The Shadows of the Spectrum (...

By Truck-KunIsekai

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Y/n Suzuki, a young man average in grades at school, average in physique and of relative appearance is shot d... More

Chapter 1 - The Young Akane Nishino
Chapter 2 - Promises
Chapter 3 - Reincarnation
Chapter 4 - We are Shadow Garden
Chapter 5 - The Rescue of Clarie
Chapter 6 - Confession... accepted?
Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (1)
Chapter 7 - Facade Relationship (2)
Chapter 8 - Tonight, everything begins!
Chapter 9 - I am...
Chapter 10 - Chocolate Operation
Chapter 11 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 12 - The Attack on the Academy

Chapter 13 - Twisted Heart

2.3K 71 32
By Truck-KunIsekai

Sherry - Dad, I'm going!

The young woman threw the artifact into the middle of the auditorium, a light emerged from it and then the magic blockade was completely canceled, without wasting time Rose advanced against one of the guards and broke his neck with a kick.

Picking up his sword, she shouted to everyone that the blockade had fallen. All the students advanced against several of the guards.

Cid- *Thoughts* Hmm, Y/n must have something to do with it...

A guard coming up behind the boy tries to hit him with his sword.

Rin- Watch out!

The girl pushes the guard, making him miss the blow, and the hooded man angrily turns to her.

Hooded - You little shit!

Before he can do anything, he's hit in the back of the head and his sword falls to the ground, then Kagenou picks it up and hits the guard, killing him. Kagenou looks at Rin.

Cid- Thank you very much for your help Tohsaka.

The boy smiles at her and takes up a guard position, the young woman smiles and stands next to Cid.

Rose was fighting several enemies, but she wasn't 100%, her magic hadn't fully recovered.

Rose- *Thoughts* I still haven't recovered the magic they took from me. Before I get exhausted, I have to catch him.

She said, looking at a guy in armor and a red cape who was leaving the auditorium.

As she tries to approach him, more enemies surround her.

Rose- *Thoughts* Is this the end? No! Even if I die, they'll carry on without me. Just like me...

An image appears in her mind, a boy with a smile appears in her mind, she raises her sword and cuts the enemy in half.

Rose- *Thoughts* I'm continuing the legacy of your love for me.

At the same moment, more men advance against her. From the glass ceiling, a man in a skull mask falls next to the young woman, causing a large cloud of dust.

Spectre- You fought well Rose Oriana.

Shadow- But now it's time for us to take the lead in this dance.

The red and purple glow comes out of the men's eyes, as the dust settles the second floor of the auditorium is filled with members of the Shadow Garden, raising their swords the men say.

Spectre and Shadow- We are Shadow Garden.

All the shadows - We lurk in the darkness and hunt down from the shadows.

Advancing against their enemies, the massacre begins, the real Shadow Garden advance against their imposters, Rose sees this opportunity to evacuate the place. They both notice the men in armor retreating.

Spectre- Is he escaping?

Shadow- It seems so.

One of the impostors tries to hit Shadow who defends himself easily, then he eliminates his enemy with a cut to the chest.

Spectre- *Thoughts* Wait, is that the smell of gas?

Looking up, flames spread throughout the auditorium, preventing the students from escaping. From the roof Gamma observed the situation.

Gamma- They did this in their own territory? How daring.

Flames break out all over the school.

Gamma- What a disaster... 

Student- Rose-sama what do we do?

Rose- Use the pressure of the sword to open the way-

Spectre- Infānaru vu~oido (Infernal Void)

Raising his hand and opening it, flames begin to gather at the top of his hand, everyone is stunned at the sight of this magical power.

Rose- D-Don't miss your chance, let's get out of here!

The flames disappear in the blink of an eye, along with the man in the hood and the man in the mask and their subordinates. Iris and the knights arrive on the scene to help control the fire and support the injured.

Iris- Princess Rose! What happened?

Rose- A mysterious organization attacked the terrorists, one of them had a skull mask, he absorbed all the flames from inside the auditorium.

Iris- What do you mean, who were they?

Rose- They called themselves "Shadow Garden".

Iris clenches her fist as she hears this, once again her kingdom has been destroyed without her being able to do anything about it. In the vice-principal's office, the man in armor was throwing books from a shelf onto the floor, he took a lighter and lit it by throwing it at the books.

