Rowdy || 18+ || RH

By WakeWriteWrath

606K 14.8K 1.3K

|| Reverse Harem || Four Men/One Woman || ⚔️ || "It's not about belonging to someone, but belonging together... More

Authors Opening Notes
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 🌶️
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 🌶️
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 🌶️
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 🌶️
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 🌶️
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 🌶️
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 🌶️
Chapter 30 🌶️
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 🌶️
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 🌶️
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 pt 1
Chapter 43 pt 2 🌶️
Chapter 44 🌶️
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 🌶️
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 🌶️
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 🌶️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 🌶️
Chapter 59 🌶️
Chapter 60 🌶️
Author's Closing Note

Chapter 24

7.2K 229 13
By WakeWriteWrath


The pulse of the music reverberates through the walls of the club. Each beat syncing with the pounding of my heart. Vibrant lights play across the room, throwing shadows and hues in a dazzling spectacle. The atmosphere is electric, buzzing with laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses. A perfect setting for a girls' night out.

Valarie and I stake out a spot near the bar, drinks in hand. She looks radiant tonight, her hair cascading in loose waves, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of a well-deserved break from her demanding job at the hospital.

"So, how's life treating you?" I ask, taking a sip of my cocktail.

"The hospital is a madhouse. Between surgery help, patient care, and admin work, I hardly get time to breathe."

I nod sympathetically. "That sounds intense. But you love it, right?"

"Absolutely," she exclaims. "The adrenaline, the impact—it's exhausting but exhilarating. And how's the bakery? Still in love with it?"

I can't help but light up at the mention of my work. "It's amazing, Val. I never thought I'd be so happy waking up at the crack of dawn to knead dough. There's something therapeutic about it. Plus, the aroma of fresh bread is unbeatable."

Valarie laughs. "From surgery rooms to bakeries, we've got our bases covered. Cheers to that!"

We clink our glasses, sealing our little celebration.

"So," Valarie leans in, her eyes narrowing playfully, "How's your living situation going? Things still going good?"

The question sends a jolt through me, and Fowler's face flashes before my eyes. "Well, you could say that," I start, taking a fortifying sip of my drink.

Valarie's eyes widen, her attention piqued. "Oh my God, you slept with one of them, didn't you?"

I can't help but laugh at her eagerness. "Guilty as charged."

Valarie practically squeals. "Details, girl! I need all the juicy details!"

So, I dive into the story, recounting the tension, the build-up, and finally, the night where things crossed a line. "His touch was electric, Val. I can't even describe it. It was like he knew exactly how to make me feel good, you know?"

Valarie is hanging on to every word, her eyes wide with intrigue. "Wow, sounds intense. So, what's the plan now?"

I sigh, my shoulders slumping a little. "I wish I knew. It's complicated, especially since I can't help but think about another roommate—Marx."

Her eyebrows shoot up. "A love triangle in a co-ed house? You're living the dream, honey!"

I chuckle nervously. "More like a romantic comedy with a dash of drama. It's all so confusing, Val."

She takes my hand, her grip reassuring. "Hey, it's okay to be confused. You're navigating complicated emotional terrain. Just remember, you don't have to have all the answers right now."

I smile, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Val. You always know what to say."

I'm buoyed by Valarie's supportive words, and as the DJ transitions into a sultry R&B track, I feel a sense of liberation wash over me. "Let's dance," Valarie suggests, her eyes twinkling with the promise of fun.

We make our way to the dance floor, melding into the throng of people lost in the rhythm of the night. The beat pulses through me, vibrating in my bones, as Valarie and I start to move. It feels freeing, this moment of unapologetic enjoyment.

As we're caught up in the dance, an attractive guy with a five o'clock shadow and piercing blue eyes approaches Valarie. "Mind if I join you ladies?" he asks, his voice confident yet respectful.

Valarie glances at me, her eyes asking for my approval. I nod, giving her the green light to enjoy herself.

"Sure, jump in," Valarie replies with a grin.

As the guy starts dancing with us, I can't help but notice how his eyes are almost exclusively on Valarie. And why wouldn't they be? She's gorgeous, vibrant, and clearly enjoying herself.

"Hey, I'm Jack," he introduces himself during a lull in the music.

"Valarie," she responds, and then gestures towards me, "and this is Emersyn."

"Nice to meet you both," Jack says, but his eyes linger on Valarie.

The song shifts to another upbeat track, but the chemistry between Valarie and Jack is undeniable. Recognizing the budding connection, I decide it's time to bow out gracefully.

"I'm going to grab another drink," I tell Valarie, who gives me a thankful and understanding smile.

I head back to the bar, ordering a cocktail before settling back at our table. From my vantage point, I watch Valarie and Jack dance. They're in sync, their bodies moving effortlessly to the beat.

After a while, they both make their way over to the table, drinks in hand. "Having fun?" Valarie asks, her eyes shining with a mix of exhilaration and something more—perhaps anticipation.

"Absolutely," I reply, smiling genuinely.

As the night wears on, Valarie leans in close to me. "I think I'm going to take Jack home. Are you okay getting back on your own?"

"Go, have fun," I encourage her, "I'll find my way back."

