The Girl Who Cried Wolf

By LightBunny11

527K 7.6K 704

As Jessica Boyde's 16th birthday creeps closer, she wants nothing more than a successful shift and an eternit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Answers :)
Yay :)

Chapter 29

12K 160 8
By LightBunny11

Hey guys :D




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I was thrown on an old wooden chair that obviously hadn't been used in a long, long time. Thick ropes were wrapped around my arms, legs and middle.

"now you will stay" hissed Alex, his face inches from mine.

I said nothing, just simply glared at him.

"now, arrangements must be made" Alex straightened up and paced the room "Mistress? What are your instructions?".

Scarlett looked up from her post in the darkest corner of the room.

"Send for Richard" she said seriously "I want him here before the sun rises".

She now looked at me. Her glasses were gone, so were her braces. The geeky best friend I'd once known was gone. A new creature had taken her place, a creature full of darkness and evil.

"YOUR the Princess of the West!" I realized.

Any of the humor, smiles or anything else that Scarlett possessed no longer existed.

"Catching on, then?" she smirked "and it's queen, thank you very much".

"I-I..." I struggled to find words, but they failed me.

She watched me for a few moments before she turned away.

"ready the soldiers" she spoke to one of the men I didn't know, who was leaning against the doorway "North Field won't know what they're walking into"

There was a "yes ma'am" and the man disappeared into the hallway.

Scarlett approached me.

"Your little pack won't know what hit them" she sneered "they think they're walking into a ghost town, but they are mistaken. We have gained allies over the years, STRONG allies".

"what is this about?" I asked.

"readying for war" she said "do you really think your precious tribe will just give you to us? Oh no, your more valuable than that. Oh, that reminds me! Vix, the vial? Bring the dagger too, it's on the table"

She returned her sneering smirk back to me.

"I'll have to make sure I have at least a few bottles before they arrive" she sniggered.

Vix came up behind her and handed her the dagger.

She walked swiftly over to me and knelt by my side. She started to push the sleeve of my pink and blue bunny pajamas up until it had reached my elbow.

She inspected the knife.

"this is a cursed knife" she smiled an evil smile "it's meant specifically for torture. It will take the pain you feel when it cuts you and double it. It's very, very sharp".

She grinned at my look of horror.

"what's going on?" I almost shouted in panic "Scar, I thought we were friends!"

"don't call me scar" she hissed and sliced at my arm.

The pain was worse than anything id felt in my life. It was like she had cut my hand and lit it on fire. I screamed louder then I ever had, it echoed through the halls of the hotel.

Tears streamed down my face, mixing in with the sweat.

My sight was starting to blur.

The cut was deep and the knife had not been taken out.

I felt the warmth of blood start oozing out of my arm.

"Vix! The vial!" she shouted, but her voice seemed far away.

I felt the cool rim of a cup under my arm and I knew they were catching my blood. But why? Suddenly I felt her jiggle the knife, as if to try and get more out.

I screamed and screamed, just wanting it all to end.

"have you got another?"I heard her ask.

"seven more" Vix said.

"fill them" she instructed sharply "then bandage her up. We can't let her bleed to death".

"let me" I tried to say, the pain was too much. I could feel myself growing rapidly weaker.

After a few minutes I heard her say "Now bandage her, we can't waste time Vix. Put a lid on those too, a cork if you will". I heard the footsteps of her leaving.

Suddenly, the knife must of been ripped out, because a sharp pain soared through me, then suddenly it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The doubling of the pain stopped.

Five seconds later, I felt the feeling of a bandage being put roughly over my arm and the pain exceeded slightly.

My vision began to return to normal.

"why?" the words just escaped my lips.

Vix said nothing, but I heard the clink of vials being moved and the quiet noise of something sealing them.

Footsteps sounded of someone returning.

"finished?" it was Scarlett.

"just about, her arm is done" Vix said. I head him collecting up the vials.

"careful with those!" she almost yelled "they're valuable!".

"sorry ma'am" Vix muttered and I heard his footsteps die away.

"why?" I whispered. My vision was almost completely back, but I knew Scarlett was still there.

"your as stupid as a mundane" I heard her mutter.

"what?" her outline was starting to reappear.

"if you were any bit as smart as you think, you would of told anyone" she smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile.

"told them what?!" I was frustrated and tired.

"all in good time" she whispered. Then she left the room, closing the door after her. I heard the sound of her locking it.


The next day I woke up and found I had been moved to the bed. The first thing I did was check my arm. The bandage was wrapped tightly and it looked as if blood had escaped it slightly. They hadn't used anything but bandages, as if that would help. I found it surprising that the wounds hadn't healed either. It was like a bad dream.

I shifted in the crappy bed, making it squeak loudly.

I finally got to the edge of the bed and got out.

There was no sunlight streaming in, the sky here was full of purple clouds day in and day out.

I peered out the window and basically relived yesterday. People fighting, men drinking, women huddling with their children, paper and other rubbish blown everywhere.

I tried the door again, but it was locked, as I'd expected. I wanted very much to break out of here, to smash the window. But I knew they either I'd be getting out of here and into worse conditions or the worse conditions would get in. I didn't really want either, so I went back over and sat on the bed again, which gave an awful squeak.

I could hear people talking on the floor beneath me, letting me know I was on the second floor somewhere.

I strained to hear the voices.

I caught the words;





They didn't help me much. But whoever it was must be speaking really loudly.

Trying to hear better, I lay on the floor with my ear against it.

"Richard, don't make this any harder!" it was Scarlett.

There was silence for several seconds.

"I can't.... No.... Yes, she's here..... No don't do that.... There's really no need..... Alright..... Yes they're worth quite a lot actually!..... Yes a shifter...... VERY rare if you ask me, none been seen for centuries..... Lost her father in a raid....."

It was obvious now that she was talking on the phone.

"yes.... I doubt it was her mother, she's too werewolf for her own good....... Never heard the of course I do!..... Yes she's here too, hasn't got the same power though..... Yes a great disappointment......... None yet, I'm hoping to see something too. I'm up for a good fight, you know? is nice, I love being out of that boring castle!.........ok I'll see you soon!..... A week? Are you sure?.....well, alright........ I love you too! Bye!".

I raised my eyebrow. Had she gotten over Felix that quickly? And Zac? Maybe she had gone against my advice and rejected him. Was that even true at all? I didn't know anymore.

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