By LunarWrightes

39.5K 2K 1K

Wonwoo, a runaway low-life servant, finds himself lost in the woods. All dirty & bloody, he draws the attenti... More

Author's Note
Lost to be Found
Pure Soul
Souls & Spirits
Wall of Bricks I
Wall of Bricks III
Open Your Eyes
Open Your Heart
Moments Like These
Wall of Bricks IV
Baby Steps
Hypnosis 1
Hypnosis 2
Wall of Bricks V
Your Eyes
Hold Me I
Hold Me II
Important to Me I
Important to Me II
Important to Me III
Gentle ... Gentle
Lovely Encounters I
Lovely Encounters II
Gentle Encounters I
Gentle Encounters II
Gentle Encouters III
Unexpected Wind
Wall of Bricks VI
Reunited 🤍
How Tables Turn
City Lights
Wall of Bricks VII
My Love 💔 [TW] I
My Love 💔 [TW] II
My Love 💔 [TW] III
Man on a Mission
Mine Oh Mine ‼️ [M]
Origins I
Origins II
Epilogue: Happy Ever After
New Stroy: A Mafia Game

Wall of Bricks II

739 41 13
By LunarWrightes

-- CHAPTER 7: Wall of Bricks II --

Trigger warning:
Mention of violence, blood, murder, suicide. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with such scenes

Playlist suggestion:
Loren - Tattoo

*A long Jeonghan and Scoups introduction #Seungcheol #JeongCheol


Guilt crept over him as he backed off, the blond boy wouldn't be in this situation if he had made it in time to save his sister. He gazed once more at the boy's lifeless face and slipped a gently arm under his knees picking him off the dirty floor and run with him through the thick forest trees.

The snow made it all worse, up to this day, Jeonghan hated the month of October, he blamed it for his misery, he hated the snow and wouldn't dare to step into it unless he really had to, he hated the way it was so pure and pretty yet so unbelievably scary and hiding so much agony under the layers of its solid ice.
There's always more than what meets the eye and Jeonghan hated it.

Seungcheol took him to an old abandoned cabin in the woods where he thought he was only staying for a few days. He placed Jeonghan on the hay stack bed he managed to build for what he thought was a short stay.

And simply waited.

He waited for Jeonghan's heart to start beating again. The truth was that Seungcheol was no God. If Jeonghan didn't have a pulse when he found him, he wouldn't even bother to turn him, it would never work if he was already dead.

He watched as Jeonghan twitched, his fingers curled and body shivered in cold, in heat, in every direction. But Seungcheol was calm, he knew the process, the fall before the rise, he had to turn his face away at some point to ignore Jeonghan's painful screams echoing throughout the cabin.

But eventually, Jeonghan calmed down.

Seungcheol sat by his side, he tried to be gentle even though Seungcheol knew nothing about how to be gentle.
He wiped the sweat away from Jeonghan's face internally admiring his features and how pretty he was even under these circumstances.

He sat him up slowly and tried to talk to him breaking the news that changed Jeonghan's life forever.

At first, Jeonghan was mad angry at Seungcheol
"You had NO RIGHT" he screamed and yelled, he hit him multiple times and cried for days. Seungcheol didn't argue, he merely watched him from a distance, he took the blame and took the fists Jeonghan continuously threw at him without saying anything "Why couldn't you just let me die?"


A few days have passed, Jeonghan was nothing but an empty vase. His eyes had no light, his existence had no meaning, his soul was probably better off dead.
His own father killed him and he was not a human anymore.

Seungcheol tried his best to help him through it, he told him about the different aspects of his new life, even when Jeonghan didn't want to listen. Seungcheol came to understand how broken the younger was, how soft and fragile he was. He had a heart of gold, it had nothing but kindness and he felt like he took it away from him.

Seungcheol tried his best to ignore the scent that was radiating from the boy, he didn't blame him for publicly exposing it, Jeonghan obviously didn't know, he was still processing, and his senses were intensifying each day.
He smelled of a very soft and light summer rose. Just too simple yet too appealing sending tingling sensations throughout Seungcheol's body. It was extremely weird at first, in his 90 years of life, Seungcheol never experienced such a feeling before, not even when his parents tried to introduce him to some of their high end fancy friends hoping that he would find a mate with one of them.

It's been almost 10 days now, Jeonghan wouldn't dare to even look outside ... it was still snowing.

The snow reminded him of his misery, he spoke only when spoken to and ate only enough to keep himself alive, not that the word alive meant anything to him anymore. He appreciated Seungcheol's care and patience, if it wasn't for him, he would have been ... dead.
But isn't that what he wanted in the first place?

