Reborn as my Sans OC from Und...

By MiscodeSans

20K 1K 318

Miscode and his friends adventures. More

Brother (Also AU explanation)
Magic Practice (Finally)
Moving Out
The Beginning of The End
White and Portal
OC List
Start of Something Amazing
Sky's The Limit
Another Glitch
First Mission
Just Hanging With The Gang
Undertale and Security
Glitch Hunting
Catching Up
Telling The Truth
The Murder Time Trio
Weird Happenings
Lunar, Moon, And Killer
A Time At Nightmare's Castle
Dreams Castle
Glitched Cute Bean
Underswap's Party
Surprise Visitors
Bad News
The Guests Arive
Trick Or Treat
pictures of the Sanses
Taking The Kids Out
Back Home
Q&A Is Open
Q&A story part 1
Moving In
School Starts
AU explanations
Christmas Special
Q&A part 2
New Years Eve Gone Wrong
Some Important Things Before We Continue
Multiversal Meeting
Haven's Day
Meeting The Kids Part 1
Meeting The Kids Part 2
Meeting The Kids Part 3
A talk with Error
Thinking Too Much
Journal Entry: People I Know
Picture of Nightmare's Kids
Kids Day Off
Group Together
A Quite Day
Calming Down
Town Renovation
A Hard Working Day
Oh No! part 1

The Stars

387 19 0
By MiscodeSans

Godverse, AlphaTale, and other extremely powerful Universes do not exist in this Multiverse.

Something then cut my interest in the one way portal. A warning screen popped up saying that there were two new intruders Blueberry and Dream. They lickly came along with Ink to meet the new group. I walked down the stairs and called everyone down to the main room.

"What's up boss?" Bluecode asked.

"We have visitors and wanted to give them a warm welcome." I explained.

"Who?" Nightmare asked.

"The Star Sanses." I said cheerfully.

Nightmare grumbled something, folded his arms, and looked away from the door angry. I chuckled and looked to the door again ready to welcome our guests. Bluecode and Trait even stayed quiet probably because they knew this way something important. A moment later the door had opened and Ink rushed into the room.

"Hey friends." Ink said happily running over to us.

"Hey Ink." I greeted.

I sighed and made a quick decision moving Ink up to the trust billboard deciding that Ink was trustworthy enough. I did it just in time for Ink to see the billboards and quickly wrote something on his scarf.

"I see you have met Error." Ink said pointing to the enemy billboard.

I quickly noticed that these billboards would be a problem in the future and hid them from everyone but me and my subordinates. The Star Sanses looked in surprise as the billboards suddenly disappeared. I chuckled at there reaction.

"Hey Ink could you introduce us to your friends?" I asked.

Ink's eyes widened "Oh my gosh I completely forgot. This is Dream the god of positivity, Blueberry, and me the god of creation. Together we are the Star Sanses."

The other two waved as their names were called.

"I should introduce ourselves too I guess. I am Miscode, I destroy glitches that could grow to destroy other AUs. That is Bluecode, Trait, Dove, Haven, Feelings, Nightmare, LD, Nico, and #678. Together we are the Balance Sanses." I said.

Everyone did a little motion to show that they were the ones being called on. Nightmare just sat on my head and sipped his coffee. Everyone looked in surprise at Nightmare and his grumbling. I laughed and scratched his head which made him hiss. This made the rest of my group laugh. Nightmare having enough of this used his tentacles to fling himself up to the second floor and out of sight.

Ink started to laugh and talk about how cute the bitty Nightmare was to the others.

Dream and Feelings stared at each other and Blue was looking at Bluecode seeing a lot of similarities. Bluecode and Trait seemed to be glaring at each other. Dove and Haven were slowly backing away knowing the fight that was sure to come. The two started to yell at each other and I wondered what the heck they were fighting about. Something about Nightmare and Feelings I think. Probably who was the cuter bitty or something.

I sighed and was about to do my usual way of making them stop but Dream tried to intervene with her positive giving power but it did not work because of the rules I put on.

"Let me fix that real quick." I said as I placed Blueberry and Dream in the trust billboard, "Okay now try."

Dream tried again and their shock worked. The two calmed down and apologized to me. I just sighed.

Blueberry went off to explore but I was not really worried because I had nothing to hide yet.

"Sorry about Blueberry." Dream said.

"It's fine. You guys can go explore if you want." I replied.

"I will find Blueberry" Ink answered.

"And I have something to talk to you about." Dream told me.

I nodded and I walked up the stairs with Dream following behind and into one of the spare rooms with a small table and a few chairs because I thought it was a good place to talk. I pulled out a chair for Dream and one for me.

"You can sit" I said.

Dream sat down on the chair opposite from me.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to become an official group because right now you don't have the official stuff to be one." Dream explained.

We discussed it for a while and filled a few papers but soon we were finished with all the stuff I needed.

"There you are now official." Dream cheered, "Also Ink wanted me to discuss making an alliance."

"Of course I will agree with that." I told them.

We filled out even more paperwork and when we left the room it was already dark. Ink and Blueberry were waiting at the entrance of the castle.

"Have you finished what I asked?" Ink asked.

"Yep." Dream answered back.

"Miscode your castle is bigger and grander than Nightmares or Dreams." Blueberry complimented.

I rubbed the back of my skull, "Thanks."

After a few more words the group left and I went up to my room and plopped onto my bed. This day was a rollercoaster ride and I am ready to go to sleep. And that is exactly what I did.

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