Untamed (A mafia story)

By DiamondKulture

825K 20.5K 1.8K

Cora is a young girl who suddenly wakes up in the basement of the Russian mafia and one of the best Assassins... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chspter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New story alert!!!!!!
Story Alert!!!!!
New story Alert!!!!!

Chapter 10

15.8K 439 38
By DiamondKulture


Ivan just left the basement after we talked for a while, most of it about Dimitri.
Even though it would seem Dimitri doesn't like him, I can tell Ivan loves his cousin very much.

I am no longer tied or chained up, the place on my wrist where the chain was before is now red, bruised and it kind of hurts.

My arm too still hurts, even though it's covered in bandage, I still feel the pain of it.
I look and feel frail, I know I've lost a lot of blood, coupled with the fact that I'm barely fed here.

I still feel very dirty and disgusting, my cloth smells of blood, my blood
The whole basement reeks of blood, I don't need a soothsayer to know what they use the basement for, the walls are covered in dried blood.

I'm still basking in thoughts when I start hearing footsteps outside, I brace myself because I know it's not Ivan, it's either Vissarion or..... Dimitri.

The metal doors open up and like I suspected, it's Dimitri, he looks very pissed, his eyes shoot to mine and I gulp and cower a bit.

Behind him is Vissarion and another man, he looks to be younger than Both Dimitri and Vissarion, probably the same age as Ivan.
He has a laptop with him.

He has dark blonde hair, he has a glass sitting at top his nose, he's not as tall as Dimitri or Vissarion. he has this boyish look.

My eyes move from him back to Dimitri and he has a murderous look on his face, what did I do this time.

He walks towards me and stop a few step in front of me before inspecting my face, his eyes stop on my arm covered in bandage and he growls lowly, before latching his hands on it and ripping it off completely.

The skin is exposed to the cold air as I feel every breeze touch it, I gasp loudly.
Before I can react he grips both my hands in his and reaches behind him, I'm still wondering what he's doing before I feel cold metal on my hand and a click sound.

I look down to see that he handcuffed me, just great more bruises on my wrists.

"I don't want to take any chances with you" he mutters lowly, making me wonder what he's up to now.

"Now turn around" he adds, I don't argue I just turn like he instructed, I'm now facing the table, the one with so many torture weapons with my hands handcuffed.

"Kneel" he grits out, I'm tempted to turn and ask him why, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea but it's too late because my mouth just moved on their own.

"Why"? I barely even recognize my voice as I make to turn and look at him but he grips my shoulder and turns me back so facing the table.

"Don't test me ПРИНЦЕССА" he mutters "now kneel" he repeats and this time I actually obey without complaining, I kneel on both kneels facing the table.

"Do it" he voices out making me wonder if they want to kill me execution style because I don't understand what all this is about.

The new guy quickly comes in front of me and drops the laptop on the table before opening it and I hear tapping sound before he moves away from the laptop.

At first the screen is black
"Are you going to kill me"? I voice out looking behind me at all three of them and Dimitri just glares hard at me before gripping my shoulder

"Shut up" he snaps making me face the laptop screen again, the whole room is silent save for my hard breathing.

And just like that the screen of the laptop lights up, a video appears on the screen, no not a video, a video call.
We're on a video call of some sort, there are men on the screen, their mumuring die down the moment we come on screen and all their attention shifts to us.

I'm still looking and wondering, who they are and why Dimitri wanted me here, then I hear footsteps coming from the other side, with my eyes trained on the screen, someone suddenly walks into the room and walks to the front of the screen standing in front of the other men.

I suck in a breath, it's like I'm dreaming but this isn't a dream, I'm really looking at him, Lorenzo is standing in front of his men on the screen of the laptop.

I see the shock in his eyes, i look around him from the screen in search of my sister but she's not there, please dont let her be there, else Dimitri is going to kill me, right here and right now.

I can hear the loud thumping of my heart, its like it wants to rip out my chest, I swallow hard, but Lorenzo's voice makes me look at him again

"Cara"? It comes out as a whisper that I could barely hear, thank God he didn't call me Cora, he's trying to play it cool, I have to play along.

"Enzo" I whisper out already feeling the trembling in my voice, I know there's someone trying to figure out where Dimitri's calling from, but he isn't stupid, he must have blocked them, but if there's any chance Enzo and Cara can come find me, I'll hold on to that hope.

"You asked to speak to me" Dimitri's voice interrupts us immediately

"You fucking bastard let her go"!!! Enzo yells from inside the screen giving Dimitri a hard look and he just chuckles.

"Oh De Luca, Yelling isn't going to help you in this" he mutters out "she's here with me and you're way over there" he adds tauntingly.
"Yell all you want, it's not going to stop me from doing whatever I want with your wife" he adds standing directly behind me, too close that I can feel his body heat.

"You know she's quite remarkable, very beautiful too" he says running his thumb across my cheek but I flinch and try to move, the look he gives me let's me know he doesn't like it, well good for him.

"What do you want Volkov? Anything to just let her go" Enzo asks desperately, his men watching from behind him with keen interest, no one is saying anything.

Dimitri laughs, a sadistic, empty and mocking laughter, before looking at Vissarion

"он хочет знать, чего я хочу Vis" he says switching from English to Russia, before focusing his gaze back on Enzo.

(Translation: he wants to know what I want Vis)

"I want you to beg De Luca" he mutters out lowly before bending to my level and his hands grip my neck from behind, his face close to mine I can literally feel his breath fan my neck

"Get your hands off her"!! Enzo grits out and Dimitri just laughs

"Oh I'm going to do more than touch her De Luca" he mutters before letting me go and standing up.