Y/n- Don't do that Lutheran-Sensei, they're great books.

Lutheran- Y/n L/n... *Taking off his helmet* How did you find out?

The boy was sitting by a window with his book covered.

Y/n- I just put the pieces together... You were nowhere to be seen, and Sherry told me that you had already researched the Eye of Avarice before...

Lutheran- I see, you're very clever.

Y/n- If I may ask, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to Sherry?

Lutheran - At one point in my life I reached the top of the sword fighting world. But as soon as I reached the top, I fell sick. The glory I had worked so hard to achieve was gone. After that, I looked for a way to cure my illness and found it in an artifact, then a woman appeared... Sherry's mother. She was an unhappy woman who was despised by the academic world for being too intelligent, I funded her research and she took the plunge. We got on perfectly well, but when I finally came face to face with the Eye of Avarice. That woman said it was dangerous and suggested handing it over to the government.

Y/n- So you killed her?

Lutheran- Yes, you're quick... I cut her, starting with her extremities and moving inwards until finally, I stabbed her in the heart and gave it a good twist. *smiling* Sherry never knew. She never realized it, she ended up taking over her mother's research, without realizing that it was I who killed the woman. My dear, sweet, silly girl. So, what do you think of that answer?

Y/n- It tells me a lot about you and it bothers me. Sherry is such a sweet person that even if she heard you confess, she would refuse to believe you... I'm bothered by how you betrayed not only her trust, but her mother's as well.

A noise is heard from the direction of the passage, the two men look in the direction of the sound and see the pink-haired girl with tears in her eyes.

Sherry- N-No w-way, it's a lie, isn't it, Dad?

The boy climbs out of the window and puts his hand in his scabbard. Lutheran is expressionless and replies harshly.

Y/n- *Thoughts* Nu was quicker than I thought.

Lutheran- That was unexpected, but yes it's true, I've always used you.

Sherry- B-But everything we've been through, you've a-adored me!

She screams as more tears fall, the fire growing.

Y/n- Sherry, get away from him...

Lutheran- I'm afraid this is the end of the conversation, it's time to say goodbye to you two.

Barnett drew his sword and advanced on his daughter.

Y/n- Watch out Sherry!

The young man pulls her out of the way and raises his sword, but it's not enough. His sword is broken and a cut is formed on his chest, at the same time he is thrown through the window and falls.

Sherry- Y/N!!!

The girl screams as she approaches the window, more tears falling from her eyes.

Lutheran- I was supposed to kill you two together, but he managed to get you out of the line of attack.

Sherry- W-Why Dad?! W-Why?!

Luthran- You'll never understand little girl, someone like you, a foolish girl who doesn't even have friends, you'll never understand a fraction of what I've been through, do you know how hard I worked to get where I was?!

He walked slowly over to his daughter.

Lutheran- How much time, pain, suffering did I have to go through?! For in the end a mere sickness to rip it all away from me?!

Sherry- N-No D-Dad, don't do this...

Lutheran- Enough talk, join your friend.

The girl was totally immobile, emotionally destroyed, she was just waiting for her end.

Spectre- What do you think you're doing?

Lutheran- Huh?! Spectre!

Spectre- Infānaru vu~oido (Infernal Void).

Removing the flames from the room, he drew his sword and approached the young woman.

Spectre - Stay behind me.

The girl, still dazed and saying nothing, stepped up behind the masked man.

Sherry- W-Who are y-you?

Spectre- We can talk later.

Lutheran- I'm a man just like you, I live by the sword, I know I'm at a disadvantage! When you combine the Eye of Avarice with your control artifact, you can use all your power!

As he takes the Eye of Avarice, it clings to his chest, a red light comes out of it and merges with it.

Sherry- That's why he entrusted me with the research!

Spectre- Don't worry, it won't change the outcome.

Lutheran- Magnificent! My strength is returning! My sickness is disappearing! Let's fight!

Advancing against the masked man, he attacks him with his sword, but he easily defends himself.

Lutheran- Nice blockade! But how about that?!

The old man continues to attack, but his attacks are blocked.

