Rise of the Uzumaki

By SaintGreenz

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Naruto is reborn in JJK universe watch as he creates the uzumaki clan in this world. More

Chapter 2: Rise of the Uzumaki Clan
Chapter 3: Heavenly Harem
Chapter 4: Maid Service
Chapter 5: Battle of Shibuya
Chapter 6: Three Way Battle
Chapter 7: Tengen and Culling Games
Chapter 8: Battle In The Star Tomb Part 1
Chapter 9: Battle In The Star Tomb Part 2
Chapter 10: Desperate Battle
Chapter 11: Curse Womb
Chapter 12: The Next Level

Chapter 1: One-Shot

3.1K 45 5
By SaintGreenz

AN: The story takes place in the Jujutsu Kaisen world with elements of DxD and Black Clover with Naruto as the main character.


Chapter 1: One Shot

Kyoto Japan(Afternoon)...

We see a young blonde male teenager training with another muscular male with dark hair teenager in front of an abandoned warehouse. They are being observed by a beautiful blonde haired woman. They move faster than humanly possible and ever so often an aura of energy emits from them.

"What's wrong? You haven't even hit me once since the match began, and you keep on dodging; you're afraid to get hit by my fists, Naruto." The muscular teen said to taunt the blonde.

"Nice try, I'm not going to fall for that. We both know you're physically stronger and more durable than me, but I am way faster with better reflexes. So, I have to make every hit count and take as little damage as possible." Naruto replied while dodging a surprise attack from behind him; Aoi had used his Curse Technique to switch places with a nearby rock.

Naruto then pulled out a rook chess piece from his pocket and added his curse energy to it, causing it to disappear, and in its place a man wearing armor and a shield appeared.

The blonde teen used cursed energy to enhance his body as he charged at Aoi with the Cursed Corpse next to him. Aoi threw a punch, but it was deflected by the shield the Cursed Corpse had created, leaving him open for Naruto to land a strike that emitted black electricity upon contact with Aoi's face, sending him flying.

Aoi got back up laughing with excitement as the blonde finally started to fight back, he clapped his hands and replaced himself with the Cursed Corpse, but as he was about to land a hit, another shield appeared in front of the blonde, blocking his attack once more.

Naruto tried to attack again, but Aoi blocked and threw him over his shoulder. Before Naruto could hit the ground, his Cursed Corpse caught him in midair and placed him down gently.

The two teens stared at each other then charged with a battle cry; they traded blows with the blonde's cursed corpse taking most of the damage while its shield protected him from harm. Neither of them were willing to back down as the battle continued.


"You two have improved a lot since I first saw you" The blonde woman who was watching the match said.

"Thanks, Tsukumo-sensei," Naruto said while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's only natural for someone as awesome as me," Aoi Todo said while puffing out his chest.

"Now, both of you need to work on a few things," she began. "Naruto, you need to increase your strength, while your Cursed Corpse can tank most attacks; don't become too reliant on it. Also, work on your Sealing Curse; you didn't use it once during the spar."

"You need to work on your speed and reflexes; if Naruto's attacks had more power behind them or were a dangerous curse technique, you would be finished. You have to start thinking more strategically." The blonde stated as she looked at her two students.

Yuki remembered how she met them. Todo was fighting some boys under a bridge with the blonde by his side; usually, that wouldn't have made her pause, but it was the amount of cursing energy coming off the pair, especially the blonde boy. She knew if she left them alone, it could spell disaster, so she confronted them and told them about the Jujutsu world.

The two boys jumped at the opportunity to learn from her and to her surprise they had their own Curse Techniques; Todo had one that allowed him to switch places with objects and people, while the blonde had a "sealing" technique that could open and close objects, as well as heal wounds by sealing them, seal away curses in objects (like what he did to create Cursed Corpses), and much more.

"While it was a fun few months teaching you two, I have to be going," Yuki Tsukumo stated as she was a free spirit and had other things to do. "When you both turn sixteen, I'll recommend you to get into Kyoto Jujutsu Academy."

