The Day We Met {A Janiel Facf...

By plapicofarm152

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Joey Graceffa is a famous YouTuber who ends up falling for TV Famous Daniel Christopher Preda. What Joey does... More

Chapter 1: Diary Entries
Chapter 2: The Meet
Chapter 3: Hanging Out
Chapter 4: Secret Boyfriends
Chapter 5: I Really Like You
Chapter 6: Leaked Pictures
Chapter 7: Trust
Chapter 8: Losing Something You Can't Get Back
Chapter 9: Hidden Feelings
Chapter 10: Tension and Family Letters
Chapter 11: Snooping
Chapter 12: All You Need Is Love
Chapter 13: Diary Entries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Missing You
Chapter 15: Winning Him Back
Chapter 16: Family Visits
Chapter 17: Questions and Answers
Chapter 18: I Promise, But He Doesn't
Chapter 19: Caught In The Ally
Chapter 20: True Friends
Chapter 21: The Search Is On
Chapter 22: Broken Glass And Broken Memories
Chapter 23: Who Are You?
Chapter 25: Diary Entries (Part 3)
Chapter 26: Rose Pedals
Chapter 27: Moving In
Chapter 28: Wolf
Chapter 29: Marked FiancΓ©
Chapter 30: Engagement Party Crasher
Chapter 31: Party Amnesia
Chapter 32: Confessions
Chapter 33: The Gig
Chapter 34: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 24: Remembering Joey

3.8K 120 27
By plapicofarm152

{Joey's POV}

How could this be? I thought he only had a mild concussion and he would be ok?! Not completely forget who his brother is!

Joey: Jett, you really don't know who I am?

Jett: No.

I wanted to run out of his room. I can't live knowing my Jetty doesn't know who I am. I turned to Nicole, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Nicole: Hey, dry those tears... I'm sure he'll eventually remember you.

Joey: But what if he doesn't? Nicole, I will die if Jett doesn't know who I am.

Nicole: I'm sure we can find ways to jog his memory.

Joey: Right... Excuse me, I have to go take a walk.

I had to leave and clear my mind. I walked out of the hospital and sat on the curb. Millions of thoughts were running through my mind. In fact, way too many thought... I needed Daniel. Now.

J: Hey, I need you :'( I'm in front of the hospital on the curb... Please hurry.

D: Ok. Babe, is everything alright?

J: No, please hurry. </3

D: On my way <3

I was sitting outside 5 minutes after I texted Daniel, when I felt familiar hands wrap around my waist.

Daniel: Jojo? Is everything ok?

Joey: No...

Daniel sat me down on the curb, grasping his hand in mine. Interlocking our fingers.

Daniel: So, what happened? Did Jett wake up?

Joey: Yeah, he woke up...

Daniel: And... what happened?

Joey: Dan, Jett doesn't know who I am...

Daniel: What do you mean?

Joey: He woke up, took one look at Nicole and knew who she was. Then he looked at me, and had no clue who I was.

Daniel: Joey, remember he was knocked out cold. He probably has temporary amnesia. All we have to do is jog his memory a little and I'm sure he'll remember you! Anyone who can't remember this beautiful face is... well... you know.... you're just too gorgeous to forget boo.

I blushed fiercely.

Joey: You know, you always know what to say to make me feel better.

Daniel: I know. I'm pretty good at that.

I gave him a peck on the lips and we sat in front of the hospital, hand in hand.

{Nicole's POV}

I have to find a way to get Jett to remember Joey. He was crushed when Jett said he didn't recognize Joey. I gotta do anything.

Nicole: Hey Jett! How are you feeling?

Jett: Hi Nicole! I'm good.

Nicole: Jetty, I want to show you something ok?

Jett: Ok.

I pulled out a picture of Joey, Jett, and I at Disney Land.

Nicole: Jett, do you recognize the man on the left?

He looked at the picture, puzzled.

Jett: I've seen him, but I don't really know him that well.

My heart sank. This could take a long time. Then, I remembered the most memorable thing that Joey ever gave Jett, A stuffed teddy bear when Jett turned 2. Mom brought it to the hospital to keep him company. I ran over to get it.

Nicole: This is your teddy right Jett?


I handed him the bear.

Nicole: Take a close look at the tag on the heart of the bear Jett, what does it say?

He looked at the tag, it said "To Jetty, Happy 2nd birthday! Love you! <3 Joey" He took a long glance at it. Then his eyes got really wide, then he screamed

Jett: JOEY!!!!!!!!!!

YES! I did it! I need to get a hold of him.

{Joey's POV}

Daniel and I were sitting in front of the hospital when I got a text from Nicole.

Nicole: Joey! JETT REMEMBERS YOU! :D <3


Joey: Daniel quick! Nicole texted me and said Jett remembers me!!

Daniel: Let's go!

We ran into the hospital like there was no tomorrow. When I reached his room and looked inside, Jett saw me and said

Jett: Joey!!!

I ran over to him and we both gave each other the biggest hug in the world. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. It's time's like this you must cherish.


AWE!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CUTE RIGHT?! Guys I apologize in advance for not updating. My iPod touch screen broke completely, BUT THANK THE LORD FOR COMPUTERS!!!! This story is almost at 10k reads! I thought I'd never see the day! ILY ALL!!! <3 So.... JANIEL IS CANNON!!!!!!...... Ehem... not fangirling.... at all.. (that's a lie XD) Also Ingrid came out YAY!!!

QOTD: What do you think of Ingrid coming out?

That's all! DUBAI!!! <3 <3


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