Dangansekai: Project Written...

By Kina_fried_chicken

308 6 0

Playing 'Untitled' somehow transports her into the wrong sekai, one that intends to rip apart feelings.. Ko... More

Prologue (part one)
Prologue (part two)
Chapter 1: A kindest hearted soul's disappearance [Daily Life] |
Bonus (I)
Chapter 1: A kindest hearted soul's disappearance [Daily Life] |||

Chapter 1: A kindest hearted soul's disappearance [Daily Life] ||

43 1 0
By Kina_fried_chicken

[Kohane's room]

*Ding Dong!*

Rin: Rise and shine students! Rin speaking here! The morning so bright as always, so better not waste it!


(Huh? So it's Rin speaking on the monitor now?)

(I wonder what happened this time.....)


(Oh, it's Kusanagi-san playing her games are usual, Kamishiro-san is building robots, huh? Asahina-senpai and Shononome-kun are talking, I wonder what are they talking about)

Mafuyu: Ah Good morning to you, Azusawa-san

Kohane: Ah! Morning Asahina-senpai!

Mafuyu: Anyways I'm going leave Shononome-san to you ok?

Kohane: Eh? Why?

Mafuyu: He's venting about... You know, perhaps it might involve his own personal

Kohane: Oh....

Mafuyu: I'll take my leave now, whenever you need anything, I'm at the infirmary room

(And then Asahina-senpai left, she went to the infirmary room)



(Ugh.... I really hate this.... Why it's always akward silence....?)

(If... If only I could know how to... If only I could talk first.... And know what to do...)

Akito: This sucks.... Why Ena isn't here with us?


Kohane: W-What do you mean?

Akito: I mean look at it, Ena is finally relaxed outside of this killing game! And then, All of us are were literally trapped here in Killing game!

Akito: Tch, if only Ena also here, she's finally have her own taste!

(Well.... It's true that Shononome-kun's sister.... Ena-san isn't? Yeah her, isn't trapped here, perhaps at least she wasn't involved but....)

(It feels wrong that you want or wished to your own sibling involved in the killing game right? Like what if they ended up getting killed...?)

Kohane: But.... You should'nt have been angry for any reason

Akito: Huh? Why?

Kohane: I mean, it's killing game for sake.... Like you really want to your sister get killed off, did you?


Kohane: I know it's very frustrating that your sister isn't involved here but you are, but think, At least she isn't going to die, Shononome-kun


Kohane: No it's not I want you to die, perhaps we can work together to find this mastermind as this cause!

Kohane: So... Don't frustrated about it Shononome-kun, let's focus about how to escape this.


Akito: Do you really think that you know all about Ena Shinonome are you?

Kohane: W-Well.... Maybe I only heard about her when Akiyama-san and An-chan talk about her....


Kohane: But I being honest, even though I didn't met her in person, I don't think that Ena-san is a bad person

Akito: Uh huh....

Kohane: Why do you ask that? Is your sister really a bad person?

Akito: Well, not really, she has angry issue that's all

Kohane: I see, no wonder why your always mad at all the time

Akito: Are you insulting me Kohane?


(Hahaha.... I made a mistake.... Maybe I shouldn't say that in a first place....)

Kohane: Ah! N-No I'm not really!


Kohane: I-Im not insulting you Shononome-kun! I'm just thought that you and your sister are uhmm... You know, you know....

{While it was interesting by someone who just walked by in the cafeteria}

An: Good morning! Ah Kohane your here!

Kohane: Good morning An-chan!

Akito: Oh morning

An: That's weird, why do I hear, uhm attorney music or something

(Attorney music? What does that mean

Rui: Ah, Nene is just playing Ace Attorney, that's all

Akito: But isn't that Ace Attorney is a visual novel?

Rui: Yeah your right, but game is a game, so it's still counted

Nene: Although.... The death is still mentioned, other than that, at least the protagonist has an.... Uhmm...

An: So, not all of you guys find anything involving to the mastermind?

Rui: Well, no, sorry

Nene: the mastermind is really good at thid hiding....

An: Ooh, How did we get back if we didn't find the mastermind!

Kohane: T-This is not the time of giving up....

Ichika: Ah, Good morning everyone...

Kohane: Ah! Good morning Ichika-chan!

Nene: Oh right, good morning Hoshino-san

Ichika: Good morning to you Kusanagi-san and Kohane, I have pretty weird Last night

Rui: A dream?

