Kimetsu Gakuen Junior High Ch...

By Hobo2603

947 17 2

This is about our junior high school students Nezuko, Muichiro, Senjuro, Makomo, Yuichiro, Sabito, including... More

The Japanese Junior High School Sports Festival
The Classroom Caper
Denying Desires
Curing Quadratics and Crushing on Tamayo
A Day in Unlikely Attire
Hip-Hop Hustle
"Senjuro's Hilarious Brush with Popularity"
Defenders of Friendship"
"The Cleaning Catastrophe"
Bunny Ears and Dressing Up
"Nezusquad's Fast Food Adventure"
Boys in Disguise
Ninja Sleepover Shenanigans
Senjuro's Instagram Takeover

The Middle School Test Fiasco

33 0 0
By Hobo2603

In the fluorescent-lit classroom of their middle school, Nezuko, Senjuro, and Rui sat hunched over their desks, staring blankly at the intimidating rows of multiple-choice questions on their science test. Pencils poised, they exchanged nervous glances, their brows furrowed in concentration.

Nezuko, her long hair cascading over her shoulders, tapped her pencil against her chin, her mind drawing a blank. "Senjuro, do you have any idea what the answer to question three is?"

Senjuro, his glasses slipping down his nose, shook his head in defeat. "I'm drawing a complete blank, Nezuko. This test is harder than trying to decipher hieroglyphics!"

Rui, sitting on the other side of Senjuro, let out a frustrated sigh. "I've never felt so clueless in my life. It's like my brain decided to take a vacation today!"

The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow as they wrestled with each question, their once-confident expressions now replaced with looks of utter bewilderment. The classroom was silent except for the scratching of pencils and the occasional squeak of erasers.

With each unanswered question, their frustration mounted, and their confidence plummeted. Nezuko chewed on her bottom lip, Senjuro ran a hand through his hair in exasperation, and Rui tapped his foot anxiously against the linoleum floor.

Suddenly, the sound of the classroom door creaking open broke the tense atmosphere. Their teacher, Ms. Tanaka, a kind but no-nonsense woman, entered the room, her eyes scanning the rows of students with a critical gaze.

"Time's up, everyone," she announced, her voice stern but not unkind. "Please pass your papers to the front of the room."

Nezuko, Senjuro, and Rui exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of resignation and disappointment. With heavy hearts, they reluctantly gathered their papers and handed them to Ms. Tanaka, their answers a jumbled mess of guesses and uncertainties.

As the class filed out of the room, Nezuko, Senjuro, and Rui lingered behind, their shoulders slumped with defeat. They knew they had faced a formidable challenge and had come up short.

Ms. Tanaka approached them with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with empathy. "Don't worry, kids. Tests can be tough sometimes, but what's important is that you gave it your best shot."

Nezuko, Senjuro, and Rui exchanged glances, finding solace in their shared struggle. Though they may have stumbled this time, they knew they would face future challenges together, armed with resilience and determination.

With renewed resolve, they left the classroom, their heads held high, ready to tackle whatever obstacles lay ahead on their journey through middle school.

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