By YourMiee

184K 4.5K 2.6K

He is a force to be reckoned with. A lift of his finger & people are beheaded in seconds. A word from him & t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 54

Chapter 36

2.3K 63 121
By YourMiee

Alessandro's POV:~

The current president has been getting on my nerves for a long time now, trying to wipe us from the States in order to strengthen his position in the country. Since he is a corrupted piece of shit, it is his only way to keep the power to himself. By dragging me down. It will be the highlight of his pathetic political career and gain him more votes in the next elections.

But he does not know who he is crossing this time. I am Alessandro fucking De Luca. I have been ruling over this country before he even began politics. My reign is longer than his whole career. I will burn him to ashes before he even has the chance to raise his head against me.

Nowadays, politicians and ministers like to think that they are the ones running a country.

How cute!

It is men like me who actually do the job. The kingpins. Hid in the shadows. Playing behind the curtains. We control the system. The government is nothing without us. We can make or break a state's future if we want.

What do people think? That the country is being run on their taxes?


A few thousand dollars can not change anything. I give tips of that much in a week.

It is our money the government uses and flaunts and in turn has to pledge a lifetime of loyalty to us.

Then after coming to power, what is the first thing they do? Interfere in our business and expose us to project themselves as national heroes.

What do they take us for? Fucking fools?

We are not some temporary gang of wannabe criminals. Our famiglia has members with more degrees than the whole fucking US Senate. If we can make them rise to power, we are perfectly capable of bringing them down too.

When Carlo called me yesterday to inform that Angel has been arrested I was in a meeting with my capos, discussing about this issue.

"Dobbiamo prendere uno degli avversari dalla nostra parte." Umberto, the capo of Philadelphia, said.

(We have to take one of the opponents on our side.)

Franco nodded, "Sono d'accordo. Ho fatto delle ricerche e sembra che Matthew Evans sia il candidato perfetto. È ambizioso, avido e assetato di potere."

(I agree. I have done some research and it seems Matthew Evans is the perfect candidate for that. He is ambitious, greedy and power-hungry.)

Rolling the paper weight between my fingers, I hummed, "Avvicinatevi a lui allora."

(Approach him then.)

"Sapevo che l'avresti detto, quindi l'ho già detto. Hai un incontro con lui questo giovedì, alle 14."

(I knew you would say this so I already have. You have a meeting with him this Thursday, 2 p.m.)

"Per me va bene."

(Fine by me.)

There is a reason Franco is my second-in-command. I can always rely on him to take the most suitable decisions for the famiglia in my absence.

The vibration of my phone cut our conversation short. Ignoring it, I started to speak when the notification of a text halted my motions.

"It is about madam."

That one sentence was enough.

My jaw started ticking. Hand fisted tightly against the paper weight.

Then Carlo's call came again and this time I took it in a blink, without bothering to get up and leave.

"Boss, I was posted outside ma'am's college when some officers came and took her to the police station."

My teeth ground together as I listened to him explain.


"Senator Evans, boss."

"Full name!" I thundered.

"Senator Matthew Evans."

That was all it took me to slam the paper weight down on the table with a brutal force. Everyone flinched from the noise, their attention turning to me.

"Stay there, I am coming." I breathed harshly into the call and ended it.

At my disheveled expression, Franco instantly became alert, his calculative eyes trying to read me, "What happened?"

"Prepone the meeting with Evans. I want him tomorrow."

"But he may not-" Ciro, the capo of Baltimore, said.

I casually took out my 500 S&W Magnum from the holster and put it on the table.

"You were saying?" I raised my eyes to him and he shook his head in negative.


Fuck knew what Angel would be doing there alone. I had to leave fast.

"Boss? What is wrong?" Damien questioned as I stood up.

I faced him, eyes hard, a vein on my forehead throbbing incessantly and he understood in a single glance what exactly was wrong.

Things concerning anything other than Angel hardly ever get such a reaction out of me.

His features hardened too.

"I am coming with you."

By the time I reached, it was already evening and the first thing I saw there at the police station was the officer trying to intimidate my Angel.

That fucker did not know who she belonged to.

Even I never raised my voice at her. So who the fuck did he think he was treating her like that?

After Damien took her with him as I did not want her to see me in that state, I made sure that he was never to see the next day.

She was so timid the entire drive. Was scared to even talk to me.

