Who said we stopped caring?

By KyDoesNotExist

52 3 2

""I would've thought Yoongi-hyung had trained you better than this. Where should you look when spoken to, Jim... More


52 3 2
By KyDoesNotExist

" Kpop-group BTS announces hiatus "

" BTS to disband "

Jimin knew the headlines were wrong; he knew very well there were no plans to break up but his heart still sank whenever he thought of it. The truth was, Jimin wasn't a solo singer. He never once wanted to be a soloist.

So, the boys may have had a little too much alcohol during the Fiesta recording. Combine that with the media twisting their words and everyone truly believed the group was splitting up.

"I hate this, I never wanted us to take a break." Jimin couldn't help but voice his thoughts to his best friend.

Taehyung placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezed it slightly, "I know, but we're still here. Just focusing on our solo projects alongside the group activities. We're still here, Jimin."

Jimin knew this was true, yet he couldn't shake off the sadness built up in his stomach. He smiled brightly at the other, not wanting to worry him. "Yeah, you're right."

Seven. That was what it had been for years and all of a sudden that wasn't the case anymore. Sure, he'd still see the members regularly but not as often as he did in the past. It hurt the boy from Busan greatly.

Because the truth was, his six brothers kept him grounded. Jimin had been fighting his demons from the start, ever since debut, always thinking he wasn't good enough. The members always caught it; they saw the change in Jimin's eyes.

Days started bleeding into one another. One night, Jimin broke down. He'd seen on the news that Hoseok would be headlining Lollapalooza and it absolutely shattered his heart that he had to find out this way. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for his brother. It was a great accomplishment, he just wished Hoseok had told him himself.

That wasn't the last time Jimin had to find out something on the news. Despite seeing his members once or twice a week, he always felt alone. He didn't feel as involved in their lives as he usually would. To say it made him spiral would be an understatement.

And so, Jimin started acting out. He didn't even really understand why. In the back of his mind, he thought the others might hear about it and give him attention. It was childish. He knew this, yet he couldn't help it.

I really shouldn't do this. It could damage Hybe's reputation.

Unfortunately, not even his own mind could convince him to not to do anything stupid and so Jimin grabbed his coat and went out, making sure no bodyguards followed him.

Jimin pulled his hat down as he entered the bar and ordered himself a shot.

This is so stupid.

Jimin put the glass to his lips and gulped it down in an instant before ordering another one, and another one, and another one...


Jimin turned around and faced the young woman standing beside him, "That'd be me." He slurred.

The disbelief showed in her eyes as she realised it was actually him, "Woah. I can't believe it's actually you. Can we take a picture?"

Jimin knew he shouldn't - the company always said not to. It could lead to another scandal if fans thought she was a love-interest.


The fan smiled brightly at the singer and pulled out her phone, positioning herself next to Jimin before taking the picture, "Thank you." She said politely as she looked at the photo.


She bowed before leaving Jimin by himself and he went back to drinking. After a little while the shots really started kicking in and Jimin felt as if everything was spinning.

Little did he know, the girl had posted the picture online and fans and paparazzi had started to gather in front of the bar.

What's all that commotion?

"Jimin-ah! Are you here on a date?"


"Jimin, look over here!"

"Can we take a picture?"

"Is bts really breaking up?"

Before he knew it, Jimin was surrounded by people, all of them shouting at him. Dozens of pictures were being taken, the flashing lights disorienting him.

"No comment." Jimin managed to bring out, albeit slurred. He stood up a little too quickly and fell backwards against the bar.


"Are you drunk?"

Jimin stumbled out of the building and rushed back to his apartment. His heart was beating loudly as he slammed the door shut behind him.

Once the singer had taken a moment to calm down, the nausea started kicking in and Jimin had to run to the bathroom to ensure his floor remained clean. Even afterwards, he didn't feel much better.

He lay down on the ground - the spinning was becoming unbearable. It wasn't long before everything turned black. Jimin couldn't tell if it was from falling asleep or fainting.

A few long hours later, Jimin awoke. His head was pounding severely and his whole body ached. As per tradition, after waking up Jimin looked around for his phone.

He had a few texts, all from management. None from the members. Oh.

To say the management was displeased would be an understatement. Jimin was kept busy for a few hours being scolded by them. It wasn't until he saw the pictures from the night before that he truly understood how bad it was, not even considering the video of him nearly falling flat on his face.

After a long and exhausting day, Jimin sat down. He'd been yelled at for hours, he was made to promise to never go out without a bodyguard again. Worst of all, it was all for nothing. The only people who he wanted to care, didn't.

So, Jimin felt low. Really fucking low.

[To: Taehyungie] Wanna meet up tomorrow? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

It wasn't long until the other replied.

[From: Taehyungie] I can't tomorrow, I can in the weekend though?