"I swear to God Volkov I'm going to kill you, I'm going to....." And just like that the video ends, cutting Enzo short from talking, I'm staring at the dark screen of the laptop.

I don't even know I'm crying until I taste the saltiness of my tears on my lips.

"What do you want with me"? I croak out looking at Dimitri, the new guy just packs up the laptop and stands beside Vissarion.
"If you're going to kill me just do it now" I almost yell at him and I see a smirk tugging at his lips as he gives me a lopsided grin.

"Oh but i don't want to kill you ПРИНЦЕССА, not yet at least, I want you to suffer, I want you to feel pain, I want to break you" he muttered with each word I can feel the intensity of his hatred towards me, what did Cara ever do to someone like this to incure so much hate from him.

"What did I do to you"? I croak out tears streaming both my cheeks, he clenches his jaw before getting up and walking out the door not answering my question.

Both of his hound dogs follow behind him, before locking me inside.

I break down after I hear the metal doors close, my heart feel heavy, the gut wrenching pain I'm feeling can not be compared to anything.

Unless Enzo is able to get me out of here, I don't think Dimitri is even ready to negotiate.
I'm stuck in this hellhole for God knows how long

I don't know when he's going to kill me, or even how.
I don't want to die now, and I hate that I have to suffer like this.

I'm sobbing lowly and hiccuping at the same time, I just want to get out of here alive and sane.
If Dimitri is anything like they say and from what I've seen from him since I've been here, then he is definitely going to break me like he said, but then he has the wrong person.

How do I get out of here??


"Please open the door" I pleaded hitting it as hard as i could with my handcuffed hands, I had been banging this door for the past thirty minutes.

"I really need to use the bathroom" I yelled at the top of my voice, i was really pressed and plus I wanted to see the outside of this basement, if I'm going to have a chance at escaping, the least I can do is know where I am or what the outside of the hellhole look like.

"I won't be long, all you have to do is just take me there please" I said pounding hard on the door with my fists.

Just like that the door opened and I almost lost my footing and fell face forward before I held myself back.

One of the guards from outside, walked into the basement, he was holding a bucket.
Please don't tell me it's what I think it is, I mentally prayed.

He was rather tall, he was putting on all black, and had a gun in his holster, and had another one around his thighs which may be holding a knife.

They dressed just like Enzo's men dressed back at the mansion, even though they look even more handsome than Enzo's men.

"Use this" he said pushing the bucket forward to me, his accent more thick than Dimitri and all the others I've spoken to, his English also sounds a bit off.

I look from his hands holding the bucket to his face, he can't be serious now can he?

"No I'm not using this, take me to the bathroom" I voice out looking at him, he just gave me a lopsided look and grunted before pushing the bucket back at me again.

"You will use this, no bathroom" he muttered and I just shook my head, he took my cuffed hands and pressed the bucket on it.

I quickly dropped it like it burned me and kicked it with my feet "you can't be seriously expecting me to use this trash to pee, you may be savages but I'm not" I tell him irritated, he starts taking steps towards me forcing me to take steps back.

"You're not in your home" he says looking at me with a hard glare as he keeps advancing towards me, suddenly my back hit the wall and I'm cornered.

"I don't know why boss won't kill you yet" he muttered as he gets close to me "and he's not giving you to us to have our fun, hmm" he muttered his face close to mine, I can feel his breath fan my face, he grips my jaw so I'm facing him as he traces his fingers along my face.

His hand goes down to me neck as he grips it tight and his other hand starts touching my body making me crawl with disgust.

"Lucky for us, he's not here today, so I'm going to do whatever I want with you сука" he mutters before his hand starts trailing lines on my body and he rests his face on my neck, like he's inhaling.

(Translation: bitch)

I try to push him off but apparently I'm not as strong as i think I am because his hold on me is firm and tight

My vision is getting blurry and I'm trying hard not to focus on what's happening, his breathing is hard and fast, this isn't happening to me right now.
Oh God

"что ты думаешь ты делаешь"? The one voice I dread the most but I'm glad hearing it because I feel the man tense before he let's go off me and turns around to come face to face with a very livid Dimitri

(Translation: what do you think you're doing?)

The man seems to be at a loss for words as he's stumbling over his word, whatever Dimitri said to him, must have gotten him tense.

"Ничего, босс, я просто... прости босс" he murmurs while Dimitri just gives him a lopsided look, his eyes move from the man and lands on me, God I hope he's not going to let this man touch me again, I silently pray.

(Translation: nothing boss, I was just... I'm sorry boss)

You know the rules Vlad" he adds still looking at the man who just nods at him

"Иди скажи Виссариону, что ты пытался сделать" he mutters and I see the man eyes widened a bit in fear

(Translation: go tell Vissarion what you just tried to do)

"Boss...." He starts saying but Dimitri just shoots him a glare and he bows before walking out leaving Dimitri and I.

I'm still on edge and Dimitri has his eyes dead set on me, I don't know if he's glaring or just staring but he has his jaw clenched.

I'm still against the wall, with my heart beating wildly in my chest.
He doesn't say anything, he just turns around and walk out locking the door.

I breathe in very loud before sliding my back down the wall, and I start crying.
That man almost raped me, and if Dimitri hadn't come down when he did, he would have.

Oh God
My life is a mess
I need to leave this place

What if the man comes back and this time Dimitri isn't here to save me?
What if he tells other of Dimitri's men?

Okay guuysss, the reads ain't really encouraging 😩😩

We can do better
This is my first mafia story and it's not even getting the recognition I hope 🙄🙄😩

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