An: What did you saw there?

Ichika: Let's say, I umm we all at the love hotel

Nene: Love hotel?

(Huh? Love hotel? Isn't that adult place?)

(Aren't we all minors? Too young?)

Nene: What on earth are we doing at the love hotel

Ichika: Well.... Let me guess.... We just having fun there.... There's a swimming pool, playing area...


Akito: Didn't other hotels have pools?

Rui: Anyways, continue Hoshino-kun, and what's happening?

Ichika: Uhmmm There's a zombies

Nene: Zombies?

Ichika: yeah and then... We fight them

An: Wait wait, hold on! How on earth are we fighting the zombies?

An: Did we have a gun or something?

Ichika: I-I uhmm.... I think I forgot

Ichika: I just woke up and then, yeah

Akito: Love hotel, party, zombies.... Ok this getting confused.....

*Ding Dong*

KAITO: Everyone, please gather at the second floor of the locked gate

(Huh? I wonder is what is all about?)

Nene: We're going to the second floor... That's reminds me of the torn map that Aoyagi-kun and Tenma-san found it

Rui: Looks like it, anyways let's go

(As we were about to went to the second floor, everyone is here gathering)

Shiho: What's this about?

Saki: Are we going to check the locked Third floor?

Emu: Ohh! I wonder what is inside?

Mizuki: Are we going to the secret place~? This is quite interesting ~

{Everyone is just talking and then Monomiku appeared}

Monomiku: Ah! There you are students! I have something to announce it!

Airi: Just straight to the point already!

Monomiku: Ok ok! Anyways I'm going to unlock and you guys go see at yourselves

{Monomiku unlock the chains and then the gate are open}

{As they went to the third floor and they saw a new things}

{As we finally here at the third floor, there's a hallway infront of us, there's a Arcade room, dressing room, stage, cinema, oh and there's
also a sit, computer room, and also there's two vacant rooms}

Toya: Ok... And there's a hallway

Nene: Huh? There's a gaming station? No way....

Tsukasa: Woah! There's a Cinema!?

Saki: Oh! Cinema! We can watch all there!

Mafuyu: What's this all stuff? Why you didn't tell us in a first place?

(And then the four virtual singers, or Monomiku's partners are appeared out of nowhere....)

Rin: It's a surprise! So that's why we didn't tell anything about the third floor!

Len: Do you like the surprised? St least you guys aren't bored anymore

Minori: I-I uhmmm I have mixed feeling about this....

An: We're freaking inside of the killing game, hell no way we're just enjoying here while someone might die!

Akito: ACK! Don't mention the die part!

???: Glad you asking that~


(Monomiku suddenly appeared behind me... And she walking)

Monomiku: Well yes, there's still killing game here, but~! To make have fun! Atleast you have something to kill your boredom

Mafuyu: There's no time for to do this stuff

Monomiku: Now go stay first to second floor forever if you don't want to!

Airi: Huh? So we just having fun when someone's is suffering? No thanks!

MEIKO: Don't worry about this, but you don't need to go to the third floor if you didn't want to

MEIKO: But, before you guys start, We have something to Tell you

Len: We are going to show you guys, right after your freetime ends

Airi: What are you going to show us?

Rin: Not telling you~! It's a secret silly!

Airi: Ugh....

(So... There going to show us.... What is all about?)

KAITO: That's all for today, remember when your freetime is over, please come to the computer room, that's all

(And then the five of them disappeared)


An: Ok then, So... We're doing something in third floor like nothing happens!?

Kohane: I don't know.... But it's only thing we can do,

Emu: There's a gaming station! Nene! Your good at this right!?

Nene: Eh-? Oh... Right....

{Emu and Nene went to the gaming station}

Toya: Akito, let's go to the gaming station, there's something new there or maybe there's an arcade

Akito: Huh!? You want to go to there!?

Toya: While waiting, let's give a try

Akito: Well fine then


(And so, everyone is doing what on they doing....)

An: Kohane, are you going somewhere else too?

Kohane: Well, I'll just explore the third floor for a bit

An: Ah ok then!

(I went to the cinema, there a huge tv no.... Maybe white paper on the stage while there)

(And there's a lot of sits, like I'd there many people watching....)

(I investigate the cinema for a bit, and there's nothing happens here)

[Third floor hallway]

(Tsukasa-san? What did he- should'nt he have sprained his foot- what is he doing here?)

Kohane: Ah- Tsukasa-san!

