. It was never me who did it, your father did. I only tried to stop him as his boss.." Kang tried to sound sentimental, but he heard a grunt coming from behind him, it being Minjoon.

"D-Don't listen to him.. He's trying to play his fucking mind games on us.."

"You still have the energy to talk even after Yoohyeon said that I should shoot you dead instead of hurting her? What a strong and kind nephew I have." Kang mumbled, crouching next to his nephew and giving pressure to Minjoon's injured shoulder, making him groan loudly in pain.

Bora widened her eyes at that view, clenching her fists in terror. Minji lightly squeezed her waist, trying to calm her down. It was visible that Kang tried to break them apart mentally and physically by speaking lies and hurting the people who they care about most.

"Just stop, Kang.. Haven't you done enough harm already? The world ended years ago. You will never have control over a society that doesn't exist." Minji tried to reason, earning a loud laughter in return. "Had enough? Oh Minji, I can never get enough. You should know that."

Kang then caressed his gun, suddenly pointing it towards Yoohyeon. He gestured for the girl to stand up, as well as call out for some of his soldiers. A small group of masked soldiers ran towards Minji and Bora, getting a hold of them and pushing the women around to kneel down to the ground, right beside Minjoon.

The cruel SYM boss smiled, seeing how Yoohyeon was hardly moving and glaring at him. He walked closer towards her, crouching and whispering in her ear.

"Now, let's play a little game of feelings."

Yoohyeon glared at his silhouette that was walking closer to the trio, gritting her teeth when he had his gun pointed at each of them from behind, switching from one person to another in between.

"Choose wisely, Kim Yoohyeon. Who would you kill to save the other two? Bora, Minjoon.. or Minji."

"I'm not choosing!" The girl raised her voice, making Kang chuckle with a pout.

"Aww, but you need to choose! Otherwise.. I have to shoot them all on the spot. Would you risk saving yourself, or saving them?"

Yoohyeon's breathing got faster as she was looking into the eyes of the siblings and her best friend. They were calling for Yoohyeon to get chosen with their stares and gestures. They were all willing to die, as long as the other two could live.

The girl leaned her head down and closed her eyes as she felt a memory pass through her mind. The memory of her unexpected dream, where she was given a choice. But her current situation was nowhere like the one in that dream. In it she had to choose between pressing a button or not, but now, she had to somehow save three people's lives..

Then it all made sense to her..

That dream had given her a potential hint of what she had to face in the future. And oh, was that the most helpful hint ever. She realized which were the true two choices she had to make.

"Dying or living.." She whispered to herself.

"I made my choice."

Yoohyeon cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention. She looked towards the sky, sighing in relief at the fact that it was dark. The stars and moon were her only source of lighting. She glanced at the moon's position, a weak smile forming on her mouth.

Right, it was going to be 2077 any minute now..

"It's going to be New Year's soon, so how about you do something for me. Like, maybe a little present?" The girl requested, making the man gesture with his hand that he was intently listening with full curiosity.

"How about-" Yoohyeon spoke, stopping midway as she looked at Kang with nothing but hatred in her eyes.

She was sure he had no clue of what she was going to say. Would she pick Minji? Minjoon? Bora? Stay silent so all three would die? Kang believed that Yoohyeon was completely lost and scared.

But Kang didn't know how much Yoohyeon depended on strategic luck.

There was one thing Yoohyeon knew she could do. Something that could save Bora, Minjoon, and Minji, but the chances of her surviving afterwards were unknown, maybe even zero... Though, there was this other thing only she could do.

And the chances of her succeeding could be calculated by pure luck.

But she had the knowledge the enemy didn't. It could work by a small inch of hope.

One in a million kind of chance.

"How about a fourth option?" Yoohyeon spurred out, making Kang raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"A fourth option? What option exactly?"

"I want to choose to kill myself and save all three of them." She informed, then pointing at herself with a weak smile of disbelief. "It was always me you wanted dead in the first place, right? So why not just shoot me now and be done with this?" She suggested, finally standing up on both of her feet with a lot of struggle.

