Smash Bros (Discontinued)

By Min-Yoonjis

7.9K 244 58

The Smashers are preparing for the tournament that lays ahead of them doing everything in their power to get... More

Author's Note :D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I'm sorry

Chapter 12

268 11 2
By Min-Yoonjis

After the water war, everyone went back to the beach and sat in their towels. Most of the girls worked on their tan while the others just talked.

The boys were wrestling and betting on it. Sand was flying all over the place while Pittoo was wrestling Ike. The sand flew onto Palutena who was pretty mad that they ruined her tanning session.

She couldn't take anymore of the sand so she said, "Can you guys please stop?"

Pittoo laughed. "No way. You can't do anything to stop us."

Palutena stood up and grabbed her staff. She walked to where the boys were and pointed her staff at Pittoo. "Is that so, Pittoo?"

"I told you not to call me that!" Pit to yelled at goddess. All the boys stepped back away from the scene.

"Oh I know. That's exactly why I did it." She said smirking. She lowered her staff and Pittoo relaxed a little bit.

"You're too scared to do anything to me Palutena." Pittoo said crossing his arms.

"You thought wrong." Palutena said as wings came out of her back. Before Pittoo could move out of the way, her wings came down onto of him.

Pittoo was sent flying backwards. With his wings, he went even further. He landed into the ocean with a big splash.

Palutena walked back to the girls who were cheering for her and laughing. The boys still stood there in shock watching Pittoo come back to the surface gasping for air.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT PALUTENA!" He screamed. This made the girls laugh even harder.

For the rest of the day, the Brawlers all talked among themselves until dark on the lake.

"We better get back to our campsite if we don't want to come across a bear or something." Ike said. He picked up his towel and started to head back to the forest.

Everyone followed behind him. It was almost pitch black in the woods so they could barely see a thing.

Which was good for the shadow watching them. If he was seen, he would be kicked out of his Master's group.

His job was to spy on the Brawlers until the time was right. He was pretty uncomfortable the way he was sitting while watching them walk by. He just had to change his position.

He changed into a position which he felt was comfortable but as soon as his feet touched the ground, a twig snapped under his feet. He heard a scream come from it front of him.

"Rosalina! Would you shut up?" Asked a male voice.

"Sorry Marth. I just heard something coming from the trees."

"I'm pretty sure it was probably just a squirrel running on the tree." Marth said.

"If you say so."

The group started to walk on towards the campsite in silence for the rest of the way.

By the time they reached their tents, everyone was exhausted. They all crawled in their tents and went to sleep.

All except two Brawlers. Link and Zelda both sat around the campfire watching the flames dancing on the wood.

Link looked up and saw Zelda's beautiful face. Her features stood out even more to him with the fire glowing on her face.

He longed to tell her how he felt about her and kiss her soft lips afterwards.

But he couldn't.

He didn't want to get rejected by the one he loved the most. He would just be embarrassed that he even confessed his love to her.

If he was rejected by Zelda he would crumble to pieces.

"Link?" Zelda asked. Link looked up to Zelda slightly turning pink. He must've been staring at her for two long and made her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Zelda. I was just spaced out." Link said avoiding her gaze.

"It's alright." She said smiling.

They continued staring at fire for a few minutes until Zelda spoke up.

"I sensed the magic again today." She said looking up at Link with a serious expression on her face.

"Now I'm starting to think it really is something." Link responded.

"I think it is. I sensed it while we were walking through the woods back to camp. It was really strong."

"Then we should keep a lookout just in case and we should probably tell the others tomorrow morning."

Zelda nodded. "We should, especially since I can tell it was wants something from us. A something or a someone."

"We can't afford to lose any Smashers."

Zelda yawned and stretched her arms.

"I think I should be heading to bed." She said standing up. Link stood up as well.

"I think I should too."

"Good Night, Link."

"Good Night, Princess Zelda."

Link walked into his tent. He was surprised to see Toon Link still up.

"Hey Toonie? What are you doing up?" Link asked.

"I wanted to hear what you said to Zelda. Did you say you love her?" He asked grinning.

Link blushed. "N-n-no!"

"Whatever you say, bro." He said while getting in his sleeping bag.

"What we did talk about was that Zelda felt like we're being watching by something evil. She said that they wanted something from us." Link answered also getting in his sleeping bag.

"What could we have that it wants? I mean, the only valuable things each of us has is our weapons. Everything else we left at the Smash Manson."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out too. Anyway, you should help spread the word that everyone should keep their eyes open for anything suspicious." Link said falling asleep.

"Will do, Link." Toon Link responded also falling asleep.

Pittoo laid on his side pretending to be asleep while the two had that conversation. He was surprised that they were starting to figure it out.

The time is now.

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