Jimin never replied. He felt so incredibly alone. He'd not felt this way for a very long time.

You don't need them. You were fine before you met them.

He knew this was a lie. Jimin was anything but okay before he met the others; he struggled with his body image a lot, constantly trying diets, each worse than the one before. It took Jimin a long time to accept himself but with the help of his brothers, he did.

Jimin stayed home. He didn't leave the safe place he'd created for himself. This continued for the entire week until monday, where the group had to shoot a commercial for Samsung.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed as he arrived on set.

"Jiminssi-!" Hoseok exclaimed as he saw the younger, approaching him and hugging him. Jimin returned the hug, though he did so half-heartedly.

Couldn't even tell me he was headlining lollapalooza.

"Hey, hyung."

"Are you okay, Jiminie? You seem tired."

Tired? Yeah, right.

"Yeah, didn't sleep well."

"Make sure to sleep and eat enough, Jimin. Don't catch a cold." Hoseok's face turned serious as he advised the other.

"Mhm, okay."

Hoseok studied him for a few seconds longer before letting it go and leaving to rejoin the others.

Jimin greeted the others and went about his day. Essentially, they were making another music video for 'Yet to come'. Despite not feeling up to it, Jimin put on his best attitude and did his best. No one would suspect his true feelings while watching the video.

The leader clapped his hands, "Thank you everyone for your hard work-"

He knew the leader had a lot more to say and Jimin did feel bad about not thanking the staff but he interrupted Namjoon anyway, "See you." and the dancer walked off with his bodyguard and returned home.

[From: Jin] Is everything ok?

[From: Jungkook] What was that about?

[From: Taehyungie] I'm here if you need to talk.

[From: Yoongi] ??

Now they care.

The others had called him at least twice but Jimin decided to put his phone on Do Not Disturb. Too late now.

Maybe I should do a V-live. I haven't done one in forever.

Jimin danced around the idea of it for some time but eventually he decided: fuck it . He clicked on the app, put the phone on the tripod, and went live. Despite feeling like the loneliest man in the world, he knew he had a whole fucking army behind him. They'd made him feel better in the past; it was worth a try.

Thousands upon thousands of people started joining Jimin straight away, and he couldn't help but feel a little better immediately.

"Hey army - It's been a long time since I've done a Vlive." Jimin focused on the chat.


SEVENFOREVER2: He's alive! Cancel the search party!

Taejinuwu3: Jimin oppar

Boranghaeeeee: he seems tired

MainDancerJoonie; whens ur solo album coming out

JkEnthusiast: can you call jk?

FanNathaniel: saranghae !!

Sopemeeeeeeee: were you drunk the other day????

Bulletproofethernal: do you miss the others?

Nikkiw672: say hello to Brazil pleaseeeee

"The chat is going so fast, wow. But yeah, I drank a bit too much last week. Got yelled at by the company- Okay, not the smartest thing to broadcast to the world but it is what it is. "Did you guys listen to Hobi-hyungs album? It's so good, right?"

It felt good to be live. They were genuinely interested in his life, and it made Jimin feel more confident.

"Okay, army. Here's a secret but you can't tell anyone: I didn't even know Hobi-hyung was going to be headlining Lollapalooza, I was just as shocked as you were." Jimin got a sour taste after saying it out loud, despite not meaning it that way originally.

"I guess hyung is too busy for me, nowadays." He half-joked.

"Hang on..." Jimin stood up before moving over to the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of wine. "Make sure not to tell the company, okay?"

Jimin felt loved and cared for. It had been quite some time since he felt like this. He talked about his own solo album, his plans during the "hiatus" and army seemed to love it.

"Refill time." Jimin laughed as he refilled his glass again, finishing the bottle.

"To be honest with you guys, I can't wait for this break to be over. I'm really fucking bored." Oh shit. "Let's pretend I didn't say that." Jimin let out a giggle, the alcohol making everything just the tiniest bit funnier.

Because Jimin had put his phone on Do Not Disturb for the broadcast, he didn't see the dozens of texts coming through. "But honestly, this is getting lame. I have so much time, I don't even know what to do with myself."


Yoonieforpresident: slow down on the wine minnie

FanNathaniel: can you sing the tomato song

Hobidance123: when's the last time you saw Taehyung ?

Taetaelove: say hi to Italy!

Sugainmytae: I love you

"I saw Taehyung and the others today; we had to film a commercial. I don't see them as much as I want to. They're too busy. I'm getting another bottle."

I should probably slow down a little.

He never did.

Thirty minutes later, the dancer was still live.

"You know, Hoseok is probably preparing for his performance right now. The one he didn't tell me about." Jimin knew he shouldn't talk about this in public. "I don't know why he wouldn't tell me, it's like I don't exist."

That's gonna be a headline.

