Survival of the crew (Remaste...

By Nukaslum

229 36 0

One day the world was going by normally until everything changed overnight, the dead began to rise and now th... More

Pre Z
All Out War
The Fall
Battle With The Disguised
Beginning Blackwater
Rebuilding Santuary
The Future (Clem ark)


19 3 0
By Nukaslum

Ben walked out the clubhouse to see Alexa, standing in the yard rocking the baby in her arms. he then approached her. "I've decided her name is Clementine" Alexa explained as Ben smiled and fist bumped her. "clementine it is" he said as he smiled at the baby. they then started walking towards the others joined by Alexa and clementine. "Did you hear about that plane crash? god those poor bastards" Alexa said sadly as Ben nodded and looked down in grief as The the group approach nick who gave a look of focus as he sat sharpening a stick out of boredom. "Ben what you did back there at the hospital never happened got it!?" Nick yelled as Ben approached him. The situation replayed in his head as he let out a chuckle "whatever you say nick let's go we got work to do" Ben said kindly as he helped nick to his feet "what's this meeting about?" Nick asked as he looked at Ben with a confused look. "You'll see when we get Everyone" Ben said happily as the group began to walk together until they came up on a paranoid nate who is hiding in an old rigidity shack "they're here" he shouted over and over, continuously smacking himself. "Nate you need to snap out of it! What did you see!?" Ben asked as he began shaking his friends. "I...I saw a helicopter fly over the other day I think the military is here which is good because once all this blows over I'm going to turn myself in" Nate explained as the group all looked worryingly at their unstable friend. "Nate why? what happened that night?" Mason asked as he stepped closer to his now teary eyed friend. "I committed a murder the night I came back and the worst part that haunts me the most was that it was that baby's mother; man i thought she was one of the looters I swear.. "Nate relax we'll figure this out later I promise man you're gonna be okay" Ben said as nate calmed down and stepped out the shack joining them. Kenley then walked towards the group. "Is there a reason we're standing in this heat why couldn't we do this inside?" Kenley asked as he gave an annoyed look. "I have news regarding the clubhouse...we could lose it if we don't pay the bank so I've prepared this meeting to pitch the idea that we sell it.." Ben said as everyone looked at each other. "5 years of memories and you want us to just throw it all down the drain? It's a no for me!" Nick yelled as everyone began shaking their heads in agreement. "Not to mention we have nowhere else to go" mason said as Ben looked down knowing his friends were right. "Alright but we'll all just have to work doubles once were able to go back to working" Ben explained as he put his fist out waiting for the others to place their fists up to his. Alexa then put her fist up to his. A couple of seconds later the rest of the group placed their fist in the middle along with Ben and Alexa. "Always remember guys that we're always stronger together! Now what do you say we all take a walk to the park?" Ben asked as everyone nodded; Clementine then sneezed loudly causing Alexa to burst out into laughter. "I guess little badass is down too" nick said jokingly as everyone but Alexa laughed;She then made a face of annoyance. "Don't call her that!" Alexa yelled as the group all began laughing. "Alright guys let's go" Ben demanded as he let out a chuckle while signaling the group to follow.

