By littlered1970

33.5K 1.7K 192

Bella and Edward are back. It the school year. Jacob there, so is Tanya. Also Rosalie, Alice,Jasper, and Emme... More

The reporters and surprise
Finding about more of Tanya's lies
Edward admitting he loved Bella
Asking Bella out on there first date
Edward and Bella first date
Bella admits to Edward she loves him
Bella gets touched by Henry
Edward and Bella relationship grows
Bella worst fear comes true
Bella goes on the hunt for Mike
Edward world comes crashing down.
Bella fighting for her life
Bella gives Edward a sign
Bella wakes up
Bella worst nightmare comes true
Bella realizes she changed
Edward proposes to Bella
The Christmas Ball
Confronting Tanya
Edward changing back into who he was before
Trying to find my Edward
Edward leaves to find himself
Getting to Bella
Edward and Bella find out there having a baby.
Bella and Edward find out there having a daughter
A little unexpected surprise
Something happens to baby Rebecca
Edward world comes crashing down on him again
Rebecca wakes up and he realizes how incredible Bella really is
Finding out Tanya and Mike wants to kill Rebecca and Bella
Tanya attempts to kill Bella
The bond of love
Bella spirit form leaves for answers.
author note

Edward trying to save Bella

835 47 3
By littlered1970


The panther dropped to the ground just in front of me. I stood there frozen not being able to move. I was breathing heavy. I have never in my entire life time killed anything. My arm finally dropped and the gun fell out of my hand. I felt a hand grab my leg. Bella came to my mind instantly. I turned and dropped to my knees. "Bella are you alright?" She shook her head no. I put my hand on her forehead and noticed she was burning up. "Oh, Bella your burning up!" She clutched her stomach again in pain and screamed out. "Damn it! I got to get you out of here. But it's to dark.

I grabbed her gun and put the safety on and put it in her bag. I went and grabbed the knife. I sat it down until I scooped her up and I grabbed the knife and went back to the tent I had set up by the water. I dropped the knife outside the tent and laid Bella down inside the tent. I took her back pack off and started looking through it. I grabbed the rag I found and went out the tent and dipped it into the cool water and went back into the tent.

I put it on Bella forehead. "What were you thinking Bella you were suppose to stay back at the campsite." I told her. "You, Edward!" She says. "What! I thought you were mad at me and scared of me. That's why I came out here to give you space!" I told her. "It's wasn't safe out here at night Edward!" She told me. "Bella, it didn't matter, I knew I wasn't helping you by being."


"BECAUSE DAMN IT, AS CRAZY AS IT SOUNDS I KNOW MY EDWARD STILL IN THERE AND I LOVE YOU! I'm so lost without you, I can't handle the fact of losing another person I love especially you Edward." I gently reach for her face but she pulled away from me. "DAMN IT, BELLA PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME, NOT NOW! I need you now as much as you need me and if I didn't love you so goddamn much, I wouldn't of climbed stupid trees to get to you and pick up that gun and kill something for the first time in my life." I told her. "Wait you climbed trees to get to me?"

"Yes, I did for you. Because I couldn't lose you either." Bella crashed into me and wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face into the her hair and started crying. I finally let go of the hurt and fear I had happen to me, I lost a friend that was turning out to be good friend. I hate what has happen to me. If I would've of lost Bella I don't know what I do.

I pulled her arms away from my neck. "Need to rest Bella!" I told her. "No, not without you." I nodded and laid down beside her. "Tomorrow no matter what we're going back to the campsite so I can get you help you hear me Bella!" I told her. "I'm not going to argue with you on this Edward. I know there something wrong, so don't worry." She told me.

I woke up the next morning and noticed that Bella felt hotter. I put my hand on her forehead and her fever must of went up sometime during the night. "Bella, can you wake up for me please!" She open her eyes only part way. But she didn't say anything to me. She just looked at me and her eyes closed shut again. "Bella come on you need to stay awake." She didn't move. I got up and put everything into one backpack and put it one. I cupped Bella cheek. "Come on baby let me know your still with me here." She open her eyes and looked at me. "That's my girl!" I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I scooped her up into my arms and started walking back down the trail. I walked past the panther I killed last night. It look like something was eating it.

I kept going until I stopped so I could give Bella some water. "Bella you need to drink come on wake up for me." She open her eyes and she reached for the water bottle and took a drink. But a couple seconds later it came back up. I looked at her confused. I knew there was something more wrong then she had let on.

"Bella I'm just going to lay you down I need to check your stomach." I told her. I don't know why it made me think more then her infection came back, but I did. I lifted up her shirt and sure enough it was all a deep bruising. The one thing the doctor told us to watch for.

