Transformers: Prime: Resurgen...

By MelSpyRose

4.6K 50 121

In this fanfic, set a month after Transformers: Prime: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, Ultra Magnus steps up... More

Chapter 1: A New Dawn
Chapter 2: Whispers of Fate
Chapter 4: Reunion
Chapter 5: A New Friend
Chapter 6: The Meeting
Chapter 7: Old Wounds
Chapter 8: Facing Mayhem
Chapter 9: Superpowered
Chapter 10: Energon Crusade
Chapter 11: Evasive Action
Chapter 12: Sentinel Major
Chapter 13: Love Triangle
Chapter 14: The Friend Zone
Chapter 15: Out For Love

Chapter 3: Old Faces

324 2 13
By MelSpyRose

Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Knock Out were strolling in the square as they hear an engine approaching as they see a red sportscar with yellow flames on it as Bumblebee smiles. "I know that paint job anywhere," he said as the red sportscar approached the trio, and transforms into a young Autobot mech, he is three years older than Bumblebee. "Hot Rod!" Bumblebee exclaimed. "Bumblebee?" Hot Rod stated.

They embraced each other and laughed as they are happy to see each other again. "Bee, did you just speak?" Hot Rod said. "Yes!" Bumblebee replied, "How?" Hot Rod asked "I'll explain later," Bumblebee said as they enjoy their reunion as Smokescreen and Knock Out were surprised to see Bumblebee this happy to see another Autobot. "Excuse me, Bumblebee. Do you know him?" Smokescreen asked, "Yes, Smokey! This is Hot Rod, he and I have been friends since childhood, and he is my brother-in-arms," Bumblebee explained. "Hot Rod, this is Smokescreen, he's an Autobot recruit and a member of Team Prime. This is Knock Out, former Decepticon medic and current Autobot, and he's a new member of Team Prime," Bumblebee explained as he introduces Hot Rod to his teammates.

"A former Decepticon? He's not the only Con who defected," Hot Rod said as a purple and green hover tank appeared and transformed into a femme, she has one red optics, purple lips, and an Autobot insignia on her chest as Knock Out recognizes her, much to his shock. "Clobber!?!" he exclaimed. "Knock Out!!!" she exclaimed as she grabs him and hugs the former Decepticon. "It's so good to see you!" Clobber said as Knock Out taps her shoulder. "Air," he said as he could barely breathe from her hug. Clobber lets go as Knock Out heavily pants after that huge hug Clobber gave him.

"Can you tell me about Clobber?" Smokescreen asked. "Clobber was a Decepticon, Lugnut's sister, and Strika's mentee." Knock Out explained. "Oh, Bee! There's something I need to tell you!" Hot Rod said, "Really? Tell me!" Bumblebee said. "I finished my Wrecker training, and I'm officially a Wrecker!" Hot Rod exclaimed, much to Bumblebee's excitement, "Really!? Awesome! I have news for you, Roddy," Bumblebee exclaimed. "I'm no longer a scout, I'm now a warrior!" he said, "Wow! Looks like our dreams came true," Hot Rod said. "That's not all, Hot Rod. Bee, here is not only a warrior, but a lieutenant and Smokey here is a Wrecker," Knock Out added.

"Lieutenant Bumblebee? I like it," Hot Rod said. "Thanks, Roddy. Hey, where's your grandfather?" Bumblebee asked. "Grandpa Kup is looking for some Wreckers to be reunited," Hot Rod answered as Smokescreen is surprised. "You're the grandson of Kup? The oldest Wrecker and famous war veteran?" Smokescreen exclaimed. "Yes, would you like to meet him?" Hot Rod asked, "Sure," Smokescreen answered as they transformed into their vehicle modes and drove off to find Kup.


Bulkhead and Wheeljack were at Maccadam's Old Oil House which is now repaired as they are having a drink and a conversation as two mechs entered. One is an elder, has blue optics, a turquoise color scheme, scars, and cigar holding in his mouth. The other is a young mech, has blue optics, a green and yellow color scheme, and a scar across his optic. Bulkhead and Wheeljack recognize them, "Kup? Springer? Is that you?" Bulkhead said, "Yes, it's us," the green and yellow mech, Springer replied. The two Wreckers were excited to see their other fellow Wreckers as they shake servos and seated. "How's your grandson, Old Timer?" Wheeljack asked "Kid's doing great," the elder mech, Kup answered. "I had continued his Wrecker training, and he is now an official Wrecker," he explained. "Really?" Bulkhead asked. "Yes, really," Springer replied as Hot Rod and Smokescreen came in.

"There he is." Hot Rod said as he saw his grandfather with the rest of the Wreckers as they approached. "Grandpa, I want to meet Smokescreen, he's also a Wrecker," Hot Rod said. "Hello, Kup," Smokescreen said. "Hello, Kid, and this green and yellow mech next to me is Springer." Kup said. "He's a Wrecker too, and a triple changer: he transforms into a car and a helicopter." Hot Rod explained. "A triple changer? Wow!" Smokescreen exclaimed.