"Do we really have to go there?" the blonde 12-year-old whined as he hated school.

"I hate school too, but I would make it easier for you if you go there and register so you aren't hunted as a rogue sorceress." The blonde woman replied before she turned and gave a wave goodbye.

The two boys watched her go. Naruto turned to the older boy who was 14 years old; he had been friends with Todo for a long time. Some of the other kids tried to bully him in school, and he kicked their asses. They then went to the upperclassmen to try to get them to beat him up, but Todo intervened and they beat them all black and blue. From that day on, they became brothers in all but blood.

Kyoto Jujutsu Highschool...

Now a 16-year-old, Naruto, the newest student at the academy, was grumbling under his breath because he was all but forced to come here by Todo, who threatened to kidnap him in his sleep and drag him here naked since the blonde had been putting off joining the school for months.

Over the years, the blonde had developed his cursing technique and created 16 Cursed Corpses in the form of chess pieces that can take human form, each with their own unique properties. All his Cursed Corpses possess cursing techniques that are derived from the curses he has sealed within them, but they all share a similar ability based on the chess piece they represent.

The pawns have the power of promotion, which means they can gain the powers of any other piece, enhancing their abilities even further. The rooks have enhanced durability and stamina, the knights have enhanced speed and reflexes, the bishops have enhanced curse energy, the queen has the abilities of the rook, bishop, and knight, and finally, the king piece can enhance its own abilities tenfold or more.

The blonde looked around the room, walking casually until he noticed a shadow above and instantly recognized it as Todo attempting to sneak attack him. Naruto quickly leaped out of the way, dodging Todo's attack and retaliated with a kick; Todo blocked it with his forearm.

Naruto looked at Todo and could see he had put on some muscle since they last saw each other; their fight drew the attention of some students and teachers, one of whom ran forward to try to split them up to Todo's disappointment.

"Stop that right now, Toto," she said to the dog. "How could you attack the new student like that?"

"Hahaha, I was just greeting my brother the way I always do," Todo said while laughing.

"Sigh... You will never change." The scarred woman turned to face Naruto. "My name is Utahime Iori, and you must be Naruto Uzumaki."

"That's right." Naruto said simply, not really wanting to be there.

"Right, from what I've been told you have a good understanding of cursed energy, so even though you missed out on the first few months of lessons, you shouldn't be too far behind." Utahime stated, making Todo laugh behind her since Naruto is more powerful than any first-year student here and the thought of him being behind in anything was hilarious, causing Naruto to give a few chuckles as well.

"What's so funny? Why are you two laughing?" The scared teacher asked in annoyance.

"I find it funny that you think Naruto is behind in anything; he is stronger than any first-year student here by far," the muscular teen stated while wiping the tears from his eyes due to laughter.

"You can't be serious; we have students from the Jujutsu clan here. How could he be more powerful than them?" The scar-faced woman asked in disbelief.

"Things like being from a clan don't matter; it is your own efforts that make one strong," Naruto stated as he was already tired of being there.

"So you think you're stronger than us, eh Blondie?" said a teen with short hair. "Then prove it; I challenge you to a duel."

"Wait, Mai! You can't do that; he just came here and has even started settling in." Utahime said, trying to defuse the situation.

"I have no problem accepting the duel, but if I win, I don't have to attend classes and can take missions of my choosing on my own." the blonde said not wanting to be stuck inside a school for years to come.

"What? That's not possible, even if I had the ability to do that; you are just a first-year student. It would be too dangerous." The frightened teacher began to lecture, but was interrupted by the voice of an old man.

"Fine, I don't mind granting your request, but you have to defeat all the first-years together. You will be facing Mai Zenin, Mechamaru, and Kasumi Miwa." said the old man with large eyebrows.

"Principal Gakuganji thought you were in a meeting, but never mind that; we cannot allow a first-year student to go on missions on his own - it is way too dangerous," Utahime shouted at the old man, who raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's interesting that you think all the first-years will lose," Principal Gakuganji stated."I wonder if it's just your instinct telling you that your students have no chance of victory?"