Tsukasa: Oh Kohane, what a splendid and magnificent thing it is to see you!

You can walk now?>

Is your foot okay? >>

Kohane: Is your foot okay? Tsukasa-san?

Tsukasa: Huh? Oh right! Yes yes, I'm perfectly fine now!

Tsukasa: Thanks to Ichika I can finally walk properly! Big kudos to her!

(That's good that Ichika-chan saved him but still....)

Kohane: That's nice but.... You should try careful, because.... You'll know that you ended up doing it again

???: Huh? Doing it in what?

(That voice...! Its Saki-chan!)

Tsukasa: I- Uhmm, Were just talking about random things! Right Kohane?

Kohane: Ah! Yes he's right...!

(Oh right, I almost forgot what he did say back in infirmary....)

Saki: Eh? What you two talking about?

Kohane: What are we talking.... Ah! Tsukasa-san said that he saw something that I couldn't see

Tsukasa: Ahahaha! She's right!

Saki: Uhmmm, I'm bit confused but, at least it's not bad happened here

Saki: And by the way, sorry for your high hope Kohane-chan, I thought were finally able to escape this killing Game but...

Kohane: Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, same to Aoyagi-kun....

Tsukasa: As long we're still alive and didn't kill each other! We're all good in here!

Saki: Fufufu, Your right,

Tsukasa: Anyways, I have something to do! So I'll take my leave! See you girls later!

Saki: See you later big Brother!

(And then Tsukasa left, he's running, I hope he didn't sprained his foot this time)

Saki: This whole third floor is uhmmm great I think

Saki: I'll explore more for this, perhaps there's something I knew about,

(Saki-chan also walk away and probably she went exploring)

(I decided to explore the whole hallway of the third floor.....)

{Gaming station}

(As I expected, Kusanagi-san and Emu-chan are here, there playing games here)

Emu: Woah! You almost there Nene-chan!

Nene: shhh, keep quiet, we'll almost got there

(Ah.... There playing, better not bother them)

{Kohane investigate the inside the whole gaming station}

(Nothing happens, maybe I'll just leave)

[Third floor hallway]

(Ok there's a dressing room here, let's check on there)

[Dressing room]

(Ah, Minori-chan, Akiyama-san and Ichika-chan are here, I wonder what are they doing)

Mizuki: Heeey Kohane~! Good timing! I want something to show you!

(Oh great, what they want now?)

Mizuki: May I borrow your body for a second? I want to measure you~!

Kohane: H-H-H-HUH!?

Minori: I Have same reaction with Kohane-chan, why do you want to measuring the body!?

Mizuki: Oh don't get dirty minded! I want to measure all of you so that's why you can wear a costume!


Kohane: Costume? As in.... Cosplay?

Mizuki: Well~ Of course ~! It will be fun!

Kohane: Ah ok, just don't... Touch the private part.....

Mizuki: Don't worry! I will!


[A hour later]

(We're wearing a costume that themed Cookie run characters.....)

(According to Akiyama-san, their wearing a Cherry blossom Cookie they said, Minori-chan also wearing costume as Latte Cookie, Ichika-chan as Parfait Cookie.... And there's me.... I'm wearing as Cocoa Cookie)

Mizuki: Oh! Look at us! We are the cookies now!

Minori: Wait- Cookies?

Ichika: Uhmm.... Well, this is uhm, well....

Mizuki: Ohoho Hoshino~ Don't me shy~ Just day Paru Paru PARFAIT! like that~

Ichika: I-I can't do that!

Mizuki: Anyways~! Look at us! Ready to take on the world with a sweetness clothing that we were wearing!

Minori: this outfit is soo cute!

Mizuki: Fufufu, glad you like it~ this is a piece of cake, you look soo gorgeous!

Minori: You look so adorable Kohane-chan!

Kohane: Thanks.... But, aren't those Cookies we are wearing? Is this purpose to look cute and nice?

Kohane: I think the lore of Cookie run is a but confusing....

Mizuki: So what? It doesn't matter, as long we're having fun!

Minori: I want to ask something..... Am I wearing as a witch Cookie?

Mizuki: That's Latte Cookie Minori! She's a professor actually!

Minori: Oh I see!

Ichika: It's nice that I'm holding the guitar but.... Why pink? Is she supposed to be an idol?

Mizuki: Well! Parfait Cookie can play guitar like you did! Since you sang alot so this character might suit to you!

