Lithium 2: Revive

By angelsavontic8890

332 16 0

Boogie most powerful than before. However, wild beast wants to attacks innocent humans More

Profile 1
Profile 2
Thirteen part a
Thirteen part b


30 1 0
By angelsavontic8890

A/N : Apologize to update little late because I'm busy and I will update as soon as possible. By the way, I really like Boogie's character in this story , he's really love and care to OC . As romantic guy, Boogie always talking sweet to OC  like calling her "Sweetheart", "My Lady", and so more. 

Recommending Song to listen during read this story  every chapter:

- Zubi, Anatu, Andrew Ace- Before

- JILUKA Songs

- Peter Grundry vampire themes 

- Evanesce Songs

- Hyde  - Shining Over You

- Hyde- Secret Letters

- Hyde - Nostalgic 

- D-  Der Konig Der Dulkenheit 

Warning: Gore, strong language, violence, mature themes, dead character,  many typos, not for reader under 18

Arisu stop plays game on her phone and Boogie comes out from bathroom. The girl feel bad to herself and she hugs her boyfriends

"Do you feel cold?" Boogie asked

"Yes, don't ignore me," Arisu said

"My love, I never ignoring you," Boogie said.

Arisu smiled and she feels her shoulder stiffed. Boogie massage her shoulder. Arisu forgot to charging her Android phone.

"We have to preparing lunch," Arisu said.

"We haven't. Let's others preparing lunch," Boogie said.

Arisu obeyed him. It still rain and now are little small rain. At 10.00 am, Arisu opened her jacket and she re-washing her face. And then leaving room with Boogie.

"I have feel bad about something," Boogie said

"About what?" Arisu asked curiously.

"I will talk later," Boogie answered

Arisu actually suspected why Boogie doesn't want to help others in the kitchen for preparing lunch? Or he just want to pampering with her? It just not about composure.

"Newspapers today,"Ricko said.

"The headline news still about the beasts ," Boogie said.

"Yes, so horrid," Ricko murmured.

"Should we attack them in the forest too?" Arisu asked.

"Attack the beasts?" Ricko asked

"It's just my opinion," Arisu answered.

"I think Arisu was right. We need amunisition to against the beasts," Boogie said.

"We need His Majesty's approvement," Arisu said.

"Yes, he is not here," Kagami said.

Arisu worries about Boogie. Boogie grunted of pain. She thinks Boogie can handle it, but what's her words its' come true.

"We can't be fooled by our enemies. It's about human's safety from the wild beasts," Boogie said.

"They are worked with Gackt and Oniba. I can accept the sign," Eloise said.

Suddenly Boogie's voice as changed be more deep

"We can't give up. I can more be powerful now, no one can provoke me," Boogie said

His eyes become deep bloody ruby eyes, Arisu worried if Boogie hurting himself and she wants controlling himself. The girl just reassured the young man. Boogie back to normal a few moments later, he can't remember what happened to him previously.

"Don't push yourself, just take an easy," Arisu said

"I know, I know it's very hard to me. But I really need you and others by myside," Boogie said.

"We always be with you," Zyean said.


Boogie lost appetite, he eats little. Makes Arisu and others worried. The young man looked pale. She thinks the young man need blood and gives the blood pocket to him. Other hands, Hinako still can do activity even if she got serious wounds. Marusou worries about her. She askes the girl for take a rest. Hinako gave a sad smile. Marusou and Cazqui still care about her and others.

"Boogie got feverish," Arisu said.

"Eh?" Ricko shocked.

"I touched his forehead and palm hands. They are very hot. I will take water for compressing him," Arisu said.

Arisu goes to take warm water and small towel for compress. Hitomi looks making new porridge for Hizaki and Boogie. Making two large cooking pots. Because Boogie little eating about rice, so Hitomi changed rice to porridge.

A few moments later, Arisu back with water and compressing her boyfriend's forehead. Boogie is sleeping calmly. She compressed the forehead quietly trying not waking him up. It looks calming the young vampire with her soft touches. He little moved his body and continues his sleep. Like as a lazy cat. And suddenly he opens his eyes.

"Sorry," he said weakly.

"Stop blame yourself," Arisu said.

Boogie gulped, swallowed his saliva, cleans hist throat. Arisu still compressing his forehead. Boogie  gave weak smile. In his heart, he is very lucky loves Arisu a whole in his life. He thinks for protect his love forever.

"Porridge?" Boogie asked

"Yes. Hitomi made porridge," Arisu answered.

"I can smell the aroma," Boogie said

Arisu smiled and she borrows her boyfriend her large energy to the bathroom. Full bathub with warm water and hanging towel

"Actually I am curious about your mark can changing color," Arisu said

"Me too, I am looking for the source or the meaning of it," Boogie said.


Late afternoon, Arisu is bathing her boyfriend like a baby. Boogie can't protest it and really obey to the girl. His mouth like unwisely locked, he can't spell the words. Arisu worries when Boogie grunted of the pain. The mark full of scratches and often color changing.

