Unknown Salvation(Rewrite)

By CalliopeThames

5.1K 239 93

A rewrite of the previous story "Unknown Salvation" As Kim rok soo transmigrated into the body of the minor v... More

Getting Started
Play And React (1)
What The Future Holds(1)

Play And React (2)

1.2K 62 27
By CalliopeThames

So sorry guys for the late update. School has started and I've been busy ever since. So the update may not be weekly. My apologies.


What happens when Cale is in the break room?

Cale is watching the records as it repeats over again. He is now full of sweat.

"Cale-oppa calm down."

The host tried to calm down Cale but it didn't seem to reach him. The host then tried to stop the records that Cale was having and succeeded.

Cale blinked his eyes. He has a headache.

"Calli? What am I doing here?"

Cale asked confusedly.

"Your records broke down."

The host answered as she looked at Cale with worry. Cale ohed as his head throbbed.

"Are you okay now, Cale-oppa?"

The host asked worriedly.

"I'm okay now. Don't worry Calli"

The host smiled softly as she handed him a glass of water. Cale thanked her and drank the water. Suddenly the host remembered something.

"Right. Cale-oppa, The God of Death have a scenario for you. But don't worry you will be compensated. "

"A scenario?"

Cale felt that it was odd for him to have a personal scenario but he shrugged it off

"Yes, he said that you will need to complete this scenario to receive it."

Calliope snapped her fingers and a screen once again appeared in front of Cale. But the only difference is that it is Black. Kind of represents death.

[Sub-scenario-Rest well]

Difficulty: F

Clear conditions:Sleep well and rest for the time limit.

Time limit:1 hour

Compensation: ???,1 million coins

Failure: -

Cale inspects the screen as if he finds it hard to believe.

"To complete the scenario I needed to sleep?"

Cale looks as if he finds it unbelievable.

"Yes Cale-oppa sleep for as long as you want and you will complete the scenario"

Calliope smiled widely as Cale looked at her strangely. But as he glanced over at the compensation he decided to think over it.

'It's not a bad offer, but the scenario seems to be in favour for me. What would the God of Death gain from this? '

After some thought, he decided to accept it there's nothing to lose about the offer. But before he agreed he decided to add some conditions in which the host agreed

"So since you have agreed on the scenario Cale-oppa, please rest"

The host once again snapped her fingers as a big comfy bed appeared.

Cale's eyes brightened as he lay down on the bed. Once he came in contact with the bed he immediately fell asleep.

The girl beside him chucked as she sat on the sofa in the break room and read a book.

After an hour Cale woke up and the girl who noticed him woke up put down her book and approached him.

"Congratulations Cale-oppa! You completed the scenario!"

Calliope said cheerfully as she added

"The coins will be transported into your account and as for your gift you can find them in the room next door"

Cale noted that the host said "them" and not "it" meaning that the supposed gifts are people and not objects. Cale felt suspicious about this so he let his guard up.

When the girl felt Cale put his guard up she chuckled as she guided him to the next door.

Once Cale enters the room he is met with two figures that he cannot forget. Cale stiffened as the two figures smiled and said.

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

"Come and give us a hug."

They opened their arms seemingly waiting to be hugged. Cale slowly walked towards them and hugged them

"There, there."

One of the men patted his back as Cale released the hug.

"How can you guys be here? Team Leader and Jung Soo"

Cale asked in a low voice.

"The God of Death deals with death so he gave us a temporary body to let us meet."

'he also wants to make sure that he will make a good impression on you

Lee Soo Hyuk said leaving the second part behind. It was quite worrisome to them how the gods liked Cale so much. So much that it upgrades to a higher level called "obsession".

He is sure that Jung Soo also felt this way. They can't just say this to Cale and ruin his innocence. They just smiled as if nothing was wrong.

Cale looked suspicious about why the God of Death thought this so they made up an excuse.

"That bastard-I mean God is ordered to do it, so he had no choice as they are stronger than him"

Choi Jung Soo said as he saw the doubt on Cale's face.