When she chopped the wood it must of happen. There was a reason the doctor told her to rest is because she could started bleeding internally. I shook my head. "Damn it Bella, if you weren't so stubborn." I put her shirt back down. "Bella I need you to look at me for a minute." She open her eyes. "Did you bring a phone, I need to know if there's one back at the campsite or did you bring one with you. I haven't seen one since we been here." She reached towards her back pocket. I reached and pulled it out. She had it off. I turned it on and waited for it to come on.

I had a hand on Bella side not wanting to let her go. I noticed there was no signal on it. So I put it in my back pocket and grabbed the back pack. I scooped up Bella. "Hold on baby I just got to get back to the campsite so I can call for help!" This time it wasn't Mike or anyone else trying to take her from me. It was her own stubbornness and me for changing. I was going to do anything I could to make sure she got the help she needs and I was not going to be this person she hated so much.

I placed my head against hers. "Stay with me Bella, I can't lose you!" I told her. Once back at the campsite site I laid her down in her tent. "Bella come on let me know your still with me here?" She opened her eyes but not as much. I bent down and kissed her forehead. "Please, just hang on baby!" She lifted her hand and pointed. "What!"

"Raaddiioo, ccaalll!" I walked over to where she pointed and there was a portable c.b. there. I walked back over to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Just hang on baby I'm just going to step outside the tent and get help." I told her. "Is anyone out there?" I took my thumb off the button. "Please is someone there?" I spent ten minutes trying to get someone on the radio and I had no service on the phone. I started to run my hand through my hair getting frustrated. I walked back in to check on Bella. "Bella, come on wake up." She didn't open her eyes this time.

"Shit!" I set down the phone. "Bella, come on open your eyes for me." She still didn't. I laid my head on her chest and could still hear her heart beat. I breathed a sigh of relief. I kissed her cheek. "Just hang on please baby!" I picked up the radio and ran back out. I tried calling on it a couple more times but nothing. "COME ON DAMN IT! WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR YOU FUCKING PEOPLE TO ANSWER, IN THE MEANTIME MY FIANCE IS DYING AND YOU YOYO'S CAN'T ANSWER YOUR DAMN RADIO'S." I snapped. "HELLO, TO YOU TO! Now if you can calmly tell me sir what's going on?"

"Haa haa, finally." I said with a smile of relief. "Yes I need a medical chopper or something. My fiance possibly has internal bleeding and her infection is back. She has a high fever and now I can't get her to respond to me but she still breathing." I told them. "Alright sir, you must be the couple the young lady asked for special orders!" I was confused. "What!" I said. "This is the prince I'm speaking to right?" They asked.

"Yes!" I said. "Well she told us if anything happens that it was suppose to stay quiet that you were a prince. But I'm sending help as soon as I speak." They told me. "Umm, Thank you!"
I turned and looked at the tent. I can't believe she did that. I wonder what else she did. I ran back into the tent. "Help coming soon baby, just hang on." The waiting is the hardest for me, because I don't know what is going to happen.

I just pray she is going to be alright. As I sat on the floor next to her I looked back to how I met her.


My cell phone had ring and I was in the middle of looking over some paper work for some business that concerned for the future. When I picked up the phone I noticed it was Michael. Hmm, Ms. Swan must be here. I answered the phone.

"Yes Michael!"

"Sir, Isabella Swan is here! But to let you know she doesn't look well at all! Also she upset and and angry with her parents."

"Thank you Michael, I will go check on her now."

"Very well sir!" I hung up the phone and left my office and headed upstairs. When I first walked in and I was taken back a little seeing the cast on her arm. Then I remembered she was in a accident. She was looking in the walk in closet. "You and maybe Alice will have to go shopping to get new clothes. When you're ready of course." I told her. She slowly turned around like she was scared. Then I saw her face. I gulped. Aside from the cuts and bruises she looked beautiful, I was amazed.

"Michael called me told me you were kind of mad or upset with your parents." She didn't say anything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Edward Cullen. I'm guessing you're Isabella Swan." I watched her walk slowly around the bed and stop against the banister post. She lean on the post. It looked like she was in pain. "Bella." She said. "Excuse me I didn't hear that." I told her. She spoke so low I could barely hear her. "Call me Bella please. I'm sorry I'm just all of sudden not feeling good." I watched as she turned and walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

I raised an eyebrow a little confused by this action. I slap myself in the forehead. You idiot she was in a accident you really think she going to feel fine and dandy? Wait where did that come from. I shake my head I walk over and knock on the door. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "Give me a second please." She yelled out.