The first-year students listening to the conversation could not help but feel annoyed that they thought they were going to lose before the fight even started.

Mai huffed before glaring at the blonde who was just looking at a passing cloud, making her grit her teeth at the nerve. Miwa looked hurt by what was said and Mechamaru was a puppet so it could show emotions.

Kyoto Jujutsu Academy Sparing Area...

They relocated to a clearing in the nearby forest where they trained; a barrier was erected and Utahime served as the referee for the match, while the principal and Todo simply came to watch.

The principal's mind went back to the meeting he had with Yuki who threatened him and the higher ups to leave the blonde alone and not to interfere with him; it was like Gojo all over again with that Yuta Okkotsu boy. The old man sighed as he prepared himself for yet another troublesome Sorcerer.

Utahime started the match with Naruto on one side and Mai, Miwa, and Mechamaru on the other with herself in the center.

As soon as Utahime jumped out of the way, Mecha Maru and Miwa charged in. Meanwhile, Naruto remained standing with his eyes in the sky. Mai pulled out a gun and fired a shot; the first year's attack drew near. "Rook, Knight, and Pawn," Naruto said. "Prepare for battle." A Knight, Rook, and Pawn Chess pieces appeared in front of the blonde and transformed into three humanoid Cursed Corpses.

The Knight and Pawn were females, while the Rook was a male; the male blocked all incoming attacks and the Knight sped towards Mai at blinding speeds, cutting bullets from mid-air as fast as Mai could fire them.

The Rook created a barrier of shields around Naruto, blocking the attack Mechamaru launched at him. He was wide open, looking to the sky, completely ignoring everything around him. The Pawn promoted herself to Queen and attacked Miwa with a spear, forcing her to separate from her team.

With the team of first years separated, the Curse Corpses systematically defeated them with their overwhelming abilities. The pawn Miwa was fighting had an ability called 'flash', which could increase the speed of the pawn to speeds faster than the eye could follow.

The knight had the ability to summon cursed swords that could cut through almost anything, while the rook possessed the power to create barriers that resembled shields.

The fight was over and the First Year were all dragged back to where the Blonde was still just cloud gazing and the Curse Corpses dropped them in front of him, Utahime was shocked at the one sided beat down and at the human appearance of the Curse Corpses.

The Principal stood beside them as well, watching them. Todo walked over to the blonde to congratulate him and compliment him on his growth. The principal remained silent throughout this before cleaning his throat catching their attention.

"Now that this matter is settled, here's your student ID, and you can pick up your uniform later," the old man said, getting a headache as he thought about what these Cursed Corpses meant for the Jujutsu world and how the higher-ups would react; it was worse than Masamichi Yaga. Handing the ID to the blonde, the principal quickly retreated.

"So, what grade did you get?" Todo asked. "I am a Grade 1, and sensei over there is a semi-Grade 1."

"I don't know what that is, but the ID the principal just gave me says I'm Special Grade," Naruto said, not knowing what that meant. Yuki hadn't explained the rankings to him, so he didn't know if it was something good. Todo always wanted to fight whenever they met, so he never explained anything.

This news shocked Todo, Utahime, and the other awakened first-years because there were only four Special Grade Socrates in the world, but now there were five with him. They were the strongest among the strong and the blondes were their peers.

What is that something special? Naruto asked dumbly as he saw everyone's reaction.

"Hahaha! You are full of surprises," Todo said with a grin. "Now I feel like continuing our earlier match."

"Ah, I don't feel like it," the blonde replied, making Todo fall over. "Maybe later on, but right now I think I just want to find my room and get some sleep."

Utahime watched as Naruto left muttering to herself, "Another one." as her mind went to Gojo, everyone went back to the academy and Utahime ended up having to show the blonde to his room since he didn't know where it was.

Months Later...