"I believe that you can control your powers, my dear," Arisu said.

"Hmm, it's good that you never doubt to me," Boogie said,

Arisu chuckles she continuing washing her boyfriend's body. His skin like milky white. Just not longer or in a few moments, Arisu standing up his body and drying his naked body with the clean towel. And asking him changing the clothes. Arisu closes her eyes during her boyfriend changing clothes.

"Huh? What's wrong? Boogie asked

"You're embarrassing me with your six packs abs," Arisu said

Boogie burst of laughs. Pink blush on Arisu's cheeks. After that Arisu brushes his long hair with her hairbrush.

"Your hair growing so fast," Arisu bubbed.

"But, your hair most longer than me," Boogie said.

Arisu chuckled and tailing ties up his hair and wearing him a jacket. However, they hearing blaming sound. And checking what happened. Arisu surprised with Hitomi abruptly comes

"Sorry, I against the cockroaches a few minutes ago.," Hitomi said with innocent grin.

"Oh, I think I got scarlet fever," Boogie

And Muha comes to face to face Arisu. Boogie feel irritated but he can control his

"Arisu can you go with me outside? I want to tell you personal," Muha said

"I can't leave him alone. He needs me. You have to go alone. Sorry, I am not interested even if you ask me," Arisu said

Boogie is mesmerized with Arisu 's loyalty. Muha is really shocked with Arisu's answered.

"Is he very important to you? Why you are really care about him?" Muha asked

"He is everything to me. I can't make mistake again. In the past I made mistake that we abandoned in two centuries ago. I know I am not his first love but, he is loves me after his first love left him and betrayed him. He finds his happiness with me," Arisu said.

Boogie is very touched with Arisu's remarked to Muha. Boogie can read the young man's mind.

"I can wonder you are in love to Arisu, Muha. I can read your mind. You're secret in love with her. You want her, right?" Boogie said.

Yeah, Boogie's main ability is telepathy or mind reader. Muha is very shocked with Boogie's remark. The young man tell what is.

"And.. You want against me to for getting Arisu. Well, I am not easy," Boogie said.

Arisu can't blaming or scolding her boyfriend because the young vampire is never make mistake and always right. Arisu worries because Boogie grunted of pain again.

"Is your back hurts again? Arisu said

"Little. But I can endure the pain," Boogie said.

"In dinner, you have eat my made porridge," Hitomi.

"Ok. Thanks, Hitomi" Boogie said.

Muha leaves them with disappointed face. Boogie knows Muha can't stand of him and he can't hate him back. His pure affection made Arisu can be most powerful female vampire.

"And I have another plans, I mean to against Lizabeth," Boogie said

"Oh really? Arisu asked curiously.

Boogie needs other's help to against his ex-girlfriend. The woman is pure evil, and want to take away Boogie from Arisu.


"Okay, we can help you, don't worry, Other side, I am tired walking around all stateward in Tokyo," Kamijo said.

"Traitor and puppeteers of tragedy on July 26 1625 they should get execsusion," Kamijo said.

"I am agree with you, Your Majesty," Boogie said

"And the situation more horrible with riots and protestor," Hizaki said.

"Yes, like protest demonstration," Teru added.

Boogie sighed deeply, in his ill condition but his brain can works well. He looks like thinking very hard. And he gives his opinion from his minds. Kamijo smiled and agree the opinion.

"Like as a said, we can be strong we are together to against our enemies," Kamijo said.

"Thanks your for appreciate," Boogie said.

"As your wish," Kamijo said

And they discussion about solving the stopping the demonstration before dinner. Kai and girls finished to preparing dinner at 05.00 Pm especially Arisu, Mayu, Marusou, Eloise etc.

"I have to curious about young long scar," Arisu said

"I got this scar when I was toddler, before I lost my parents. I lost my parents in age 6," Eloise said.

"I See and sorry," Arisu said.

"Never mind," Eloise said.

Arisu get fast shower and changed clothes in the time. Suddenly, she got signal and saying what she feels. Elena and Eloise getting the same signal too. They still east aul.

Elena cleans throat. And Ricko brings them to dining room with his teleportation power. Cazqui little annoyed because Daichi and Aoi is upper of his back and can't move.

"Ups sorry," Aoi said with innocent grin

"Daichi, are you okay?" Cazqui said

"Yes," Daichi said.

Sien eats many foods in small table in dining room. The baby red panda so cute. Ricko gives rice, meat and more. Dinner time, Cazqui seeing something spirit in dining room behind of his sister, Hinako. He closes his eyes and the spirit is disappeared. Marusou worries because Cazqui always seeing dead spirits.

"I can't erases my ability" Cazqui said

"I know, you're so sufferer because you meet dead spirit anytime anywhere," Marusou

Cazqui sighed deeply. They eat lunch in silence. Shira has another ability about astrology reader. About her prediction that night is full moon in midspring evening. The dinner is very quick without conversation and Hitomi gives medicine to Boogie.

