Mafia's Taken Sister

By Kayla_craxy

144K 2.4K 323

When Isabella's mother took her away at a young age she grows up in an abusive and controlling household. She... More

1- My life
2- Pain is the answer
3- Yeah, No
4- Flight
5- Mhm
6- WOW
8- now you know
9- Broken arm running
10- Questions
11- Accident
12- Hospital
13-It's a date!
14- Shopping time
15- Over stressed
16- Workout/Allergy accident
17- Hospital visit
18- Family
19- Runaway part 1
20- Runway Part 2
21- Fake ass Barbie
22- Party
23- Deep convo
25- Hair and trouble
26- Emotions
27- Backstabber
28- dress troubles
29-Shopping Mayhem
30-Deep Ball shit
31- Double D
32- I can't
33- The Last chapter

7- dinner and rules

6.9K 122 22
By Kayla_craxy

(Isabella pov)

After everyone introduce themselves I was shown to my room where my suitcase was already waiting. I still had my backpack though. I started to unpack and look around my fabulous room. I loved the colours and style and wow. It was amazing. I walked through one door and found a bathroom the other one lead to the walk in closet.

(Walk in bathroom)


(Walk in closet)

I went into the closet and started putting my clothes away. I currently had 4 over sized shirts, 3 tank tops, 6 pairs of jeans,2 sweatpants, 1 shorts, 2 dresses (I have never worn), 4 hoodies and 2 jackets.

It was plenty for me but I would probably buy some more. Considering how rich these people were. And I know one big secret about them from when they tried recruiting me after an underground fight resulting in me winning. I instantly knew it was them, the Italian mafia but I won't say anything until they tell me then and only then will I tell them I fight and race illegally as well.

I will never tell them about my past though. After putting my clothes away I go back into the bathroom and put all my toiletries away and take a warm shower. It is the first warm shower I have had in years. It felt so relaxing and well warm. It was amazing.

After about 5 minutes I switched it off and got out. I dried myself and got changed into some Grey sweat pants and an oversized shirt. I pulled out my makeup and covered any visible bruises as well.

I exited my bathroom and walk over to my bag. I had already put the shoes and clothes away. I still had my jewellery to put in the closet and I still had to hide my sleeping pills and my money. I look around for a good spot to hide them and see a small outlet in the corner of the room near the floor. I grab a pencil from my school stuff and pull the outside of the outlet off. I grab the rest of my school stuff and put it on the small desk in above the power outlet.

I pull the cords out a little and put my wallet and pulls in there before closing it just in time as a knock on my door is heard. I get up and walk over to my door opening it up to see Iza my twin.
(Isabella chat is in bold)
"Hey Bella, I came to get you for dinner and I had a questions" I completely didn't even realise I had been in my room all day wasting the beautiful Italian sun light.
"Can I give you a hug, I know you don't like people touching you because Levi told us how you flipped him and that we shouldn't get on your bad side but I really missed you.."
he kept rambling while I moved forward and lifted my arms for a hug. He quickly stopped talking and came for a hug. I must say it was nice and calming in my towns arms but I didn't want to get to attached. I stayed there for about 10 seconds before pulling away.

"You didn't have to come get me, I have photographic memory so I remember my way down to the front door and I could have worked the rest out"
"It's fine I wanted to"
I simply just nodded and followed him as he started walking down the hallway. All the rooms were in age order making my room next to Iza's and Marketti's was the furthest away from me. That reminded me I think I heard him get home a while ago.

We get down the stairs when my arms starts hurting again. Ever since he healed wrong it really hurts and feels like it's burning whenever to move it to much. I didn't have any pain medication so I had to be tough and wait it out. I put a coke expression on my face as we walked into the dinning room. Which was huge.

The wooden floor brought back many memories that I continued to push back as I realised we were being watched by all my other brothers. They might be cold to me but we're not rude once. I coughed before sitting next to Levi and Rondo. I liked Rondo he was alright and he had good food taste too.

After a few moments of silence Marketti walked in and sat down at the head of the table. The butlers and waiters brought out the food and everyone started to grab some. From past experience I was never allowed to eat I had to watch so I didn't move. Levi knocked me. I glared at him for touching me but he grabbed my plate and put some food on it for me.

I looked around and received a nod from Victor which was nice. Levi gave my plate back and I separated my food so it wasn't touching. I hadn't told anyone this but I had Anxiety and OCD. I started eating and it was amazing.I accidentally knocked on the table and because of my OCD I tapped it again and again and again. To make if 4. I looked up from the table and saw all my brothers looking at me once again.
"Why are you knocking?" Asked Rondi.
"I haven't told anyone this but I have Anxiety and I am deadly allergic to pistacchio, hazelnut and peanut, don't think you are special I'm only telling you so you can buy me more anxiety  meds and so you don't yell at me for tapping. If you do don't expect me to not bash your head in."
The all just nodded with fear before continuing to eat. After about 15 minutes everyone was finished and the plates were taken away.