The blonde sealing curse user ended up making friends with all the first years after a bumpy start; first to approach him was Miwa, who was an airhead. This led Mechamaru to follow her, and finally Mai came over after she saw everyone else starting to make friends and feeling left out, not that she would admit it.

Naruto and Mai had hit it off to everyone's surprise, she would train with him and even go on some high-level missions with him. They always came back successfully completing the tasks at hand.

The blonde spends most of her time on missions or training with the students of Kyoto High. The blonde has done so many missions that the principal was forced to make her take a vacation so the other jujutsu sorcerers could get some work because the blonde was taking it all and they weren't getting paid.

Kyoto High(Naruto's Room)...

Naruto lay on his bed as Mai read some books about cursed techniques she had retrieved from a rogue sorcerer. It belonged to a jujutsu sorcerer who lived long ago and had a curse technique similar to hers, which is why he gave it to her.

While they were training, the blond noticed Mai had lower than average cursed energy for a sorcerer; however, her construction curse technique had a lot of potential, the ability to create something out of nothing being exactly like the sage of six paths technique from his previous life.

Naruto remembered everything about his life as a ninja and how he died protecting everyone; he lived a good life, but it was filled with hardships, and he neglected his family, the family he always wanted as a child.

The blond promised himself he would live this new life to the fullest; he was an orphan when his family was killed by a curse. He had instinctively sealed it inside the queen piece. His father had loved chess and given him the board and piece for his birthday.

The queen piece is by far his strongest next to the king piece; he rarely uses her, but when he does, the battle usually ends in an instant.

The blonde looked at Mai who was lying on her stomach in just her bra and panties on the floor, studying the book he had given her. he licked her lips, admiring how sexy she looked. Her ass was bubbly, her hips were wide, and her breasts were bigger than what one might expect from seeing her in her school uniform; they were more than a handful. The rest of her body was fit and tight. Their relationship had progressed to the point where they were more than friends, but not quite dating. They had kissed a few times, but nothing past that. However, the blonde would change that real soon.

Mai must have seen him looking and turned around with a blush, she got up off the floor and walked over to him and sat on the bed, waiting for him to make a move. The blonde chuckled at that; despite how confident she tried to appear, Mai was almost exactly like Hinata, who was a submissive lover, which the blonde liked because he was a dominant lover.

Lemon Ahead...

Naruto got off the bed and stripped off his clothes in front of Mai whose eyes were wide when she saw the size of the blonde's cock; it was about 10 inches long with a girth around 3 inches.

he told her to remove her clothes, which she obediently did, first removing her bra revealing her perky teats with pink nipples and then her panties showing that she had a small bush surrounding her small pink pussy lips.

Mai was flustered by the attention the blonde was giving her body, but didn't try to cover up. Naruto then claimed Mai's lips with his own, as his hands went to her sides, rubbing them. Soon, her hand was lying on her back, while he ravaged her mouth, sucking on her lips and tongue, making her moan from his actions.

The blonde's hands moved to her firm breasts, squeezing them, pinching and pulling on the nipples, making her give off soft moans into his mouth. As he did this, her pussy continued to moisten, Naruto moving one of his hands from her tits and bringing it down to her soaked cunt.

The blonde finger teased her clit and rubbed her slit before she placed one finger inside to feel her tightness. To say Mai's was tight was an understatement; her little hole was trying to crush his finger, he would have to loosen her up if he wanted to put his cock in there.

Naruto broke the kiss and moved his mouth to her neck; it appeared to be her weak spot because she let out a loud moan and her juices sprayed out onto his finger.

The blonde took out his finger which was wet with Mai's juices and brought it to her mouth, she instantly opened her mouth allowing the blonde to put the entire finger inside, cleaning it off her love sauce.

Naruto moved off of Mai's, causing her to look up at him with disappointment. He then laid on his back and ordered her to climb on top of him in a sixty-nine position; the blonde looked up at her bushy slit and made a mental note to have her wax it later, as he liked his women's cunts bald.