But that was good since I was in a very bad mood after the stupid stunt she pulled.

Not telling me and taking things in her own hands, what did she think she was? Fucking super woman? Anything could happen to her at that police station and nobody would bat an eye.

Though I had always appreciated her sense of self and dignity, at that particular moment it pissed me off so much.

I really would have fucked her brains out in that car if she was not a virgin.

But I could not let her off the hook so easily. She had to understand that these careless actions of hers would only put her in more danger.

She had to be punished. So I chose the next best option.

I spanked her.

Maybe I should not have been so rough with her. Maybe I should have prepared her first, knowing that it was her first time getting spanked. But I do not regret it one bit. The feel of her soft ass against my callous palm was like nothing I have ever felt. It unlocked a carnal side in me and I couldn't control myself.

And when she moaned in that breathy voice?

God, her moans!

The moment I heard them I couldn't stop. Even if I wanted.

I wanted to feel her pussy throbbing against my hand. I wanted to see how wet my hits had made her.

And I was not disappointed. She was fucking soaked. Dripping all over my fingers.

I did not plan on fingering her but I did. The thought of her being so wet because of me turned me feral.

But the more she took my fingers, riding me like a dirty angel, the harder I got. My briefs tented against my groin, ready to push through my pants and the walls of her virginity.

I had to stop there or else I would have ended up taking her innocence and I also knew, she would somehow agree to that seeing how sexually frustrated she was. She was so desperate for a release that she would have taken anything I would have given her. Be it my fingers or cock.

But I drew the line there.

Because no matter how wrong she is or how angry I am with her, I refuse to take advantage of her barely conscious state.

I am a criminal, not an opportunist.

A murderer, not a rapist.

There is a difference.

With a voice louder than I would have liked it to be, I told her to get off and she obeyed, crying softly. I heard it but could not make up an excuse for my rudeness.

I could hardly restrain myself anymore. I was getting fucking blue balls!

I had to get away from her soon and get a cold shower.

But she thought I intentionally talked to her that way.

Silly girl!

I would have never behaved with her like that if it was in my hands. My body was just not in my control and I had some important things to do too.

"Capo, lui è qui."

(Boss, he is here.)

I look up from my glass. "Fallo entrare."

(Let him in.)

Bowing his head, the guard leaves to fetch our guest for the night.

The sound of heavy and slow footfalls near the dining hall. Seconds later, a short mid-aged man with light greying hair and chartreuse coloured eyes enters my line of vision.

The guards take their positions at the corners of the room as the man comes to me. I stand up to my full height, a towering 6'5" over his approximately 5'7".

"Thanks for having me, Mr. De Luca." He slightly lowers his head, stretching his hand towards me.

He looks good like this. With his head bowed.

I smirk at that thought.

"I had to, Matthew."

I take his palm, giving him a short but firm shake, providing him with a little peek into what is going to happen tonight.

The smile on his face narrows at hearing me not calling him Senator like everyone does.

Shame on him, he does not notice the way I just worded my greetings. If he had, he will be running for the hills now.

I withdraw from the handshake and gesture to the dining table, "Let's proceed."


We take our seats opposite from each other, at both ends of the table as the maids start to dish out the foods one by one in a way that the plate of meat is placed just on his right side so he will take that first.

Matthew sends a short prayer before touching his food.

My lips twitch in amusement.

How religious of a man like him!

Now I do not usually mock people on their beliefs. For instance, Angel believes in God and even if I do not, I respect her feelings. But I can not help but show my distaste when men as vile as him try to show off their so called Christianity.

At least I am not a hypocrite like them. I am what I am. I do not pretend to impress anyone.

Except one, of course.

My subconscious says but I turn it off.

Taking a look at the lack of food on my side, Matthew looks at me quizzically, "You are not going to eat?"

Nursing the glass of whiskey in my hand, I reply, "I do not have a habit of eating with everyone."

His brows furrow. "But I am your guest."

I stare up at him, "Then be my guest. I do not need to please anyone."

His hand around the knife tightens but he refrains from saying anything else and resumes with his dish-the meat.

After a long stretch of silence when he is almost halfway through, chewing the piece of flesh with a bit of extra force than is normal, I decide to start the conversation.

"How is everything going?"

He gazes back at me, "As usual. We are doing all we can to win this election."

I nod my head, "Good to hear that my investment will not be going to waste."