Cale just nodded his head with a bit of doubt.

They then heard a knock at the door as the door opened.

"Cale-oppa the video is about to end so I need to leave now. If you guys are done talking, say your name and there will be a light that will guide you back to the room."

Calliope said and explained how to get back to the room. Cale nodded in acknowledgement.

"So I need to go now Cale-oppa. Bye, Jung Soo and Soo-hyuk."

Calliope said goodbye to them as she left the other break room.

"So shall we go back to the reaction room?"

LSH suggested as the two nodded in agreement.

"Say your name dongsaeng."

Jung soo hurried Cale.

"I know, no need to hurry me"

Cale said in an annoyed but fond way

"Cale Henituse"

After Cale said that a beam of light appeared in front of them as it guided them back to the room.

"Is the video over?"

Cale entered the room with two people beside him.



"Young master!"

Many worried shouts echoed inside the room as they approached him. The two people who came with Cale prevented the people from approaching Cale.

"I know you are worried but I don't want my dongsaeng to be crushed by you guys."

CJS said as Cale interjected.

"Who are you calling Dongsaeng?"

Cale said in an annoyed but if you listen closely you can see a hint of fondness in them.

CJS looked at Cale with crocodile tears. Cale looks away from CJS's face. LSH laughed at them as everyone looked confused about who they were.

However, Choi Han recognised them.

'Korean? '

"Who are you?"

Barrow looked annoyed that someone was close to Cale. Jealous.

"Don't glare at them, Barrow"

Cale said as he saw Barrow glaring at his "comrades"-ahem-hyungs-ahem.

Barrow looks like a puppy being kicked out by his master and the two look smug.

"So anyways,"

Cale looks at the two, gesturing for them to introduce themselves. Which they understood.

"My name is Lee Soo Hyuk."

"And I am Choi Jung Soo, Cale's hyung!"

'Choi? '

Choi Han thought as he pondered if they were relatives.

The host however who is watching the drama unfold summoned a bowl of popcorn. Calliope also looked over to Alberu and smiled, she seemed to have an idea.

"Everyone, if you are done with your introduction please get seated."

Everyone returned to their seats, while Cale and the soos decided to sit together to catch up on some things that had happened when they died. Barrow who noticed Cale sitting beside the two felt annoyed.

He looked at Cale with the puppy eyes that only activate when Cale is around and said.

"You're not sitting here?"

Cale who can't refuse those puppy eyes looking at him sweatdropped. He can't just abandon his "comrades" so instead he makes a promise to Barrow.

"Sorry, Barrow but I have something to talk to them in person. But don't worry I will sit with you after the next video"

Cale reassured. Barrowis was hesitant but when he saw Cale's eyes his doubt disappeared and he nodded.

The two subordinates who are still not used to this kind of White Star gaped. And one almost faint but they will be used to this. I hope.

So back to the main attraction. Choi Han who didn't think that such action could make him sit next to Cale decided to act like that next time.

"If everyone is ready let us spin the wheel and reveal the question."

The same wheel that previously appeared can be seen once again in front. It spins and lands on the the name Beacrox.

Beacrox is chosen to answer the next question.

Q2:Which is not a divine artefact?

A. Watering Can

B. Mirror

C. Book

D. Pen

The next question appeared, at first glance, it may seem easy because the answer can't be more obvious. So Beacrox said his answer.

"I chose the letter A."

Many also chose this. As some felt that something was weird because the host wouldn't give such an easy question, so they thought that something was up. Which they got the answer after hearing what the host next said.

"The answer is... D!! Sorry to disappoint you guys! "

Although the host said that she doesn't seem to be sorry. Some also cannot help but ponder something.

'Which kind of God would choose a Watering Can to be their divine item?'

That is the thought that is on everyone's mind.

"Since the answer is incorrect the next recording will be random."

She seems to have been looking forward to something quite exciting. They just decided to wait.