A couple minutes past; Ben and the crew continued walking toward the park joking with each other until they hear a bloodcurdling sceam "what the hell was that" nick asked as the group ran over to check it out. They reached the edge of the yard to see a young girl being attacked by a group of men in the street; without warning mason and nick sprinted over to help but just as they approached one of the men took a bite outta the girls neck causing her screams to be extinguished by the sound of her choking on her own blood. "Fucking freaks!" Nick yelled as the other two men turned around and started limping towards the group; their growls could be heard getting louder as the two began getting closer causing mason and nick to quickly step back, eventually getting next to Ben. "Hey what the hell is wrong with you!? Attacking and hurting an innocent woman like that, you people are sick!" Ben yelled as he began analyzing the men's eyes which were frosty white as if there were no souls in the two older men. "Ben get back!" Nate yelled as he yanked ben towards him just in time as an object slams into the delirious men causing the two to fly. Ben looked over at the two bodies in horror as Kenley helped him to his feet where he saw a truck sitting in front of the group. The windows rolled down to reveal inside was there own crew member Joe who had a serious look on his face "get in now!" he yelled as the group all started climbing into the truck except nate who ran back into the clubhouse. "What the hell is he doing?" nick yelled as the group stood waiting for nate to come out. they tried to remain calm but after what they just saw there was no way they could fully remain calm. "If we wait any longer those things will get us we got to go."  joe thought to himself as he looked at the horde slowly creeping towards the group. just as joe was about to slam on the gas nate came running out with an old looking sawed off shotgun "hurry their right behind you!" joe yelled as ben then looked out the window of the truck where he saw a bunch of figures moaning and limping fastly towards the the group Nate then began sprinting quickly until he approached the truck where he jumped into the bed. Mason looked at nate with a confused look "did you really just almost die for a gun dude are u serious?" mason asked. "it was my grandpa's gun." nate answered as he gripped the rusty shotgun and started wiping the dust off the barrel. "And we're off!" joe yelled as he slammed on gas petal igniting the car which began flying down the road. the crew watched as their clubhouse was quickly swarmed. "Goodbye" mason said under his breath as he shed a tear. ben then looked at joe who was focusing on the long empty road "what the hell is going on joe" ben asked as he finally stopped shaking. joe responded "the dead have come back alive"...

the group continued driving on the long road until they reached a highway where ben and joe were the only ones awake, "why are are the dead coming back?" Ben asked as he began to breath heavy "I don't know but this is all crazy man half the world is infected and so far there isn't a cure" joe explained while he took a sip of his soda he had in the cup holder next to his seat, while listening all ben could think about is what happened to his family, "I never got to say goodbye" Ben whispered to himself as he began to cry. joe then looked over while driving "um dude are you good" joe asked as he looked back at the road ahead, ben then looked up, "who else is alive?" he asked as he gave him a worried look as joe just smiled and continued driving quickly down the road. ben then looked out the window and started to doze off eventually slipping into a deep sleep. A couple minutes of driving had passed and the car was completely silent. "what the hell!"  joe screamed waking everyone up except for Kenly,mason,and nate who were all in the bed of the truck. "what's going on?" Alexa asked as she looked up still clenching Clementine who was still fast asleep:she then looked over to see joe pointing to a young girl in the street running from a man. "i cant let those things take another living thing from this world" joe said as he sprung into action getting out the truck and quickly sprinting towards them eventually grabbing the undead man who's skin felt squishy. "Poor bastard.. you can rest now" joe thought to himself as he began smashing its head into the side of a brick building while two more dead ones came limping towards him. "Hey you! Go to the the