Kang tilted his head, moving the gun towards her with a smirk. "Are you sure that's what you want as your last ever New Year's present? Instant death?" He asked, clearly liking the idea.

Yoohyeon took a deep breath, nodding. "May the pleasure be yours, Kim Kang.. But I want to speak with Minji before you do that. Alone."

Kang scoffed with a smile, suddenly pointing at one of his soldiers. "Bring Minji closer to her, but don't untie her. I'm only giving you a minute Yoohyeon."

The outcast sighed, facing down at her feet with closed eyes, kneeling to the ground. She had no energy left, but she wanted to have one last talk with Minji.

"Thank you..."


Minji softly spoke as she saw Yoohyeon weakly flash her smile to her. Even though the girl was out of energy and in a lot of pain, her lips couldn't help but form a curve the moment her eyes caught a glimpse of Minji's ones.

"I'm sorry, Minji.. I wasn't able to stay with you for longer.." The girl kept her teary eyes locked with Minji's ones, seeing how fear was taking over the older.

"N-No please.. Yoohyeon.. Y-You promised.."

She got pulled by the younger one in a tight hug, burying her face in her nape. Yoohyeon's body was so warm, that Minji didn't want her to let go of that embrace.

"I'm so sorry, my princess.." Yoohyeon slowly pulled out, locking eyes with Minji. "I-I.. I really hope we will meet again in my next life.." Yoohyeon let a tear roll down her cheek, cuping the woman's face in between her hands.

Minji shook her head, her voice failing to speak out of disbelief. She couldn't believe this was happening.. She had so much to say, but nothing came out. Nothing, but one single sentence.

"D-Don't leave me.. p-please, baby.. Stay with me.."

"I-I'm sorry.."

Yoohyeon gulped with a sob escaping her mouth, still keeping eye contact with the woman as a soldier was dragging her away. She could see how Minji was resisting, her mouth was moving and painful words were coming out.

"You called me baby.." Yoohyeon released a shaky breath, smiling at her. Her genuine smile.

"My beautiful princess.. I.. I love-"


A single bullet shot was heard.. and nothing but silence afterwards..

..until Minji's tears instantly escaped her eyes and a painful loud scream was heard. She shouted the girl's name out of despair and pain, wailing and slamming her hands to the ground and hiding her face against them.

Kang then blew on his weapon, putting his gun inside his holder and glancing at one of his masked soldiers.

"We're going back to the subway. Take these three and put them inside that pest's room as hostages, then search for the other ones." Kang ordered as he put back his mask on, walking away.

Nothing but the loud cries of Minji, as well as the weak sobs of Minjoon and Bora were heard echoing all around the collapsed laboratory. Everything had gone the wrong way. Minji, Bora, and Minjoon were captured, the other members of their group were all alone and distraught after seeing what had happened from the rooftop of one building. Their mission ended in failure, people were captured and a member was gone forever..

It was still hard for them to believe what they just saw.. Their biggest nightmare.

All of their hope was..


just because..

Yoohyeon got shot on the head..




This counts it for season one!

Thank you to everyone who stuck to reading the story until it's end! Phewww, it was long..

And before someone starts bashing on me because of the bad ending..

I pinky promise all of you, this is not the end. More plot twists are yet to come! ^^

The second season will be posted some months later, because I still have many chapters left to write. (Yes, I write them first, and then release them..) And by the looks of it, there might be around 15 chapters as a second season?

(I might be wrong though, because I do like to write a lot of new stuff and think of random topics and plot twists a lot..)

I hope you guys enjoyed the first season of my first completed Jiyoo AU story:

'touch of nature'

I will be back with new chapters and a storyline sooner than you know it! <3

I want to give a special Thank you to my regular commenters and voters! You guys are the absolute BEST! I loved every single comment and reaction, you guys gave me the motivation to continue posting.

Thank you very much for reading!

Hope to see you soon for season 2! :P

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