Bumblebee encounters Perceptor, an Autobot scientist, sniper, and Wrecker, Brawn, Perceptor's partner, and Astraea, Perceptor's Decepticon wife, and she's six months pregnant.

"It's been years, since I last saw you, Percy." Bumblebee said. "Indeed, Bumblebee and you had changed over the years," Perceptor added. Astraea explains Bumblebee of her and Perceptor's love story and revealed that she is sapiosexual, meaning she is attracted to a person's intelligence than appearance. Bumblebee sees a ship passing by as he decided to investigate as he arrived where the ship landed. The door opens, revealing four bots. The first one is a middle-aged femme with a white and purple color scheme, the second one being a femmling with a white and blue color scheme, and blue optics, the third one is a mechling younger than the femmling, and the fourth one is a femmling younger than the other femmling.

Bumblebee realizes that they are Ultra Magnus' family, the white and purple femme is Violet Star, Ultra Magnus' wife. The white and blue femmling is Strongarm, Ultra Magnus' oldest daughter. The mechling and femmling are Plasma Storm and Ultra Violet, Ultra Magnus' youngest son and daughter. "You are...Magnus' family," Bumblebee said. "Yes, we came back to Cybertron from Caminus, when we heard news that the Great War is over," Violet Star explained. "Is Daddy still here?" Ultra Violet asked. "Yes, he is, but he had recovered from the serious injuries he had," Bumblebee explained. "Oh my." Violet Star muttered.

"Can you take us to him?" Plasma Storm asked. "Yes, follow me," Bumblebee answered as they walk their way to the base in Retoris. After, they arrived, Bumblebee told them to wait here as he'll bring Ultra Magnus outside. As he enters the base and finds Magnus sitting in his office as he turned his attention to Bumblebee. "Magnus, would you come outside for a little while?" Bumblebee said, "No...I'm good. I still need some work to be done," Magnus said "But, you need some air," Bumblebee said. "I'm fine, I have plenty of air here," Magnus said. "Yes, but you need fresh air," Bumblebee protested.

Ultra Magnus growls as he is getting a little annoyed at the young Autobot warrior. "Come on, I know you want to," Bumblebee said. "I have work to do," Magnus said. "You can take a break and work later," Bumblebee insisted. "No." Magnus said. "Please?" Bumblebee begged. "No." Magnus replied. "Please??!" Bumblebee repeated. "No." Magnus repeated. "Please!!!" Bumblebee pleaded as he does the puppy eyes and drooped his door wings. Ultra Magnus tries to resist Bumblebee's cuteness, and he groans in defeat. "Fine, I'll go." Magnus said. "Yay, you won't regret this!" Bumblebee exclaimed as he leaves the office with Magnus following him.

"Cursed cuteness," Magnus' mind said as he mumbles about punishing Bumblebee or why he has a cute face as they exit and Bumblebee stands next to Magnus' family "Alright, Bumblebee, what do we..." Ultra Magnus paused as he saw his wife and children, "Dad!" Strongarm exclaimed as she hugs her father, and he hugs her back. Then, his younger children joined the hug, after they finished their embrace, he and his wife embraced each other as Bumblebee smiles and his optics watered at this family reunion.


Knock Out is strolling in Retoris as Knock Out encounters a group of Autobots and Decepticons. They are the Stunticons and Torchbearers. Motormaster, the leader of Stunticons, Heatseeker, Slashmark, Dragstrip, and Wildbreak. Wildbreak is Knock Out and Breakdown's son as he has Breakdown's color scheme, orange face, and yellow optics, and he transforms into a sportscar like Knock Out. The Torchbearers are all femmes, and they have the same magenta and teal color scheme. Pyra Magna, the leader of the Torchbearers, Jumpstream, Dust-Up (Jumpstream's wife), Skyburst, Stormclash (Skyburst's sister), and Rust-Dust.

The group is both Combiners, the Stunticons combine into Menasor and the Torchbearers combine into Victorion. They are accompanied by an Autobot and Decepticon that are not combiners. They are Flatline, a senior Decepticon medic and Motormaster's uncle, and Nightbeat, an Autobot detective and Flatline's wife. Wildbreak is overjoyed as he sees his sire, Knock Out, "Dad, I'm so glad to finally see you!" Wildbreak cried as he began breaking down into tears. Knock Out and Wildbreak embraced each other as he pats his son's back. "Motormaster, what are you and your Stunticons doing here anyway?" Knock Out asked. "We came here to live in peace in Cybertron. When we heard that Cybertron is restored, the Autobots won the war, and Megatron disbanded the Decepticons, we could finally be free," Motormaster explained as he and Pyra hold servos.