Opening up to Seungcheol wasn't easy but it slowly and eventually came. Small talks, sleepless nights and being a newly turned werewolf, Jeonghan had many questions as he felt his body and senses change so quickly and Seungcheol helped him embrace it "Don't be afraid" Seungcheol coaxed letting Jeonghan's hair slip in between his fingertips "It'll be okay"
Jeonghan was terrified but they talked and talked almost endlessly.

Seungcheol had to put these feelings piling up inside of him inside a small box and push it aside for now.
Jeonghan's scent was something Seungcheol never thought would be this appealing. They were trapped in this cabin in the middle of nowhere and Jeonghan was new to all of this, he definitely couldn't recognize Seungcheol's scent being different while being with him, because Jeonghan didn't even know what different was at this point.


When Seungcheol finally told him that it was time to leave the village and move somewhere else, and start a new life, be safer and learn more about being a wolf, Jeonghan didn't take it so well.

Jeonghan was broken that night, he cried himself in Seungcheol's arms for hours. Being a new werewolf, Jeonghan was getting accustomed to new senses. Seungcheol already explained to him that things will sound, taste & feel different.
He cried into Seungcheol's shoulder, he breathed into his scent, so intense and appealing.

He didn't understand at the time why Seungcheol smelled that way to him. He didn't think about connections or bonds, he didn't know what those meant. He didn't know that he had found the person he would spend the next hundred years with.


Before leaving, Jeonghan had this one wish.

He wanted to visit his father one last time.

Seungcheol didn't agree at first, they argued for a while before Seungcheol gave into the pretty blond boy's suppressed tears.
The Alpha couldn't believe the reason behind it

"I just want him to know that I forgive him"

Jeonghan held his tears, it didn't make sense, "How could you forgive him for what he has done?" Seungcheol asked confused and frustrated, anger finding its way to make his vein pop up and Jeonghan to flinch, he couldn't understand why the younger was so forgiven to someone who didn't deserve forgiveness.
"Because he's my father" the reason was too simple and perhaps naive and Seungcheol knew that this would backfire in ways he couldn't predict.

And he was right

The moment Jeonghan's father's eyes landed on him, all gates of Hell opened loose.


"Thiss is n-not ppossible" Jeonghan's father was on his knees, disbelief taking each and every breath away from his lungs
"I killed you" he confessed "I killed you" he confessed again

"Father I'm sorry" Jeonghan breathed in the snowy cold air of the village standing in front of his father like nothing has happened.
With tears in his eyes, he just wanted to say goodbye.
"I just want you to know that I forgive you" Jeonghan said what he wanted to say, but the look on his father's face didn't change.

"I killed you"

The old man said for the third time letting the realization of his actions sink in before his head went to a thousand different conclusion, silence took over and it suddenly hit him like a bolt of thunder
"You are cursed" his father said pointing his finger in Jeonghan's face, his son's face "This is the work of evil sorcery"
He made his own thoughts go round and round "You are an abomination" ... "You must die"

Jeonghan swallowed his own breaths, shocked by his father's words, he took a few steps back shaking his head "N-no father"

"You killed her, it was YOU"

Tears fell off his eyes trailing down his cold cheeks as Jeonghan kept shaking his head violently "No .. no ... NO" his voice fading into a desperate whisper, Jeonghan has lost the battle more than once, he should've left when he could, he should've walked away and never looked back when Seungcheol asked him to


It was a witch hunt.

The whole village chased after them.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan couldn't escape the village since the villagers blocked every exit. Jeonghan blamed himself for dragging Seungcheol into this, he should've left when they had the chance. Now, they were hiding in the mountains, in the thick trees of the forest and the snow-covered caves near the river, while Seungcheol tried to find a way out for them.

Torches, swords
It was a mass witch hunt

Seungcheol would come back with injury after injury every time he got closer to salvation.
He found himself burying Jeonghan in his embrace more and more, the boy couldn't live with the guilt anymore. He couldn't bare to see Seungcheol coming back with bruises and cuts all over his body, even though they healed quite fast because of his werewolf stamina.
Seungcheol tried his best to wipe the tears off Jeonghan's his face and calm him through his panic attacks which were happening more often.

His own people tuned on him and Jeonghan finally realized that they were not his people anymore.
He himself wasn't people anymore and when Seungcheol came back that night with his leg almost ripped off his body, Jeonghan's spirit suddenly manifested. They caused this, they were not humans, they were not people, if ever, they were the monsters in this story.

