When a liar gets you left beh...

By Sentiwayne

145K 4.9K 401

Despite the fact that many things had changed in her class, Marinette was content-she wasn't happy, but she w... More

Chapter One: The Regret Of Putting Your Phone On Silent
Chapter Two: A Mama's Comfort
Chapter Three: A Glitch In the System
Chapter Four: Trouble with Pinocchio
Chapter Five: Horsen' Around
Chapter Six: Chloe's Redemption
Chapter Seven: A Rockin' Surprise
Chapter Eight: A Place to Stay
Chapter Nine: Enemy or Friend?
Chapter Ten: Abilities?
Chapter Eleven: Coffee is a Lifesaver
Chapter Twelve: She can Remember
Chapter Thirteen: Sleeping troubles
Chapter Fourteen: Partners and Self-Doubt
Chapter Fifteen: Picking a Trainer
Chapter Sixteen: Feeling Detached and Gaining Attention
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen: The Glue of The Group
Chapter Nineteen: Thinking and Looking Back
Chapter Twenty: Getting Attention On Twitter
Chapter Twenty-One: Ice-Cream and a Two Stubborn People
Chapter Twenty-Two: Childish Antics and a Nightly Tour
Chapter Twenty-Three: Chloe's New Chat Name
Chapter Twenty-Four : Honesty
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Tikki's Instructions and A Quick Decison
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Security Cameras and Possible Enemies
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sending Friends Off
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Learning and Sketching
Chapter-Thirty: Forgiveness and Discoveries
Chapter Thirty-One: An Explanation and Suprise Vistor
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Failed Attempt To Go To The Vet
Chapter Thirty-Three: Twice The Trouble
Chapter Thirty-Four: Waking Up and Panick
Chapter Thirty-Five: Headaches and Worries
Chapter Thirty-Six: Discovery and Paris Slow Peril
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Speedy Recovery
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Akuma Meetings & Investigations
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Relaxtion & Anonymous
Chapter Forty: Apologies and Friends
Chapter Forty-One: Broken Trust and Plans
Chapter Forty-Two: Projects and Lack of Logic
Chapter Forty-Three: Planning and Akumas
Chapter Forty-Four: The Cuteness of Children
Chapter Forty Five: Accepting The Obvious
Chapter Forty-Six: Choosing Friendship
Chapter Forty-Seven: Comfort
Chapter Forty-Eight: Second Chance
Chapter Forty-Nine: Brother-Brother Time
Chapter Fifty: Big Brother Wisdom
Chapter Fifty-One: Smile and Gas
Chapter Fifty-Two: Helplessness
Chapter Fifty-Three: ". . . it's still normal to be scared. . ."
Chapter Fifty-Five: Nightmare Encounters
Chapter Fifty-Six-The Project and the Glare
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Boba, Bonding, and Billionaire Brats
Chapter Fifty Eight-Rescuing Baby Blues

Chapter Fifty-Four: Secrets are meant to be Keeped

1.6K 50 22
By Sentiwayne


Alfred appears on the screen and with a concerned tone, he addresses Bruce, "Master Bruce, may you please reconsider this plan. It could be dangerous for both teenage heroes in Paris."

Bruce, who is on a mission, raises an eyebrow and asks, "Are you suggesting that I can't handle my emotions?"

Alfred coughs "Of course not, Master Bruce, but you should really reconsider this. Master Damian is rather getting more and more" Alfred pauses, thinking for the right way to describe the young master as "Suspicious." The butler sighs.

Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose and says, "I bet you could handle this while I'm gone."

Alfred turns his face to a serious expression and responds, "Likewise, I'm sure Ms. Gordon would have wanted to be invited to this precious mission that you have been spending your time on," he adds with a hint of sarcasm.

Bruce releases a big sigh and agrees, "I know, Alfred. But this mission is important. And you know the risks of bringing Barbara here."

"I do understand, Master Bruce. But have you considered that your children need you more than anything?" Alfred expresses his concern, "I fear that Master Damian might be falling into depression."

Bruce understands Alfred's concern, but he says, "I know, Alfred. But I have to do this."

Alfred tries to reason with Bruce, "Understood, Master Bruce. But truthfully, Master Damian needs a father, not Batman."

Bruce is taken aback by Alfred's comment and falls silent.



Day one

There seems to be a problem in Paris. Not only is the Paris news not working, but it is also unusual that Paris suddenly has heroes. Recently, Cassandra and Stephanie went on a trip to Paris and their report was quite unusual.

According to them, a villain who seemed to be Hawkmoth and a 'sidekick' who seemed to be Lady Wi-Fi had attacked. They also saw two Parisian heroes who appeared to be teenagers. Although their fighting techniques were impressive, it was clear that the kids were not trained, which made it even worse to put them in the street to fight a villain twice their age.

This made me feel like it was a case that needed investigation. However, when I tried to gather evidence, I couldn't find any. The Paris News and other related websites were blocked, and it seemed like someone who knew what they were doing was behind it.

Despite this, I couldn't give up. These kids need help, and I am determined to help them, just like Batman would.

Day Two

It has been two days, and I am still unable to find anything about them. Even Stephanie and Cassandra claimed to be clueless. While they were in Paris, they had access to the Paris news, but when they left, even after the screen recording, it was deleted.

I wondered if it could be the work of a hacker, but it seemed impossible. How would they know that she had recorded it? Unless there were more than one hacker, but that was also unlikely.