She open the door and I just stood there a moment and noticed how beautiful her chocolate brown eyes were. Say something you fool just don't stand here staring at her. "I forgot you were just in a horrible accident, forgive me. The royal doctor will be here in a hour or so." She just nodded. I heard my phone rang. I answer it. "Edward please bring Isabella down to my office please so we can talk all talk together with her family." My father told me. "Yes, alright I'll bring her down in a few minutes."

I look up at Bella. "Our parents want to talk to us. Follow me and I will take you there. Oh if you ever need anything my bedroom is just over there." I pointed to my room.

"Edward you need to slow down please, maybe if I wasn't thrown from a damn car only a few nights ago, I be able to keep up with you. Hell I probably would kick your ass. I stopped and looked at her my eyes widen to the fact she just swore and just said she kick my ass. I was completely just blown away. She started to laugh. But the she wrapped her arm around her stomach and slightly flinched like she was in a lot of pain hit her all at once.

We finally made it where our parents were and we walked in. "Hello Isabella, I'm Carlisle and this is my beloved wife queen Esme. Your parents told you what going on. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend though. We like to welcome you here. For now you will rest. Feel free to look around, Edward will answer any questions you have." She just stood there and listen. "Bella I know you're upset with us right now but we did what we thought what was best for you."

"I'm apologizing now Queen Esme and King Carlisle." I looked at her in confusion when she told my parents that. "Then my eyes widen again when I heard her snap out. "WHAT'S BEST FOR ME, WHAT KIND OF PARENTS ARE YOU. I WOULDN'T OF MINDED THIS. BUT TO HAVE YOUR OWN DAUGHTER BREAK A PROMISE TO A DYING FRIEND, SOMEONE THAT'S LIKE A SISTER TO ME, AND YOU KNEW IT. HELL I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF JACOB STILL ALIVE. YOU KNOW WHAT AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED RIGHT NOW I DON'T WANT TO SEE OR TALK TO YOU UNTIL I'M READY TO FORGIVE YOU! Excuse me please, again I'm sorry."

I watched as she walked out of the room angry. Is there anything thing else she can't do to surprise me. But I can't blame her for being upset.

======== end of memory ============

I felt Bella hand fall against. I turned and looked at her and noticed something wasn't right.
"Bella!" I turned her over and put my head against her chest I didn't hear anything. "BELLA DON'T YOU THERE THINK ABOUT LEAVING ME NOW!" I yelled out.

I scooped her up and set her on the floor. I'm glad I had training in cpr. I started cpr on her.
"DON'T YOU DARE, YOU COME BACK TO ME BELLA!" I couldn't stop and I wasn't going to give up either even though I heard the helicopter. "IN HERE!" I yelled out. They pushed me out of the way and continue where I left off and hooked her up. One of them tried to talk to me but I couldn't answer them all I could do is stand there and shake my head tell myself that this can't be happening.


Then I froze when I heard her heart beat on the monitor. I fell to my knees. "Bella just please fight!" I cried out. They picked her up and took her to the helicopter. I climbed on and sat there and just watched her and made sure she was still breathing. Once we got to the hospital they made me go out into the waiting. I grabbed the cell phone and called my dad. "Hello!" He answered.

"Dad, I need you. I really need you right now!" I said as I slid down the wall. "Son what is it?" He asked. "It's Bella, she has internal bleeding and here infection back. Dad I had to do cpr on her!" I told him. "Oh my god son, were on our way. Please just try to stay calm." He told me. "Do you really know how hard that is right now dad?" I asked him. "I know son, but you have to for Bella she going to need you!" He told me. "I'll try, but it's hard while she's laying in there and I'm out here!"

"Edward, just know we love you and Bella and will be there soon!" He told me. "Ok, I love you guys to see you when you get here." I told him. About an hour later a doctor walked out and put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you Edward Cullen?" I look up. "Yes!"

"There's someone that would like to see you before she goes to surgery!" I looked at him confused. "Well, about a half hour after she came in she woke up. She was asking for you but we told her she had to wait until the scans were done. Well now she refusing to go to surgery until she sees you." I shake my head. I got up and walked back to the er department. He opens the door and there was Bella with iv's stuck in her again. I slowly walked over to the side of her bed she turned and looked right at me with tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Edward!" I couldn't help but cry. "Baby you have no reason to be sorry. Just know I love you!" She reached for my hand I took it. "I didn't mean to leave you, I tried so hard to fight!"

I leaned over and kissed her lips and pulled away and leaned my forehead against hers. "I know you did. But I need you do me a favor and just keep fighting baby please I love you!" I told her. "Love you too Edward!" She told me. "I will see you when you wake up ok!" I told her. "Ok!" I watched them wheel her out of the room. I walked back out into the waiting room. I collapsed to the floor not knowing if that was the last time I would see Bella alive or not.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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