Ichika: Well.... I guess it's work....

Mizuki: Anyways for Kohane! I'm pretty sure you are wearing as Cocoa Cookie by the way!

Kohane: I'm not even asking.....

Mizuki: Well, I'll just say it as long you didn't need to asking for it!

Kohane:... Well.... I guess....

(After that...we decided to wear our clothes back)

Minori: It was fun!

Mizuki: Fufufu, glad you like it

Ichika: Phew.... That's Uhm, interesting

Mizuki: Anyways! I'll go back to my ultimate lab! Soo I can make many many dresses!

Ichika: I was planning on going mine too....

Minori: Oh well, I'll keep continue exploring!

( And then, we separated ways, I'll just go back to the first floor)

Free time: START

Tsukasa: Bwahahah! We may trapped in this school, but it is I! Tsukasa Tenma! The world's rising future star will always find out the way out of getting out of here!

(Tsukasa-san is doing that random poses again....)

(But maybe should I spend time with him?)



Tsukasa: Oh! Kohane you're here!

Tsukasa: Haha! Perfect timing! I would love you to watch me posing!

Hangout: START

(I spent some times where I watching Tsukasa-san doing star pose or Something....)


(Tsukasa-san and I grew a little closer today.)

{Would you like to give  a present?}


Maybe not>

{You gave Tsukasa a Star pin}

Tsukasa: You have pretty unique items you got there Kohane!

Tsukasa: Very interesting so I, cherished this item!

Kohane: I-I see....

Kohane: Hey Tsukasa-san, about stage actor, you wear costume when the time of acting right?

Tsukasa: Well of course! It was called acting! So you wear yourself as a character!

Kohane: A character?

Tsukasa: Of course! A character! Well You need write the script- memorize the script and then you play yourself as a character!

Kohane: Isn't that same as roleplay or cosplay?

Tsukasa: I don't know!

Tsukasa: But then I remember is where I role myself as a princess!

Kohane: I'm sorry... Princess!?

(Huh!? Isn't that girl's role...!?
Is he *that* serious!?)

Tsukasa: oh? Why you look shock Kohane?

Kohane: I- Well... Isn't that Princess role supposed to be girl's role?

Tsukasa:... Yeah....

Tsukasa: Buuut! I have to take that role? Because one of actor or actress aren't in present! So that's why I have to take a risk role!

(I have no idea he was this bold, he was full of confidence of himself....)

(That would be nice... No more despair, just being positive...)

Kohane: Now I'm bit curious... I wanna see that you *wear* a dress....

Tsukasa: Eh!? You want me wearing a dress!?

Kohane: I'm a bit curious though, I want to see you wearing a dress

(I was just kidding, and he just agreed without even thinking)

Tsukasa: Well sure!

(Tsukasa-san hold my hand and he dragged me in his room)

(So... He just let me go and he went to his room)

(I wonder what happened....)


(And there Tsukasa-san.... He's wearing a dress.... Oh...)

(Why he kinda....)

Tsukasa: So Kohane, what do you think?

You look pretty>

You look like my mom>

Are you doing cosplay!?>>

Kohane: Are you doing cosplay!?

Tsukasa: Well! Maybe!

Kohane: I was just kidding.... And you took that too seriously!?

Tsukasa: Whaaat? I thought you want to see me wearing a dress!

Kohane: Now I'm getting worried... What if you get bullied a lot and getting embarrassed...

Tsukasa: Well I get used to it! Because I am a star!

Kohane: That would be nice but... You can take off your clothes now... Otherwise Ichika-chan or others might thought that you are uhmm Saki-chan

Tsukasa: Awwws that's over already oh well


(Tsukasa-san exist on his room and he finally look like he's wearing normal clothings)

Kohane: Now that's more fitting on you Tsukasa-san


Tsukasa: You know... I kinda miss acting....  On stage.

(Tsukasa-san looks sad all of a sudden but...)

Kohane: Don't worry Tsukasa, Once we'll find the way out of here, you'll be on stage someday...!

Tsukasa: Hahaha! Of course! I will be on stage of the future's world star!

Tsukasa: Once again! Thanks for your positive quotes Kohane!

Friendship fragment increased!

(After parting ways with Tsukasa-san, I returned to my room.)

[Kohane's dorm]

*Ding Dong!*

Monomiku: greetings students! As for the promise, please gather at the Third floor at the computer room!


(I wonder what are they doing now)

(What on earth Monomiku want now?)