He looked down at Seungcheol, it was his fault, he shouldn't have done anything, he shouldn't have met his father, guilt paralyzed him, seeing so much blood leaving the older's body made him remember his sister, he couldn't save her back then, he couldn't do anything, he run like a scared cat bringing shame to himself and his family. He was out of breaths, he watched Seungcheol panting fighting for air  and muffling painful breaths, and all he wanted was to save him.

And just like that, as if his wish came true, the light in his eyes turned green and bright luminous. It was nothing but an instinct, he knew exactly what to do. He was a healer, he run his hand across Seungcheol's thigh and started working on it.

Luckily they were hidden from the villagers, somewhere dark, dirty and humid. Jeonghan looked down at an unconscious Seungcheol and couldn't fight the tears falling from his eyes anymore, he didn't know what he have just done or how he did it but he knew one thing for sure, he was done with everything, he was done with his life

"I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry"

Jeonghan cried and cried, Seungcheol woke up to his whimpers and hiccups. The older looked up to find the mess that was Jeonghan crying his light green eyes out, wasting away the beauty radiating from them.

Seungcheol extended his hand to play along Jeonghan's golden locks ruffling his hair softly to which Jeonghan was grateful, he sniffed and locked eyes with Seungcheol. Something was definitely forming inside of Jeonghan's fragile heart, he grew fond of him day after day, even in the midst of everything they've been going through, Seungcheol could've left but he didn't.

Seungcheol was up in no time, he couldn't believe that Jeonghan has found his spirit so quickly and only because of him. Jeonghan said that he wanted to help him so bad, he couldn't bare to see him hurt and in pain.

Seungcheol was now sure that the tingling in his stomach was nothing but a cage of butterflies that bursted into a definite connection. Seungcheol's heart softened for the fist time in his long life and he couldn't bare to see Jeonghan's tears anymore. The boy gasped in his arms, Jeonghan was shaking like a leaf in the wind, crumbling into pieces and the Alpha have had enough.

As the Alpha he is, Seungcheol's injuries didn't take much time to heal and he was determined more than ever to leave this shitty place once and for all.


It was yet another cold night, Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand tightly.

Tonight they were leaving.

From far away, they could see the torches the villagers sat up for them. The fire 🔥 made the village glow in the dark, they were determined to set the entire forest on fire just to get to Jeonghan and Seungcheol if they had to.

It was a night neither of them could ever forget.

Jeonghan was trapped between ten men twice his size, the boy was on the floor coughing and gasping for air as the fire smoke burned his lungs. Seungcheol was a few feet away fighting his way through the angry mob, he glanced over at Jeonghan, the younger wasn't supposed to be this close, he asked him to stay away why was he here?

Then came the moment that ignited Seungcheol's spirit.

Everything was like a hazy dream, all Seungcheol saw was the fire torches against Jeonghan's skin. The boy screamed in pain as the villagers were trying to set him on fire and they tried to kill him again.

They wanted fire?
Seungcheol gave them fire 🔥

His eyes suddenly changed colors.

A bright shade of red took over them and the heat that followed was like nothing he has ever experienced and he doesn't remember somebody teaching him anything about it.

Seungcheol released the loudest howl the world has ever heard and turned into the mighty grey wolf he was, but this time, it was different, even his wolf had a hint of red in its fur.
It only took minutes if not seconds, fire engulfed the village tearing it down to ashes.

Seungcheol walked away from the fire with Jeonghan in his arms.
His body glistening with a red glow, a flaming red light engulfing his entire silhouette. Jeonghan could only lean into its warmth because he hated the cold snow.


Seungcheol didn't stop running that night.

He run far and he run fast toward a destination that seemed impossible to reach.
Jeonghan didn't move the slightest, the boy rested unbothered in Seungcheol's arms. Jeonghan was unconscious the entire time, the wounds on his back and the agony inside his heart drained him beyond what Seungcheol could fix on his own.

The burns on Jeonghan's back were the reason he couldn't move for days. Seungcheol released the deepest relieved sigh when he laid Jeonghan down on a soft bed for the first time in about twenty days.

The two went through so much already.

Seungcheol run a gentle hand on Jeonghan's face, too gentle he thought the boy would crumble and break under his fingertips. This feeling was just getting stronger and stronger, if only Jeonghan could feel it too?

Seungcheol sighed closing his eyes slightly, he wouldn't dare to tell Jeonghan about his feelings right now, the last thing Jeonghan needed right now was a talk about connections, bonds and mates.