"And just for caution, this recording will contain some different genres"


"Something like romance, horror or adventure."

They nodded in understanding although wondering what genres would be shown.

The screen then lit up once again.

Drunk actors:

Cale: I have a girlfriend.

Bud, menacingly:Really? Can I meet her?

Cale: She lives in another nation.

Bud, menacingly Which nation?

Cale: My ImagiNation

Bud, realizes: that Cool Mine lives in the sea.

Cale: Which sea?

Bud: My FantaSea

Cale: Wow~

"Are they drunk?"

Glenn asked, questioning if Bud really is drunk or just pretending.

"Well based on the title yes."

"But my question is why would I be angry if he have a lover? I don't even know him. "

Bus asked the host. Which the host didn't answer because she doesn't want to spill the tea.


"You have a lover? "

Barrow looked over Cale with a puppy look.

"What? No I don't. "

Cale answered with stoic face.

"But you said..."

"Sigh. I am only kidding there. "

Barrow and some other heaved a sigh of relief.

"Of course this dongsaeng of ours wouldn't date yet. Am I right dongsaeng?"

LSY said with a glint of coldness in his voice. Cale just nodded.

For my slacker life:

Choi Han: For your slacker life would you-

Cale: Yes.

Choi Han: But I haven't finished the question yet Cale-nim

Cale: Listen, Choi Han, there is nothing I mean absolutely nothing that can make me turn down my slacker life.

Choi Han: *nods

"You want to be a slacker Cale? "

Barrow asked Cale as Cale nodded. Barrow mentally noted it in his head it could be quite useful too.

"Looks like you still fantasies your slacker life"

Cale pouted at what CJS said as CJS just laughs. LSH patted his head as Barrow is glaring menacingly at them.


Alberu: Close your eyes we have a surprise!

Cale: Am I finally getting my slacker life?

Alberu: I said surprise not miracle.

"We seems to be close in the future Young Master Cale. "

Alberu said with his princely smile.

"Oh! This lowly noble is not exemplary enough to be given that honor! "

Meaning: Please don't say nonsense.

Cale said back with a smiley face.

LSH and CJS just laughed at Cale's action. Alberu however isn't used to get sugar coated like words so his lips once again twitched.

'Seems like I need to get used to this'

Fighting Alberu!

The most attractive language a man could speak:

Toonka: What is the most attractive language a man could speak?

Cale: Money.

Harol: What the heck you talking about young master no body talk-


Alberu was taken aback by what is shown on the screen and blushed. His aunt who saw this cannot help but teased him.

Cale on the other hand is nodding as if agreeing on what is shown in the screen.

Some unknown simp's, faces darkened as they saw Alberu's face appear and Cale's nodding not aware that Cale is only agreeing on what he said.


Alberu: Cale let me tell you a joke.

Cale: Sure.

Alberu: Slacker life.

Cale: I don't get it?...

Alberu: Exactly.

"Your highness, it's quite disrespectful to make fun of someone's dream. "

Cale's is smiling but Alberu can see his eyes darkened. He just gulped and bowed his head in apology.

"I... apologize, young master Cale... "

Cale didn't answer and just turned his head away from him pouting.

Alberu is quite hurt by this action.

'Alberu you just lose points'

His aunt said to him using telepathy

The function of hands:

Dorph: Why do we have hands?

White Star: There are many reasons. To hold Cale, To pat Cale, To cherish Cale, To forfeit all mortal possession to Cale.....


Sayeru: I told you to not ask him.

Now Dorph is experiencing the same feeling that Sayeru is feeling. They can just hope for their liege to return to normal anytime soon.

At the same time Cale is feeling confused.

"Hm? What do I have to do with the function of hands? It's function is to carry things, and other? "

Cale said confusely LSH and CJS's eyes darkened and said.

"Don't worry dongsaeng they are just joking. "

"If you say so... "

Barrow wants to say something!

"That's not true! "

Cale turned towards him.

"I am saying the truth! You can ask the host! "

He said with a serious face while crossing his arms.

