Daughter of the Dragon King

By WolfQueen1978

162 18 68

Ever since Elenor was born after her Mother passed away, Her life has been happy as She lived her life with h... More

Chapter 2 - The Gathering
Chapter 3.
Cruel North
Chapter 4
King Akvhi
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Tarfin's Punishment
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
30 Years ago Carshi Fortress
Chapter 13
Character Profile - Drecun
Chapter 14
Character Profile Rosenia
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part 1/2
Chapter 21 part 2/2

Chapter 1

9 1 2
By WolfQueen1978

Many years has passed since Drecun took inn little Elenor. Drecun made her part of the royal family and She became a princess.

And as the years went by Elenor became a beautiful young woman at the age of 19 years old.

With her beautiful long white hair, purple eyes, pale white skin. She went through high education just like the sons and daughters of the royal family.

She learned history, mathematics, languages, combat lessons, Political affairs, and even dancing and singing lessons.

Elenor even build a strong bond with the Princes and Princesses of the family and considers them siblings.

One morning when She got herself ready and was making her way to the dinning room. She passed by a few of the servants and greeted them with a friendly smile on her face.

Upon arriving at the dinning room She greeted her brothers and sisters with a smile on her face.

The oldest son of the family named Duncan looks at her and said. "Morning, Nori, have You slept well?"

Nori, that was the nickname Duncan and the other siblings has called her since they were young. And it stuck with her ever since and doesn't mind being called Nori.

Elenor gave Ducan a smile and said to him. "I slept well enough, I see that Father and Mother hasn't arrived yet..."

One of the Princesses who has red beautiful hair and blue eyes looks at her and said. "I'm guessing that they are still talking to Sebrina about morning reports."

Elenor looked at her and said. "I see, Thank You for telling me, Rayena."

One of the younger Princes with short red hair and yellow eyes looks at Elenor and said. "What are Your plans for today, Nori?"

Elenor sat at the table and said to her little brother with a smile on her face. "Well... I was thinking about going out for a little flight with Duncan here, and maby do some more dance practice."

One of the older Princesses named Selenia looks at her and said. "More dance practice? You have been practicing for weeks now and the Gathering is in just three days."

Elenor looks at her and said. "I know, I want to make sure I do everything right and perfect You know..."

One of the older Princes looks at her and said with a bit of a teasing tone in his voice. "So You can impress one of the men from the tribes, So they can marry them?"

Elenor began to blush a little and said to Xavior. " N-No! Okay... maby a little bit but that's not the reason!

I want to make sure that I wont make a mistake and..." Before She could finish her sentence Drecun enterd the dinning room and said to her.

"You wont ever make a mistake, My Daughter. For You are perfect just the way You are..." Elenor and the others turned their attention to their Father accompanied by his Queen Rosenia.

They bowed their heads and greeted their parents with a smile on their faces. Drecun lookes at his children and said to them as He sat down at his seat at the table.

"Morning to You too my Children, Please sit and eat." Rosenia looks at their children and said to them. "Yes, Eat up You need the strength to go through the day.

Duncan, Xavier, Pershi, Carden, You four are up for some private Lessons with Madame Veronica and her girls this afternoon.

Rayena, Salenia, Elenor, Sally, Mally, Tally, You girls need to try out the new dresses and dancer outfits in the evening they have just arrived."

They all nodded their heads and went to take their seats and eat breakfast. The Princesses were excited to try out their outfits while the Princes somewhat looked forward to their lesson.

After breakfast Elenor looked at Duncan and said with a playful smile on her face. "I race You to the landing pad!"

Duncan and Elenor began to race each other to the landing pad while Drecun told them to be careful.

Upon arriving at the landing platform Elenor went to grab her helmet and goggles from the bench. While Duncan streeched his limbs before saying to her with a smile.

"Ready for our today's flight?" Elenor gave him a nood and walked with him to the edge of the platform and said.

"I am, and I was thinking We could swing by the grave today. If its okay with You?" Duncan gave her a nood and said with a smile.

"Sure, We can viset the grave today..." Elenor looks at him and said before they both dived off the platform.

"Thanks, You're the best..." Duncan lookes at her as They were free falling and gave her a bright loving smile.

Then He transformed into a red beautiful dragon with large majestic wings. Elenor quickly grabbed onto his back before He was flying straight.

Elenor looked at the view of the beautiful landscape around them with a smile on her face. She looked down at the town at the bottom of the mountain and saw the people there walking and enjoying the day.

Duncan looks at her and said as his voice was deeper and a bit scarier. "Enjoying the view like always I see..."

Elenor looks at her brother and said. "I never get tired of this view, no matter how many times We take our flights its never tiering..."

Duncan gives her a toothy grin before turning his gaze away from her. "And that's the one thing that I like about You, Sister.

You never get tired of the beauty of our home." Elenor looks at him and said with a smile. "And may it never chance for as long as We live..."

Duncan chuckled a little before flying around the mountain and went to land near a big giant tree. He lowerd his wing to let his Sister off his back as She made her way to the grave that's under the tree.

There was a inscription on the gravestone that said. "Victoria Clarise, A Woman who died loving the daughter She birthed. May She rest in peace."

She knelt in front of the grave and took out a small flower from her pocket. She looked at the gravestone with a small smile and said.

"Hey, Mommy... Sorry I haven't had time to viset You, Been busy practicing for the gathering..."

She placed the flower in front of the gravestone and continued to say. "Its my first time going there and its also going to be my 20th birthday... And I really hope that I get to find my future husband there...

And every Lord of the Dragon Clans will be there along with their heirs..."

She let out a small sigh and said to her. "Really wish You could be there but I know that You cant... But I keep You in mind as I do my performance at the gathering..."

She then gently placed her hand on the gravestone and said with a smile. "I love You, Mommy..."

She then got up from the ground and made her way back to her brother. She climbed onto his back and looked at the grave one last time before Duncan took flight.

They went back to the 100 meter long landing pad as Duncan landed gracefully. He let Elenor get off his back once again before He transformed into his human form.

He stretched his arms and let out a relaxed sigh. He then turned to Elenor and told her with a smile on his face.

"I better get going to the lesson..." Elenor looks at him and said with a smile on her face. "Good luck with the lesson and have fun with the girls. If You see Linvera tell her that She still need to return the book that I let her borrow last week."

Duncan gave her a smile and told her before they went their separate ways. "I be sure to tell her that, Have a good practice Sister..."

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