As Motormaster is correct, a few Decepticons came to Cybertron to live in peace. The Autobots and Decepticons that are in a forbidden friendship and love, they can finally get to be with each other without fearing of being discovered. Motormaster and his wife, Pyra Magna enjoy their trip in Cybertron until they return to Caminus, which is their permanent home. Their teammates get to hang out with each other, Flatline and Nightbeat relaxed in their home. Ratchet is reunited with his sister, Minerva, and his nephew, Medix. Bumblebee and Hot Rod hang with each other just like they did in the old days, and Hot Rod and Smokescreen got along with each other.


Meanwhile, in Shockwave's lab...

Within Shockwave's laboratory, the Decepticon scientist worked tirelessly to breathe life into the Predacon named Ripclaw, her dormant form secured within a high-tech containment unit. The hum of machinery and the subtle crackle of energy filled the air, a testament to Shockwave's relentless determination.

In the midst of his experiment, Shockwave's single optic suddenly flared to life with a holographic transmission. It was none other than Switchblade, a Decepticon commander of great significance.

"Shockwave," Switchblade's presence materialized, exuding an air of urgency. "It's time we rekindle the fires of the Decepticon cause."

Shockwave's mechanical voice remained unflinching, despite the surprise of the unexpected communication. "Switchblade, what brings you here?"

Switchblade wasted no time in delivering his message. "I know you're well aware of Megatron's treachery, his dissolution of the Decepticons. But I come with a promise, a means to ensure our resurgence."

Shockwave nodded, acknowledging his awareness of Megatron's actions. "Go on, Switchblade. What do you have in mind?"

The Decepticon commander leaned in closer, his crimson optics burning with determination. "I possess the Enigma of Combination, Shockwave. With it, we will create new Decepticon Combiners, a force that will once again strike fear into the hearts of the Autobots."

Shockwave considered the implications of such a revelation, his mind already preoccupied with his own experiment. "I'm in the midst of granting life to a Predacon, one that will aid us in our quest to obliterate the Autobots."

Switchblade's voice grew even more resolute. "Megatron's betrayal will not stand. The Decepticons will rise anew, and this time, we will ensure our triumph over the Autobots."

As their holographic connection dissipated, both Decepticons shared an unspoken understanding. In Shockwave's laboratory, the Predacon Ripclaw remained oblivious to the unfolding events, her destiny intertwined with the impending clash of titans. The wheels of fate were set in motion, and the war between Autobots and Decepticons was far from over.


Switchblade's colossal Decepticon spaceship, the Leviathan, cut through the cold expanse of space like a silent predator. Within its metallic heart, the air hummed with an electric charge, a testament to the power it held.

As the ship's cavernous doors rumbled open, revealing a sprawling hangar bathed in a cold, eerie light, five formidable figures stood in formation. The Combaticons - Onslaught, Vortex, Brawl, Swindle, and Blast Off - exuded an air of ruthless efficiency.

Onslaught, their stern and tactical leader, surveyed the hangar with a calculating gaze. His strategic mind was as sharp as his resolve. Vortex, the helical rotor-blade wielding interrogator, exuded an aura of sadistic anticipation. Brawl, the hulking powerhouse, emanated a barely-contained fury, while Swindle, the suave and calculating arms dealer, surveyed the scene with a glint in his optics. Blast Off, the aloof space shuttle, regarded the surroundings with a detached, almost regal demeanor.

Switchblade, standing at the forefront of this formidable ensemble, addressed his assembled team. "Combaticons, the time has come for us to reclaim what was stolen from us. Megatron's betrayal will not go unanswered. With the Enigma of Combination in our possession, we shall forge a new era for the Decepticons."

Onslaught's optics gleamed with a steely determination. "We stand ready, Switchblade. The Autobots will learn to fear our unity." Vortex's maniacal laughter echoed through the hangar. "Oh, they'll beg for mercy, but they won't find any." Brawl's massive fists clenched, exuding a raw, brute force. "Let 'em come. We'll smash 'em to scrap." Swindle, always the opportunist, smirked. "And in the aftermath, the spoils will be ours." Blast Off's voice, cool and collected, cut through the charged atmosphere. "Let us show Megatron the true power of unity."

With a nod from Switchblade, the Combaticons moved with practiced precision, boarding their respective alt-modes. The hangar resounded with the powerful thrum of engines as the Leviathan surged forward, hurtling towards a destiny that promised both vengeance and retribution.

As the ship's engines roared to life, the Combaticons were a force to be reckoned with, their loyalty pledged to a new cause. The war-torn galaxy would soon bear witness to their formidable might, and the Autobots would know that the Decepticons had risen from the ashes, stronger and more determined than ever before.