Stephanie and Cassandra returned with damaged thoughts about everything that happened. There were many details missing, making it feel like this villain and these two Parisian heroes were from a fantasy book. It led me to conclude that magic could be involved.

Normally, I would have distanced myself from this case when it comes to magic and let experts like John Constantine, Zatanna or Wonder Woman handle it, but they were just kids. It was impossible for me to let them fight alone, especially since they weren't even trained.

And just maybe, if they didn't have a home, I could take them under my wing.

Day Three

Today is Damian's first spelling bee.

I convinced him to socialize more and participate in group activities with kids his age.

Even though he initially didn't want to.

I tried my hardest to prevent Damian from becoming like me. I can already see the younger side of me in him, and I refuse to see my son have the same future as me.

Being Batman ruined me, it ruined us. I couldn't have a love life while being Batman, so if I had to prevent it for my younger self, I would.

Dick almost fell into the same trap, but with the help of his friends - Barbra, Kori, and the Titans - he was able to escape it. The same happened with Jason, who lost his parents and resorted to stealing before finding a better path with the help of Dick.

It was a lot of pressure for him, but he made it through with the help of Dick being there for him.

The same happened with Tim, Stephanie, and Cassandra.

Tim lost both his parents and was lost but taking him in was the best thing I've ever done.

Stephanie's father was in jail and her mother had passed away, so she was in a similar place to Jason, but when she connected with Jason, she realized that she wasn't alone.

Cassandra was also difficult, having been trained by her mother, Lady Chiva, to be a weapon and to communicate only through facial expressions. When I found her, I knew that she was just a girl who didn't know what family was like.

Damian was somewhat similar to Cassandra, but he had more walls built around him.

Every day, we try to find ways to break those walls and help him open up to us, but he doesn't.

Even Cassandra tried, but with no success. By the time he reached high school, we knew that we could never break down all those walls, until a particular Kent came into his life.

Some of his walls came down, but he still had more. Jon knew that Damian considered him a best friend and that proved to him that Damian didn't mind his presence. Damian and Jon are each other's first best friend they ever had.

Day Four

It's weighing heavily on my mind - the mistake I made was the worst one a parent could make - I missed my son Damian's spelling bee.

I had it marked in my calendar, but something urgent has come up, and I couldn't make it.

My absence made Damian quite upset, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that I'm the worst father ever. I feel like a failure, but I can't let my personal life interfere with my investigation.

I'm closing in on the heroes that I've been tracking, but it means I have to keep my distance from Damian and the rest of my family. It's a tough spot to be in, but I have to keep my focus on the case.

Cassandra and Stephanie are the only ones who know why I'm keeping my distance, and they've promised to keep it a secret.

However, Stephanie recently had a mission to handle, and Cassandra is chasing her mother across the globe. They both plan to be back for Thanksgiving, which is my deadline to help them defeat the villain.

Day Five

Panic has been setting in me as I realize that something is terribly wrong.

Despite my best efforts to gather evidence and build a case against a notorious villain, all of my files and notes have disappeared without a trace. I suspect foul play and fear that someone has discovered my investigation.

The loss of all my hard work is devastating, and I feel helpless and vulnerable.

I consider turning to Tim for help, but I know that involving him could put him in danger.

I have to think of something immediately, the longer I wait, the more danger these Parisians could be in.

Day Twenty

Frustration and exhaustion had set in as days had passed with no progress. Every file related to the case had vanished into thin air. Despite scouring every nook and cranny of the available files, nothing had turned up.

Even notorious villains like Joker and Riddler had managed to slip away without a trace, leaving the situation even more dire.

The stakes were high and leaving the case unsolved was not an option. The victims, innocent children, were counting on a resolution. The only option left was to take matters into my own hands.

In a bold move, I decided to head to Paris, determined to uncover any clues that I may have missed.

I have faith in Nightwing and Robin to hold the fort and keep the villains at bay in their absence.

If things took a turn for the worse, there was always a Plan B.

Day Twenty-Five.

I have just arrived in Paris, and I have checked into a luxurious hotel.

However, as soon as I arrived, I noticed that everyone's phones started ringing rapidly and people around me seemed to be unfazed by it.

Curiosity got the better of me and I asked a passerby what was happening. They informed me that an akumatized villain was underway.

I had no idea what that meant, but as I looked on, I saw a villain who seemed to be able to freeze time and turn adults into kids.

It was surreal, to say the least. I couldn't believe how calm everyone around me was as if it was just another day in Paris.

As I struggled to wrap my head around what was happening, I overheard some French kids talking in their native language.

Thankfully, I had taken French lessons with Alfred when I was younger, so I was able to understand what they were saying.

They were discussing the villain's latest move, but what caught my attention was the mention of Ladybug.

I couldn't help but wonder, what did they have against Ladybug? The question kept nagging at me, and I couldn't shake it off.



The anonymous person looks at her partner in crime "One step ahead" She smirks, while watching the recent Akuma attack on her phone.

"Are you sure you have this planned? If we mess up on this then we are screwed" Her partner says with anxiety eating her up.

"Trust me. I got it all planned out, and after his downfall would be her downfall"

"What about the baker girl?" She asks, with annoyance.

"She's going to be handled. I just need her to fall into the trap, and when she does, we will make our move."

"I trust you completely" She smiles at her 'leader'.


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