Single: A Tale of Ten Lovers

By Noelsqueen

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Stories of Noel's dating journey post divorce More

1. The Mutual Friend
2. The Waitress
3. The Intern
4. The Ex
5. The House Cleaner
6. The Journalist
8. The Fan
9. The Musician
10. The One

7. The Photographer

157 2 0
By Noelsqueen

It was a gloomy, rainy day in London. Noel sat in a chair scowling. He hated days like this and he hated having his picture taken.

"Ok, I think the rain stopped. Can we do some outside now?" The photographer asked.

"Yeah." Noel said trying not to let the boredom and disdain shine through.
He followed the photographer outside.

"Can you have a seat on this bench?"

The photographer pointed to a bench. Noel sat without a word. The photographer started snapping pictures. Noel's stomach growled. He thought about what he'd like for lunch. His PA usually came along to these things and would order food for everyone, but she was too busy today. Noel sighed then was pulled from his thoughts.

"Do you want to break for some lunch?" The photographer asked.

He looked up at her and noticed for the first time her beautiful blue eyes. They were a darker blue than his own blue eyes and had an even darker blue ring around the blue.

"Nah, let's just finish up." He said.

"Ok." She smiled.

She took a few more pictures then they went back inside the small studio. Noel stood waiting while she sat at a small desk and connected her camera to her laptop so he could look over the photos.

"Ok, here we go." She said and turned the laptop toward him so he could see better. He rested his hands on the desk and leaned down to see. The first picture came up. He looked miserable. He chuckled.

"Fuckin' 'ell. Do I look that miserable in all of them?" He asked.

"Um...yeah, kinda." She chuckled.

They looked at several and he did look miserable.

"You should smile more. You have a lovely smile." She said as she looked up at him.

"I just fuckin hate having me picture taken." He explained.

"Then don't do it." She said.

"It comes with the job I'm afraid." He said and stood up.

His stomach growled again. He looked down at her.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Starving." She said.

"Let's order some food then you can get some more." He pointed to the camera.

"Ok." She said.

"Whadya want to eat?" He asked.

"There's a great pub down the street. They have amazing fish and chips." She said.

"Ok." He said.

"I can do a mobile order." She offered.

"Nah, I'll go get it. Fish and chips for you?" He asked.

"Yes, please." She answered and he left to go get the food.

She went through the photos again as she waited. She smiled and shook her head. He looked like such a grumpy bastard in the photos even though he was a nice enough guy in real life. She had photographed some real assholes in her day and Noel was not one of them. She studied his face on her laptop screen and thought to herself how beautiful his eyes were.
Noel returned to the studio twenty minutes later with a bag of food in his hand. He set the bag down on the small desk and she pushed her laptop over to make more room. He pulled over the chair he had been sitting in for the photographs and sat next to her. He pulled two cardboard containers out of the bag and handed one to her.

"Thanks." She smiled.

He gave her a nod. They ate in silence for a few minutes then Noel looked at her.

"You're right, this is amazing." He said then took another bite.

"Told you." She smiled.

"So how long have you been a photographer for?" He asked.

"About six years now. I got this studio about a year ago." She said.

"It's nice." He said and looked around the small studio.

"Yeah, I like it." She said.

"Who else have you shot?" He asked.

"Loads of people. Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Adele..." She stopped when she saw him make a face.

"You don't like them?" She asked.

He shrugged.

"I don't like their music, no." He answered.

"Well Sorrryy." She said playfully.

He grinned.

"Johnny Marr?" She said.

"Oh I know Johnny. He's a fuckin dude." Noel said.

"Ok, finally someone you approve of." She smiled.

"Sorry, I'm true to myself. I like what I like." He shrugged and pushed the last bite of his fish into his mouth.

"Is that so." She said with a smile.

He nodded as he chewed.

"You're eyes are very pretty." She blurted out.

He stopped chewing and looked at her. His eyes looked into hers. He swallowed his food.

"I thought the same about your eyes." He said.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Sure you did." She said sarcastically.

"I did!" Noel said.

They looked at each other and both laughed. Noel wiped his mouth with a napkin then gathered up his trash and put it in the plastic bag that he had brought the food in. She did the same then they looked at each other.

"How much do I owe you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry?" He said.

"For lunch?"

"Oh, don't worry about it." He waved his hand in the air.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Absolutely" he paused then continued. "Unless you want to work out a deal of some sort." He said and winked at her.

A smile spread on her lips.

He shook his head and chuckled to himself as he realized how ridiculous he was being. He didn't want her to think he was some creep.

"Sorry, I was joking." He said.

"No, it's fine. I was going to say ok." She said.