They were finally hundreds of miles away, somewhere no one could recognize them, somewhere safe.

Seungcheol run all night until the wolf inside of him have had enough. He was exhausted and Jeonghan was hurt, he had to reach his destination now and fast.

And so, he stopped by the Alphas.

Their leader, Suho, was Seungcheol's childhood friend. The only person he could trust right now. The two shared some fun childhood memories together but this was no happy memory.

Suho and his mate, Lay, have marked this entire side of the city. Seungcheol could recognize their scents and boundaries from miles away.
He slowed down with heavy breaths as he walked toward the rather expensive property Suho and Lay owned.

Just like Mingyu, Seungcheol was holding a motionless boy in his arms at their door steps and just like Mingyu, the boy was different.

Seungcheol fell to his knees the moment he reached Suho and Lay's place. He had no words he could use to explain himself and yet, they took him in.


Seungcheol couldn't let Jeonghan go when Lay tried to check on him. Sounds were nearly muted, his head was foggy and he could only hear his own throbbing heartbeat in his ears and yet he wouldn't let go.

He remembers Suho towering him with worried eyes because Seungcheol's body was giving up quickly from running for so long, for fighting for too long, for escaping with their lives. With so little words, Seungcheol finally passed Jeonghan over to Lay, his face and scent declared nothing but distress and worry.

Seungcheol was silently crying for help.

Up until this day, Seungcheol is still in Suho and Lay's debt. A debt he could never repay no matter what he did.

Suho had a Maroon spirit. Maroon was fierce, deep and powerful, one of the rarest spirits among werewolves. Given its dark qualities, Maroon also had sentiments of spirituality and wisdom, somethings that Suho had in him since she was just a puppy.
Lay was a healer too, his eyes ignited with a green light the moment he saw the state Seungcheol and Jeonghan's were in and immediately run to help them.


Suho sat Seungcheol down on a sofa chair but all what Seungcheol wanted to do was to get up.

"Seungcheol please" Suho pleaded desperately when Seungcheol wobbled back and fell into his chair "You can't even stand up properly" he helped Seungcheol gain his composure "Sit down and tell me what the hell happened to you?"
Seungcheol wanted to tell him but he was distracted, he couldn't see Jeonghan since  Lay took him inside to check on his wounds.

Suho noticed the way Seungcheol kept an eye on the hallway leading to the first bedroom Lay could find to place the unconscious boy in.
Suho frowned, Seungcheol's scent was radiating with defeat, anxiety, desperation and worry. Something Suho was familiar with especially when it came to Lay

"Seungcheol is he ...?" Suho asked curious and ten times more worried "Is that a connection I see?"

At that time, Seungcheol had no answers to give, he tiredly just shook his head "I don't know" he whispered completely defeated "But until I do, please take care of him"

Suho's expressions softened, "He's in good hands Seungcheol, you guys can stay as long as you want, now tell me what the hell happened"


Suho has never seen Seungcheol this broken before. Growing up, Seungcheol was the pride of his parents, the perfect little boy, he was straightforward and very wise, he never caved easily, too confident and a leader, a natural Alpha. But here he was, all broken and defeated by the sight of Jeonghan crying again.

The boy woke up in shock, terrified and confused, he pushed Lay away when he tried to help him, he didn't know who he was and what he was doing to him, he muffled the pain that struck his whole body like thunder from his injuries as he kicked trying to get away.

The door opened and Seungcheol came running inside, Suho was behind him reaching out to Lay and bringing him closer in a protective gesture.

Seungcheol held Jeonghan tight, bringing him closer in his embrace hoping that a familiar scent would calm him down.
Jeonghan was topless, Lay bandaged the  burn marks on his back up to his torso which was now bleeding again from all the chaos he was causing.
Seungcheol put Jeonghan's arms down on his both sides not wanting him to cause himself any more pain as he gently talked to him letting him know that he was safe.

Jeonghan was more than glad to see Seungcheol, he was relieved that the Alpha was okay, he didn't object when Seungcheol held him closer to his chest, Jeonghan was so broken and didn't want to let go either.
"You're okay" Seungcheol coaxed "You're safe now" ... "We are safe"

Lay who was holding into his Mate's arm so tightly, couldn't bare to look at the two. The confusion and the pain, Jeonghan was in a deep state of sorrow crying himself uncontrollably into Seungcheol's chest.
He leaned over to Suho and whispered in concern "What happened to them?"
Suho put a hand around Lay's shoulders looking worried himself "It's a long story baby"

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