Everyone started to get up and walk to the lounge room. I followed even though I had no idea what we were doing. They all sat down and there was some spot next to Iza left which I sat in.

A movie was put on and we all sat watching. My leg was bouncing and I think Iza noticed as he pulled me closer. I hated touch but for some reason my twins touch was relaxing. I laid back against him and rested my head on his shoulder.

As the movie played I felt even more exhausted. I closed my eyes and drifted into a comfortable sleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up and remembered the events of last night. Not much happens except for the fact I was still resting on Iza. I had a no nightmares and it was the best sleep I have had. I closed my eyes again and just rested until I heard someone get up.

(Isabella speech is in bold for all the following chapters)

I didn't even realise everyone feel asleep on the couch as well. I opened my eyes once again and noticed Victor pointing his phone camera at me.
"Oh crap, sorry I forgot to turn the sound off" he said
I had no idea who he was talking to until I moved around a little. I was now laying on my side with my sore arm up. I looked around and saw Marketti, Rondi, Rondo, Levi and Victor looking at Iza and Me.

I looked at my watch which was still on my wrist and it was already 11:30am. I sat up and woke Iza. He groaned but eventually sat up aswell.
"Morning Isabella and Iza" Marketti said before the others all shared there good mornings.
"Morning" Iza said whilst rubbing his eyes.

I didn't say anything because I was still very angry and needed a gym. I figured they would have on win this mansion so I had to ask.
"You got a gym?"
"Yes, but first I do have to cover some rules and then I can get Rondo and Rondi to take you there" Marketti replied.
"Rule 1- No drugs, alcohol and all that stuff
Rule 2- Respect your brothers and I
Rule 3- always tell us when you are going out and where and if you can when you will return.
Rule 4- I have seen your amazing grades so keep them up.
Rule 5- I dont care about boyfriends or girlfriends as long as we meet them and approve
Rule 6- don't go in the big doors on the 3rd floor it where your other brothers and I work"
"Okay for starters Rule 1- I don't do that stuff Rule 2- respect is early not given Rule 3- I can tell you when I'm leaving, not where and not when I will get back Rule 4, 5 and 6 are fine"
"Fine. With rule 3 as long as you keep a phone on you that's fine"
I nodded and got up. Rondo and Rondi also got up and started walking to the gym. I followed them until we reached a enormous inside gym.

I quickly thanked the twins for showing me the way before running back to my room and getting into workout gear.
Once again I covered all visible bruises and scars. I covered my hip the most.

I walked back down the stairs and back to the gym to start. I went straight to the punching bag and took a lot of my anger out. I completely forgot to wrap my knuckles once again. I stopped and walked over to the little box to the side. I wrapped my knuckles and continued.
"Wow, you are good at fighting, I thought Levi was joking" said Iza as he walked in in his fitness outfit.

"Wanna have a go in the ring?"
"You sure, I don't wanna beat your ass"
"Ha I would love to see you try!" I snarled jumping into the ring.
"Let's do this then"
He jumped into the ring as all my other brothers walked in watching us. Good a crowd to know just I'm female doesn't mean I can't completely beat his ass.

We started circling eachother. I wanted him to make the first move as I studied him closely. He had a slight limp on his right leg and kept rolling his right shoulder clearly it was a weakness point.

Of course he went to punch my stomach but I dodged and went behind he back before kicking him over. He was now on the floor and pulled my leg beneath me we were now both in the floor.

I rolled on top of him and punched him in the jaw with a little to much force.
He pushed me off and got up. He kicked me in my sore arm. I let out a loud groan causing Iza to stop and look confused at me.

I didn't want them to know so I pulled a cold face and run up to him and punched him the stomach before flipping him onto his back.
"Don't get distracted"
"Who's next?"
Iza rolls out of the ring as Victor jumps up.
"Let's do this princess" he says. I observe him closely. He appeared to have no weaknesses maybe this would be a fun challenge.

About 2 minutes later I had Victor on the floor tapping out. Rondo had a go fighting me and in 5 minutes I had my legs around his neck flipping him to the floor. Then Rondi had a go and he was a better challenge. It took me 10 minutes. Then Marketti had a go and what can I say. The boys really love the floor.

Levi didn't want a turn so I just laughed and got out of the ring.
"How did you learn to do that?" Victor asked.
"Rough past, meet some people and messes with the wrong groups" I said without realising I was letting my walls down. God damn it now I have to continue.
"Tell us about your past, the bad groups?" He continued while my other brothers listened.
"Mum died about 2 years ago and I made stupid mistakes and joined a gang"
"What gang?"
"Black panthers, now will you guys leave me alone"
They all tensed up but left me alone.

I went left the gym and went to my room to get changed. I have decided I am gonna tell them everything. I don't wanna keep it a secret. But they can get fucked if they think I'm gonna do therapy or tell them every detail. I'm just gonna give them the basics.

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