"Is that true Calli? "

"Based on the creators, yes"

Calliope answered quite quickly while watching the drama unfold and eating popcorn.

Everyone is speechless with this revalation.


Deruth: Okay who wants to be the heir?

Cale: I want to be a slacker.

Basen: Hyung is more suited.

Lily: I want to be a knight!


As they recovered Deruth is faced with a stressful situation!

"Wife... No one wants to succed me.... "

He said with tears in his eyes. Violan elegantly rolled his eyes at the childish act of her husband.

Some of them especially the nobles are shocked. Nobles usually would want to be the heir but the Henituse just gave it away as if it is worthless.

The title count is relatively the middle title. Moreover the henitjse is known to be rich only a fool would not want to be the hier of that kind of household.


Duke Fredo: Cale, my son.

Cale: Ignore him it's just a stupid joke.

Ron, Eruhaben and Deruth: So it's a joke. *drops whatever weapon they are holding.

"Duke Fredo?! "

Sayeru and Dorph exclaimed they are utterly shocked that Fredo is siding with the enemy.

They even brought up his act that he is very loyal to White Star but it seems like he is planning to stab him in the back

Barrow on the other hand is not that surprised. Healready suspected that Fredo isn't as loyal as he appeared to be. I mean even if his strength is on par with the current him he should be able to just defeat him if he achieved the last two ancient power.


Choi Han, panicking: Blood! Get the saint! The doctor!

Alberu: Cale who stabbed you?!

Cale: Actually I did myself.

Duo: What?!

Evryone did not know how many times they have been shocked but great heavens! This is way more shocking than the others.

"Why would you stab yourself?! "

"I dont't know! It's the future! "

Many different reactions can be seen, Some is emiting a scary aura, some are shocked, someare worried and some didn't care, I mean why would they care for an enemy/stranger.

"But promise us you wouldn't. "

LSH said memacingly clearly knowing that if Cale promised it he wouldn't break it.

"I... "

Many expectant eyes were directed at him they seem to be waiting for him to promise it.

"...will try. "

A sound of something crushing can be heard. They are disappointed.

'That means it could happen! '

This is what almost everyone thought of. ButCale is thinking the opposite he can't promise that it wouldn't happen because he will probably do it if necessary. LSH knew this as we but he can't bear seeing his dear donsaeng to be hurt.


What do you fear the most?

Choi Han: Losing my family.

Raon: Nothing.

Barrow: Losing Cale again

Cale: Not achieving my slacker life?

Alberu: Cale.

The atmosphere from before seems to lighten up a little but it has not fully disappeared yet.

However a certain human with blue haur is laughing his ass off as his sane friend shut him off.

Last name:

Alberu: Hello, Henituse.

Cale: When will you stop calling me Henituse?

Alberu: Until you become a Crossman.

Cale, confused: Why would I change my last name?

Everyone: *laughs

"Yeah, why would I change my last name? "

Cale tilted his head in confusion. He looked at his two hyung for answers but they just smiled and said to not to worry about it.

The simps is feeling murderous all of a sudden but also felt like laughing.

The two hyungs plus Ron is thinking that there seems to be quite a lot of pest near their dongsaeng/young master.



Cale: Look hyung, I'm sorry! -


Some of the nobles are shocked that the most composed crown prince is acting unelegantly at the screen. They thought that he seems to be quite close with the young master for him to be so... Casual?

"What the-for a second I thought that they have a fight or something... "

Some nodded along.

Plant (alternate):

Alberu: The plants looks so fresh. See, I told you I could do a good job with plants without your help.

Cale: Hyung I have something to tell you...

Alberu: Hm?

Cale: I'd been meaning to tell you for a week now, but those plants are fake hyung...

Alberu, shocked:...

"It's funny how the crown prince feel so happy to grow plant but it turns ou to be a fake one. "

Some laughs at what the pink dragon dodori said.

Alberu is feeling quite embarrassed right now that he wants the ground to swallow him whole.