The blonde then gave Mai's slit a long lick from her clit to her puckered asshole, making her throw her head back and scream in pleasure. The blonde did this for a while, but got annoyed when she wasn't returning the favor, so he gave her clit a soft bite, making her gasp and come back to her senses. As she did, she took his cock into both her hands and started to jerk it, giving the head experimental licks.

Then Mai took the head in her mouth and began to moan around it when she felt the blonde shove two fingers in her virgin pussy. They stayed in the position pleasuring the other as Mai came several times wetting the blonde face but he didn't mind as he had four fingers inside Mai signaling she was ready for the main course.

Mai was able to get her blonde lover's cock down her throat and pumped the rest, her body tensed as she came yet again to the blonde's talented tongue and fingers.

Naruto then got up, taking Mai with him upside down as he stood on his bed with one of his arms around her body keeping her in place while the other was behind her head controlling how she sucked his cock.

Naruto then pulled Mai off him and placed her on the bed doggy style with his hard dick resting in between her ass cheeks, making her feel the heat and the size of the shaft that was going to take her virgin pussy.

The blonde moved his cock so the head rested on Mai's fuck hole, the head covering the entire slit. Naruto's hands took a hold of Mai's hips and he gave one hard deep thrust. The head went in, half of his shaft knocking the air out of Mai as she groaned and hissed.

Noticing no blood was coming out of her, signalling her hymen had been broken, Naruto started to get angry, thinking someone in the Zenin clan must have abused her. Mai must have read his mind because she said she broke her hymen in a train accident with her sister, which calmed the blonde down from his plans to pull an Itachi on the Zenin clan.

The blonde pulled out almost all the way, with only the head of his cock inside, before slamming back in. Mia took more of his dick into her virgin cunt. The pain she felt was greater than the pleasure at first, but she endured it because she knew once she got used to his size, she would enjoy it.

Naruto continued to drill into the tight hole, stretching it out until his hip met Mai's ass. Her pussy took his whole cock, and Mai was hissing and wheezing from every thrust as the blonde's large cock made her pussy burn from an unfamiliar pain. But when his hips met her ass, a bolt of intense pleasure shot through her, making her moan.

"Ah ah ah ah," Mai moaned out as her blonde lover fucked her pussy, making it reshape itself to fit only him.

"How does my dick feel in your slutty little pussy?" Naruto asked, punctuating each word with a hard thrust and slapping her ass cheeks, making them redder than before.

"It feels good, harder and faster, breaking me open, cumming inside of me, making me a mother." Mai said without thinking, letting the blonde know her desire for a normal life.

Naruto's cock twitched after hearing what she said and he began increasing the speed and force of each thrust, making the room fill with the sound of his hips slapping against Mai's bubbly ass.


"You like that, don't you? My hard dick messing up your tight hole." The blonde said feeling his balls tighten, ready to cum. "I'm going to cum in you and make you carry my child."

"Ah ah ah yes, come into my pussy, let me have you baby. I'll bear as many as you want; just don't pull out," Mai said as she was cumming her brains out, squirting juice all over the blonde.

Suddenly the blonde gave a hard thrust sheathing himself inside Mai's sore cunt and releasing his seed inside, Mai felt a warm sensation deep inside her when the blonde came praying that she got pregnant from this so she could be with the one she loved and away from her family.

Lemon End...

Naruto fell forward and laid down on Mai's back as she was on the bed; his cock still inside her. The blonde knew Mai loved the feeling of being connected to him while he was on top of her. He wasn't worried that he would crush her with his weight because she is stronger than a regular human woman. Their eyes grew heavy and they were about to fall asleep.

Naruto was about to roll off Mai when she begged him to stay on top of her; it seemed she felt protected and loved with him on top, so he moved his hips in circles, feeling her sore used cunt clench around him, but stopped because she had taken enough as it was her first time, wrapping his arms around her as they both drifted into sleep.

Chapter End.....


AN: If you enjoyed this story, you can find others like it and much more on my Pa-tre-on under SaintGreenz. Consider joining for access to early story releases and exclusive content.

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