In the heart of the Autobot base at Retoris, the hum of activity filled the air as weary soldiers attended to repairs and gathered intel on the ever-shifting fronts of the war. Among them, Bumblebee, the steadfast Autobot lieutenant, approached Ultra Magnus with a sense of urgency.

"Ultra Magnus," Bumblebee's voice held a note of urgency, "I had a dream... a vision. Someone spoke to me, said that the Enigma of Combination was stolen by the Decepticon Seekers. We need to find it and get it back."

Ultra Magnus regarded Bumblebee with a quizzical expression. "Bumblebee, dreams are not a reliable source of intelligence. We can't base our actions on mere subconscious musings."

Bumblebee's resolve, however, remained unshaken. "I know, but this felt different. It was like a warning, a message from somewhere beyond."

Before Ultra Magnus could respond, the Autobots' main computer chimed in with an urgent alert. "Incoming unidentified Decepticon activity detected in the vicinity of Iacon."

Ultra Magnus's optics narrowed. "This might be more than mere coincidence. Autobots, gear up. We're heading to Iacon."

Bumblebee's optics brightened with a glimmer of vindication. "See? We need to investigate!"

Ultra Magnus nodded, acknowledging the potential gravity of the situation. "Prepare for immediate departure. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Knockout, Smokescreen, Arcee, come with me."

In a flurry of transformation, the Autobots assumed their vehicular forms, the resonance of engines filling the air as they streaked towards the ancient city of Iacon. As they approached, the sight that met their optics confirmed their suspicions.

Iacon, once a symbol of Cybertron's glory, now lay in shadowed ruins, its streets echoing with the footsteps of old enemies reborn. Switchblade and his Decepticons, alongside the formidable Combaticons, stood as a united force, their intentions as clear as the steel of their frames.

Switchblade's voice cut through the stillness. "Ah, Ultra Magnus. After all these stellar cycles, we meet again. I must admit, I didn't expect such a warm welcome."

"Switchblade," Magnus boomed, his voice resonating with authority. "What madness brings you to our home? Cybertron shall not fall to the likes of you."

Switchblade, a cunning and malevolent presence, sneered in response. "Ultra Magnus, how delightful to see the stalwart defender of the Autobots trembling. We've heard of Megatron's absence, his disbanding of the Decepticons. A pity, really. But fear not, for I have the means to surpass his legacy."

The tension crackled in the air as Switchblade revealed his intent, his words a harbinger of dire consequences. "The Enigma of Combination is mine, and with it, I shall forge an army of Decepticon Combiners. A force that shall not merely challenge, but obliterate the Autobots. Our goal remains unchanged: Cybertron shall kneel before us."

Ratchet, standing by Ultra Magnus's side, tightened his grip on his weapon. "You think you can succeed where Megatron failed? Your ambitions will only lead to ruin, Switchblade."

Switchblade's laughter echoed through the battleground, a chilling symphony of malice. "Ruin, you say? Watch closely, Autobots. Witness the birth of a new era, one where Decepticon might reigns supreme!"

The clash was imminent, a collision of ideologies and raw power threatening to reshape the fate of Cybertron. With sparks flying and weapons ablaze, the battle for the planet's destiny had begun.

The Autobots and Switchblade's Decepticons engaged into a fight as Ultra Magnus fights Switchblade, Bumblebee fights Stinger, while the rest of Team Prime fight the rest of the Decepticons. Suddenly, a blast shot a Vehicon in the head as Wheeljack turns his attention to the source and sees Perceptor holding his sniper riffle "Percy?" Wheeljack said.

"What do you think we would let you have all the fun?" Perceptor stated "We?" Wheeljack said as Kup, Springer, Hot Rod, Brawn, and Clobber appeared as they joined the fight. Clobber rams Onslaught "Clobber?" Bulkhead said as Clobber transforms into her robot mode "Hiya Bulkhead!" she exclaimed as they resume fighting. The Combaticons attempt to combine into Bruticus "Combaticons, combine into Bruticus!" Onslaught ordered "Oh no, you don't!" a voice said as it was the Dinobots as Slug rams the Combaticons to separate them causing Swindle to drop the Enigma of Combination.

Slash saw it "It's the Enigma of Combination, I must retrieve it!" Slash said as she head towards the Enigma of Combination as she picks it up. Swindle also grabs the artifact as he and the female dinobot are doing a tug-a-war "Release this artifact!" Swindle said "No, I will not allow you or any bad Decepticons to use it as a weapon!" Slash retorted as they kept fighting it as Swindle accidentally activates it as the beam hits Slash and her teammates.

"Aah!" the Dinobots exclaimed as everyone stopped fighting and turned their attention to the Dinobots when the light died down they all became shock of what they saw: The Dinobots had combine into one big bot. They just stood there with disbelief before the Combaticons turn to Swindle, glaring at him as he realizes his mistake "Whoopsie doodles" he said.

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