Lutheran- You're strong! Out of respect for your strength, I won't hold back! You're forcing me to fight with everything, it'll be something to brag about in the afterlife!

Advancing again at full speed against the two, he smiles.

Spectre- *sighing* It's a shame how power can go to people's heads.

Grabbing Barnett's sword, he stops his attack, surprising the old man.

Spectre- I don't think your sickness has been cured yet, your mind is still weak.

A cut is formed on Lutheran's chest and he recoils.

Lutheran - How can you be so strong? Well, it doesn't matter, I've taken steps to ensure that you are blamed for everything that has happened here! You will be branded as traitors to the kingdom! With everyone against you, there is no force that will save you!

Spectre- It doesn't matter.

Lutheran- What?!

Spectre- It doesn't matter if they see us as enemies, one day the truth will come out and when it does, we'll be there. Shadow Garden has never walked the path of righteousness, but neither has it walked the path of evil, we've just walked our own path. If you want to set us up to be blamed for all the crimes in the world, go ahead, it won't change anything, we'll do whatever it takes.

Everyone is surprised by these words, and Lutheran advances against his enemy. The Spectre thrusts his sword into the old man's hand, then pierces his legs and grabs him by the neck.

Spectre- You cut her at the ends until you finally pierced her heart and twisted it?

Lutheran- What do you mean?!

Sherry- W-What are you going to do?

Spectre- Goodbye...

Spectre kills him the same way he killed Sherry's mother, the artifact explodes and the old man falls to the ground dead. The Spectre turned to leave.

Sherry- He killed my mother, so why? Why am I crying? D-Dad... he's gone... what do I do now? A-All gone...

The masked man stops and says.

Spectre- Not everything, your friend downstairs survived and now you know the truth.

Sherry- Y-Y/n survived?

Spectre- Yes, I can vouch for that.

He continues walking towards the exit, until the girl calls him again.

Sherry- W-Wait, if I want to talk to you again?



Y/n walked in front of what was left of his Academy destroyed by the flames.

Y/n- *Thoughts* I didn't refine my flame-absorbing ability enough, I couldn't finish off all the flames...

A girl stopped in front of L/n, she was wearing black and had a relatively sad face.

Y/n- Sherry?

Sherry- Can we walk together for a while?

The two of them were standing near the road in front of the Academy's entrance gate.

Sherry- Thanks for your help the other day.

Y/n- If it hadn't been for you and your knowledge, we wouldn't have made it.

Sherry- I have a few things to tell you. I've decided to go and study abroad, in Laugus. There's something I need to do, I can't do it with just the knowledge I have now. Besides, I have a new goal in mind...

Y/n- I understand, just know that if you want to talk, just send me a letter.

Sherry- Yes, that's fine! And one more thing... I know we don't know each other well enough but...

The girl's eyes turned to his, there was something strange in her gaze.

Sherry- I love you...

Y/n- Wait what?!

The girl's face approached his, she kissed him on the lips, placing her hands on his chest. Y/n was stunned and didn't know how to respond. As soon as the kiss was over, she sank her face into the boy's chest.

Y/n- *Blushing* S-Sherry, what was that?

Sherry- *Thoughts* You're all I have left, I'll protect you until the end. *Speaks* I know this is sudden, considering I'm leaving, but when I get back, I'd like to be close to you.

Y/n- I-I don't know how to answer that...

Sherry- Don't worry about it, I have to go now, goodbye Y/n.

Y/n- Wait, can you tell me what you have to do?

The young woman looks at her, a cloud of feelings hits her, then she looks at the boy and smiles.

Sherry - It's a secret.

The girl gets into a carriage and drives off, Y/n walks away thinking about everything that has happened so far. 
















The large Mitsugoshi was closing, one of the employees was closing the doors until a girl approached.

Employee- Oh, the store is closing, we'll open early tomorrow.

Sherry- "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."

The employee is surprised and nods, asking Barnett to follow her. Passing through several doors she arrives in a room with a large table, seated at one end of which is a blonde elf.

Alpha- Sherry Barnett, we thought you'd come. Now why don't you sit down? We have a lot to discuss.











Another chapter finished, hope you enjoyed it.

And now another member of the harem...











Alexia Midgar...

Again I think it was obvious to you, but here is a confirmation.









To be continue...

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