(Oh right.... I almost forgot..!)

[Third floor, computer room outside]

Monomiku: Upupupu, finally you guys are here!

Akito: Just spilled it already, Sheesh

Monomiku: Fine fine, I'll explain, So.... KAITO, MEIKO, Rin and Len are preparing at the computer room

Monomiku: all of them are putting a video tape on your specific desk or motive in the computer room! However! There's a name on it!

Monomiku: If you saw your own name, you can watch it!

Nene: I had bad feeling about this....ñ

Monomiku: Anyways! Since y'all children didn't commit murder, Soo! I want all of you to watch the motive, do enjoy ~

{All of students went to their sit, and of course Kohane and An sit next at each other}

An: What on earth that Monomiku wants to show us then?

Kohane: Who knows.... But it's the best we should look it by ourselves

{And then Kohane put a motive on the desk, The screen is starting to flashing}


(Ok then... It's just.... Mom and Dad?)

(What are they.... Doing here?)

(It's just mom and dad asking doing am I doing well? Dad is very overprotective as usual, very well that's him I guess)

(Even so they congratulating me for passing the Hope's peak Academy)



{Shows up that both of her parents are gone, there's blood everywhere at the background, there's a scratches everywhere, even the picture frame with her and her parents are also broken}

(Ah.... Aaaaaahhh....)

(No...! No...!)

(This can't be!)

(This...! This have to be fake!)

(My mom and dad are fine.! Right...?)

(I-I have to get out of here...!)

{Of course everyone seen it, some of them were terrified and worried about their family while others like Akito and Mafuyu are just looking there}

{Of course Akito was angry while Mafuyu just sighs, she thought that this video is fake}

An: N-No! Dad!

(An-chan... She's worried about her dad...!)



Tsukasa: N-Nooo....! T-This s can't be happening..!

{Tsukasa tripped over while he's rubbi both of his arms}

Tsukasa: this is all nightmare.... I hate it here...


{And then Monomiku appeared in the big screen laughing}

Monomiku: Upupupu! How's anyone doing?

{Mafuyu standing up on her sit}

Mafuyu: Who are you? And what's the purpose of showing us here?

Monomiku: Ohoho? You didn't know about this Mafuyu-chan? Wowies! Even you are also pathetic!

Monomiku: Ok... Maybe this is... The Despair! Muahahahaha!

Emu: D-Despair!?

Honami: T-This is so cruel! What have you done to our parents!?

Monomiku: Awwws poor children are worried of their precious mama and papa~!

Monomiku: How should I know? If you want to go home so badly~? Just kill at each other! Hahaha!

Ichika: N-No I can't do this?

Monomiku: Ohoho? Too stubborn? Well then, if any case there's something bad happened to your parents then~! Hahahah!

(And then Monomiku just disappeared like nothing happens...)

(This little...!)

Tsukasa: I-I can't take this anymore!

{Tsukasa runs to the  computer room panicking}

Kohane: Wait! Tsukasa-san!

{Kohane runs try to catch Tsukasa up}

An: Kohane! H-Hold up! Wait!

{An runs and trying to follow Kohane§

Toya: Tsukasa-senpai! Akito, let's go after him!

Akito: Huh!? Fine let's go then,

{Of course both Toya and Akito left to the computer room to run after Tsukasa}

Saki: Big Brother!!

{Saki is worried about her brother, so she'll run after him too}

Honami: Ah! Saki-chan wait! Shiho-chan! Ichika-chan! Let's follow her!

Ichika: Ah! O-Ok!

{Honami, Ichika and Shiho are just follow Saki behind}

{Mafuyu is standing there thinking, while Nene is scared and Emu is speechless}

Airi: Tch! Damn Monomiku!

Minori: T-This can't be... Is this really because of my bad luck...?

Rui: Hanasato-kun that's...

{Rui was cut off by Mizuki's sudden laugh}

Mizuki: This is sooo funny! Why would everyone scared over the fake videos?

Minori: W-What!? Your not Even worried about your parents!?

Mizuki: whaaat? You didn't have to be scared~ those videos are 100% fake! Believe me~!

Nene: Your really a weird person....

Emu: E-Even though there's something wrong with our families...! But! We can't fall to despair! Right!?

Minori: T-That's right! We can't fall her just now!

Mizuki: Oh well~! If you say so

Airi: Ugh... You didn't even take this seriously...

People remaining: 16

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