truck and tell the others to start up the engine" joe yelled as he picked up a pipe and started to swing at the men bashing one's head open causing him to drop while the other one jumped out quickly grabbing joe knocking him to the ground. joe began struggling on ground trying to keep the walker from biting him with one hand while trying to feel for the pipe which fell beside him with the other but suddenly a sharp object went through the walker's head. Joe then pushed the the undead man off of him eventually catching his breath; he then looks up to see a figure who was wearing a mask and wielding a katana Standing menacingly above him. The figure then held his hand out to pull joe up. joe who was still cautious accepted and let the person help him up, "who are you?" Joe asked as he quickly picked up the pipe that was next to him in case the person became a threat. The figure then laughed and removed his mask to to shockingly reveal the group's old friend Killy who holstered his sword. "Holy crap Killy your alive! Do you know if anyone else made it out?" Joe asked as Killy shook his head causing joe to frown. "Come on the others are right over we need to go before more come." Joe demanded as Killy nodded and the two then walked towards the truck where everyone stood outside. "lets go everyone back in the truck!" joe yelled as he approached everyone but the group stood still. "what's going on why aren't you guys moving?" joe asked as he began to frown. "this is Angelina, Nate's girlfriend she has two friend who need our help" Alexa said as she smiled at the Angelina who worryingly hugged Nate. "Don't you think one's enough? if we leave now we might be able to get to our destination sooner." joe said as he began leaning on his truck. "No we're going to help her" Alexa demanded as she began walking to the truck to pull out a radio. "There's Still nothing from the government; it would be best to save as many people as we can before the military comes so let do this" Alexa explained as she put the radio back in the truck and gave joe a stare. Joe then walked over to the girl "fine I'll help,hey lil girl how can we help u save someone who is probably dead!" joe said sarcastically as he chuckled at his own smart remark. Alexa then cuts him off. "Joe shut up!we need to help her right ben?"she yelled as ben nodded in agreement. "god damn it fine" joe said as he walked back over to his truck and began leaning on it again. "my name is Angelina by the way! Don't call me kid and my friends are held up in that building over there" the girl said as she pointed to a small building with a dim light in it. ben then began scanning the building. "How do we know these girls aren't already dea.." Joe asked as he was cut off by an undead woman who could be seen being sniped from a distance. "Still Think we're dead now?" A voice from the radio said as Alexa quickly grabbed the radio. "Nice shot! We're coming to get you guys hang in there!" Alexa said calmly as she put the radio back inside the truck where she got a glimpse of clementine who was now awake smiling at Alexa. "ok mason and nick your with me. alexa and nate stay with angelina.Kenley,killy,and joe go scavenge this town for any supplies we could use." ben said as he signaled for everyone to move. After a couple of minutes ben,mason and nick approach the building where They slowly opened the door and began to hear rattling "this is creepy" mason said as he looked behind them. "yea but no time to think about that I need you guys to cover my six" ben demanded as the trio began walking up the stairs cautiously. They reached the top of the stairs to see a few undead monsters scratching at a bright red door "how about yall go check the other rooms for supplies and I'll handle these guys; we will meet up downstairs Ben said calmly as he walked over and began taking out the undead one by one until he got to the last one which made him freeze in place. It was his old history teacher who had been zombified. "Forgive me" ben said as he pulled out his knife and without hesitation drove his knife blade into the skull of his old teacher; her body collapsed to the ground causing immense sadness in ben. "It's clear! you can come out now!" Ben shouted as the door quickly shot open and  there stood two girls, one of which was holding a rifle. "Yay our knight in shining armor has arrived" the marksman said sarcastically as she and the other girl grinned. "Holy shit.." ben said as he looked at the other girl and smiled.