With a hug and a thank you, Valarie and Jack exit the club, leaving me alone but not lonely. I finish my drink and, after a few moments, decide it's time to call it a night.

I step outside the club, the cool night air feeling refreshing against my skin. Instead of hailing a cab right away, I decide to walk for a bit, to clear my mind and sober up.

As I stroll through the deserted streets, the echoes of the night's conversations reverberate in my mind. Fowler, Marx, Valarie, and even Jack—they all represent different facets of love and desire, and I'm still trying to figure out where I fit into this complex puzzle.

The city sleeps, but my thoughts are wide awake, tumbling over each other in a chaotic dance of their own.

But it's okay. Valarie was right; I don't need to have all the answers now. Life is a series of moments, some clear and some confusing. And I'm learning to navigate each one, step by step, beat by beat.

Feeling a little lighter, I finally decide it's time to head home. I look for a cab, but there aren't any around. I'll walk down and check the next street.

As I'm walking, a shiver runs down my spine. It's a sudden, instinctual feeling that I'm not alone. I glance over my shoulder, scanning the dimly lit streets, but see no one. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, I tell myself.

Taking a deep breath, I continue walking, trying to shake off the eerie feeling. But then, almost too quietly to be certain, I hear footsteps. The sound is faint, but it's there—a soft patter on the pavement behind me. My heart starts to race, and I tell myself to remain calm. Panic won't help.

Up ahead, I see a corner store still open, its lights casting a warm glow onto the sidewalk. I quicken my pace and walk in, pretending to browse through the aisles but really just trying to escape the unsettling feeling of being followed.

Taking my phone out of my purse, I dial Fowler's number. It rings and rings, but there's no answer. Next, I try calling Locke, then Cruz. Again, both dead ends. I feel a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach.

Finally, I dial Marx's number, my finger hovering over the call button before finally pressing it. To my relief, he answers after the first ring. The background noise of his bar fills the air.

"Emersyn?" he asks, his voice tinged with concern.

"Can you come get me?"

The noise on Marx's end quiets down and I hear the shutting of a door. "Where are you? What's going on?"

"I was out with Valarie having a girl's night. She left, and I was trying to find a cab. There wasn't one on the street I was on, so I decided to walk a street over. I think someone was following me," I say, my words coming out in a rush. "I'm at a corner store right now, but I didn't know who else to call."

"Stay right there," Marx's voice turns steely. "I'm on my way. What's the address?"

I quickly relay the store's location to him, my hands trembling as I clutch the phone.

"Okay, just stay inside and don't go anywhere. I'll be there soon," he says before hanging up.

I lean against one of the shelves, trying to calm my nerves. It's strange; I've walked these streets countless times, often later than now, and never felt threatened. But tonight, the world outside seems darker, more menacing.

Minutes that feel like hours pass. Finally, I hear the growl of an engine and see Marx's van pull up in front of the store. Relief washes over me as he steps out, his tall frame immediately filling the doorway.

When our eyes meet, his are filled with a mix of relief and concern, and for a fleeting moment, I see something else—something that makes my heart skip a beat. But now's not the time to dwell on that.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he walks up to me.

"I am now," I say, feeling a warmth spread through me that has nothing to do with the store's heating.

As Marx drives us home, the van is filled with a silence that's both awkward and comforting. I look over at Marx, his eyes focused on the road, but his hand resting reassuringly on the gear shift.

As we pull up to the house, Marx turns off the engine but doesn't immediately get out of the car.

"Give me your phone," he says, his tone not leaving room for debate.

"Why?" I ask, puzzled, but I hand it over anyway.

He doesn't answer but holds out his hand expectantly. "Unlock it for me."

Curiosity mingling with a tinge of apprehension, I unlock the phone and watch as he taps on the screen for a moment before handing it back to me.

"I shared your location with me. Now I'll always know where you are," he says, finally looking up to meet my eyes.

I'm taken aback by his words, not sure whether to feel comforted or cornered. Yet, given the night's events, I find myself leaning more towards relief. I don't say anything, simply nodding as we both get out of the car.

We walk into the house, the weight of the night hanging heavily between us. As we step through the front door, I feel a strange sense of coming back to reality—a reality that now seems a bit more complicated than it did a few hours ago.

"Thanks for coming to get me," I say softly as I head toward my room. "I really appreciate it."

Marx nods, his eyes searching mine for a moment longer than necessary. "Call me any time you need a ride. Never be walking the streets alone, especially at night."

"Okay," I say, my words barely a whisper. I feel like I'm a child being scolded. He's right, though. It was stupid of me.

With that, I turn and walk into my room, closing the door behind me. As I lean against it, I find myself replaying the night's events in my mind. From the fun and freedom of dancing with Valarie to the fear of being followed, and finally, to being rescued by Marx.

Setting my phone on silent, I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed. But even as I close my eyes, scenes from the night replay in my mind like snippets of a movie. Valarie and Jack dancing, the fear of being followed, Marx's concerned face when he found me, and that intense look he gave me when he handed back my phone.

Eventually, exhaustion overtakes me, pulling me into a restless sleep filled with dreams that are a jumble of dancing, dark streets, and lingering glances.

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