His ears perk up at that. "You are supporting us?"

A smile touches my lips, "Looks like it."

His eyes shine with avarice. I can practically see the dollar signs in them.

Franco was right.

He is a greedy bastard.

"That will be a huge help. We will try-"

"Let's not discuss business over food." I stop him before he can complete.

He chuckles nervously, "Guess, that is okay too."

Seeing his expression relax in our chat, I turn the direction of our talks to more private things.

"How are your sons?"

He smiles at that, a proud look on his face, "The elder one is getting prepared for joining our party but the younger one..."

His smile fades towards the end and I catch his words before he can go back on them.

"What about him?" I feign curiosity.

He sighs deeply, a tired look taking over his features, "He has been missing from his college. It has been a few months."

"Did you not do something about it?"

"Of course, I did. I got one of his classmates arrested. I just know, she is behind it all. That lowlife bitch! Must have lured my son in and done something to him. They are all alike."

The glass breaks in my hold with a snap. Matthew stops his rant and looks at me in shock.

"You are bleeding."

"It is nothing." I say with gritted teeth and take the nearest napkin, wrapping it around my palm. "You carry on. What did you do to her?"

He hesitates at first but then begins again, "I do not know how but she just disappeared from the police station before I could meet her and the principal is now saying that there is no student of her name in their college. It is like she evaporated in thin air. And the worst thing is I can not force them with the upcoming elections hanging over my head. It will tarnish the party's image."

I twist my lips in fake sympathy, "That is bad. You have any idea who did this?"

He shakes his head in defeat, "No. That is the point. No one is ready to tell anything. Almost like someone threatened them. Even the inspector in charge of the case has been missing since the day he arrested that girl."

"Hm. Suspicious." I tilt my head towards the plate of food before him, "By the way, how is the meat?"

Cutting a piece, he shoves it in his mouth, chews and then gulps it down, "It is good. A little bitter. But soft and good. Tastes a lot like..." He thinks for a while, "veal?"

I chuckle at that, "Something like that. It is a special kind of meat. I hade it made just for you."

He laughs, thinking it is a joke but it is the truth. My chefs were not ready to cook it and I did not want to force them so I had to fly in some people who were.

"I feel honoured now, Mr. De Luca. I am really curious though, what is it? It is different. Nothing like I have had before."

A devilish smirk pulls up the corner of my lips as I take a slow sip of my whiskey-the one a maid just brought after the last glass I broke not so accidentally.

"So your son tastes delicious, huh? I thought with all the crimes he did, he would taste like a rotten mouse."

The knife on his right hand and the fork on his left with the next piece of meat stabbed in it falls on the plate with a clatter. His eyes broaden. He stops chewing on the food in his mouth, looking at me in shock.

His voice comes out almost inaudible, "Wha-what?"

I put down the glass on the table, eyeing him the whole time.

"Your son." I look at him as if he is dumb then tipping my chin towards his plate, I say, "Some on that plate, some in your mouth..." Scrunching my face in disgust, I look down his body, "and some already in your stomach, I think."

"You are lying." His voice wavers, muffled by the mouthful of meat he just took but now can not seem to eat.

I clasp my hands on the hard surface, looking at him intently, "You can take a piece with you for DNA test if you want. But I doubt with all the spices already mixed in, it would do any good."

The reality finally setting in, Matthew's eyes squint at me in anger. He spits out the food on his plate and raises a finger at me, yelling, "You-"

All the humour now gone, I face him head on and with a rage in my eyes ten times more vicious than his. "If you do not want to see your other son served on a plate as well, choose your next words wisely."

The threat in my voice is as clear as the expensive liquor in my glass and Matthew draws his finger back, staring at me in caution.

"You will not!"

My smirk widens hearing him, "Oh, I will love to."

Seeing how serious I am and not being able to stomach the thought of his son's tragic end, pun definitely intended, he starts to heave in his chair, a hand on his heart, sweat beads forming on his wrinkly forehead and within a second throws up all he had.

The air stinks with the scent of his vomit and I cover my nose with my handkerchief to stop the foul smell from entering my nose.

Disgusting people!

Grunting in displeasure, I get up from the seat while he keeps puking all over himself even if everything is already out of his system.

"Why?" Comes the feeble whimper from behind me.