A couple minutes past, mason and nick are seen downstairs throwing darts at the tv in the living room until they begin to hear footsteps come down the stairs "ready up" Nick whispered as the two readied there knives and began staring  intensely at the steps. A few seconds later and ben can be seen coming down the steps with the two girls. "Are you good?" Nick asked as Ben nodded. The second girl immediately ran over to mason slamming into him before punching him in the face. "Chloe?!" Mason yelled out as he ignored the punch quickly pulling his little sister in for a hug, "we should go before we get trapped in this city" the other girl said as she holstered her rifle around her shoulder. "The name's Shauna by the way I'll explain more once we get out of here." She said as she opened the door leading the group out the building and towards the truck. "There they are" Alexa yelled as Angelina looked up and began running towards her two friends hugging them both. Kenley, killy, and joe approach a convenience store. Killy looks through the glass to see that the inside was clear. "Looks like nobody's is inside" he said quietly as he began picking the lock; after a couple minutes of fidgeting with the lock a loud click could be heard as the lock popped open allowing the group to slip inside without alerting the walkers who were roaming around outside. "check it out" joe said as they started to loot inside the store "seems they have enough food to feed a village" killy said jokingly as he began filling his backpack with canned goods. "Woah" Kenley said as he found the pharmacy. "We need those antibiotics don't forget them" killy yelled as Kenly began grabbing bottles of prescription drugs. Joe smirked as he stumbled across the garage part of the store. "Jackpot" he said as he opened it to see if there was anything salvageable but the alarm was triggered blaring a loud repetitive noise which echoed through the city "shit hurry up and grab the meds and anything u can,hurry!" killy yelled as he began putting more supplies into his bag. The loud blaring from the alarm began to alert the undead who began pounding on the entrance causing the sliding doors to cave in. "We got walkers! Kenley ill hold the door until we figure this out" Killy yelled as he began pushing on the door to keep the horde from bursting through the already pushed in door. "we got a ride lets go!" joe  yelled as the others ran into the room except Killy who quickly grabbed some boxes and began barricading the entrance. "Here I come" Killy yelled as he quickly dashed into the back room to find a big rv sittinng in the middle of the room. "can you fix it?" Killy asked as the sound of the undead bursting through the entrance of the store could be heard echoing throughout the large empty building. "yea but it wont be a breeze" joe answered as he started fixing the worn out looking engine while kenley went to clear the inside of the rv and killy guarded the garage door for walkers. "there are weapons and two walkie talkies in here" kenley said excitedly as Killy  watched through the door as the hungry walkers pounded at the door, he them signalled joe to hurry up. "this should work; Kenley start the engine" joe shouted as Kenley twist the key in the ignition causing the old looking engine to rumble  "yea we did it!" Kenley yelled as joe shut the hood. "Killy stop holding the door and go open the garage door! we need to get out of here!" joe yelled as he climbed into the rv and Killy took a slow breath as the undead began overwhelming him pushing the door slightly open. "I can do this" he thought to himself as he ran over to the garage door and lifted the heavy metal door eventually making a break for the rv. "im driving this bucket move over" joe yelled to kenley as he pushed him over quickly climbing into the driver seat waiting for killy who began running back towards the rv. Everything began moving in slow motion for Killy as he watched the door bust open allowing a group of undead to pour into the room. "Killy let's go!" Joe yelled as he got up quickly opening the side door of the rv sticking his arm out for killy who had his katana out slashing the undead still focusing on joe's hand. "He's not going to make it! We need something to distract them! Wait I got an idea!Kenley did you find anything flammable in the back?" Joe yelled as more and more of the undead began pouring in. "Actually yea move over!" Kenley yelled while pulling a flare gun from one of the drawers in the back and quickly dashed next to joe pushing him aside "I got this" he said confidently as he aimed it at an undead lady. "You know your not supposed to use that inside right?" Joe asked as ken fired the flare causing it to miss the lady and smack into a wall causing it to ricochet into a barrel full of oil sparking a huge flame. "Kenley what the hell!? Now we have to go before that barrel explodes with or without killy! Joe explained as he quickly put the rv in drive. The flames grew more intense as the heat could be felt behind Killy. The flame began attracting the undead causing some to began walking towards the bright red flame as Killy approached the rv quickly jumping through the side door. "Go!" He yelled as joe slammed on the gas pedal causing the rv to fly out of the store plowing through a herd of walkers. "What the hell are they doing they'll get themselves killed!" ben yelled causing him to pace around as He and the others hear the alarms blaring from the store. "Shit i thought thought it was supposed to be a quiet mission" mason said as he climbed on top of the truck with binoculars to scout the situation. A couple minutes passed and the sound of mason jumping up and down in excitement. "I see something" he yelled as he saw an rv approaching from the distance quickly noticing that joe was driving it. "It's them!" he yelled as joe parked right next to the truck. "everyone lets go,now!" joe yelled as he climbed out the rv and into the truck along with ben,mason,and nick while the others climbed into the rv. "Follow me!" He yelled as he signaled for everyone to follow.

The group proceeded down a long road, "did you know that we were back at the clubhouse" Ben asked as he looked out the window thinking about the lady in the street back at the clubhouse. "No I was actually on my way back home from work but I saw people being attacked and without thinking I rushed home." Joe answered as he looked ahead at the road. "And that man you hit? Did you mean to do that?" Ben asked as joe gulped down his spit. "Totally! Anyways we're almost there." He said sarcastically while letting out a smile. A few moments later The car pulled up to a fork in the road with a sign in the middle that read "Sanctuary Ahead! Your safe now". The group then turned left and proceeded towards their destination.


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