"I'm honestly kind of annoyed, how are you gonna spend seven years with a group and then they don't even have the decency to tell you when they accomplish something great? Kinda shitty to me."

Someone knocked on the dancer's door, "Yah! I'm busy."

"Jimin, it's Namjoon. Open up." He heard from the other side of the door.


"Look at that, Joonie-hyung is here. But I'm too busy hanging out with you guys."

Moments later, another sound was heard at the door and it opened.

Now, how the fuck? Fucking bodyguard with his stupid spare key.

Jimin's mouth fell open as he saw the leader enter, "I am busy."

Namjoon had an unreadable expression on his face as he pointed towards the phone, mouthing 'end the live.'

I've barely seen the man in forever and now he thinks he can tell me what to do in my spare time?

Instead, the younger grabbed his phone and aimed it towards Namjoon, "Look everyone, the main dancer has arrived. Say hi."

Namjoon immediately changed expressions and smiled brightly at the phone, "Hey army." Jimin aimed the phone back at himself, "Let's ask Joonie-hyung how he could've possibly found the time to visit me."

"I always make time for you, Jimin."

"He only says that because you guys are listening." Jimin laughed loudly at the leader's words.

Namjoon walked over and stood behind the phone, pointing towards it once more, his nostrils flared with anger. "I think he wants me to end the live." Jimin couldn't help but giggle, not realising how pissed off the other truly was.

This seemed to push the other over the edge. He grabbed the phone, ignoring the younger's protests, "Jimin and I need to go now, goodbye army. I love you!" The leader smiled brightly and waved before ending the live.

"You're no fun, I was enjoying that." Jimin frowned as the other put the phone down. Namjoon didn't reply as he looked at him, "Okay! Great talk. It was nice to see you, bye."

"Jimin-ah..." The leader warned. "Have you seen our texts at all?"

"You haven't texted me?" Jimin grabbed his phone and unlocked it, pulling down the notification centre.


[Namjoon] Slow down on the wine, Jimin.

[Yoongi] Watch your words, you know they'll spin this.

[Taehyungie] Minnie? Namjoon-hyung called me, he seems pissed off. Text me if you read this please

[Namjoon] End the live !!!

[Jungkook] Everyone is freaking out over here. End the live

[Seokjin] Jimin-ah!! Read your texts you brat

[Taehyungie] everyone seems really angry, please reply to me.

[Namjoon] I'm coming over if you don't end the live

[Yoongi] Jimin.

[Namjoon] That's it. I'm on my way.

[Jungkook] what has gotten into you

[Taehyungie] oh Minnie....

[Yoongi] You're in so much shit.

And those weren't even all the texts; he hadn't opened the ones from management.


"How could you possibly be so irresponsible?!" Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, not once looking at the other.

"I wasn't - I was just having fun." Just as Namjoon was about to answer him, Jimin's phone rang. Yoongi. Jimin rushed to put his phone on silent, but his hyung had already seen too much.

"Answer it.


"Because, Jimin, I'm honestly too fucking pissed off to speak to you right now."

"Fine." Jimin snapped as he answered the call, "What is it?"

"Excuse me?" The rapper replied on the other side of the phone call.

Jimin looked at Namjoon, who picked up his keys, taking one last look at Jimin before leaving.


"Yeah, what?"

"Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"No. I had a great time broadcasting, I don't know why everyone suddenly cares what the fuck I'm doing with my free time."

"How much wine have you had?"

Jimin looked over to the right and saw the two empty bottles standing next to him, "One bottle."


"Fine, I had two but I am a grown ass adult and I've seen you drink just as much, if not more." Jimin snapped.

"Not during a fucking broadcast."

He had a point.

"Well, maybe next time then. Get off my case."

"Yah, don't forget I'm older than you."

"We've barely spoken for weeks and now you think you can suddenly lecture me on how to live my life? Fuck off, Yoongi." Jimin ended the phone call, his hands shaking with anxiety.

Maybe it wasn't the best choice to speak to Yoongi-hyung that way.

Jimin opened the texts between himself and Taehyung.

[To: Taehyungie] how much shit am i in

[From: Taehyungie] Oh minnie...

[To: Taehyungie] Namjoon came by, ended the live and Yoongi called me afterwards

[From: Taehyungie] I tried to calm them down, Yoongi-hyung even texted me saying "tell him to end the fucking broadcast or he'll regret it"

[To: Taehyungie] could've just texted me..

[From: Taehyungie] He did...

[To: Taehyungie] ah, i forgot about that

[From: Taehyungie] I love u minnie, ill try to talk to them

[To: Taehyungie] thank u taetae, start with yoongi pls he is abt to rip my head off

[From: Taehyungie] you owe me, yoongi-hyung is scary when he's angry

[To: Taehyungie] <3

Jimin groaned as he realised how angry everyone seemed to be.

Well, at least you got the attention you were looking for.

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