Going near him, I grip an arm of his chair and lean down like that officer did, trying to scare my Angel-no doubt following this man's orders-just the difference is Angel had me that day to protect her but today Senator has no one.

Glaring at him, I declare, "Because Anastasia Hill is fucking mine."

He gulps, tears welling up in his eyes, hearing her name on my lips as he obviously connects the dots now.

"Anyone who messes with her, messes with me and those who mess with me," I do a once over of him, "you can see what happens to them."

Wiping the sweat off his forehead gently, I toss the handkerchief on his unfinished plate and stand back up but before leaving the dining hall, I turn to one of the guards, "Take great care of the Senator. Do not give him any chance to complain about our hospitality." The guard bowes. Taking a last look at Matthew's still shaking form, I say loud enough to the guard so even he can hear, "Ensure that he eats everything. Even a piece of the food should not go to waste and if he throws up, make him eat it again."

He nods and I ascend the stairs, the noise of Matthew's shouts and helpless screams feeling like music to my ears.

Settled in my office with a satisfied smile on my face, Damien and Franco on both sides, waiting to hear my next orders, I rotate the chair.

All of a sudden the memory of Angel, rotating her hips on my lap the same way flashes before my eyes and I throw my head back, laughing to myself.

Even when she is not here, the thought of her is always on my mind.

Speaking of her, I have to make up for the last time. She must be sulking in her room right now, cursing me.

My emotional Angel.

I wanted to take her out on a date and tell her about the gala properly but no.

This Angel of mine can not stay a second away from trouble.

Damien is the first one to break the quiet and question me, "So you are going to leave him just like that? With all the secrets now out? He will snitch on us."

Hooking my Oxfords to the right leg of the desk, I stop the chair from moving. Looking him in the eyes, I say, "For now."

"So you will kill him." He mutters.

This time Franco backs him up, "Then what will happen to our alliance with the opposition? Who will help us if he is dead?"

"You should know me better by now, mio caro cugino." I chuckle, "If I want to use him, I will use him. Dead or alive, does not matter."

(my dear cousin.)


"Call Paulo."

Franco frowns at me but does as I say. Dialing the number of the capo of Washington, he pushes it on my desk when the call is received.

"Paulo, sono io."

(It is me.)

"Ciao, capo! Hai chiamato?"

(Hello, boss. You called for?)

"Voglio che tu faccia qualcosa per me."

(I want you to do something for me.)

"Qualunque cosa per te, capo."

(Anything for you, boss.)

I smile at the enthusiasm in his tone.

"C'è un uomo di nome Matthew Evans che vive nel tuo territorio. È membro del Senato. Voglio che se ne vada."

(There is a man named Matthew Evans living in your territory. He is a member of the Senate. I want him gone.)

"La tua parola è il nostro comando, capo. Pensa che se ne sia giá andato." After a second or so he asks, "Qualche preferenza su come vuoi che sia fatto?"

(Your word is our command, boss. Think he is already gone.) (Any preference on how you want it to be done?)

"Forniscigli alcune informazioni riservate sul partito al governo e poi sparagli mentre si reca alla prossima sessione del Senato. Fai sembrare un omcidio politico e assicurati che I documenti siano con lui al momento della sua morte."

(Provide him with some confidential information on the ruling party then shoot him on his way to the next session of Senate. Make it look like a political murder and make sure the files are there with him at the time of his death.)

Franco and Damien's eyes widen hearing me.

I smirk, continuing, "La polizia potrebbe essere sotto pressione per chiudere il caso, quindi fallo prima divulgare alla stampa. Faranno il resto."

(The police might be under pressure to close the case so leak it to the press first. They will do the rest.)

"Lo farò, capo." Paulo answers.

(Will do, boss.)

"Ho grandi aspettative su di te, Paulo. Non mi deludere."

(I have high expectations of you. Do not disappoint me.)

"Morirò prima di farlo."

(I will die before doing that.)

"Bene." I hum.


Ending the call, I turn to the silent audience in my office. Flipping the phone in my hand, I smile at them, "And that is how you turn every situation in your favour."

Did you expect this update?

Surprisingly I had some classes off so thought why not?

Your thoughts on this chapter?

And what do you think will happen in the next one?

What will Alessandro do to melt his Angel's anger this time?

Also I have a very important exam on 5th September. Pray for me, guys

See you in the next chapter.

Till then, happy reading

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