Cale: Ugh... I couldn't sleep last night...

Raon: Goldie Gramps told us that if you can't sleep someone is thinking of you human!

Cale: Who would think of me at 3 a.m.?

Simps, sweatdrops:...

Some are also sweatdropping at what the screen is showing.

It's quite lucky that Cale is being occupied by LSH and CJS and didn't see the screen.

'Of course I will always think about Cale. '

This is what a certain reincarnator thought as he saw what the screen said. But at the same time he is annoyed that Cale isn't with him.

But since he promised he will wait until the next round. It will take until his last straw of patience until then.

'It's quite a miracle that I had gotten attached to him on just 3 hours... It seems like he will make everyone attached to him. '

He thought this as he frowned.

'The human isn't getting proper sleep?'

The young dragon perks up when he heard what is on the screen he is making sure that Cale is safe and comfortable.

"Sigh. Unlucky bastard. "

Even ewithout me telling you. We can already tell who said that catchphrase.



LSH, covering KRS's ears :*GASP

CJS, covering KRS's ears: *GASP



CJS, Taking out their sword: *GASP

LSH, taking out their sword: *GASP

PJT, sweatdrops:...

"Excuse me but who is he? "

Rosalyn turned over to the Two newcomers and asked.

"He is Park Jin Tae"

Rosalyn nods as thanks and looked back at the screen

"How dare he taint the young master's laguage! "

A certain inividual said at the %#&# table.

Cale's goal:

Adin: Tell me what are you trying so hard to achieve? Money? Fame? I can give you all of that if you want.

Cale: I want to be a slacker.

Adin: Not gonna tell the truth, I see...

Cale: Am I a joke to you?

"Why doesn't anyone believe in mu dream! "

Cale once again pouted and some cooed at his adorable act.

3 words and 8 letters:

Alberu: 3 words and 8 letters. Say it and I'm yours.

Cale: It.

Alberu:*screaming silently

"I know this sounds disrespectful but why are most of the videos consist of the crown prince and the tra-young master? "

A certain noble said and the others are also questioning why?.

"Every videos here consist of Cale-oppa and one of his companion this is the theme"

As the host said that the others cannot help but think if this is some matchmaking event or something.

"Anyways guys the funny once are done so as an addition to this round, a video will e added but I'm warning you guys specially Alberu to be ready"

They cannot help but wonder what kind of video will be shown for the host to give them a warning I mean this can't be as bad as the former video right?

As they are thinking the screen lit up once again.


"Quarrel? Is someone fighting? "

" Maybe it's Crown Prince Alberu and Young master Cale? "

"Maybe they are the onces who are being shown so I guess? "

Some canno help but wonder what kind of argument are they having, does it mean in politics?

Cale and a stressed Alberu can be seen arguing.


Some flinched at the sudden shout of the Crown prince as they wonder what made the Crown prince shout.

Even Alberu himself is shocked he doesn't let go of his composure for even a second even when he is stressed so what made his future self act like that?

Alberu suddenly shouted startling Cale. He also seems to be startled.

"My apologize, I thought you were just " hyung",forgive me your majesty.

Cale smiled sadly as he bowed and left.

"No Cale..."

Alberu reached out for Cale but he already passed by him. Alberu's tears started to flow as he cried silently.

The room is once again filled with silence as they watch the crown prince's tears fall. They have never seen him like this...

"Alberu.... "

Cale who saw what happened in the screen went to the crown prince's side and sat beside him as if he want to comfort him.

The two soos didn't stop him as they knew what Cale wanted to do but if the Crown prince went over the line, they would take Cale back.

Barrow however was enraged he didn't care if someone cried but he cared if Cale just sat beside someone else. He can endure it if it is those two but no one else.

"Everyone will be given a 15-minute break and we will begin once again. I hope you will be ready for the next round! Cale-oppa if you need something just call! "

After that, the host disappeared leaving a shocked and not shocked audience.


To be continued...

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