Arisu keep her promise not betrayed him with another man. She worries about her boyfriend


Zoe back to inside of Orde with serious faces with Serena because they find the corpse with brutal condition. Out blood eyes, Tongue spin-out, etc. They think the corpse is victim of the beast.

"The beast still not revealed. We have get specific information," Zoe said,

"That's right," Serena said

Because Boogie got ill he go to bed first. Arisu and others are in library after dinner. Searching interesting book for against wild beasts. Unfortunately, she just finding mythological books. She want to lending books. After get the books, she back to her shared room.

Arisu seeing medicine on the small table. Maybe Boogie drank the medicine alone and go to sleep. And what she predicted is right. Because her boyfriend got ill, she decides to sleep on the large couch. She brings pillow and new thick bespread. She knows her boyfriend need something.

"What do you feel now?" Arisu said

"I felt nausea a minutes ago," Boogie

"You can call me if you need something," Arisu said

"Ok, I feel hot of my eyes," Boogie said.

Arisu smiled and wearing him socks. Clean white socks. Arisu remember something and Boogie can't let her go alone even if he got ill. At the time 09.00 pm. Rumi usually close the library at the time.

"We will have special event in next month, on May" Kamijo said.

"Special event? " Arisu said

"Yes, you will know later," Kamijo said

"Your Majesty, I want to tell my another opinion," Boogie said

"About what?" Kamijo asked

"I want to making organization for against enemies, recruits many members and I need your approval," Boogie said.

"I agree," Kamijo said.

"Thank you, and I want to reveal another my job," Boogie said.

"As your wish, you still my family," Kamijo said

"Thank you, my sincerely regards for you," Boogie said.

"I have cruel past , I remembered my sad childhood," Boogie said

"You can't erase it f you want. I am your cousin and your allies can help you," Kamijo said

"Thank you very much, we can be stronger if we always together, correct?" Boogie said

Kamijo just nods as answer. Sena comes with many rolls and documents. With serious face, he explaining something

"Actually Oniba has another secret place and we have to destroy it too," Sena said

"Another secret place?" Kamijo asked

"Yes, the location is not only in Tokyo but another Cities in Japan including Osaka, Okinawa, Nagano, Saitama, etc" Sena explained.

Sena open the maps and draw line of direction of line. They are discussing very seriously and the big watch ringing. Arisu shocked seeing changing of Boogie's hair. Little high-light around his bangs.

"Because one of you speak out of minds, I can accept what do you want. I appreciate it. Therefore, I agreed with Arisu about strategies against beasts and I accept what Boogie's said about organization," Kamijo said.

Claps. However Arisu and Boogie don't pride with their decision. Kamijo will take next action what in Boogie's minds. Sometimes Boogie's mind can't read by himself

"Shiyu, Bring me paper and stationery," Kamijo asked

"On guard, Your majesty,"  Shiyu said

Meanwhile, Cazqui is very happy about his older sister still alive. He thought she was died. Like as Arisu thought about Boogie's dead several centuries ago. Wow. Amazing. But, Boogie can say wether vampire vibes can't be vanished. And the young man is very touched about Arisu's loyalty to him.

"You won't lose me," Arisu said.


The night is falling rain again. Boogie and Arisu wearing their jacket. They are living room with others, not discussing but they making activities like watching tv, reading newspapers, etc.

Boogie knows he never had issues with his emotions since he was kid. He control it and he doesn't have composure. He can managing his emotions. Previously he always think he is alone, but in reality he is never not alone His siblings, Aiko and Rondo always beside him too. So, he can life peacefully

"You need rest," Arisu said

"I don't feel sleepy because the medicine isn't working yet," Boogie said.

Usually companying with Monster Drink and Asahi Beer. Boogie seeing Ryu sit alone in the right corner around fireplace and calling him out to join. Ryu comes and Boogie gives him a secret letter. Ryu accept and will read it later. Boogie met Ryu first before Ricko, Sena and Zyean. They met each other in kids age around 6-7 years old. Ryu is leaving second living room, leave others.

"Kyangg, I love this," Mayu said

Mayu drinks hot chocolate made by Sena. The girl drinks hot cocoa and eats bake bread not Toast. Sena just giggles The girl never forget about Sena's kindness to her. Sena safe her life.

"I 'm not forget that my accord offers," Mayu said.

She continuing eating baked toast as dessert of dinner not supper. Cold weather, she wears a black coat. Mayu describe's details with long brown burgundy and brown eyes, medium tall and white pale skins. Sena is very bumping to her. Vampiric bumps.

They are shocking because seeing Ricko hitting Daichi's body. At that night they find out again more corpse in backyard. So horrible. The condition like as same corpse before. Blood shot -Wide eyes, cut-nose, and torn stomach.

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