His eyes locked onto hers.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Sure. What kind of deal did you have in mind? What are some fish and chips worth? A handy? A blowjob?" She said with a smile.

He chuckled then his face turned serious.

"Let's just get the fuckin photos done." He finally said and she felt a little disappointed. She wanted him to make a move. She was trying to flirt with him.

"I'm sorry. I'm really bad at this." She said.

"Bad at what?" He asked.

"This. Flirting." She moved her hand back and forth between them.

"Is that what you're doing?" He said.

"Trying." She said.

He smiled.

"You're beautiful. I'd love to...I didn't want you to think I was some old creep though." He said.

"You're not a creep at all. You're actually quite charming." She said.

He looked into her eyes.

"So about that deal. Maybe we can think of an even better one." She said as she placed her hand on his thigh.

"Better than a blowjob?" He said.

"Uh huh." She said softly then leaned in closer to him and kissed his lips softly. They seperated and he looked at her suspiciously.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"Absolutely." She smiled then stood up and moved closer to him. She climbed onto his lap, pushing her skirt up, and straddled him in the chair. She kissed his lips once more. He kissed her back and placed his hands on her back. Their tongues touched. She pulled back and looked him in the eye as she reached down and unbuckled his belt. She got it open then unbuttoned his jeans. She pushed her lips against his again as she reached into his jeans and gripped his dick. Excitement washed over her as she squeezed her hand tighter and started moving it up and down. He let out a moan into her lips. She pulled away and grinned at him.

"Is this a good deal?" She asked.

"Yes." He breathed.

They smiled then their lips were together again. She felt his hands move from her back to her breasts. He squeezed them gently then he pushed up her shirt and squeezed them again. She moaned into his lips then pulled away. Their eyes met.

"Fuck me." She said softly.

His hands left her breasts and went to her skirt. He pushed it up her thighs even more then pushed her underwear to the side, exposing her pussy. He circled her clit with his thumb before taking his dick in his hand and guiding it into her as she lifted her torso slightly then lowered herself.

"Oh, fuck." She moaned with a smile.

His hands went back to her breasts and she began moving up and down on his dick as she gripped his shoulders.

She closed her eyes as she moved. She felt his mouth on her nipple and she moaned and gripped him tighter. His mouth left her nipple and she opened her eyes. She looked down into his eyes and he looked back into hers.
She broke into a smile then kissed his lips as she continued to move. His hands moved to her waist and he held onto her tightly, helping her body move up and down.

She pulled her lips away and looked into his eyes once again. She found his eyes intense and looking into them made her feel vulnerable yet she felt drawn to them and couldn't bring herself to look away. They watched each other and both grew closer and closer to climax. She broke the eye contact and lowered her head but Noel grabbed her chin and pushed it back up.

"I wanna see your face." He said.

"I'm so close." She said, forcing herself to keep eye contact.

She felt his thumb on her clit. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. He circled her clit with his left thumb as his right hand gripped her waist. She gripped his shoulders and kept moving. They were both on the brink.

"I'm gonna come." She said in almost a whimper.

"Go on." He breathed.

She kept moving then finally, felt her body tighten around him. She moaned with pleasure, but kept her eyes on his. He looked into her eyes as he felt his own pleasure wash over him. He took some quick breaths but kept his eyes on hers. She slowed her movements then stopped moving altogether. They stared into each other's eyes as they caught their breath then finally, she broke their eye contact and climbed off of him.
They both remained silent as they dressed themselves. Then she spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked.

"For...that. I'm usually very professional. I'm so sorry." She said.

"Don't be fuckin sorry. That was...nice." He said.

She looked at him.

"I mean, I quite enjoyed that. Didn't you?" He asked.

A smile spread on her face.

"Yes." She said quietly.

"Ok then. Don't be sorry." He said.

She nodded slowly and he pointed to her camera that sat on the desk.

"Were we finished?" He asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I was going to take some more photos, but..." She stopped talking and looked at him.

"We got a bit distracted." He said.

They both broke into laughter.

"I can come back another day." He offered.

"Anytime. I'd like that." She said.

"It was nice meeting you." He said.

"You too." She answered then walked him to the door.

"Bye." She smiled.

"Goodbye." He smiled back then walked out the door.

She closed the door then sat at the desk. She buried her face into her hands and chuckled.

"You're not supposed to fuck clients." She said to herself then sighed before looking through the photos she had taken of Noel.

Noel walked down the street towards his own studio. He chuckled to himself and thought how it was actually nice to be single and have the freedom to do what he pleased.

He got to his studio and went inside. It was only then, that he realized he had no idea what the photographer's name was. He told himself to ask Kat the next time he saw her at the office.

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